Pokéballs can catch other things Ok from my last attempt I kinda got... bored cuz i was trying to write a "normal" story. I will (never) finish that sometime but in the mean time I am going to write another crazy/random story. And once again, this is based on season 1. yer its age 13+ content or summit... The three adventurers are once again on the road, and travelling at a steady pace, reach a forest. And guess what? They’re lost again. Ash: Damn forests are so gay! WE ALWAYS GET LOST!!! Brock: They are not 'gay' as you put it ash they are one of the worlds most tranquil places to be..... Misty: Hey look! There’s a Zapdos over there! Brock & Ash: Where?! Misty: Haha you guys are so gullible... any way the exit to the forest is over there (points). Ash: How would you know? You’re just a girl! Misty: YOU SEXIST LITTLE (kicks ash in the groin as she says the next word) CUNT!! Ash collapses on the floor in A LOT of pain. Misty: I always used to go on hikes before I met you guys. THAT’S how I know the way out of this forest. Brock: Then why haven't YOU been reading the map and saying where to go?! Misty: Because it's funny seeing you two look all worried and confused. Brock: That.... isn't very nice. Misty: Ok Brock your right. I know I shouldn't be mean all the time... I just.. Can’t help it...(falls on the floor and cries) Brock: Don't be like that misty.. Brock crouches down to her and she grabs him and starts kissing him passionately (bet ye weren't expecting that eh? well ye probably can't guess what happens next in my stories most of the time any way). Brock puts his arms around her and kisses her back. Ash (getting up after the pain has subsided): Wha... BROCK!!! GET THE FÚCK OF MY GIRL!! (Gives Brock a nipple cripple) Brock: Ow! Ow! Ok Ok you can have her! Ash: No I don't want her anymore.... she’s been... tainted.. Misty gets out one of those men in black eraser memory whatchamicallits and erases their minds from the recent events. Ash: Hm?? Did something just happen? Misty: No, we're just lost in the woods remember? Have you been daydreaming? Brock: Hey! There's someone running towards us! The three of them assume fighting stances, waiting for the person to come close. Stranger: Hello You Twerps! Ash: What? Who are you? Stranger: I am Jacob! I am a new member of Team Rocket! I am more powerful than Jesse and James put together X 5!!!!! Misty: We'll still beat you. Ash: Yeah! Go Pika- Ah crap I forgot I kicked him into the sky... never mind! I have another plan! Go Butterfree!! Butterfree: Free! Jacob: Heh. Pathetic. Go Snorelax! Snorelax: Snooooore.. Ash: Butterfree! Stun Spore! It had no effect. Jacob: Lol you suck. Snorelax! Eat up! Snorelax grabs butterfree out of the air at a surprising speed and swallows him in one. Ash: What?!?! Your Snorelax just... ATE MY BUTTERFREE?!?!!?! That’s an illegal move!!!! OMG butterfree... Jacob: Heheheh! How else do you think he gets fat? BY EATING POKÉMON! Misty: Your sick! Your gunna get it this time!!! GO MEW!!! Mew: Mew! Brock: Wow I forgot you caught that.... it was... in a bush... Misty: Go mew! Psychic Pwn! Mew: Are you really that dumb? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT MOVES I HAVE? It's mewTWO that has Psychic Pwn and I have Psychic Pwn"ING"! Get it right next time you slut.. Misty: Um.... Err... Ok... Mew Psychic Pwning! Mew: Mew! Mew rises in the air and creates a ball of energy in front of him. The energy ball then turns into... a cake. The cake then lands neatly in front of Snorelax. Snorelax(Picking up the cake): Mmmm Snore! Jacob: Snorelax DON'T EAT IT! Snorelax already stuffs it in his mouth. Snorelax: Snore? Snorelax then turns into a retarded carrot. Carrot: ZOMG I'M ORANGE!!!! I swear I was purple yesterday!!!!! OH NO... NO... IT'S ATHURITIS!!!! Misty: Riiight... um... Mew return! Mew goes back in his Pokéball. Jacob: HOW DARE YOU TURN MY SNORELAX INTO A DUMB ASS CARROT! Jacob throws a Pokéball at ash. Ash: What the- (sucked into the Pokéball) Brock: How the- Misty: What the- Carrot: I AM NOT A CAR! Jacob runs away with ash in a Pokéball. Misty: He has ash in a Pokéball?!? Brock: Huh... I didn't know it could be done.. Carrot: I want to EVOLVE!!!! Brock: I think we should put this carrot out of its misery. Carrot (before Brock treads on him): NO!!! I ENJOY LIFE!! I LIKE BEIN- (Crunch) Misty: Yeah I think we should go get ash back now. Brock: Do we have to? Misty: YES!!! He is our friend! Brock: Meh. Jacob is running through the trees at a pretty damn fast speed. Ash (from inside the Pokéball): Oh my god.. I am trapped inside a... POKÉBALL!! Hey its actually quite comfy in here I don't know why Pikachu didn't like it... I might just have a little n- Zzzzz... Misty and Brock are at a theme park, on a roller coaster. Misty: Wheee! Brock: Wheee! They get off when it stops. Misty: Good thing we found this theme park! Brock: Hey, aren't we forgetting something? Random old man: Yeah! Your dignity! Brock: What? Shut up old man! That’s not even a good joke! (pushes old man to the floor) Random old man: Arg... My back... can't... feel.. Legs.. Misty: That wasn't nice Brock! Brock: Yeah well he's probably gunna die sometime this week anyway... Misty: Your probably right. I bet $10 it'll be Tuesday! Brock: You’re on! (They shake hands) Misty: Oh yeah we forgot about ash!!!!! STUPID DAMN THEME PARK DISTRACTING US!!!(Kicks a large sign) The sign leans over to one side and falls on top of the old man. Brock: Ha! He didn't die on Tuesday! $10 please! Misty: Forget about the bet! We have to find ash!! Jacob arrives at a medium-sized house made of wood. Jacob: Go Ash! Ash comes out of the Pokéball. Ash: Zzzzzz.. Jacob: WAKE UP!! ASH: Wha? Oh! You put me in a Pokéball!!!! I’ll get you- Jacob: Go Ivysaur! Ivysaur: Ivysaur! Jacob: Ivysaur! Vine Whip! Ivysaur ties Ash up in vines. Ash (struggling): Let me go! Jacob: Howz aboot nay? Ash: Your so gay.. Meanwhile Misty and Brock are following a trail that they think will lead them to Ash. Brock: Ash could have been taken... this way.. Or this way...... or this way or this way orthiswayorthiswayorthiswayorthiswayorthiswayorthiswayor- Misty: STFU Brock! You’re worse than that carrot! Brock: That hurt me inside. Misty: Hey look there’s a house! Brock: Lets check it out! They go up to the house and look through the window. They see ash tied up. Brock: Hey there's Ash! Misty: Lets help him! They open the door only to find Ivysaur behind it. Ivysaur vine whips them and drags them indoor, and lays them next to ash on the floor. Misty: Oh... Erm... Sorry that we couldn't save you Ash. Ash: I'm just glad your ok. Brock: Oh yeah Ash we went to a theme park, it was so fun we went on all the rides... Ash: What?!?! When I could have been in mortal danger!!!!? Misty: Oh sorry ash we just got distracted... Ash: Well don't let it happen again. Misty & Brock: We wont.... Jacob (coming from his lounge, where he was watching DBZ): Ahh... I'm glad you could join me Brock and Misty. Good work Ivysaur. Ivysaur: Ivysaur! Jacob: Well... Now its time for me to... beat you! Brock: At what? Ash: He means beat us up stupid! Brock: Oh... isn't that a bit.. Pathetic? Jacob: Shut up! (Kicks Brock in the face) Brock: Argh! Misty: You’re such a loser, fighting us when we're tied up! Jacob: Shut up!!! (Stabs Misty in the leg with a small knife) Misty: AHH!!! Ash: THAT IS IT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH I WILL NOT LET YOU TREAT MY FRIENDS LIKE THAT!!! What’s this? Ash is evolving! Ash evolves into.... Mecha-Ash!! (He is twice as high and made of metal) Jacob: What the hell? Your a Pokémon?! Mecha-Ash: No, but I’ve been inside a Pokéball, so I should be able to evolve right?! Brock: I guess that makes sense.... Mecha-Ash: Yeah! And I'm Going to use my special move... SUPER HYPER HYPER SUPER NUKE!!!! There is a big explosion, and the world is gone. Everyone is dead. Except Carrot, who Brock thought was dead, but Carrot CANNOT DIE!! Carrot (slightly mangled, and floating in space): Flapjack. Teh end.