Disclaimer: Sadly nothing has changed. I do not own any of the characters or the Poke'mon. Giovanni: You'll see things my way someday. Ash: Yeah, whatever. Giovanni: Why are you so down son, you're part of the elite Team Rocket. Ash: I just don't know if I'm ready. Giovanni: So you're willing to go back to those ungreatful ingreats you call friends. Ash: But I kno...... Giovanni (Interrupting Ash): They stabbed you in the back, espicially that girl Misty. Tears began to fall down Ash's eyes. Giovanni: But don't you worry son, your back with your Father and I'll always be there for you. Ash wipes the tears out of his eyes and Looks up at Giovanni. Ash: Thank you dad. Ash embraces Giovanni who suprisingly enough hugs him back. Giovanni: Everything will be better now son. Narrator (Ash): You're all probably wondering what I'm doing with Team Rocket. Well a lot has happened in the past five years. Relationships and friendships were destroyed. You're confused aren't you. Well just listen to my story..... I know it's short, but it's the prolouge. Stay stuned for Chapter 1.