Yep, today is another day of fighting between Ash and Misty well today was a pretty bad one. Misty appears to be asleep, Ash is sulking in front of the fire facing away from Misty. They think I don't notice their emotions, all they think is that I care about girls too much to notice whats going on. Well heres what happened: "Hey Misty, watch out a bug!!!" Ash screamed Misty automatically hides behind Ash "Where! get rid of it!!! AAHH i hate bugs! Oh Ash make it go away!" -Misty "(bursts out laughing) Joke Misty! You chicken!!" "YOU JERK! (hits his arm) Can't you just leave me alone for once" "Sorry, seeing you scared is the best laugh I 've had all day!" Misty grabs Ash by the collar, Ash is a about 3inches taller then Misty now, she doesn't care. She shakes him hard. "What is your problem Ash Ketchum! Haven't you got anything better to do!" "Yeah Ash, pick on someone your on size!" - Brock (laughs) Ash laughs and looks down at Misty "Yeah- What are you gonna do about it!"-Ash "PIKA- (stop it!) "You Ash Ketchum are the most irritating boy I've EVER met" "I'm (while getting his shaken) -sorry-misty-really-sorry" Misty lets go off Ash and looks very angry at Ash. Ash: (whispering to Brock) PMS Brock:(whispering back) Yep Misty: Is that all you you think of me? That I'm constantly got my period! You jerks! And what is this thing about Ash being taller than me? Who cares? He's grown and I haven't!!! BIG DEAL! Brock: Chill out Misty! Misty: CHILL OUT! All you guys do is pick on me! Ash: (voice sqeaks its braking) Misty, no we...(clearing voice) we don't!! We say your PMSing it because you are!! Always shouting and getting irashional Misty: See you doing it again! Why are you obseesed with periods? It certainly isn't easy (coming close to tears) to have your peirod for 5 days every month, for 40 years of your life! Ash: Well sorry - Misty: SORRY! All you ever do is say sorry, than you do it all over again! (eyes are getting watery) Its not fair! Why (a tear falls) can't you just leave me alone (she covers her face and crys softly) Ash: (puts his hand on her shoulder) sorry misty Misty: Leave me alone (backs away) Brock: Misty, look (decides to leave her alone) Lets set up camp, its getting dark. Turns out Misty wasn't PMSing it, I checked in her backpack. I know but I had to check if she wanted my hotwater bottle. I know I stirred it up a bit. Misty was really upset, I didn't know she felt that way. I mean it must be difficult to be the only girl. I think she starts at the end to the start of the month. Brock: I'm going to sleep you guys Ash: Goodnight Brock Brock walks over to Misty's sleeping bag. Brock: You okay? Misty: I'm fine, goodnight Brock: Sure? Don't worry, we don't mean the things we say Misty: I know, night Brock: (rubs her shoulder) goodnight NEXT MORNING Its morning and Ash is sitting up playing with his pokedex Misty: (just waking up) Ash? Ash: Yeah Misty: Whats that noise? Ash: Just Dexter Misty: Oh.....listen Ash I'm sorry Ash: For what? I'm sorry Misty: For complaining Ash: No Misty, you had every right to, all I do is tease you (looks down) You don't deserve it. Misty: Yes I do, I never believe in you. You are a great trainer Ash: No I'm not Misty: Yes you are! Look at all you've acomplished! Ash: Yeah- Misty, do you like me Misty:*blushing* Of course I do! Why? Ash: Well when I first met you I got the impression you didn't like me. You only wanted your bike Misty: Well there was that, but I wouldn't of kept following you if I didn't like you Ash: *blushing* I'm glad you follow me your one of my closest friends, I don't know what I'd do without you *he puts his arm around her* Misty: *looking up* You mean it? Ash: Misty, I don't know how to tell you this but you Misty: *looking shocked* Ash: *looks hurt and takes his arm away* Misty: Ash? Ash: *looks back* Yeah? Misty holds his face and kisses him, Ash eyes still open, then puts his hand on her soft red hair and kisses her back and holds her. Misty then brakes away- Ash kisses her softly on her lips. Misty smiles Misty: (whispering) I love you too They continue to kiss and stop when a flash of light interrups Ash: Huh? Brock is holding a camera Brock: That one is for the album Misty and Ash both blush. Ash and Misty now act like their married. Feeding, nursing etc Tolgepi togther and having fights. My relasionship with them hasn't changed, maybe more mature. Like Ash consulting me when he fights with Misty etc.. Misty has become more like a little sister to me, hugging me. Scrictly plantonic, which is great I can't ask for a better team, friends and were kinda like a family. I love it.