Jessie's Daughter (the conclusion to Jessie's Little Plan) About a week after Jessie and James slept together, Jessie seemed to be feeling a little under the weather. She was sick in the mornings and had weird food cravings. She suspected something about that night so she went to the doctors to get checked out and she found out something that she knew she wasn't ready for. "Jessie, your pregnant." "What, I can't be pregnant!" But she knew that she had never slept with anyone besides James and she knew right away that James had to be the father. When she got home and told the news to James, he was shocked, yet excited. "Jessie, we don't even know anything about looking after a baby." She thought about it and then figured something out. "James, usually these things come naturally." But he wasn't so sure because Jessie had an extremely short temper. Nine months later, the big day arrived where Jessie had the baby and it turned out to be a girl with black hair. She was extremely happy to have a girl but there was one weird thing about her. She had these piercing yellow eyes. Jessie was still happy because most of all, she wanted to have a healthy baby. "She's so adorable. What should we name her?" They hadn't thought about names yet so they tried to agree on something at the hospital. "Why don't we call her Hope?" Jessie thought it was a very good idea since all her life she had hoped for a better future then when she was a child. "I think that's a wonderful name. She really is my hope. We can start over the right way and not let her get into the trouble we did." James was happy that Jessie finally agreed with him on something. "Then Hope it will be." (10 Years Later) Hope was now 10 years old and things didn't seem to go as planned. She was extremely disobedient and had a temper almost the same as Jessie's. Jessie and James were now 27, Ash was 20 and had been a pokemon master for 3 years. "Hope leave that alone!" James was trying to stop her from putting her hand in a fish tank because there were piranhas in it but she didn't listen. "Why didn't u tell me they bite?" James didn't answer because she should have known. Hope had been a genius and was already in her first year of high school. Hope refused to listen to anyone except Jessie. She was a troublemaker in school for 3 years and Jessie was the only one who could get her under control. "Jessie, I thought you said Hope was going out for the day?" Ash was still living with Jessie and was starting to get on her nerves. "Well she didn't go out, ok!" "You don't have to yell!" Jessie noticed that Ash was avoiding Hope ever since she was born. "Do you have a problem with Hope?" Ash thought Jessie was insensitive not to ask before. "She's the one who hates me!" Jessie knew that Hope didn't like Ash but never thought that she would do anything to hurt him. "What has she been doing to you?" Ash was angry and went right up to Jessie. "Some days she likes me so much that she can't get enough of me around her and then other times she tries to beat me up." "Hope get down here now!" Jessie wanted to talk to her daughter because Ash had never done anything to hurt her but Hope was mean to him. "What!" "Come into the bedroom with me." Hope knew she was in trouble. "But Jessie, I didn't do anything!" Jessie hated when she tried to deny things. "You need to take responsibility for your own actions. I may have treated Ash badly but it doesn't mean you need to." Hope knew that but she loved picking on him. She started to whine. Jessie was getting tired of her daughters' behavior but didn't say anything. Hope had psychic powers like her mother too and tried to break some expensive statues in the bedroom. "Hope, if you break my things, I'm really going to be angry. You don't want me to get angry now, do you?" Hope knew Jessie meant what she said so she calmed down. "Just because you have the ability to become as powerful as me, doesn't mean you don't have to listen to me. I can overpower you at any time and don't forget it." Hope knew that Jessie was powerful and that because she was her mother, she could easily overpower her. "So why are you so mean to Ash when he tries to be nice to you?" Hope tried to answer but didn't know why. "I just am. That's all. You never had a reason to be mean and you were." Jessie knew how her daughter felt. "Just try and control it, alright?" Hope didn't want to but knew that if she didn't, Jessie would get very angry. "Fine, I'll try." Jessie left the room but then locked the door with Hope still in it. "Jessie, unlock the door!" Jessie had been doing that to her daughter for a while now and Hope hated it but she knew that Jessie was reading her mind and that she wasn't being truthful about trying to be nice to Ash. "I'll be back. Don't worry. I just want you to cool down your temper." After talking with Hope Jessie went to look for James but she couldn't find him. She asked Ash if he had seen him but he hadn't so she looked around the entire building but he wasn't there. "James where are you?" There was no answer. She went into a shed that was never used in years and she found something that scared her half to death. "James talk to me!" He was lying lifeless on the ground and there was a note beside him. She read it. "My dear Jessie, I never thought you would have turned on me like that. Now I'm going to get back at you for what you did to me 10 years ago." The note was signed "father." Jessie couldn't believe that he escaped from prison. She started to look around when her cell phone rang. "Ah, Jessie. Nice pajamas you have on." Jessie started to get scared and she turned around just in time to dodge a bullet headed straight for her. She ran back to the building and notified Ash. They were trying to beat him but he seemed to have gotten much stronger since. "I've been practicing my powers since I had all the time in the world." Jessie knew she could beat him on her own but it would leave her too weak afterwards. She went to get Hope while Ash held Giovanni back. "Hope we need your help." "What's wrong?" Jessie knew that Hope couldn't control her powers when she released full force so she thought she would have a chance. "I need you to use as much power as you can. It will weaken you but I can help you out afterwards." Hope was wondering why Jessie would want her daughter to do it if Ash could just help Jessie out if she released all her energy. "Hope, you know that I don't want to get weakened and you would do anything for me, so get out there and do it!" Hope hated to be yelled at but agreed and went into the fight. Giovanni had gotten past Ash and Hope was in the middle of him and Jessie. "Now! Release all your powers in a direct hit!" After the smoke cleared, Jessie looked up and saw Giovanni on the ground but Hope was also on the ground. She went to grab Hope in her arms but them Giovanni grabbed her. "You've lost. Give it up!" She gave him one final blast and defeated him. After another week, Hope was back to her old self and just as annoying. On the other hand, Jessie was still crying about the loss of James. "Jessie can I come in?" She wanted to talk to Hope anyways. "Yes, come sit down." Hope sat down next to Jessie and tried to comfort her but nothing helped. Jessie pulled her daughter close to her and Hope hugged her mother. "You really miss him, don't you?" "Yes, but I just have to accept the fact that he's gone." Just then, Ash walked into the room. "Have you ever heard of knocking?" Ash thought Jessie was being rude again so he was about to talk back but then saw that she was still crying. "I'm sorry about James, but you don't have to yell at me." Jessie knew it was wrong to take out her anger on Ash. "Ash come here and sit down." He went and sat down beside her and Jessie pushed Hope out of the room and locked the door so Jessie could be alone with him. "Jessie, what are you doing?" She just looked at him. Ash hated when Jessie stared like that but he kept quiet. Jessie came over to Ash and pushed him down. "Jessie, what do you think your doing?" Misty had been killed by Team Magma a year ago and Jessie knew that Ash knew how she felt. "Quiet twerp!" Jessie had never called him that in 6 years. "Why did you call me that?" Jessie ignored him and just kept holding him down. He tried to pull away but she was too strong for him. "Jessie, you know how much I hate being held down so why are you doing this?" "Ash, I just thought that since we both understand how we both feel, we could be closer." Ash realized she was right but he was scared. "Jessie, you're my half sister!" She realized that he hadn't been thinking the same way as she was. "I'm not trying to do what you think I am. I'm just messing with you." Ash hated when Jessie acted like that. "You sure act weird, Jessie." She knew she acted weird at times but she liked acting weird. "I am weird, Ash." She left the room and went to find Hope. Ash was still staring in surprise by Jessie's actions. When Jessie found her daughter, she was eating everything in the kitchen. "Hope, do you realize what you just did?" Hope turned around and saw Jessie standing over her. "Um, I was hungry?" Jessie knew that hope loved to eat and she did this a lot. "Someone is going to have to clean up this mess and that someone is going to be you!" Hope never cleaned anything up. "But Jessie, I don't feel like it." Jessie didn't say anything but grabbed her daughter's arm and made her start to wash the dishes. "You need to stop being so lazy about the house work. You can at least do your share of the work." Hope knew Jessie was right and went to work right away. Jessie just watched, smiling because she knew Hope would listen to her, no matter what she told her to do. "Oh, and when you're done with the dishes, vacuum the floor." Jessie walked away to get ready for work. She had a job as a child psychologist and couldn't be late. "I don't want to go to school!" Jessie had the same problem with her daughter everyday with. "Get to school so you can actually get a life!" Jessie didn't want to argue so she got her daughter's lunch ready and shoved her onto the bus. Jessie was relieved. "Now I can get ready in peace." After work, Jessie arrived home but Hope hadn't come home from school yet. Jessie knew she had detention a lot but it was past suppertime so she went to look for Ash thinking that he might have seen her. Ash was nowhere to be found and it was now 7pm so she tried his cell phone but he had it turned off. Jessie was starting to get angry that they were doing that to her and scared at the same time because she was worried that what happened to James might have happened to them. Just then, she remembered that Hope had a cell phone for emergencies. When she called, Hope answered and was still laughing at something. "Where are you? Do you know what time it is?" Hope thought of something to say. "I've been busy." Jessie didn't think that was a very good excuse and she suspected that Hope was doing something she wasn't supposed to. "Have you heard from Ash? He never came home yet." Hope started to stutter. "Maybe he had an emergency?" Jessie knew her daughter was lying. "I can track where you are with your cell phone so don't lie to me." Hope knew she was in trouble now. "Don't you dare go anywhere and I'm coming over to pick you up!" When Jessie arrived to pick her daughter up, she found Ash just like she had suspected. Jessie started screaming. "Hope, if you ever pull a stunt like this again, you are going to be so sorry!" Ash was tied up and Hope was laughing at him. "I'm so sick of your stupid daughter!" Jessie couldn't figure out why Hope hated Ash so much. She went to untie Ash and then walked up to her daughter. "You really are driving me crazy. I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude. I don't understand why you would go this far, especially when Ash has never been mean to you. I told you to try not to be mean to him. I didn't tell you to be worse!" Hope was cowering and Jessie was hovering over her, holding her down. "Jessie, I'm sorry. I just don't like him. I never have. I've hated him all my life." Jessie understood but Hope was getting more out of control than even she ever had. "I'm sorry Hope, but if you won't listen to me about this, I'm going to make you listen. Now get in the car!" After arriving home, Jessie grabbed her daughter and took her into her room again but Hope knew she wasn't just going to lock her in like last time. "There's been enough going on in this family and I don't need you causing any other problems right now." Hope tried to run out of the room but Jessie had the door locked. "Don't even try to leave. You're not leaving until I say so." Hope started to get scared and Jessie was coming closer. "You want to be like that with Ash? Well you won't be like that with him when I show you what it's like." Jessie was really mad now and Hope could see that. Jessie had a rope and tied her daughter up then dished back to her what she had done to Ash ten times worse. "Jessie, stop!" Jessie looked at Hope straight in the eyes then untied her. "I think you understand." Jessie knew that Hope wouldn't be doing anything like that again so she told her to go get her homework done and left to go make supper. Ash was watching TV and after putting a pot of food on the stove, went to sit down with him. "Did you talk to her?" Jessie smirked. "Let's just say she won't be doing something like that again." Ash started to laugh and knew what Jessie meant. "Jessie, why are you so nice to me now?" Jessie thought about it then answered. "When you wanted to stay with me, you did ask me to be nice to you, right? Although you still tend to be annoying at times, it doesn't mean I don't love you." It made Ash feel good to have her be nice to him like that. "I know you care. I just was wondering why did you hide this side of you for so long?" Jessie hated answering questions about her past but thought it was time to open up. "I had a bad childhood. I was poor and I was mistreated so after I joined Team Rocket, I became a tough, stubborn, and selfish person." Ash liked it when Jessie talked to him like that. "You don't have to hide the real you from everyone. Have you ever been like this with James and told him things like that?" Jessie didn't like to hear about her boyfriend right now but she still thought she should tell Ash. "James and Hope were the only ones that ever knew about my childhood and how nice I can be." Ash knew how Jessie felt. "I don't blame you. Being in Team Rocket probably would have just made things worse since most people think that everyone in Team Rocket are heartless criminals." Jessie was happy that he understood her so well. "I really need to thank you for understanding. You put up with so much being around me." Jessie put her arm around him. Hope walked into the room and saw them like that. She went up to Jessie to complain. "I'm hungry. Is supper ready yet?" She almost forgot that supper was on the stove so she went to check it and it was cooked. Hope was about to grab some out of the pot and go to her room when she heard her mother yell. "Go sit down at the table!" She went and sat down but Jessie served herself and Ash first. Jessie never brought her daughter anything to eat but started to eat with Ash in front of her. "I'm going to get myself a plate." Jessie pushed Hope back into her chair. "I'll give you supper after we finish." Ash thought Jessie was being cruel so he asked her what she was trying to prove. "She won't listen any other way and I know because I've tried every other way. She actually went to boot camp twice so far and even that didn't make her listen. The only way she does listen is if I'm cruel to her. I hate having to do these things but if I have to I won't hold back." Ash just stared at the way she could treat her own daughter but he knew how Hope was and that she wouldn't listen to anyone else. "So that's how you make her listen?" Jessie just smiled and kept on eating and teasing Hope a few times. Ash couldn't stand to see the way she treated her but kept quiet about it. There was something about Hope that he could never understand. She just seemed evil. After supper, Jessie and Ash talked about it and he had so many questions. "Why does she have those yellow eyes? It's almost as if she was inhuman." Jessie wanted to answer his question but she didn't think he wanted to hear the truth. Two minutes later, Hope snuck up behind Ash and bit him. "What was that for?" Jessie just looked not very surprised. Ash was scared stiff because Hope wouldn't let go and Jessie pulled her off. Ash saw two long fangs in her mouth. "What is she?" Jessie thought of some way to avoid the question but she couldn't. "Ash, she's half demon." Ash just looked wondering how that could be so Jessie decided to clear things up. "You suspected something about her for a while, didn't you?" Jessie mentioned something else that Ash was surprised to hear. "I'm going to tell you something that only James knew. I never told you because I knew it would scare you. You know how I told you that I was evil about ten years ago? Well that's because I'm a demon." Ash almost fainted when he heard this but kept his cool. "Why didn't you tell me? I'm not scared of you but I would like to know how come because no one else in your family was a demon." Jessie was relieved that he handled it so well. "I don't know why myself. I just am. Maybe it was just meant to be." Ash seemed to be ok with this but wanted to know how Jessie could control being a demon so well. "It takes practice to control it and I worked on it my whole life. Hope can control it most of the time but if she doesn't like someone, she won't control it at all." Ash was a bit angry. "So I'm the one she hates? You're saying she's going to be picking on me all the time?" Jessie knew he was right. "She does listen to me when I tell her to back off but you're going to have to learn to stand up for yourself because I'm not going to be there all the time to tell her off. I think if you stopped acting so innocent with her and showing her who's boss, she will listen to you." Ash was insulted by this. "So you're saying that I act to innocent? I don't act innocent, I never lost my innocence!" Jessie hated having to explain everything to him. "I never meant it that way. I just mean that you're being too nice with her. She may not like you but if she goes to far then make her back off." Ash hated to be bossy but knew that Jessie was right. "She will never listen to me anyways so why should I bother even trying?" Jessie didn't want to argue. "She won't stop bugging you. I don't care how many times you have to tell her off. Just to it!" Ash finally agreed then called it a night and went to bed. Jessie decided to go to bed early herself for one night but took Hope with her into her room. "You're staying with me for the night!" Hope didn't mind staying in Jessie's room but she wanted to go and bug Ash. She tried to open the door but Jessie had locked it. Jessie was already in bed and Hope kept trying to pick the lock. "Get over here and lie down! I want to get some sleep tonight!" Hope answered back sarcastically, "You never sleep, that's why you're always crabby!" Jessie ignored her and Hope went to lie down in Jessie's bed. "Not in my bed! On the floor!" Hope hated it when Jessie was mean to her like that but she knew why. "I want to sleep in the bed!" Jessie had enough so she grabbed her daughter and put her on the floor with a sleeping bag. Jessie decided to talk to Hope for a while since it always calmed her down. Hope fell asleep while Jessie was talking to her. Jessie had always had a gentle voice when she was nice. The next morning, Ash was Eating breakfast and Hope tried to steal his food from him. "Don't even try it!" Ash seemed to have a change of attitude in his voice. "You hate me now?" Ash looked at Hope. "Of course I don't hate you. I just hate it when you pick on me like this." Hope decided to ask for some so Ash made her some breakfast. Ash started to be sarcastic. "You finally asked for something." Hope ignored it and thanked him. Jessie had a day off work so she was sleeping in this morning. When she got up she was surprised to actually find that Ash had been more strict with Hope. "Did she bug you too much?" "No she actually listened." Jessie was happy to know that Hope would listen to Ash. "Well that's one problem solved." Jessie went to ask her daughter if she wanted to spend time with her today and Hope liked the sound of having the day with her mother. "You're not still mad at me?" Jessie just laughed and said, "I can't stay angry at you." The End