Chapter 2


Another month later and my mom didn’t need to supervise what I did. I took great care of he horses, Snip was the other horse that we owned, every night and went to school


every morning. I remembered my parents’ names long before now. My mother’s, father’s, brother’s, and sister’s names were Dawn, Mike or Micheal, Zach, and Ariel, respectively. Mine is Krista.

That night I was taking care of my horses (watering, feeding, etc.), when I saw a set of headlights on the road. I could tell that it wasn’t my mother’s car because of the boxy shadow it made. I shrugged it off, then continued back to the barn. I was in deep thought of the past few months, when a flash of light brought me out of my stupor. I looked at the driveway and saw a hummer slowly braking. Instantly my throat tightened in a knot. I didn’t know if anyone would hear me call for help because we had fifty acres and our nearest neighbors wouldn’t care any way. Scared, definitely, but I knew that fear didn’t help the issue so I calmed down…Just a little bit.

Someone came out of the front seat. The windows were too tinted to see who was driving. The person who came out of the car; however, was a bit easier to see cause he was… well… out of the car. He was broad-shouldered and a fairly tall man. Who am I kidding, he was tall with a capital T. He was an older man, nearly around his forties I would say, but his height is what scared me the most. The way he just stared at me made me feel smaller, belittled, making me extremely nervous. Plus, my mom never told me what to do in this kind of situation. I figured she wanted me to run to the house and lock the doors. But he already knew I was here; he’d probably grab me before I even reached the house. There goes Miss Positive thinker, I thought.

The dogs had apparently heard the engine because they ran to the house from the fields, barking their lungs out. Meanwhile, the man had walked into the light coming from the garage so that way I could see him better.

“Max, Bubbet, Emily! Come here!” I yelled to my dogs. I didn’t want them to hurt the man… yet. I could tell that my dogs agreed with me because their hackles where raised and their teeth bared. He was not a welcomed guest and my dogs didn’t want him to think differently.

I wanted to remove my dogs from his heels but fear of the man kept me glued in place. Besides, I thought, maybe he isn’t here to kidnap me… maybe, I gulped. Reluctantly, Emily gave into my orders, she was always the one to listen first anyway. She paused every few feet and growled her displeasure. Bubbet followed her lead, but Max had refused to budge. Looking back on it now I knew my dogs were being a bit more vicious than usual. They probably knew his intentions. But as usual I was blind to that major clue waving itself right under my nose.

“M-a-x!” I commanded desperately. Max heard me this time, he slowly backed away, still barking his death threat.

“Thank you.” Said the stranger with a grin. Somehow I knew it wasn’t a friendly one, more like a smirk. “I am a reporter and I’d like to hear your story about your accident.”

In the light I could see his clothes. They were of a very good quality. Probably rich, I thought.

Then, suddenly, the light dawned on me. “What would a reporter be doing here at this time of night? And I wouldn’t think reporters make the kind of money you apparently make? Besides, my address was classified, how on Earth did you know where I lived?” I added.


Finally the dogs silenced themselves, almost like they were waiting for his reply. I saw his smile grow, I don’t like this…

“I am quite surprised. You are very quick on your feet, an important lesson to keep in mind.” He said as he slightly twitched his fingers.

I didn’t need to hear any more. All I saw was some legs jump out of the back of the hummer and I knew that they were going to try to catch me. But what for!! My mind screamed. I turned and ran, dragging the dogs with me, straight for the barn. I opened May’s stall, hoping that her keen sense of my feelings might alert her. I let the dogs in and through the darkness I heard feet running. I hid behind May, knowing that I stil ould be seen underneath her huge belly.

“You should come out before anyone or anything gets hurt.” Commanded the stranger.

Suddenly, I decided that I would be better off if I could just get out of there. So I hopped on May’s back and opened the stall door I kicked May’s sides as hard as I could; she responded with a gallop. It was hard for me to grip her glossy sides with my legs. May turned away from the hummer and began galloping east, one of his men dodged out of the way of the charging horse. I finally had my grip when suddenly I felt May bolt. I turned my head around to see what had happened and I caught a glimpse of red. I looked down and to my horror, recognized a tranquilizer dart.

“Who, May. Whoa.” I said a little too desperately. If I don’t get you to stop you’ll trip from being so drowsy… Too late! She stumbled on one of the holes the dogs had dug and fell to her knees. I went flying through the air, head first, and I tried to get my body to relax. Thud! Ouch! My body screamed. I slowly stood up, noting the slight dizziness as I did so.

When I saw May toppled over I completely forgot my pain and I ran to her. I got on my knees and checked her breathing, heart rate, and finally her legs. Luckily I found nothing wrong, but I rechecked just to make sure. Relieved, I ran my hands up and down her neck. Then I gave her a big hug. I’m so sorry! I thought.

“Raise your hands above your head and slowly stand.”

I didn’t really recognize the voice so I looked over my shoulder. It was the stranger and what appeared to be his employees.

“No!” I yelled a little too late. I just noticed that they were carrying guns, or maybe tranquilizer guns. The men approached slowly and cautiously. It’s not like I’m going to hurt them. They where within five feet when they began to surround us, when I realized that May was beginning to snap out of her drowsiness.

I quickly released my death-grip-hug when she raised her head. She had no equine grace as she stood up and shook herself hard, I guess she was trying to shake off her sleepiness. I triple checked her legs, just to make sure. She nickered to me as her brain became more aware. She walked stiffly toward me and nuzzled my shirt; I just smiled.

I heard Snip whinny in protest to May’s newly found freedom. Then I heard the rustling of clothes as one of the men in black sneaked up from behind me. I was too slow as he caught my arm and bent it behind my back. I buckled and fell to the ground; I used my free hand.

“Resistence is futile.” Stated the stranger.

“No!” I rebelled.


I felt a sharp sting on my arm then blackness fell over me.