A Impossible Dream Is Realized An old man sat quietly, leaning against a tree and smiling to himself, a dark pokemon also apparently aged by his side. Although wrinkles found almost too many places on his face, his hair still contained streaks of black that brought to head a picture of the younger man. His eyes were completely white, yet he seemed to see more then they let on, as when trainers or just travelers past him, he nodded his head to everyone, offering a cheerful greeting every time. Although obviously old, this man did not lack for hair, and it poured over his shoulders like a silver waterfall, shadows finding their own spaces amongst the rush. The man was old, yes, but the man was content. As I walked towards him, he offered me a few words, and I chose to listen. The poor old man had nothing but his elderly sneazle to keep company, and sometimes a man needed his own to speak to. “Ill tell you a tale”, the man stated, not letting me make an excuse to escape. “About an insecure boy, about his own pokemon journey, and how he became the master he still is today. Listen well, for though my story is old, you may yet learn from it”. And so the old man began his tale, a tale that at first I would deeply have liked to escape, but in the end I regretted not an hour of my interest. The day was a fine one. Men, women and children went about the town as usually, except for the few who were to receive a pokemon or say goodbye to those that were beginning their pokemon journey, to become all they could be. Among the many that day who would leave was the very ambitious Gary Oak and the clumsy yet well liked Ash Ketchum. Another boy by the name of Kevin Simmers was to be leaving also, and finally a young girl who seemed to know everything, she went by the name of Alice Greenwood. The Town was in uproar, to tell the truth, as this year only 4 trainers would be leaving, and many more had wished for the opportunity. Not to mention the fact that only 3 pokemon had been found for the trainers to begin, and one of the three was the incredibly hard to raise charmnder. But Leif had no issue with the pokemon, no. He just wished he had the chance to have a SINGLE pokemon, so he could begin his own journey. Leif had been ten years old for almost four months now, in fact, only one day short of the 4 months needed to begin training, yet because of this he could not start his journey for at least 6 months, as the professor would be needed outside of town on matters of business. That left Leif without a pokemon. Many times had he pleaded with the professor, but the man simply wouldn’t agree to anything. He would not allow Leif to capture a wild pokemon, nor would he allow Leif to buy a pokemon in captivity. In both cases oak believed Leif incapable of training the pokemon he could obtain. “A nice, settled pokemon you need Leif. A pokemon that has grown amongst humans and lived with them. Something like a charmander, or a totodile. Leif had seen no point in arguing further, and had left the old man to his studies. And so Leif found himself entering his house that afternoon. He had no pokemon, no hope and a long wait ahead of him. Or so he thought. “Leify Boy, my lad, look how big you’ve grown”, bellowed his uncle as Leif entered the house, a look of surprise crossing his face. “It’s me lad, no need for silence, and no need for distance, give us a hug”. And so, throwing his depression away he embraced his favorite family member and was squashed in a huge bear hug, perhaps an ursaring couldn’t even match the big man’s strength. And so it was that Leif, his parents and his Uncle Maximus and Aunty Lorelei of the Elite four were having dinner together and chatting about life in general. They talked of How Uncle Maximus was doing now he had passed on his position amongst the Elite four to Lorelei, and he told of how he had started a breeding facility on the Indigo Plateau. Aunty Lorelei explained the many trying battles she had had, and the many good and bad things that came with the position. Eventually, however, the topic turned and Leif became uncomfortable with it. “Your ten years old now boy, in fact, if I aint losing my mind, you should receive your first pokemon tomorrow”. As Leif’s face fell, his uncle quickly spoke up. “Now, we were hoping you’d do us a favor, me being a new breeder and your Aunty being a new member of the Elite four. You see, together we bred my favorite Sneazle with your Aunties Golduck. The result was whats in this pokeball. I need a trainer to raise this little guy here, but all the trainers who challenge me bring the big guns, and this guy just couldn’t match. He’d be in eternal pain if I forced him to fight these guys. But you, you’re a new trainer, and when you begin, you’ll need a pokemon to start with. We hoped you’d let us register you and set you off with this baby here. Watcha say kid, I know you probably had your heart set on a squirtle, or maybe even a charmander, but this little guy isn’t as weak as many others”. Leif couldn’t believe his luck, and looking at his parents grins perhaps, he thought, it wasn’t all luck. But nevertheless, in seconds he had agreed. “Well then lad, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, he he, and we look forwards to seeing you off tomorrow. Leif smiled up at the huge bulky man, and his neat figured aunty, and nodded a simple agreement and thank you combined into one. Leif was a small boy; he had long dark hair, braided into many long tails, and a skinny under developed body, waiting patiently for its growth spurt. His face was nothing special, perhaps a common face for a boy his age, but his smile was infectious, and tended to spread like a disease. Leif smiled as he realized he was completely dressed. He had his denim shorts on; combined with a white singlet and a Hawaiian shirt he had taken to covered it, though the buttons remained undone. Finally, he wore a necklace made of shells his Aunty had given him when he was a baby. He had always loved it, and treasured the gift like no others. Leif could barely control himself as he slowly walked down the stairs into the living room, where his parents and relatives spoke quietly. “Well look whose here then”, stated Leif’s father with a huge grin on his face. “Don’t tell me you’re in a hurry to leave”. “Don’t worry boy”, bellowed his uncle Maximus. “We all know the anxious a new trainer feels, and we won’t hold you up. I’ve already acquired you a pokedex, and tuned it so that it’s registered as your pokemon identification. You’re now a fully fledged and registered pokemon trainer. I’ve also made a few adjustments. Your pokemon you capture when you already have six pokemon will be stored at my breeding ranch until you decide you need them. There not only will they live as if still wild, but they can also help me to breed with other pokemon”. “Yes sir”, was all Leif could thin too say. “And here’s your pokemon dear”, said Aunty Lorelei as she handed over a black and blue pokeball. “Its still only level 5, but it knows a few techniques, so you should get on well together”. “Now Leif, we trust you to always do the right thing and try your hardest in everything you do”, began Leif’s father. “So we have gathered a few things and a backpack for you so that you have everything you need for a while. Of course, you’ll need to buy things eventually, but for a while you should be fine”, finished his mother, as she began to tear at the eyes. “Awwww mum, dad, everybody. Your all so great to me”, Leif stated with a grin. “Bah, give us a hug you scoundrel”, roared his uncle, and the whole family began saying their goodbyes. Boy and pokemon sat, staring at each other. The pokemon was an extremely dark sneazle, almost black except for its claws, which were an icy blue color. It was a dangerous looking pokemon, although obviously young and unproven in battle. It looked like a pet rather then a pocket monster ready for battle. The boy, Leif by name, seemed to be trying to say something, yet refused to speak. The day was overcast, yet it was neither cold nor raining. The surrounding countryside was bare, except for a house that could be seen in the distance and a herd of Tauros fenced in a large paddock, eating the grass there in their own bliss. Suddenly, the young Sneazle slashed at its own arm, to reveal a small stripe of red. Leif gasped, yet wondered all the same. He decided to consult the expert. “A much unheard of custom of the sneazle is to invoke the pact of the blood brotherhood. Instinctively done, a usually unfriendly Sneazle will become overly protective of its brother. A trainer is recommended to accept the pact, as a Sneazle rarely offers any but another Sneazle the opportunity”. Stated the pokedex in its strangely feminine machine voice. Come to think of it, it sounded like his mother. “A blood pact huh”, Leif questioned quietly. “Sne...sneazle”, the young Sneazle replied with a wise yet young tone of voice. “Okay then, my arm too”. And Sneazle slashed a red line down Leif’s arm as well. The blood was pressed together, pokemon and boy’s alike. And the ritual was done. Boy and pokemon walked together, passing farms and plains alike. Nobody seemed to be around, yet both pokemon and trainer wished another trainer was there to battle with. When Sneazle wasn’t looking, Leif stole a glimpse or two of his new pokemon, while the reverse happened when Leif wasn’t looking. Although the two had not yet built a friendship, both trusted the other due to the blood pact they had made. They were brothers. As Leif was contemplating his partner, he failed to notice a sleeping pokemon in his tracks, and conveniently fell over a young boy sleeping near a burnt out fire. The boy instantly woke up with a bewildered look on his face, and soon replaced it with one of anger. Leif was surprised, however, and just wondered whatever it was he had fell over. “What do you think your doing walking all over me like that”, demanded the boy in a southern accent. He seemed to be about Leif’s own age, although that’s where the resemblance ended. Where Leif was skinny, this boy was overweight. Where Leif was had long black hair, this boy was short haired and blonde. And, he was almost twice the size of him. “I’m….sorry..”, Leif began, then noted the 3 pokeballs at the boys belt. “Well you should be, I had a rough night and needed all the sleep I could get”. The boy seemed to be calming down, although he did look at Leif skeptically, as if wondering why such a little guy had stood on him. “Speaking of sleep, I challenge you to a pokemon battle”, Leif suddenly stated after he had built up the confidence needed. Sneazle heard every word and a small grin appeared on his face. “I suppose I could go for a morning match to wake me up, your on kid. But I warn you, I cant stand losers who cry…”, The over fed young boy stated. And so they prepared for battle. “My names Rick and I think a one on one match will have to do as you seem to be lacking more then one pokemon. Your wimpy little pokemon over there doesn’t seem to be past its baby years, so this should be a breeze for my pal Gulpin. Go Gulpin, show him what we’re made of”, and then he threw a pokeball, and released a flash of light. Instantly, Leif’s pokedex was on the case. “Gulpin, the stomach pokemon. This pokemon is known for its continuous eating habits. Its body is mainly made up of stomach, and its heart and brain are small in comparison”. Leif grinned at the hungry pokemon and trainer. The two obviously had a lot in common. “Gulpin’s a poison type Sneazle, so watch out for its poison attacks”. Sneazle nodded and faced down it’s first opponent. “Ok Gulpin, finish this quick and we’ll have a big feed. Pound that pipsqueak into pudding”. The Gulpin seemed to light up at the food proposal, and charged sneazle. Sneazle looked up at Leif with wonder in it’s eyes, as if asking, what should I do? Leif had no idea what moves his pokemon had, so quickly motioned for his pokedex. “This Sneazle has 4 moves. Bubble attack, Disable attack, icy wind attack and scratch attack”. Leif nodded top himself. Give gulpin a bubble attack Sneazle. Sneazle nodded and shout out dozens of bubbles from its mouth, an attack it must have inherited in its breeding. Gulpin began to slow down, and started swatting at all the bubbles, many making it past its hands and crashing into its face. “Ignore them Gulpin, crash through and use body slam attack”. Counter it with disable Sneazle. Leif was really getting into the battle. he marveled out how good the bubble attack looked, and his eyes grew wide as Sneazles own eyes went blue. Gulpin was almost upon Sneazle when it froze solid in mid charge, and began to rise into the air. Finally, Leif decided now was a time to try and finish the battle. Ricks face seemed to be carved into an eternal worried position, and he failed to issue any commands. Finish this Sneazle, use icy wind. The attack followed, and the match ended just like that. Gulpin fell to the ground, unconscious and unaware of its loss. Rick, however, was far from unaware, and looked rather embarrassed at his attitude before the fight. You won fair and square, here’s your money, now go away okay. Leif felt sorry for the boy, and as he returned his pokemon, Leif stated, you fought well, and if my pokemon wasn’t the interbred I would have had no chance. Congratulations. Rick grunted, but a smile appeared on his face as Leif disappeared into the horizon, a little black pokemon walking by his side. No longer then 15 minutes after his first battle, a euphoria of happiness settled over the rookie trainer, and his pokemon seemed to sense the feeling and reciprocate it. “You fought so well, I think we should have some lunch Sneazle”, stated Leif with a grin on his face. “Sne sneazle”, agreed Sneazle with a grin almost as grand upon his own face. The two sat down and began to make camp by a small stream. Sand lined the edge of the water, and a huge, shady tree covered the area the pair had chosen. The two sat down and began to eat. Leif ate a tasty red apple, while Sneazle had himself a pear which he picked out himself. He seemed to know what he wanted. As Leif sat munching away, he noticed a few wild pokemon hanging around. All of a sudden, mouthful of apple, he yelled out, “I’m going to catch a pokemon”! At the sound of his voice however, ever pokemon in sight disappeared. Pidgey flew, ratatta ran and the single Lotad took off into the stream, catching the current downstream and away from the dangerous trainer. Sneazle held a huge grin on his face, and soon Leif held his own. Perhaps I should try and be a little quieter, he suggested. But that just wasn’t going to happen. As Leif bent to sit down, he felt something hard underneath him. He lifted himself and placed his hand underneath himself to move the annoying object when it suddenly stabbed his hand. “Yeeeeeeeeooooooooooow”! His scream could be heard back at pallet town. Finally controlling his emotions over the sudden pain, Leif looked back to where he had been sitting. Sure enough a small pokemon was sitting down where he had been a second ago, growling up at him. It was a purple color, and on its head there a horn rested. On the tip of the horn was a spot of blood where it had stabbed him. “Sneazle, I want this pokemon to join our team, help me convince him, use scratch attack”. Sneazle said nothing, dropped his pear and ran at the small, growling pokemon with nothing but concentration in its eyes. As the attack connected, the pokemon yelled out, “Nidoran”, and was sent tumbling. Leif muttered the name under his breath as the tiny beast rose and stood facing its opponent again. Then, it charged. Disable that nidoran, Leif ordered as he had now discovered the pokemons name. The nidoran kept running, but just as it was going to hit with a whopping horn attack, it was raised into the air, and disabled. Pokeball, go, Leif yelled as he threw his pokeball. The pokemon evaporated into the ball and it fell to the ground. The ball shook once, twice, three times and then was still. I caught my first pokemon, Leif whooped out, laughing with every word. that is, until Sneazle pointed at a new pokemon standing where the nidoran had been a second ago. This time, however, the pokemon wasn’t growling, but sounded sad as it stated “nido, nido nidoran”. This pokemon was almost the same as the nidoran he had caught, but slightly smaller and the horn was barely noticeable. Leif reached for his pokedex. “Nidoran, the female variety. This pokemon prefers the more physical attacks then its mate, the male nidoran. It tends to use scratch or tackle where a male nidoran would use horn attack or poison sting. This pokemon is known for finding a mate and settling down forever with it, and if ever separated from its partner, it will mourn eternally or until death”. oh no, whispered Leif. What have I done? Instantly, he released his new nidoran from its ball, next to the female nidoran. The two were blinded for a moment, but when they saw each other, they nuzzled, touching their noses together and seemingly purring their name. Leif and sneazle looked on in admiration. I’m sorry, I didn’t know, muttered Leif. I didn’t even consider id be taking you away from loved ones. Leif fell to the ground, clutching his new pokemons pokeball in his hand. Forgive me. Tears began to silently flow from his eyes, and the nidorans both noticed this, although sneazle looked the other way. The male came up to Leif, and seemed to understand, it rubbed up against Leif’s arm, and soon the female followed. Then, they both seemed to speak to each other for a moment. Their voices seemed desperate, yet deciding. Finally, they nodded to each other and nuzzled once again. The male nidoran walked up to his pokeball, looked back at the female, and pushed the pokeballs button. The female, after seeing its mate disappear, walked up to Leif, and pressed its little horn to an empty pokeball’s button, and also evaporated into the ball. There was not struggle, the ball didn’t wobble, it just instantly went white. Leif had not only caught one pokemon, but another also in mere moments. Although he seemed to have earned the nidorans forgiveness, he could not feel completely happy about capturing the two pokemon. That day Leif made camp where he had lunch. He didn’t travel anymore, his first day of travel ended not three hours walk from the town of pallet. Ok, my beginning, you like it, you email me, ok. I don’t mind constructive comments either. Oh yeah. I don’t own pokemon, but Leif is mine, I invented the lil bugger. Cya