Pokémon GS, The Johto Leauge Part 1: Meeting a New Friend by "Kenta Marina" This part begins the story of Kenta's journey. Although the whole storyline is like the current GameBoy Color games, some parts are not in the game, and is fictional (hey, that's why it's called a fanfic). ============================================================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================ Meeting a New Friend A few years later... three to be exact... Kenta woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. "Oh no, I overslept!" he said, looking at the time. When he got down the stairs, Kenta tried to run to Prof. Elm's lab, which was near his house, but his mom stopped him. "Kenta! Hold on a second!" she said. "But mom, I'm late! Who knows, maybe the new trainers already got the 3 Pokémon from Prof. Elm!" "Don't worry Kenta, I'm sure there's still a Pokémon Prof.Elm saved for you. Oh! I almost forgot! Your PokéGear is back from the repair shop!" she said, handing Kenta a small blue watch. "Thanks mom!" "You know that this isn't just a watch, right?" she asked. "It isn't?" he asked in surprise. "Of course not! It's a watch, a phone, a Town Map, and a radio!" she said. "But for now, it only has the watch and phone functions. If you want the Town Map and the radio, you're gonna have to find seperate Extension Cards and enter them into the PokéGear." "Thanks again mom, I'll be going." "Well, you'd better hurry up, because your little brother already is at Prof. Elm's lab!" "Not Matt..." groaned Kenta. When Kenta got to the lab, he found out that there were no more PokéBalls left, and that his little brother didn't get one either. "Well, too bad for him too," he thought. "Hey Big Bro!" shouted Matt. "Looks like Prof. Elm ran out of Pokémon." "Yup, I can see that for myself." "But Prof. Elm gave me these PokéBalls so that I can catch my own! Pretty cool, huh?" bragged Matt. "Oh, I'll show you cool..." thought Kenta. Then, a tall person in uniform approached Kenta. "Kenta! I'm so glad you came!" said Prof. Elm. "Hey Professor..." said Kenta. "What did you mean by you're glad that I came?" asked Kenta. "That's because I have a special task for you." replied the professor. "What task?" asked Kenta. "Well, I have an acquaintance named Mr. Pokémon. He lives just beyond Cherrygrove City, the nearest town from here. He discovers weird but fascinating things about Pokémon," he said. "I just got an e-mail from him saying that this time, it's real! But the problem is, my Aide and I are too busy right now." he finished. "So that's the reason why." Kenta said. "For this task, I want you to pick 1 of 3 Pokémon that I recently caught." "This must be my lucky day!" exclaimed Kenta. "This must be my unlucky day..." Matt said, mumbling to himself. The professor then brought out 3 PokéBalls and placed them on the table in front of Kenta and Matt. "You can send them out each in case you wanna know what they look like," said the professor. "Ok." Kenta said, grabbing one of the PokéBalls. "Here goes nothing!" shouted Kenta, throwing the PokéBall to the ground. Then, out came a small, innocent-looking, beige-colored Pokémon. It had a big leaf attached to its head. "Chiko! Chiko!" said the little Pokémon. "So, you want Chikorita, the Grass-Type Pokémon?" asked Prof. Elm. "Kinda cute, but uh... no thanks," replied Kenta. "Looks strong to me," his little brother said. "Well, Chikorita, return!" commanded the professor. "How about this one?" asked Prof. Elm, handing Kenta another PokéBall. "Hmm... I wonder what kind of Pokémon is inside this one? Oh well, here goes! PokéBall, go!" shouted Kenta, throwing the PokéBall to the ground. This time, a small, tough-looking, blue Pokémon with a scaly hide and razor-sharp teeth came out. "Toto! Totodile!" said the blue Pokémon. "How about Totodile, the Water-Type Pokémon?" asked Prof. Elm. "Does that bite hard?" asked Matt. "Well, because it has a pretty high Attack Rating, yes," replied Prof. Elm. "That's pretty scary. Does it bite the Trainer?" asked Kenta. "If properly trained, no, but otherwise, yes." "I think I'll check out the last PokéBall, Prof. Elm." "Ok then, Totodile, return!" commanded Prof. Elm. "You need to make a desicion before you go to Mr. Pokémon's house." he said. Prof. Elm took out the last PokéBall available and gave it to Kenta. "Alright now, this is the last PokéBall, so I hope it's a good one," thought Kenta. "PokéBall, go!" he commanded. Finally, another small Pokémon came out. It had flames sprouting out from its' back. "Cyndaquil! Cynda! Cynda!" it said. "Now that's a very cute one," commented Matt. "Very cute indeed," agreed Kenta. "Do you want Cyndaquil, the Fire-Type Pokémon?" asked Prof. Elm. "This one seems to be good, so I'll take it!" said Kenta "I think it's a good choice too!" agreed Matt. "You know what to do, right?" asked the professor. "Yup, go to..." "Mr. Pokémon's place," Matt finished. "Good, now off you go!" Kenta and Matt went outside the Lab, and went on their errand. While they were traveling through a small forest, they saw a bird-like Pokémon. "What's that?" asked Kenta. "I have no idea, but it must be a Pokémon! This is my chance!" shouted Matt. "Pokéball... "Cyndaquil, go!" interrupted Kenta. "What'd you do that for?" Matt protested angrily. "Experience, and it's also my first battle. Rulebook says that you need a Pokémon for battle, not just a PokéBall." "So these PokéBalls are useless..." "Correct, but don't worry, I'll give you a chance." "And when will that be?" asked Matt. "When you find a more uncommon Pokémon, but for now, Cyndaquil, use a Tackle attack!" commanded Kenta. Cyndaquil charged forward and hit the Pokémon with its' head. The Pokémon flew up and flapped its' wings, creating a stormy gust. "It's using the Gust attack, big bro!" said Matt. "I know that, Matt!" The Pokémon's Gust attack hit Cyndaquil, which flung him into the air and slamming to the ground. "Cyndaquil!" shouted Kenta. Sure, Cyndaquil was hurt, but it wasn't giving up just yet. As a matter of fact, it simply stood up again, flames sprouting from its' back, ready for more. "Alright Cyndaquil, try a Flamethrower attack!" commanded Kenta. At that command, the flames on Cyndaquil's back grew bigger, and Cyndaquil shot an incinerating stream of fire to the bird-like Pokémon. The little bird got burnt and angry, so it made a call to the other birds. "I don't like the sound of that, big bro," Matt observed, backing off the bird-like Pokémon. A few miles away, bird-like Pokémon that looked like the little bird heard a call from far away. They all left their territory, flying in a huge flock that can be seen from far away. They were led by a bigger bird with a long, pointed beak. "Big bro?" asked Matt. "Yeah?" "You see that little dot in the sky?" "Uh huh." "Should we run now or wait for them to torture us right here?" "On three, Matt," Kenta replied, running over to Cyndaquil and picking it up. "Ok, one..." "Two..." "THREE! LET'S GO!!" shouted Kenta. The leader of the flock from far away has spotted Kenta and Matt, running from their lives. It signaled to the others then went after them at a faster speed, all screeching at different times. Kenta and Matt were still running from the huge flock, trying to attack them. "We have to go faster, big bro!" said Matt. "I know that! Hey look, we're getting close to Cherrygrove City!" "Big bro, they're still gaining on us!" said Matt. The leader of the flock went ahead, diving straight down the two brothers. The flock followed suit, also diving straight down to the brothers, while a few stayed behind and helped the little bird Pokémon that attacked Kenta and Matt get back to their territory. The brothers were still running when all of a sudden, Kenta tripped over a rock in the path, falling down and accidentally throwing Cyndaquil. His arm was injured during the fall and Cyndaquil was wounded. "No...Cyndaquil.." he said, trying to bear the pain. "Come on big bro," said Matt, helping his big brother up. "I gotta..get...Cyndaquil.." said Kenta, limping towards his now wounded friend. He picked it up and went on, but it was too late, the big bird Pokémon started to do a Take Down attack on Kenta and Cyndaquil. Kenta dodged the attack in time just to see the bird stick its' beak deep into the ground. "Matt!" he said, trying to stand up. "You have to run to Cherrygrove City, and ask help from the nearest Pokémon Center, quick!" "But what about.." "JUST GO!!" And at that command, Matt ran off as fast as he could to the Pokémon Center in Cherrygrove City. Cyndaquil couldn't take it anymore. It was too weak and exhausted to even do anything. At least it still has its' Trainer, no, its' friend. "Cyndaquil, you have to hang on until Matt comes back..." Kenta said, trying to comfort it. "Cynda..quil..." it replied. "Nurse Joy! I need your help! My big brother and his Cyndaquil is under attack by these bird Pokémon!" Matt said, panting. "Where is he?" she asked. "He just outside the City, at Route 29, and please hurry, he's hurt bad!" A nod. "Chansey, please bring me my supplies, we need to help a hurt Trainer and his Pokémon!" "Chansey!" it said, and after just a few seconds, it was out with all the items Nurse Joy needs and came along. After circling the place, one of the birds in the flock has spotted Kenta and Cyndaquil hiding in a small opening in a tree. It called out to the leader, then started to dive. Kenta looked up from their hiding place and saw the whole flock diving towards them. He held Cyndaquil tighter and closed his eyes, when all of a sudden, a strange Pokémon with a blue body howled at the flock of bird Pokémon. Kenta opened his eyes and tried to see where the noise was coming from. He saw a majestic Pokémon with a blue aura surrounding it. It looked at Kenta and then sped off. "Big brother! Where are you?" Matt shouted. A bruised and injured Kenta and a wounded Cyndaquil came out from their hiding place under the tree. Kenta handed over Cyndaquil to Nurse Joy and Chansey for treatment. "How did you get rid of the bird Pokémon?" asked Matt. "I didn't. This Pokémon just came out of nowhere and howled at them or something, then they went away. It was kinda strange, though." "Did you remember what it looked like?" "Not really, it was like a blur with something blue around it." "We have to get you and your Cyndaquil to the nearest Pokémon Center, so let's go!" Nurse Joy said, finally finishing treating Cyndaquil, but it looks like that it's still in bad shape. When the treatment was finished at the Pokémon Center, Cyndaquil was resting up moments later while Nurse Joy worked on Kenta's injured arm. Moments later, Kenta came out with a cast on his arm and a very healthy Cyndaquil on the other. Matt, who was beside Kenta, phoned Prof. Elm's lab and told him all about what had just happened. The two of them were even surprised to see their mom at the lab. "Kenta, honey! What happened to you?" she asked. "Long story mom, but the good news is, Cyndaquil and I are okay now." "Oh, thank goodness you're alright! Matt, I'm also proud of you, being able to help your brother and all." "Aw..Thanks, mom..." Matt replied, feeling a little bit embarrassed. "Well, good luck running that errand! Here's Prof. Elm," she said, and she gave the phone to the Professor. "It's a good thing you managed to make it, and it looks like your new friend likes you a lot now after what just happened. Why, it won't even stay in its' PokéBall!" "Oh yeah, now that you mentioned it, Cyndaquil won't stay in its' PokéBall!" replied Kenta. "I remember that the Champion had a Pikachu that wouldn't stay in its' PokéBall." "The Champion? Who is he?" asked Kenta. "He was one of the finest and strongest Trainers I ever met. He was the one who defeated a Trainer by the name of Gary Oak at the Indigo Plateau!" "Yeah, I remember hearing something about it when I was younger, Prof. Elm!" Matt called out. "Well, I gotta go for now. Make sure you get and deliver Mr. Pokémon's discovery, boys. Thanks again!" said Prof. Elm as he hanged up. Kenta thanked Nurse Joy for the treatment as they headed out the door. "Well Matt, let's go get Mr. Pokemon's discovery." he said. "And then maybe you'll let me use your Cyndaquil so I can get my own Pokémon?" asked Matt. "Maybe...just maybe." And so our heroes head out of Cherrygrove City and are now headed to Mr. Pokémon's house to get what he had discovered and give it to Prof. Elm. ============================================================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================ Disclaimer (c) 1995 - 2003 Nintendo (c) 1995 - 2003 Creatures Inc. (c) 1995 - 2003 GAME FREAK Inc. Pokémon, Pikachu, and all other characters are trademarks of Nintendo. All rights, including the copyrights of game, scenario, music and program reserved by Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak Inc. ============================================================================ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================ Special Thanks go to: The Jolt Master for posting this fanfic! Thanks again!!