Chapter 16 Six minus Two Karl sat by the door of the center, waiting for Nurse Joy to come out through the emergency room doors. Tonya was pacing back and forth looking at the door every 5 seconds. "Don't worry," Karl said. "Don't worry!" Tonya shouted, "Its my fault Flicker is hurt! You tried to warn me but I wouldn't listen!" "Tonya stop screaming," Karl said in a calm voice. "I also hurt Pikachu," she said in a lower tone. "Don't worry," Karl said, "Both Flicker and Pikachu are going to be okay." The light above the emergency room went off as first Chansey then Nurse Joy walked out with a stretcher with both Pikachu and Flicker. "Flicker!" Tonya said running up to the stretcher. "Shhh," Nurse Joy quickly said, "they both need some serious rest. They took quite a beating from those Ursarings." Another Chansey appeared and took one of the stretchers, and then both Chanseys wheeled the two Pokémon to the back. "Pikachu has 3 broken rips and so does Flicker," Nurse Joy said. "Oh my…" Tonya said gasping. "What I don't get is how come those Ursarings attacked you? They are usually dormant around this time." "Well…" Karl nervously started to say until Scizor came limping out of the back. His armor was slashed during a battle with an Ursaring Nurse Joy had put bandages around the cut area. "SCIZ ZOR CIZ," it started yelling in Pokémon language. "What?" Karl yelled quickly turning on his translator. {YOU!} He yelled. {I have taken you're crap for long enough!} "What are you talking about?" Karl said puzzled. {As of this day forth I am not battling for you!} The Scizor yelled. "Bu-" {You might as well release me,} the Pokémon said leaning on the counter for support. He was breathing extremely hard and you could tell that the painkillers were not working. "Scizor..." Karl said, "I don't know what to do with you anymore…fine I don't need you to battle for me anymore, I got 5 other Pokémon with me who would gladly battle for me!" and with that Karl turned around and left the center. Tonya didn't bother to follow him she didn't want too anyway; her number one priority right now was Flicker. "With all that happened all that Pokémon ever cares about is it self!" Karl said to himself as he walked pass someone they looked at him weird. "What you never heard someone talk to himself!" he snapped. The person didn't answer him they just keep walking. Karl just keep walking, he didn't even know the name of the town he was in because he was too busy trying to reach the center in time to help Flicker and Pikachu. He walked up to a building and read the sign, "Umber Town Gym," he read, "Open only at night to challengers." Karl looked at his watch 6:00; no way he could be ready for a gym leader match in two hours. A smile came across his face; he turned and ran back to the Pokémon Center. Tonya was sitting in a chair next to Flicker; she had released all her Pokémon to eat. None of them would eat well not all of them, "Teddy," the Pokémon said eating down on everyone's Pokéfood while all of Tonya's other Pokémon stood by Tonya comforting her. "Thank you," she said looking at her Pokémon. Karl walked in the door just as Pikachu started to stir. "Pikachu?" Karl said running up to the bed and turning on his translator. {K-Karl?} The Pokémon slowly said. "Yeah," Karl said smiling. {Did we win?} The mouse asked. "Of course," Karl said smiling. {Good cause I didn't want that Ursaring to get away} the mouse said. "Well the nurse says you have 3 broken rips that is why you are bandage up," Karl said, "I guess that means no battling for a while." {Don't let that stop you from fighting} the mouse said, {Just because you're one Mon less doesn't mean you can't kick some butt.} "Try two," Karl said, "Scizor refuses to battle anymore." {Don't worry he will come around} Pikachu said. "Well I did want to challenge the gym leader but only 4 Pokémon?" Karl said as Nurse Joy walked in. "You're going to challenge the gym leader?" she asked. {Yes he is and it's going to be today!} Pikachu said. "Well if it will make you feel better," Karl said. {Of course it will} Pikachu said. "Well if you are I better contact the gym leader," Joy said, "All they gym leader matches are televised around here." {Good then that means I get to see it} Pikachu said smiling. Karl stood in an open field, it was a kind of chilly night but Karl had worn a jacket. The full moon was out so the field was lit up pretty clear. There was a T.V crew set up by the field they were adjusting their equipment and getting ready for the gym leader match. "I hope Pikachu is watching this…" Karl said holding the Pokémon's Pokéball in his hand. The electric mouse hand insisted that he took his Pokémon with him for good luck. Back at the center Tonya had gotten the nurse to bring a small T.V into the room. Flicker hadn't woken up yet but that didn't worry Tonya she knew the Pokémon needed tons of rest. {Come on Karl} Pikachu said, Karl had left his translator behind for Tonya just incase Flicker woke up. "Umber Town T.V presents Darke's Gym Leader Show the show where our feared gym leader goes against any trainer that dares challenge him to a match. I am you're host Terry, here with Tom and Tom what an exciting match we have for tonight," Terry said. "Yeah I mean Karl Rennie, I've never heard of him be he has collected 4 Platinum badges," Tom said. "Yes and here comes Darke out onto the field," Terry said. "So you're my new challenger?" Darke said. "Yes," Karl said looking at Darke who was dressed completely black. "Well I have to warn you not to many people get passed me after they see what kind of Pokémon I use," Darke said. "Well since I have heard that from a lot of gym leaders I would have to say I'm not worried," Karl said. "You know the rules 4 on 4 no time limit," Darke said. "Right," Karl said he had barely made the requirements to fight in this match. With only four Pokémon for me to choose I got to make each match count. Karl thought. "I choose you," Darke said throwing a Pokéball; his were completely black like his shirt. "Murkrow!" the Pokémon said coming out of its Pokéball. "I've never seen a Pokémon like that before," Karl said taking out his Pokédex. < Murkrow Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night. It is said that when chased, it lures its attacker onto dark mountain trails where the foe will get lost. > "Don't like the sound of that," Karl said taking out a Pokéball and throwing it. "Charmander!" his first Pokémon said appearing out of its ball. "Murkrow lets start things off with a Night Shade attack!" Darke yelled. "Charmander don't let it intimidate you try a Flamethrower!" Karl yelled. The two Pokémon unleashed their attacks at each other, but Murkrow's attack cancel out Charmander's Flamethrower hitting the Pokémon and sending it flying. "Faint Attack!" Darke yelled. "Charmander quick get up and try another Flamethrower!" Karl yelled. Charmander quickly stood back up and went to shoot out his flame attack but for some reason Murkrow was nowhere in sight. "Where did it go?" Karl said. All of a sudden appearing behind Charmander Murkrow appeared hitting the Pokémon. "Charmander!" Karl yelled as the Pokémon fell down flat on his face. "Murkrow finish it off with another Night Shade!" Darke yelled. Murkrow obeyed by letting out another Night Shade attack. "Return Charmander!" Karl yelled quickly calling the Pokémon back into its ball before the Night Shade could hit it. "Once again Darke shows his might by forcing Karl to call back his Charmander," Terry said. "Yeah, I think Karl is way out of his league if you ask me," Tom said, "its almost like he is holding back." {Come on Karl!} Pikachu said desperately, {you cant lose.} "Pikachu you need to calm down," Nurse Joy said, "You need to relax." {Nurse Joy} Pikachu said looking at her, {I will calm down when Karl starts to win.} That was too close; Karl thought; I can't let him dominate me like that… "See I told you once you see what Pokémon I have you will lose," Darke said smiling. "Well I guess I shouldn't underrate you then," Karl said taking out his purple and white Pokéball and throwing it. "Whirl," the tadpole Pokémon said appearing out of its Pokéball. "Murkrow start off with a Night Shade like last time!" Darke quickly yelled. "Poliwhirl use Ice Beam!" Karl yelled. The two Pokémon unleashed their attacks but neither of them seemed to overpower the other. "Murkrow go for a Faint Attack!" Darke commanded his Pokémon. "Poliwhirl stop you're attack," Karl yelled. Murkrow started flying towards Poliwhirl but then the Pokémon disappeared. "You're not going to get us this time with that attack!" Karl yelled, "Poliwhirl Mega Punch straight up!" The Pokémon listen and it seemed like it had connected with something, after about 5 seconds Murkrow appeared right where Poliwhirl had punched the Pokémon fainted. "How?!" Darke said. "That's my little secret," Karl said. {YES!} Pikachu said quickly sitting up, {Ahhhh!} he quickly sat back down. "Okay if you do that again I'm going to have to turn off the T.V," Nurse Joy said. {Don't worry} Pikachu said through gritted teeth, {I learn my lesson the first time} "Well I doesn't matter how you figured out the Faint Attack," Darke said as he recalled his Pokémon, "cause this Pokémon is going to make quick work of you're Poliwhirl!" And with that Darke threw his next black Pokéball. "Sneasel!" the Pokémon said. < Sneasel It's paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles it's enemy. Vicious in nature, it drives Pidgey from their nests and feasts on the eggs that are left behind. > "Well," Karl said looking at Pikachu's Pokéball, "Poliwhirl Water Gun!" "Quick Attack!" Darke yelled, his Pokémon obey by quickly running right through the water gun attack and slashing Poliwhirl. "What the?" Karl said surprised at the Pokémon's speed. "Whirl," the Pokémon said staggering. "Return Poliwhirl," Karl said recalling the Pokémon, "I have a feeling I'm going to need all my Pokémon near the end." "What calling it back so soon?" Darke said with a smirk on his face, "That too bad." "The only reason I called it back was I need a different Pokémon to handle that fast one," Karl said taking out a Pokéball and throwing it. "Bulbasaur!" the Pokémon said appearing out of its Pokéball, it looked ready for battle. "Sneasel Quick Attack!" Darke yelled. Sneasel quickly ran towards Bulbasaur and was about to hit the Pokémon until a vine shot out a tripped the Pokémon, "Bulbasaur quick before it gets up Tackle it!" Karl yelled. Bulbasaur ran up and tackled Sneasel sending the Pokémon flying. "Sneasel quick fight back with Agility then Slash!" Darke yelled. Sneasel landed on its feet and started running extremely fast, "Bulba?" the Pokémon said surprised at Sneasel's amazing speed. "Bulbasaur," Karl said looking at his Pokémon then up at the moon. "Razor Leaf!" The Pokémon complied by releasing a flurry of leafs at Sneasel who easily dodged the attack; it ran and slashed Bulbasaur across his side. "Bulba!" the Pokémon yelled in pain. "Sneasel go for another slash!" Darke yelled. "Bulbausaur!" Karl yelled. Bulbasaur somehow managed to sidestep the second slash attack and shoot its vines out grabbing the Pokémon by the legs and holding it high above his head, then Bulbasaur's bulb started to glow and the Pokémon shot out what looked more like light than a SolarBeam, the attack seem to hurt Sneasel a lot making the Pokémon scream in pain, then to finish it off Bulbasaur slammed the Pokémon on the ground. "I figured that Sneasel was a dark type Pokémon. Which would explain why we are fighting at night so," Karl said. {Light would hurt it} Pikachu said finishing off Karl sentence with a smile. "You really like this don't you?" Tonya said. {It different to be watching a battle instead of being in it} the mouse Pokémon said. {Weakling} Scizor said appearing from the shadows. {Scizor?} Pikachu said. {Yes} the Pokémon said in a rough voice. {Why don't you want to battle?} Pikachu said. {Why should I battle for him?!} Scizor said pointing on of his claws at the T.V, which had a close up of Karl on it. {Karl is a good trainer!} Pikachu said. {Yeah right} Scizor said sarcastically. Karl looked into the camera, "this one for you Pikachu!" he said smiling. {All he cares about is winning} Scizor said. {That isn't true} Scizor let out a grunt and left. "Boy?" Tonya said looking at Pikachu. {He will come around} Pikachu said. "Darke for someone who is suppose to be tough you haven't fainted a single one of my Pokémon," Karl said taunting Darke. "Oh don't worry this next Pokémon will give me one," Darke said throwing his next Pokéball. "Houndour," the Pokémon said shooting some flames out of its mouth. "Oh no," Karl said quickly calling back Bulbasaur. < Houndour It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of it's kind and for pursuing it's prey. To corner prey, they each check each other's location using barks that only they can understand. > "Well who you going use?" Darke said smiling. Poliwhirl does have the advantage against fire Pokémon but that is what Pokémon he is expecting me to use; Karl thought. "I will choose!" Karl opened a Pokéball. "Charmander," the Pokémon said. "Hope you're rested buddy cause we have the advantage and I would like to keep it," Karl. "Mander," the Pokémon said as if to tell Karl not to worry. "Houndour Tackle attack!" Darke yelled. "Charmander jump out of the way!" Karl yelled. Charmander jumped out of the way before Houndour could tackle it, then it released a Flamethrower attack that engulfed Houndour. "Faint Attack!" Darke yelled. Charmander stopped doing its flame attack and when the smoked cleared up no Houndour was in sight. "Charmander sidestep!" Karl yelled. Charmander took a step to the left as Houndour reappeared missing Charmander. "Crunch!" Darke yelled. Houndour turned around to take a bit out of Charmander but the Pokémon quickly fell on it back causing the Pokémon to miss, Charmander let out a Dragon Rage attack that sent Houndour flying into the air. When the Pokémon hit the ground it was knocked out. {Yes} Pikachu said. {Uhh…} Flicker said it had started to wake up. "Flicker?" Tonya said. {Oww} the Pokémon said trying to stand up. "No don't," Tonya said gently putting her hand on the Pokémon back, "you're hurt pretty bad." {I'm sorry} the Pokémon said. "For what?" Tonya asked, "It was my fault." {I didn't protect you} the Pokémon said not forgetting it's training it learned with Officer Jenny. "I have to admit," Darke said, "You defeated some of my best Pokémon, but now I reveal my prize, from hard work and very tedious care!" he said throwing his last Pokéball. "Umbreon," the Pokémon said appearing out of its Pokéball. < Umbreon When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores. When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby. > "Charmander Flamethrower!" Karl yelled. "Charmander!" the Pokémon said opening its mouth to let out the flame attack. "Confuse Ray!" Darke yelled. Umbreon let out a multicolored ray that hit Charmander. Charmander just stood there staring. "Charmander!" Karl yelled. "Umbreon Pursuit!" Darke yelled. Umbreon seemed to move as if it was gliding on the air, it hit Charmander knocking out the already exhausted Pokémon. "Charmander return," Karl said recalling the Pokémon, "You did a real good job." "One attack that is all it takes," Darke said, "you won't beat me." "I will beat you I promised a friend I would," and with that Karl released Poliwhirl. "Water Gun!" Karl yelled. "Dodge it," Darke yelled. His Umbreon leaped about 20 feet into the air," Poliwhirl try another Water Gun!" Karl yelled. His Pokémon complied by unleashing another Water Gun that Umbreon dodged by using Faint Attack. "Good way leading my Umbreon into the Water Gun attack but it isn't going to work!" Darke yelled, and with that Umbreon reappeared in front of Poliwhirl hitting it with Faint Attack. "Poliwhirl please get up," Karl pleaded, his Pokémon slowly stood up. "Quick Attack!" Darke yelled. "Poliwhirl Psychic!" Karl yelled. Umbreon ran towards Poliwhirl at insane speeds. Poliwhirl unleashed its Psychic attack. Umbreon ran into the attack head on and it didn't seem to hurt the Pokémon or slow it down. "You should have know better," Darke said smiling as Umbreon hit Poliwhirl knocking the Pokémon out. "Geez I thought everyone knew that Psychic attacks are useless against Dark-Type Pokémon," Tom said. "It cost Karl big time," Terry said, "Now the advantage is cut to two as we have seen in many gym matches, Umbreon is just to strong for any ordinary Pokémon to take out." "Listen to me," Tonya said to Flicker," it's not you're fault." {Yes but if I was you're only Pokémon to help you-} Flicker started to say. {You're not her only Pokémon} Pikachu said, {Pokémon and humans must work together that is what battles are all about team work.} Pikachu looked at Scizor who just let out another grunt. "Bulbasaur Razor Leaf!" Karl yelled. Umbreon easily dodged the attack and hit the plant Pokémon with a Quick Attack. "Bulbasaur try that light SolarBeam again!" Karl yelled. "Moon Light!" Darke yelled. Bulbasaur shot out that light attack aimed at Umbreon, but the light from the moon seem to amplify around Umbreon creating a kind of shield of moon light, the SolarBeam attack just seem to get engulfed in the Moon Light. "Ahh!" Karl said shielding his eyes to the bright light. When the light finally died down Bulbasaur was knocked out, "What?" Karl said surprised. "While you were blinded Umbreon took out you're Bulbasaur with a Faint Attack," Darke said with a smirk on his face. "Return," Karl said recalling the fainted Pokémon. {Don't let that stop you from fighting} the mouse said, {Just because you're one Mon less doesn't mean you can't kick some butt.} Karl remembered what Pikachu had said to him. "Well?" Darke said growing inpatient. "He's right," Karl said taking out his last Pokéball and throwing it. "Sandshrew," the Pokémon said looking around. "Gym battle," Karl said to the Pokémon. "Shrew!" the Pokémon said taking a battle stance. "That's you're last Pokémon?" Darke said, "You have got to be kidding me," he said with a laugh. "Just for that I'm going to have to beat you," Karl said. "Just bring it," Darke said. "Sandshrew Slash!" Karl yelled. Sandshrew ran up to Umbreon to slash him but Umbreon jumped out of the way and used Pursuit attacking Sandshrew from behind. "Sandshrew go for a Swift Attack!" Karl yelled. Sandshrew let out a flurry of stars that hit the Umbreon sending it flying. "Umbreon!" Darke said obviously upset with the way the match was going. "Sandshrew Dig!" Karl yelled. The Pokémon obeyed by digging a hole under ground. "Umbreon keep moving around the field he cant hit you cause you're too fast," Darke yelled. "Now come out!" Karl yelled, his Pokémon exploded out of the ground and did a flip," Fissure!" Karl yelled. Sandshrew took its fist and slammed it into the ground causing it to split. Umbreon stopped running it almost fell down the fissure in the ground. "Now lets see you're Pokémon use it speed," Karl said smiling. "Oh you don't have to see it," Darke said, "Faint Attack!" Umbreon disappeared into the night," Shrew?" the Pokémon said confused. "Don't let it confuse you listen for the Pokémon," Karl said. "Sand," the Pokémon said nodding its head and closing its eyes. "Now!" Darke yelled. "Do a back flip and use Submission!" Karl yelled. His Pokémon obeyed jumping into the air right as Umbreon appeared behind it, the Pokémon landed on Umbreon's back and started using Submission. Umbreon tried to shake the Pokémon off at first but after a while it passed out. Darke stared at Umbreon surprised," I cant…" "Believe it?" Karl said finishing off his sentence. {YES!} Pikachu said jumping out of his bed, {AHHH!!} it yelled in pain. "Okay I think that enough," Nurse Joy said turning off the T.V {I forgot} Pikachu said. "So did I," Tonya said, "I forgot how much my Pokémon trust my decisions." {And I forgot} Flicker said, {about teamwork.}