Disclaimer: Guess what! I still don't own Pokemon Missing My Other Half: Part 2 Ash looked back to the crowd of people still at the party. Everyone was silently staring at Ash. Ash ran outside, and chased after Misty as fast as he could. Ash kept running, slowing down every minute. He couldn't see Misty at all, but he knew she would be heading back home. There, he thought he would probably pack up and leave. Ash figured that if he got to Cerulean City in time, he could save the relationship between the two that was ruined by the kiss. Ash replayed the scene in his mind, going over it time and time again. How could he be so stupid. He could have pulled away faster, to show Misty that he didn't want it. Why did it take so long for him to respond to the action. Well, it's too late now. All Ash could do now was pray that Misty didn't leave before he got to Cerulean. Misty sprinted without slowing down. How could Ash treat her the way he did. She thought for a while that maybe, just maybe, Ash had a thing for her. But, that was all a lie. She felt deeply abused inside. Tears welded in her eyes. She ran even faster, all the way to her home at the Cerulean gym. She flew through the doors, only to find Gary, who was able to catch a plane to Cerulean. Gary was also at the party and he saw the whole thing. Misty sat down next to Gary and cried. Gary allowed Misty to rest on his shoulders, trying to make the hurt girl feel better. Gary wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and Misty looked up at him. Ash finally arrived at Cerulean City. He was soaked due to the heavy rain that was pouring down. Ash ran to the gym as fast as he could. He just hoped he wasn't too late. Misty and Gary were staring at each other for what seemed like forever. Gary smiled a little, only for a second. He moved his head a little closer to Misty, who continued to stare. Ash ran even faster than before. The gym opened up over the horizon before his eyes. He ran as fast as he could, trying to ensure his making it there before it was too late. Gary's head moved in even closer. The two were almost touching. Misty could feel Gary breathing softly. The two of them slowly started to close their eyes, as their lips met. Ash finally arrived at the gym ran through the doors, only to find Misty kissing Gary. Misty quickly pulled away from Gary, and looked at Ash, who had a hurt look in his eyes. "Ash, I thought..." Misty began, but Ash had seen enough, and slowly walked away. Misty ran outside and caught up with Ash. The two of them stood on the walk towards the gym. Misty told Ash that she thought he loved May, but Ash told her that it was May who kissed him, and he pulled away as fast as possible. Misty looked at Ash, and Ash looked at her. Misty thought Ash would move in on her. However, Ash turned around, and walked away into the woods. Misty chased after him, but it was too late, Ash disappeared. AN:// Well, I guess its 'bout time I updated. Well, at least I did update. I still need to update my other story. I sorta know where I'm goin with this one, but we'll find out.