My name is Misty Rocket. No that's not my real name, but it's been so long since anyone called me anything else, that I forgot my real one. Anyway that's not important. Today is the day! Today all my hard training will finally be put to work. And today finally I’ll be able to get Blaze to notice me. We arrived in Pallet Town around noon. We kept mostly to the back alleys and deserted roads, till we came upon Professor Oak’s Museum. The place was full of tourist and visitors, all were waiting to view the legendary find. Realizing that trying to go during the day, would be a hard task. We hid out in the city till night fall, when the museum would be practically deserted.... ****** It was midnight in the town of Pallet. All the families that lived in the small town, were peacefully nestled in their beds. The sounds of the quiet air lulled them to sleep. There was a hauntingly full moon this night. The moon's lunar lights glowed clearly in the backdrop, as the two aerobatical Team Rocket member raced down the cities’ rooftops. Bound after bound, the two members dashed. The duo seemed to almost be able to glide through the midnight air, right before they impacted on the neighboring rooftop. Exiting the metropolis, the two took to the trees. Branch after branch, both timing their weight and balance at the right moment before they committed to the next leap. As the two continued to approach their target, it could be seen that every now-and-then the leader, would glance over his shoulder to observe his partner. His mane of flame red hair, masked his cerise eyes that were cast on the younger girl. He wasn't used to the simpleton, keeping up with his pace. He was used to her lagging behind and in turn he would be forced to wait up for her. But now she was maintaining his stride. Blaze didn't know if he was to be impressed by her feat, or insulted because she was trying to compare herself to him. Either way, he shook off the notion. He had objective to attend to. And whether or not the fledgling was capable of aiding, didn't concern him. Cause he wouldn't have any qualms about getting rid of her to make sure his mission was a success. ***** After another five minutes, the duo came to a clearing, Oak’s Museum was dead ahead. Blaze went to his tools bag. A few seconds later a spear with a line attached to it, whizzed through the air and impaled itself into the Museum roof. Blaze gave the rope a slight tug, then attached a celevise to the line and sailed across to the museum. Soon after Misty followed his actions, joining him on the rooftop. The two carefully crept over to the Museum's skylight. "Charmeleon, I choose you!" Blaze's deep monotone voice, stated as the fiery Pokemon appeared in a small flash of light. "Charmeleon, use flamethrower to cut an opening in the glass.." He ordered. "Char!!!" The fire Pokemon cried. Then instantly, a small stream of condensed flame, poured out of the lizard's mouth. The fire started to melt away the glass. Misty patiently waited as the Pokemon did it's job. Her calm and cool demeanor was only skin deep, on the inside she was almost ready to die. She was so nervous and so worried about screwing up. She wasn't really worried about what Giovanni would say. She was more concerned with what Blaze would think of her. If she failed now, she could never win his heart. And if she couldn't have him, she didn't know what she would do. "Char! Char!'" The Pokemon cried. It's task was completed and all of the glass was melted away. Blaze gently patted the fire lizard on it's head. "Well, done." He congratulated, then he brought out it's Pokeball and returned it. Misty tied some rope to one of the Air Conditioner vents. Blaze was about to swing down to the main floor of the building, but the young girl stopped him. "Blaze, let me try something first?" The girl asked. There was a strong determination present in her sky blue eyes. Blaze was slightly annoyed that this underling was holding up his advancement. But he shrugged. He'll let the twit have her way...this time. Misty, hearing no signs of (verbal) disapproval, drew for her Pokeball and summoned her Totodile. "Totodile, do Mist Screen down there for me please." She politely asked. The tiny Gator smiled. He liked his new master. It would do anything she would ask only to see her smiling. The water Dile took a deep breathe. It then exhaled the vapor into the room below. Suddenly a webwork of red laser lights was seen throughout the floor. The mist although penetrating the light, never set off any of the alarms. Misty smiled. She knew the setup was too easy. She gazed over to Blaze. His eyes seemed uninterested in the discovery. In a few seconds, he was already repelling down to the bottom of the room. Blaze skated down the cord, carefully dodging all the laser lights. He stopped at about 15 feet on the line. Only a few inches above the 4th layer of laser streams. He then lunged forward and landed on the lower ledge of the floor. Blaze then kicked off the ledge, flipped backwards and landed perfectly onto the floor. He paused slightly, almost if he was awaiting for an applause. Taking a quick breath, Blaze preceded to exit the room. "BLAZE!!!" His female partner yelled softly. Misty could see the outline of her partner momentarily sigh. Then he walked over and shut off the room's alarm system. Misty returned her Totodile, then slid down the rope. Once on the floor, she had to dash through the next couple of rooms. She didn't want Blaze to get the Relic Pokeball before she could. ‘If I can just get that Pokeball, then I know Blaze will be mine.’ She prayed as she finally caught up to him. ***** The two entered the inner chamber. In the center, in cased in glass, was the ancient Pokeball. The orb was slightly larger than a regular Pokeball, inscribed with some kind of ancient writing that had yet been deciphered. There it peacefully laid on a purple cushion, that was surrounded by three inch thick reinforced glass. Blaze looked around the room. The room was the largest room in the whole museum. Other artifacts were also present in the room. The remains of several extinct Pokemon races and charts that showed the progression of these ancient races to the present species of Pokemon. There was even a diagram of the first Pokemon Battle arenas. All these articles were very valuable in their own rights, but they still paled in comparison to their prize. Misty glanced around the room. Making a few mental calculations, she also noticed the huge banner that was suspended over the showcase. There were also several different flags decorated around the room. Each flag holding the insignia of all the eight gyms. Misty’s blue eyes drifted back to the ancient Pokeball. She was totally determined to reach it first. Now the two were inspecting the room. The duo was well aware of the security system that was installed for the item. And both knew all the flaws in the system. Just like the first room, this room was also setup with a laser triggered alarm system. Only thing is, this one had a few more dozens grids added to it. Which made the webwork of lasers almost impossible to penetrate without setting off the alarm. And both Rockets knew that triggering the alarms, would send all the security guards raining down upon them, ruining everything. Good thing they already memorized the laser grid, from a virtual training simulation that Giovanni ordered for them. But a simulation is still a simulation, nothing beats the real thing. "Stay here..." Blaze commanded to Misty. His voice was coarse and imprudent. He always spoke that way when he didn't want any rivaling options from her. He looked over to the center of the room. There laid his prize. The thing that made all this hassle worth it. "Blaze..." A soft voice said. "Can...Can I get it for you?" The innocent girl asked. ‘It appears the girl has formed a tongue over the last month.’ Blaze pondered. She normally didn't speak until spoken too. Much less try to overthrow his authority. He smirked. A part of him was quite impressed by her bravery. And another part of him, wanted to snap her neck for having such thoughts of stealing his glory. Well anyway, Blaze didn't have much time to form a proper rejection. Cause Misty wasn't waiting for him to say "No." In an instant she vaulted across the floor. Her mind already holding the proper sequence, now it was up to her body. She then lunged forward into a forward roll, diving over the first grid. She then sprang to her hands and flipped over the next wave of laser beams. The next set of beams covered most of the area except a small section that was elevated six feet in the air. It was no problem, cause Misty then leaped into the air performing an aerial twist, her body bearing skimming past the security system. Then gravity taking it's hold, she directed her decent a few inches right in front of the display case. Misty looked around and took a breath. ‘Did I just do that?’ She momentary, asked herself. She instantly cheered. She had succeeded. Misty glanced over her shoulder to Blaze and smiled brightly to him. A smile that was followed by a thumbs up. It was probably good she was too far away to see his facial expression. Because if she could, the sight would have sent a shiver down her spine. Blaze was the perfect example of contained fury. The sides of his face contorted downward as well as his eyebrows narrowing forming a scowl that would send, a charging Rhyhorn packing for the hills. To say Blaze was pissed, was an understatement. His anger crossed a new threshold of resentment. The only way he saw fit to quench his fury, was to end the short life of his partner. A task that wouldn't take more then a few seconds, but would bring a lifetime of enjoyment. And Blaze was about to collect on that satisfaction, but his attention was drawn to the light that was shining from another room. The light source was increasing in size, which meant one of the security guards was coming their way. Blaze's mind was already forming a plan to get rid of the guard, but his thoughts were jilted when he heard. "Hey Blaze I got it!" ‘DAMMIT!’ He mentally shouted. He peered around the corner to see if the security guard heard her. His red eyes, were nearly blinded as the flashlight was shined on his face. "FREEZE!!!" The guard shouted, his arm reaching for his walkie-talkie. He was already in the process of calling for back-up. Blaze ducked into the room. He slammed his fist against the wall. "Dammit!!!" he swore outloud. Seconds later Misty gracefully landed right next to him. "Blaze what's going on?..." In an instant, a strong hand enclosed itself around the neck of the small girl. Blaze's vision was red as he looked at the teenage girl. He slowly started to tighten his grip around her throat. Misty made no sound and put up no struggle. Fear nullified all of her natural defenses. She was totally venerable to Blaze's assault. Misty was totally lost. She didn't know what she did wrong. All she ever thought of was trying to please Blaze. But now he was more enraged than ever with her. **** Blaze knew he had to make this quick. More guards would be coming soon. But it wouldn't take much. A simple twist and it would be over. But why didn't he do that. It was simple enough. No one could really stop him. But something was holding him back. Something that wasn't there before the last time he had to do this to a partner. Then he realized it. It was her eyes. Those damn blue eyes. They were just staring at him. Totally fixated. They were mesmerizing. So pure. So innocent. Could he be falling for this girl? No...that was a sensation that never entered his world. Emotions were for the weak. His body was to remain pure. Only thing that matter was the heist. But what to do with the girl? An idea was starting to form, but his senses picked up on some movement behind him. With an act made on pure reflex, Blaze pulled his partner towards him, just seconds before a bullet was impaled into the wall. Misty looked up as she was in Blaze's arms. She was in total shock...And from his expression, he was too. Then he recovered, his facial expression changed from one of pure confusion, to a smirk. A smirk, that changed to a grin, then the expression made another transformation to a smile. Blaze was smiling. Blaze was smiling in at her. Misty had only a moment to rejoice in her little accomplishment. In a flash, the sound of a gun fired once again. Then Blaze, started to look pale. His body fall over onto an unprepared Misty. "BLAZE!!!" Misty cried. There was a flesh wound that was seeping blood out of his back. Misty hugged his body, she felt some warmth emitting from his body. So he wasn't dead...yet. The Security guards, believing they had taken out the larger threat, started to move in on Misty and Blaze. "DON'T MOVE!!!" One of them shouted. Misty glared at him. Then drew into her purse and brought forth a small ball. She threw the orb to the ground. Upon impact, a hazy cloud blanketed the two. When the mist dispersed, Misty and Blaze were gone. ***** On the rooftop of the museum, there Team Rocket member Misty, held her wounded partner. "BLAZE!" she frantically shouted, while gently shaking him. "BLAZE! PLEASE!!" After a few seconds she heard a deep murmuring erupted from the man. She placed him in her lap and looked down into his face. His crimson eyes starting to flicker, with consciousness. His eyes focused on her, with recognition. "Where's the ball?" he asked. Referring to the Pokeball that Misty just recently stole. Misty’s deep blue eyes, fell upon Blaze with puzzlement. Here he was nearly fatally wounded, she was totally going out of her mind with worry and he was worried about the damn ball. Misty sighed. ‘But Blaze was Blaze.’ She resolved. "It's right here." She said, while bringing the small globe out of her bag. Blaze smiled again. His hands reached up and grabbed the ball. Feeling the weight of the object in his hand. He looked to Misty, probably for the first time with something that resembled respect. "Good job," he stated. Misty couldn't help but smile. It worked. Her plan worked. Blaze was starting to notice her. He even gave her praise. It was now a matter of time before, they would be going out. And then..... But she was getting a head of herself. She turned to him and smiled. "Thank you...partner." Which he returned with another smile. Misty wasn't sure, but she thought that was the first time since she met him, that he have ever smiled. That's another reason why she felt this moment with him was so special. Just then the door the rooftop fly off it's hinges. "FREEZE YOU TWO!!!" Suddenly a dozen security guards was starting to flood the roof, to chase after the two. Misty’s looked at Blaze's condition. She wouldn't able to carry him away to safety. And she didn't want to leave him either. So if they were meant to be captured, then so be it. No matter what, she would stay by his side always. "Go...." Misty’s blue eyes flipped open. Then looked into Blaze's red eyes. He softly repeated what he said. "Go....Don’t worry about me. The mission is all that matters." Misty was blinking back tears. "But I can't leave you Blaze! You mean so much to me....I.." Then she felt his hand caress her face. He smiled at her. "Go..." Misty clasped her hand over his for a brief moment. Then she took off in a direction, just seconds before she would have been surrounded by the guards. There were shots fired, in her pursuit. But none of them, even grazed her. In a flash she leaped off the building into the forest below. "AFTER HER!!!" One of the security guards cried. "And call for back-up!!!" The officers were about to leave when one of them noticed Blaze's fallen appearance. "Hey Greg, I found her partner. He's wounded." Greg thought for a min. "Stay with him, till a medic arrives. We're going after the girl." The officer nodded at his superiors suggestion. Then watched as the rest of the guards continued their pursuit of the girl. And since he was so involved with their exit, he didn't even notion the once motionless body behind him, was now standing and was retrieving something from his bag. A cord, a half of a millimeter thick was extracted from the bag. In flash the cord was wrapped around the un-expecting officer's throat. A few seconds went by...Then all of his struggles were ceased, as his spirit drifted to the next world. Blaze dropped the lifeless corpse onto the ground and threw off his bulletproof vest, that was packed with blood packs. Then he laughed.... Blaze laughed hard. He couldn't have planned a better scenario then what just occurred. Not only did he not have to worry about, that little wench tagging along with him. But she'll mostly get captured and so he would be alone to present Giovanni the Pokeball. He then drew into his pouch and drew out the TRUE Ancient Pokeball, laughing at the fact the girl didn't notice him switch it with a highly decorated ordinary Pokeball.