The boy peeked from the comfort of his bed and looked out the window. The sunlight gleamed through as he watched a Rattata scurry through the field. Suddenly, his mother walked up the stairs. "Red, I think its time you woke up. Professor Oak called earlier to tell you that he has a gift for you." Red's mother went back down the stairs. Red got up, put on his shirt, and left the house. "Oh, Red! You forgot this!" Red turned around and saw his mother hand him his backpack. Red turned back and walked into Pallet Town. A boy on his bicycle rode by, sending mud onto Red's clothes. "What was that for?" Red screamed at the boy. The boy got off the bike. "My name's Blue. I think you'd better shut up before I make you shut up." Blue turned back and walked into Professor Oak's laboratory. Red saw the sign and ran in. Blue turned around and saw Red at the door. "What're you doing here? A tall figure walked behind Blue. It was Professor Oak. "Ah, Red! I see you've met my nephew Blue!" Blue stuck out his tongue at Red. Suddenly, a girl bursted through the door. "I'm so sorry I'm late, everyone! My mom was bugging me out. She was all 'Professor Oak called, you know the old one?' and I was like 'Really? What did he say' and then my mom was like-" "Good, now we can get started." Professor Oak walked to a table with three Pokeballs on it. The kids followed him. "You're all here because I watched you grow up. You're like family." Oak walked to the group. First, he put his hand on Blue. "Blue, you're my brother's son. Ever since he left, I've raised you like a son." Oak walked to Red. "Red, you're father worked with me, and he always brought you here. I remember you having so much fun here." Red nodded. Oak looked at the girl. "Leaf, your mother constantly donates Pokeballs to us. I thank her for that by bringing you here." She smiled. Leaf then opened her mouth, but then Blue turned around and said "Shut up." Professor Oak walked back to the table. "These three Pokeballs contain three different domestic Pokemon. This first one contains Charmander, the lizard Pokemon. The second has Bulbasaur, the seed Pokemon. This last one has Squirtle, the tiny turtle Pokemon." Oak then smiled. "Choose one, each of you. Remember that Pokemon aren't pets, but friends, allies, and-" "Me first!" Blue yelled. He ran and grabbed Squirtle's Pokeball. "My first Pokemon!" Leaf ran past Red and grabbed Bulbasaur. Leaf then jetted past Red and out the door. Red walked over and grabbed the last remaining Pokemon, Charmander. Red walked towards the door when Blue approached him. "Hey! Let's test out our Pokemon!" Blue walked in front of Red. "Squirtle, I choose you!" Blue threw the Pokeball, then a beam of light appeared, revealing Squirtle. "Charmander, I choose you!" Red threw the Pokeball and Charmander came out. Blue smiled. "Water beats fire, stupid! Squirtle, quick attack!" Squirtle charged at Charmander so fast that he appeared to teleport. "Charmander, use tackle!" Squirtle leaped up to finish the quick attack, but Charmander tackled him into the floor. "Squirtle, use bubble!" Squirtle sprayed water into Charmander's face, knocking him out!"Looks like the better trainer won," Blue said. Professor Oak walked up to them. "I almost forgot, the PokeDex!" Oak handed a PokeDex to both of them. "You boys must travel through Kanto, and catch every single Pokemon for research! Who knows, maybe an adventure lies in that path!" Blue nodded and walked out the door with his PokeDex. Oak handed another PokeDex to Red. "Leaf stormed out without getting one! Give this to her." Red smiled and looked back at the door. Red called Charmander into the Pokeball. "How do I get my Charmander healthy again?" Oak smiled. "Don't fret, the nearest Pokemon Center is in Viridian, just up north! Bring it there and they'll heal your Charmander in no time." Red looked up and smiled. He turned and walked towards the door. Red's Pokemon journey has now begun!