Disclaimer: Guess what! I still don't own Pokemon Missing My Other Half: Part 3 Misty searched far and wide, over all four continents of the Pokemon World in hope of finding her lost love. She felt devastated after Ash left her behind that day. She wanted to find him, so she could apologize and make up. However, it has been such a long time since that dreadful day. The events of the party and those that happened at the gym flashed through her mind multiple times. The more she thought about the events, the more it hurt deep inside. Misty was about to give up hope. She had almost everyone in the Pokemon World searching for Ash. However, days of searching turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years. Misty's hope was dwindling during the third week of the first year. However she continued her search. Later on that day, Misty entered her home at the Cerulean gym after a hard day's searching. She hasn't been home for a while, due to the tremendous amount of time she was putting into searching for Ash. She flipped on the T.V. where the newscaster was talking about the search for Ash. Just hearing people talking about her missing love made her feel like awful. She turned off the T.V. and started to cry. "Please Ash, come back to me," she called to the silence through her tears. Suddenly, the phone rang. Misty dried her tears and tried to build herself back up. She walked over to the phone and picked it up. Maybe, just maybe, it was Ash. Misty was feeling hope again. She picked up the phone. "Hello," she said. The person on the other line, however, was not Ash. The hope that filled Misty was suddenly taken away. The person on the other line was talking in a low gloomy voice. "Misty, we...we may have something that may be...hard for you to hear." Misty listened to the man talk, and she suddenly dropped the phone in shock. AN:// OOO cliffhanger hehe. Read and review