Meeshe, a 16 year old girl living in the small town of New Bark, Johto, trudged home sleepily, at about 11:30 at night. Since she hadn't been home all day, Meisha Darkflame checked her mailbox for mail. Sifting through what was in it, she found junk, junk, job application reply, junk…Wait! That was the reply to her job request for the Goldenrod nursery! Tearing open the envelope, she scanned through it. Thank you… Reviewed your resume…accepted…Thank you! She'd been accepted! Meeshe jumped into the air, and yelled a loud, "YES!" Shouts filled the air from her neighbors, telling her to shut up. Meeshe skipped into the house, auburn hair bouncing around in its Ponyta tail. As Meeshe entered her house, her mother came up, eyes curious. "Whatcha yelling 'bout, Meeshe?" Meeshe grinned, green eyes sparkling merrily. "I'm accepted into the Goldenrod nursery Mom! And to help with the research, not to baby-sit. There are other applicants that have been accepted though." Her mother's eyes saddened. "When are you leaving?" Meeshe sighed. "Tomorrow morning. I'd better get some sleep and pack. They didn't give me much of a notice." Her mother nodded. "I'll help you get everything together so you can sleep." Meeshe smiled, and headed towards her room. The next morning, Meeshe woke up at 6:30, ever so rudely by her alarm clock. She groggily reached and pressed the sleep button. Rubbing her eyes, she stumbled out of bed. Remembering why she was up, she was alert in an instant. Meeshe pulled on some clothes, brushed her hair and teeth, and grabbed her backpack. Grabbing a bagel for breakfast, Meeshe ran out the door to find her mother standing beside a Ponyta. The Ponyta, Darkflame, was her mother's most cherished pokemon. It wore an Everstone around its neck to keep it from evolving. Its flaming tail and man burned healthily, and its black eyes sparkled, ready to go. Meeshe walked up to her mother, frowning in confusion. Her mother just smiled. "Get on, Meeshe." She said. "But Mom," Meeshe protested. "He's your pokemon. I can't take him away from you." "You'll only have him till you reach Goldenrod, where'll you'll soon get your own. Darkflame needs some exercise, and you can send him back when you get there. Don't argue with me." Meeshe sighed. Her mother was right. She would need protection on the road from wild pokemon and persistent trainers. She mounted the Ponyta and clucked to him. He started at a trot. Meeshe turned around and waved to her mother. "Bye Mom! Thanks!" She yelled. Her mother waved back, smiling, almost sadly. Meeshe arrived in Goldenrod, 3 pokemon fights and 2 pokemon centers after she left home. Getting out a map, she located the nursery. Putting Darkflame in his pokeball for a rest, Meeshe started walking towards the nursery. It was nearly dark, and Meeshe was late. She rushed into the building. After talking to the clerk at the desk, she hurried down the hall to the Professor's office. On the door, an official looking sign said: Professor Maple: Official of the ES Egg Project Meeshe knocked on the door hesitantly, and opened it when a voice inside said, "Yes?" Stepping inside, Meeshe looked around nervously, then at the Professor. He was a middle-aged man, with kind brown eyes, and slightly graying light brown hair, cut short. "Hi, I'm Meeshe Darkflame. I believe I was accepted for a job here…?" Meeshe said, looking at the man. He smiled. "Yes, yes, of course." He said. "You'll be working in the hatchery, tending to the eggs and such. Toby will explain your job to you when you start tomorrow. Understand?" Meeshe stands there, quite shocked for a moment. "Y-yes sire. But from the letter, I had understood I was to help with the studies as a scientist…" Meeshe said. The professor laughed. "You didn't expect me to give you that high of a position on your first day, did you?" Meeshe frowned, not liking being laughed at. "That's the impression I got from the letter." The professor sighed. "Listen, you do a good job in the nursery, you'll be moved up, alright?" Meeshe sighed and nodded. She walked out of the office, and out of the nursery. She walked to the pokemon center and gave Darkflame to the Nurse to send to her mother in New Bark town.