Disclaimer: hhhmmm.....Maybe I do own pokemon!!!.....Ok......Maybe I don’t.... Chapter8 They got dates!? *Lati riders....* Misty: Ok! Now we all have not-really-dates! Brock&Kodey: Not us!! Skylar: Well.....Sorry! But you’re never getting dates!! Brock&Kodey: *watches a girl pass by* Brock: She’s mine! Kodey: Nuh-uh! I saw her first! She’s mine! Lady: uuuhhh.... Misty: *whispering to lady* I’d run if I were you.... Lady: Ok....AAAHHHH!!!! Brock and Kodey: Misty!!! Misty: Hehe Mikey: Ok! Now let’s go to the wedding! Skylar: Wait! Where’s Striker, and Laser? Mikey: Yeah....I haven’t seen them in a while. Striker: Here we are. Laser: We just had to pick up our dates. Jet: You just have to rub it in.....don’t you.... Striker and Laser: Yep! Mikey: Not nice guys! Laser: Skylar, will you shut your date up? Skylar: Not a date! Everyone but Skylar and Mikey: Suuuuure.... *lady comes back with her younger sister* Lady: Um, this is my younger sister Emily Emily: Hello Ashley: And I’m Ashley Brock: Yes hi! I was just wondering if two beautiful young ladies would like an escort to a lovely, yet not as lovely as yourselves, wedding!? Ashley: uhhhmmm..... sure? Brock: That is just great! Super fantastic! Really it is! Ashley: *a little scared* Thanks....I think.... Brock ok! Well since I’m a lot more mature than you Kodey, Kodey: Hey!!! Brock: I get the older one! Ashley:....uh....Ok? Kodey: Yay! I get the younger one! Mikey: They’ll never change.... A/n: yay me! Another chapter! I was having a severe case of writers block....but now I’m back! Yes, yes, My adoring public! I’m back!...Ok, so maybe I don’t have adoring public....oh well I’ll get over it!!!