To Be A Legend **Part 3 The Mountain Pass** Here's another part in this story! Hope you enjoy it. PLEASE SEND REVIEWS!!!! Characters: Leah: 10 Clara: 10 Jesse: 10 Evan: 10 Malachi: 76 --------------------------------------------------------- "Malachi! Always meddling with my plans! First, you prevent me from killing them as babies! Now, you've told them about me! They'll be watching out now. No matter. I will get rid of them on the mountain. They won't know what HIT them!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" The Greatest Evil cackled. *** "Wake up! Wake up! Your journey starts today! Wake up!" Malachi said. The drowsy kids got up and had some breakfast. Malachi gave them some more food for the journey. He also gave Clara a notebook to write down what happens everyday. He wants to know everything. Leah took off her jacket and put it in her backpack. Jesse wondered why she always wears the jacket at night. "Hey Leah, why do you always wear that jacket at night?" He asked. "Well, I'm cold at night. I guess it's because that's the time that Articuno and I have the strongest connection." Leah replied. Jesse fell silent in thought. Everyone was ready to go. Malachi walked with them to the edge of the forest. "Don't forget to call them. You have to say, 'I am ... . I am here to capture you!' Don't forget. Oh, and the Greatest Evil will try and thwart you. Take the pass through the mountains. There you can find a transporter. Good-bye and good luck!" Malachi said. He waved until he could not see them anymore. Then he walked back into the forest. "'Take the pass through the mountains.' I don't see anything but rock!" Clara exclaimed. Jesse and Leah sniggered. Clara looked confused, then she scowled. "Uh, Clara. Mountains are made of rock." Evan told her. Clara blushed. Leah threw Pidgey's pokeball, "Hey Pidgey, could you fly up and look for a pass through the mountains?" "Pidg!" 'Okay!' They waited a little bit until Pidgey came back. Pidgey called to them and they followed her. She led through the forest to a part where the mountain's edge met the forest's edge. There was a small path that was carved into the side of the mountain. Leah went first, then Jesse, then Clara, and finally Evan. Leah returned Pidgey to her pokeball. They walked on the rocky path for hours. Stepping over cracks and trying to avoid walking in gravel. Finally, they came upon a cave. Night was coming, so they camped in it. Leah stood on the edge of the cliff looking out across the land. Jesse almost got out his sleeping bag when he heard something. He saw Leah standing on a part of the rock that wasn't covered with a rock roof. He raced out to her, grabbed her shoulders, and they jumped into the cave. Right after they got into the cave an avalanche of rocks came tumbling over the cave. Leah stared at the spot where she stood. It was being pummeled with rocks. Then they stopped falling. The rock looked as if nothing had fallen. It looked as if nothing had happened. Leah landed on top of Jesse. They looked at each other. Jesse blushed light red. She got off of him. They both stood up. "Th-thanks Jesse, you s-s-saved my life!" Leah said quietly. She was very frightened about what had just happened. She walked over and hugged him. He turned bright scarlet. Then she let go, grabbed her pack, put on the jacket, rolled out her sleeping beg, and crawled in. Clara and Evan were laughing quietly at the pair. "Good-night." Was all she said until morning. Nobody saw but, her face was a light pink. Everybody else went to bed too. Clara wrote in the journal before she went to bed. The next morning they set off along the trail again. They walked until they came upon a large cliff. About 75ft. away was another cliff. They looked down. A steep trail was carved down the side, across the gap, and back up. "That's going to take FOREVER to walk!" Evan exclaimed. Clara and Jesse nodded in agreement. Leah appeared not to have heard. She was looking at the gap in between the cliffs. 'Could I? No, but, maybe.' "Leah? What's the matter?" Clara asked. A flock of Fearow flew overhead. Leah watched them and was inspired. "Nothing's the matter." Leah walked to the back of the cliff. "You're not going to try to jump, are you?" Jesse asked. Leah ignored him. "Leah!" He ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders, "Don't do it! You can't jump that far! You'll kill your self! I don't want you to die." He added the last part to himself. Leah's chocolate brown eyes met his yellow eyes. "I'm not going to jump Jesse." Jesse looked relived. "I'm going to fly!" Jesse was about to protest, but she was already running toward the cliff. She was as stubborn as her father, the human mankey. Jesse ran to Evan and Clara. "What is she doing?!" Clara asked. "She's going to try and fly!" Jesse replied. "Does she have some insane death wish? Man, your girlfriend is crazy!" Evan asked. But his brother didn't answer him or hit him. Leah was nearing the edge. They all watched her. 'Just keep running, just keep running!' She thought. She saw the edge of the cliff coming up. Leah quickened her pace. Then she jumped and closed her eyes. Leah leveled her body with the ground below and spread apart her arms. He hair whipped in the wind. 'I'm doing it! I'm actually flying!' She felt Articuno's spirit beside her, helping her soar. She opened her eyes and looked down. She was REALLY high up. She got scared. She felt herself start to fall. She shut her eyes and focused on soaring. She started to rise. After a while she opened her eyes and saw the other cliff come into sight. When it came closer she oved into an upright position. Leah was losing height until her legs hit solid earth. She stumbled and fell in the gravel. 'Ow, that hurt.' She walked back to the cliff and started jumping around and yelling and whooping. Evan, Jesse and Clara were amazed. They they started yelling and whooping too. Clara wanted to fly. So did Jesse and Evan. Clara went first, then Evan, then Jesse. When they all landed They looked back at the distance they just flew. "That was amazing!" Clara yelled. "I guess you weren't crazy." Evan said. "Sorry for doubting you. I was wrong. We actually can fly." Jesse said sheepishly. "You don't need to apologize. Anyone could've doubted me." Leah said. Jesse smiled. "Are you two done yet? We need to keep going!" Evan exclaimed. Clara was busy writing down what just happened. "Okay, let's go." Leah answered. They walked until it got dark. Clara stopped and yawned. She walked off a little bit. Then a bunch of rocks rolled on the spot Clara was just standing on. She was frightened. Evan calmed her down. The night fell and the foursome found a place to sleep. In the morning they all got rady quickly and without talking. The long walks and the steep climb was tiring them so much that they didn'yt talk much. After more walking through the mountains evening was starting to come and the first stars of the night twinkled in the sky. Soon the foursome saw more twinkling lights. But, these light were from a town. They finally reached the other side of the mountain. "Look, I can see a town!" Clara exclaimed. "I can smell food." Evan said while slightly drooling. "Let's go!" Leah yelled. ---------------------------------------------------------------- They finally made it through the mountains!!!!! WOO-HOO!! Please send reviews. Watch for Part 4 Separation. Til next week! ~Kicon :)