The Poke Files This is my second fanfic. it's mostly an X-files crossover with some AAML in it. i like reviews, i will be inspired 2 write more fics with good ones, so send them in! ne wayz, im probably boring u with this, so i'll shut up after the disclaimer. Ages: Ash:16 Misty:16 Brock:22 Jessie+James: 28 Disclaimer: I am in no way am getting profit from writing this. it belongs 2 the pokemon and X-files ppl. so plz dont sue. youd only get about *counts money* 3 cents. sure wish i did tho. *grins evily* i am an AAML freak. hee hee hee.kisse kisse. <(0_o)> *i am psycho* And now, on with the show! _______________________________________________________________________ It was a tense moment at the F.P.I (federal pokemon institute of investigation) for a red alert had just been sounded. One of the alien pokemon specimens had escaped. Partners Ash and Misty (codenames Ashura and Mistique) are the F.P.I's top agents and are on it's tail before you can count to three. The alien pokemon that escaped was raimoku, a green and yellow water type version of raichu. Asura and Mistique have it cornered. MOKU! It screams and prepares its water blast attack. Something jumps off Ashuras shoulder. "PIKACHU!!!!!" It screams as it shocks Raimoku to high heaven. Raimoku faints. "good job pikachu" ashura replies. Mistique picks up Raimoku and places him in a force field net. "let's bring this to the boss" says Mistique. "lets go" agrees Ashura. So they go to a large titanium door and press a button. a scanner comes up in front of there eyes. "scanning" says an electronic female voice. "aproved". "Welcome agents Ashura and Mistique." The door swings open. there is a high backed chair facing a computer screen. "Brock" says Ashura. the chair turns around. "Ashura,Mistique good to see you!" says the pink apron wearing brock. "I just finished bakeing some cookies!" Ashura and Mistique sweatdrop. "uhhhh.... nice apron." says Mistique. shes cute when shes sarcastic. thinks Ashura. if only you knew how much I love you. "Thanks!!!!" says Brock. "i've always liked this apron!" Ashura and Mistique both get HUGE sweatdrops. "Now" says Bock. "I have a mission for you." "a report of a u.f.o has been made in Viridian forest." "I want you to investigate it." ______________________________________________________________________________________________ and thats the first part! sorry it's short but im tired and have writers it? hate it? review at!