Latias's Love Disclaimer~I don't own Pokemon, Sprite, or any of the author's names that show up as the title of food dishes (you'll see), but I do own loveable myself. Thanks for the review I got from Misty101803, and the anoynomus person, they mean a lot. Now on to the fic. ```````````````````````````````` Latias, Ross, Ash, and Misty had arrived in front of a nice looking resturant which was called Lonepichu's Italian Cuisine. A pichu holding a pen was painted on the door. Outside the resturant were some tables and chairs where people could eat outside if they desired. The aroma coming from the resturant was so mouthwatering, that the four decided that this was the place to eat. A waiter came up to them, led them to their seats, and handed each of them a menu. The waiter left as each of them settled into their seats and got out a menu. The menus covered thier faces, so no one saw Latias look over her menu in disqust at the seating arrangement. Latias sat across from Ross and next to Misty. Misty sat across from Ash, and Latias was not pleased with that. She put her menu back up to cover her face just as Misty lowered hers. Misty glanced at Ash and Ross, then put her menu back up. Ash dropped his menu as he stretched his arms out to the side and yawned. When he did this, both Latias and Misty lowered their menus. "So, Ash, what are you ordering?" Misty asked sweetly, earning a dirty look from Latias. Although Latias wasn't for sure, she had a feeling that this human, Misty, might have an attraction for Ash, as Latias did. Latias made a mental note to keep her eyes out for Misty. "I think I'll have soccerpixie stew. How about you?" Ash asked as he returned his arms back to his sides and picked his menu back up. Latias glanced over at Ross, who was intently studying the appetizer list. "I'm having Misty101803's seafood platter." Misty said as she laid her manu beside of her. "What's for appetizer?" Ross looked up at Misty and blushed as he laid his menu in front of everyone. He pointed to one of the choices that he had been looking at. "How about Lonepichu's mega sampler? That way we get some of everything, in case one of us doesn't like one of the appetizer choices, we have another to pick." Ross said. "Good idea Ross." Misty told him as he set his menu aside. Ross blushed and put a hand behind his head. Ash's face held a look of dislike, which contrasted with Latias's look of delight at Misty's comment toward Ross. The waiter soon arrived and took their menus, then wrote down wkat was ordered. "Let's see: soccerpixie stew for Ash, Misty101803 seafood platter for Misty, Itzu chicken strips for Ross, and Poke'food delight for Lairus, with Lonepichu's mega sampler as the appetizer." the waiter finished writting everything down, then tore off a copy of what was written, which included the price, on their table as he walked to the kitchen to make their orders. Without menus to hide their faces, Ross, Misty, Latias, and Ash were left to stare at eachother. Ash stared at his placement and glanced up at Misty and Latias every few seconds. Latias was, of course, staring at Ash, Ross was staring at Misty, and Misty was either looking at Ash, Ross, or out the window that they were sitting beside. After several agonizing minutes of stareing, the waiter, whom was named Leo, came with their appetizer. "One Lonepichu's Mega Sampler." he said as he set the platter down before them. Once he had placed the platter, he walked over to a young couple who had just walked in and helped them to their seats. Ash stared at the tray in front of him and drooled all over the table and his lap. The tray was piled with layers of all sorts of food. Ash had never seen anything quite like it, and it was at this time that Ash was sure he knew of true love. "Snap out of it!" Misty yelled as she hit him on the head, bringing him back to his senses. Latias giggled slightly at Ash's dazed look. Ash, having been awakened from his food-related day dream, realized that he was covered in his drool. Ash used a napkin to try and wipe up the drool, but there was way to much. Misty then used her napkin to help, at which Ash blushed. Latias had enough of that, and she stood up from her chair. "Allow me." she said as her eyes glowed and Ash became dry. Misty looked over at Latias, who grinned at her from the side of her mouth, the kind of grin that makes you want to smack the person who is smileing. Misty narrowed her eyes as Latias flicked her hair with the back of her hand. Misty wasn't sure why Latias was acting this way towards her, but it couldn't be anything good. Ash, having become dry, began to gorge himself. "Slow down Ash, this is just the appetizer, you don't want to fill up before the main course." Ross told him as he slapped Ash on the back to dislodge a grape that Ash had been choking on. Ash looked at Ross and nodded his head as mouth could not form words for all the food he had just stuffed in it. Misty smiled at the two boys as Ross turned his attention from Ash to Misty. "So, Misty, what have you been doing since we last met five years ago?" Ross asked, earning a death glare from Ash. "Well, Misty's been traveling with me, so she has been doing the same as what I've done." Ash said angerly as he stuffed more food in his face. Misty looked at the two boys and sighed. "Then tell us what you've been up to, Ash. I'd love to hear your travels." Latias said as she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. Misty glanced at her, then at Ross, and last to Ash. "Nohgg muog." Ash said through a mouthfull of food. Misty raised an eyebrow to his eating habits. She had only a few bites from the appetizer, since she was afraid fingers would be mistaken for food around Ash. "Huh?" Latias asked, not quite able to understand Ash through his mouthfull of food. Ash swallowed and then said "I said 'Nothing much.'" Ash then reached for a breadstick and dipped it in pizza sauce. He then procedded to stuff the entire breadstick in his mouth. Soon the plate was clean and Leo came to take it away. The plate was clean and not even a speck of food could be found upon it. "When's our main course coming, because I'm starving." Ash asked Leo. Everyone stared at him in disbelief as he had already eaten the entire appetizer mostly by himself. "It shouldn't be to much longer." Leo said as he walked back to the kitchen. Ash sighed in content to know that the main course would arrive soon. Ash looked over at Misty, who was looking at Latias, and smiled to himself. He, in the depths of his heart, knew that Misty had had a crush on him since, at least, the Orange Islands. He wasn't sure when it happened, but he soon devolped a similar crush on Misty. Ash was only to shy to admit it, after all if he had admitted it their friendship would never be the same. Ash had brought Misty back to Altomare for two reasons: one, to compete in the Tour de Altomare and two, to confess his feelings for her. Only one problem and that was Ross. Misty noticed that Ash was looking at her, and she blushed. Ash started to say something, untill Latias interrupted him. "Do you remember when we first met, Ash?" she asked, leaning over Misty to get closer to Ash. "Sure, it was during the Tour de Altomare. You were invisible and you pulled Totodile around. Then I saved you from those two jewl theives and followed you to the secret garden." Ash replied. Latias grinned at him, and he grinned back. Misty looked up at Latias and made a noise in the back of her throat that sounded like a snarl. Latias heard Misty and then asked Ash "Do you remember the two things I gave you when you left?" "I know one was a drawing." Ash scratched the back of his head. "I don't think you gave me anything else." Latias looked at Ash in disbelief, then re-worded her statement "What did I do right before you left?" A little light bulb went off in Ash's head "You kissed me!" he said trumphantly because he had remembered. He saw Misty's death glare and he shrunk back into his seat. Latias smiled for she was glad Ash remembered the kiss she had given him. Latias then asked Ash a more serious question, "When I kissed you, did you feel anything?" at this questioned, Misty began to choke on the Sprite that she had been drinking. She recovered from her choking fit and looked over at Latias in disbelief at what she had just asked Ash. Ash was a little confused at what Latias had just asked. He tried his best to answer her "I felt your lips on my check, and it was a little wet. Is that what you ment?" Everyone sitting at the table facefaulted. Latias, once again, reworded her statement "What did you feel emotionally?" Misty's head jerked up, as she was curious to how Ash would answer. "Well, umm..." Ash looked at the two girls as he stuttered. He had never been in this situation before. He took a deep breath before saying "It was a kiss, how was it supposed to feel?" Misty looked over at Ash, decideing to take him on a little stroll down memory lane. "Ash, do you remember when we traveled around the Orange Islands and we came to an island where we found two Nidoran in love?" "Yes, so?" Ash was confused as to why she was asking him this now. "Do you remember when they kissed, both of the Nidoran evolved? The kiss changed both of them. Did the kiss Latias give you, in anyway, change you?" The light bulb in Ash's head went off again. "Well, it kinda helped me to hold onto the memories I had of this place, and of the bond that I shared with Latios and Latias." Ash said, feeling his answer was sufficent. Latias was touched by his answer, and her eyes shone and no, this wasn't sight share, this was pure joy. Misty was a little disappointed with Ash's answer since to her it answered nothing. Leo came over to them with four plates of food. He dispersed the food amongest them and left to get a pitcher to refill their drinks with. The four then comenced to eating their meals with little conversation, perhaps for the better. Once they were finished, Misty and Ross split the bill and Ash left the tip for Leo. The four then exited the resturant and began to stroll along the sidewalk. The sun was starting to set, painting the skies a deep shade of orange and red. Misty sighed as the four came to the peer. They sat down on a nearby bench to watch the sunset. This was the kind of sunset poems were written about and songs were sung for. Misty was happy that they were watching it set over the ocean, for the ocean was among the things she loved most. The shades of red and orange were deepening as the sun was lowering it's self into the waves. The waves reflected the colors of the sunset, then distorted them as they rippled along the ocean. Ash was in utter ecstasy sitting beside Misty with the view laid out before him. He was just about to tell Misty exactly how he felt, when he felt something on his other side. Latias had fallen asleep and was using Ash's shoulder as a pillow. Ash held off saying it because of the sleeping Latias by his side. Ash looked over at Latias, and his nose touched her hair. He breathed in a scent of strawberries and sighed. He liked that smell and Latias looked so peacefull as she slept. Ash felt a blush creep onto his checks as he looked at the sleeping Latias. As the sun's show was ending, Ash found himself thinking "Sleep tight Latias, may your dreams be filled with that which makes you happy. `````````````````````````````` End Part Two `````````````````````````````` So what'd you think of part two? Reviews anyone?