I Said I'll Always Follow This is sorta sad. Just read. A Pikachu POV. ------------------------------------- 'I said I'd always follow you. You may not have understood my words. From the day you saved me I knew I could always count on you. And, you knew that you could count on me. We've traveled the world together. Challenging battles and winning leagues. Meeting new people and making new friends. I have kept my promise well. Many have also followed you. Your red-headed misstress has also followed you. She and your baby mistress. The girl-crazy mister, the coordinator misstress and her brother, and the blue haired misstress. But, now you have gone somwhere that I cannot follow. I have broken my promise. The promise that I have kept so well for 50 years is broken. Forgive me master. But, now I must take care of your misstresses. Goodbye my friend.' Pikachu stands up and lays a flower on the mound of earth in front of him. He looks up at the rock that says: ' Here lies Ash Ketchum Beloved father, husbund, friend, son, and Pokemon Master. Rest In Peace.' Pikachu turns around and gives the grieving Misty and three year old Leah a hug, but it doesn't stop the pain. ----------------------------------------------- So sad huh?? I'm just taking a short break from Growlithe Love. Keep reading!! ~Kicon :)