Pokemon of the Carribean Disclaimer~I don't own the pokes or the PotC movie (Pirates of the Carribean for those of you abbreviatedly challenged). Part three is here, and I would like for you to Arr and Arr (get it? Arr is what pirates say, and R and R means read and review, and... oh, never mind) This fic was editted by Lonepichu on May 26th, 2006 ooo Jack Swellow sat on a bed, holding his head in his hands, in the Queen Misteria. He had been thinking ever since he and Misty had set sail from Cerulean Island. She had said something that seemed to stick in his mind. ooo Flash Back ooo "Now hurry and get us outta here." Misty shouted at Jack Swellow. "It seems I can't at the moment," Jack Swellow shouted as he held up his handcuffed-hands. "I will, then." Misty released the sails and ran to the steering wheel. "You, but-" Jack Swellow turned and saw the Salamance approaching fast, "alright." he sighed in defeat. "Don't worry, I used to steer a ship all the time back when Ash and I traveled through the Orange Islands." She said confidently as she turned the wheel and the Queen Misteria pulled out of the dock. "Ash," Jack Swellow paused, "I know that name." ooo End Flash Back ooo "Ash, I haven't heard that name in such a long time," he thought aloud as he got up and began to pace the room. "I wonder..." Just then, Misty called out to him from the ship's deck. "Jack Swellow, come here, I think I've spotted land." Jack Swellow hurried to the deck of the Queen Misteria. Misty was standing with her right eye looking through a telescope. Her long red hair was blowing in the night's sea breeze. The full moon above them shone dimly, as it was mostly covered by clouds. "Here, look to the east." Misty passed Jack Swellow the telescope. He pointed it to the east and saw a small island that was brightly lit. He could also see several tattered sails. "Ahh, that would be Celadon Island. The nicest place in the world; for pirates that is," Jack Swellow told her as he gave the telescope back to her. "We should be there in four hours." "Four hours!? Why so long?" she shouted surprisedly. "The wind is not blowing in our direction, and because of this it will take us longer." Jack Swellow turned the sail so that it faced in their favoured direction. "Oh well, maybe we can get some sleep." Misty said as she headed down below deck. "We won't get there 'til morning anyway, as it is late at night," Jack Swellow replied as he followed Misty. He was wanting to talk to her anyway about her pokemon journey, and about Ash. He knew an Ash, but it had been a long time since he had 'visited' him. In fact he hadn't 'visited' Ash since his father's death. Maybe Misty could also help him discover the identity of the red-headed girl that kept flashing through his memory. Since there were six beds in one room, Misty and Jack Swellow were to sleep in the same room. Misty took a bed, and Jack Swellow took the one that was across the room from hers. He turned to her and said, "So tell me more about this Ash." "What do you mean?" she asked in a startled tone. "Well, what was he like and things like that." Jack Swellow sat up on the bed and took his hat off. He examined the hat in his hands, then put it back on his head. "Ash, he was very stubborn, and he was always chasing after some pokemon or another. He was also caring, he would risk his life for those close to him. He also despised pirates. This one band of pirates kept following us and trying to steal our pokemon (Team Rocket), but they never managed to do it. Ash was my best human friend ever." she sighed, failing to say that she had loved him as well. "Sounds like a good guy, I used to know someone like him before I was a pirate, but I can hardly remember anything from back then." Jack Swellow strained himself to remember what he could. The image of red-headed girl with blue eyes flashed through his mind again. "You mean there was a time when you weren't a pirate? I had always thought that pirates were born pirates," Misty said surprised. "Not at all. Pirates become the way they are because of various reasons. My father had been a pirate since I was very young. He left me and my mother when he couldn't become a pokemon master. In a way, I followed in his footsteps." Jack Swellow laid back against the pillow and kicked off his boots. "Ash didn't become a pokemon master either from what I've heard. So you went on a pokemon journey?" "Yes, but even though that was not to long ago, I can't seem to remember anything from back then. Except this girl that keeps flashing through my mind." "What kind of girl?" Misty asked, halfway interested. "I don't even remember, but a red-headed girl with eyes the color of the sea keeps flashing through my mind." Jack Swellow closed his eyes and pulled the blanket over him. "I can only hope that one day I will find the meaning of what I remember." "I'm sure you will Jack Swellow." Misty also laid back and closed her eyes. Jack Swellow looked over at her from where she was laying. She had never called him by his name before, she had always called him 'Pirate.' He could already hear the rhythmic breathing of sleep coming from her bed. He closed his eyes once again. Soon sleep visited him and carried him off into slumberland. ooo "I think I see a new species of pokemon over there," came a determined voice from a young teen with black hair and brown eyes. He ran over to the bushes of a lush island forest. "Where? I want to see," said a red head girl running over to the boy. "Misty, look! It's a Swellow. I've never seen one of them before. I like it." The boy turned to Misty and grinned. "You have to weaken it if you want to catch it Ash, don't forget." Misty told Ash as the Swellow flew in front of them. "I know, I know." he whined, then he called, "Pikachu, I choose you." "Pika." A small yellow mouse pokemon with red cheeks and two brown stripes on it's back jumped off his shoulder to face the Swellow. "Swellow!" Swellow faced Pikachu, and the two pokemon sized each other up. "Pikachu, thunder bolt!" Ash yelled. Pikachu obeyed, and Swellow was singed. Swellow then recovered and flew at Pikachu. Pikachu jumped out of the way and hit Swellow with another thunder bolt. Pikachu scored a direct hit, and soon Swellow hit the ground in a faint. "Alright! Pokeball, go!" Ash shouted as he threw a pokeball. The ball hit Swellow and Swellow was sucked inside. The ball wiggled a few times, then was still. Ash picked up the ball and jumped into the air. "Yes! I caught a Swellow!" he shouted victoriously as Pikachu held up a peace sign with it's fingers. "Alright Ash. We should head to the pokemon center to heal that new Swellow of yours," Misty suggested and Ash shook his head in agreement. The two walked along in silence untill they reached a small island village. The village was small, but luckily it had a pokemon center. Ash and Misty walked inside and headed to the counter. "Can I help you?" Nurse Joy asked the two as they reached the counter. "Yes, I just recently caught a Swellow and I want to make sure that it's okay," Ash told her as he handed her Swellow's pokeball. "I'll check it, and it shouldn't take long." Nurse Joy said as she took his pokeball to the back. Ash and Misty sat down on a bench. "Hey Ash," Misty called, getting his attention. "Yeah?" Ash inquired as he turned to face Misty. "Do you believe in pirates?" she asked him. "They used to sail the seas, but they aren't around anymore, so not really," he answered as best he could. "Good because I had a really strange dream last night." Misty said as she yawned. "Me too, but mine was about a mind-reading hamburger. What was yours about?" Ash asked. 'Typical, he dreams of food' Misty thought to herself, then said to him. "I had a dream that there was a pirate that stole my Togetic, and then I enlisted the help of a pirate named Jack Swellow. We sailed off to find a ship called the Black Clamperl so I could get my Togetic back. Crazy, huh?" she giggled. "Did you ever return the last golden rose to them?" Ash asked, his voice got oddly deeper as he spoke. "No, I... how did you know about that?" Misty asked Ash, but instead of the Ash she knew, she saw him grow before her eyes. "What's going on here?" she shouted. "Maybe the better question would be, do you believe in pirates." Ash said as his features became hard, and bags formed under his eyes. He then began to sprout the clothing of a pirate. "You're not Ash!" Misty shrieked, then she gasped as he turned to face her and she saw a familiar grin. "You're that pirate, Jack Swellow." "I will ask you again, do you believe in pirates," he questioned harshly. Outside, the sky became dark and moonlight lit the room. Jack Swellow stepped back into the moonlight to reveal, not flesh, but bones. He grabbed a cup of wine from a table and began to drink, however the wine flowed out his ribcage and stained his ribs purple (the color of the wine). Misty shook her head yes in response to Jack Swellow's question; she was too frightened to say anything. "I will ask you one more thing, do you believe in ghost stories?" Jack Swellow asked harshly, still no flesh upon him. As he spoke his bones rattled and lightning flashed outside the window. Misty did a little nod as she stepped back as far as she could from the bones. Jack Swellow swiveled his skull to look at her. She gasped in fright to see that one eye was still in the socket, and it was staring at her. The other was hanging out, however it was still connected by muscle, so it was dangling out of the socket. "Your choice to believe is wise. I say this to you because," at this moment, Pikachu jumped on his boney shoulder. Pikachu was exposed to the moonlight, and Pikachu was also no longer flesh, but bone. Pikachu had both it's eyes and stared at Misty as well. "You're in one." Ash finished. Misty backed up more, and she bumped into something. She turned to see a mirror, but the reflection she saw was of a skeleton with blue eyes staring back at her. She screamed and the reflection screamed as well. She cried and the reflection did the same. ooo "Why are you crying Misty?" a voice asked from beside her. She looked up to see the face of a fleshed Jack Swellow looking concerned above her. "Oh, I had a horrible dream," she sobbed as the images from her dream flashed through her mind. "Don't worry, it was only a dream," Jack Swellow said, trying to comfort her. However at that moment the ship jerked violently. Jack Swellow fell from where he was standing, and landed on the floor. "What in the world?" Jack Swellow ran above deck as Misty followed. Jack looked arouned, when another violent jerk shook the ship. Jack Swellow managed to keep his footing and as soon as the ship steadied itself, he moved to look over the stern. "Sharpedo," he scowled. A sharpedo was attacking the ship. He took a pokeball from his belt and threw it into the air. "Pikachu, come out." The pokemon appeared beside him. This pokemon looked a little worse for the wear. One of it's ears had nicks in it, it had a scar down it's back, and it appeared as if something had tried to bite it's tail, as the tip was missing. "Stop the sharpedo," Jack Swellow yelled to the Pikachu. Pikachu jumped up on the stern and stared at the sharpedo. The wind blew in his face, and he had to squint to see. Pikachu spotted the sharpedo, and managed to dodge a close hydro pump. "Thunder!" Jack Swellow yelled. Pikachu obeyed, and with just one thunder, the sharpedo fainted. Jack Swellow threw a pokeball at the sharpedo. "Now I can be sure that this sharpedo won't attack the ship again," Jack Swellow said as the pokeball floated along the surface of the waves. "Swellow, bring me that pokeball," he called as he threw the pokeball that contained his Swellow. Swellow obeyed and dropped the pokeball into Jack Swellow's outstretched hand. Jack Swellow grined as the Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. "Sharpedo, you picked the wrong pirate to mess with." The wind blew Jack Swellow's hair and a grin stretched across his face as he held out the pokeball. Misty looked at Jack Swellow with the Pikachu on his shoulder, and gasped. Could it be? Jack Swellow looked at Misty, and the image of the red-head flashed through his mind. However, now the face had a body, and the resemblance was uncanny. Jack Swellow began to get more flashes of things he thought he had forgotten. He now knew who the girl was. "Misty, it's you." Jack Swellow said quietly to himself. "You're the girl in my memory, but how?" Misty looked at Jack Swellow and asked quietly "Ash, is that you?" "Ash," Jack Swellow paused, finally remembering, "I haven't had anyone call me that in a long time." ooo Lot of plot twists and turns in this part. Review and let me know what you think. 'Till next time, this is the Lonepichu signing off