Latias's Love Disclaimer~I don't own the pokes, or pretty much anything else for that manner. Anyway, here's part 4 of Latias's Love. I hope everyone enjoys it, and now, on with da fic. ````````````````````````````````````````````` A light brown haired man wearing a blue and purple coat stared out, with his light blue eyes, across Altomare from where he was standing atop the Altomare museum. He held a book in his hand that had been stolen from the library a long time ago. "So, this is the town where the soul dew resides," he thought aloud, "the soul dew would make a fine addition to my collection, but I am not here for that." he opened the book to a page that depicted a Latias and a Latios giving the soul dew to an elderly couple. "No, not the soul dew," he ted to the two dragon pokemon on the page, "but the protectors of the soul dew. And if what Annie and Oakly told me is true, then Latios is dead. However, I know a way to bring him back. With these two pokemon in my collection, I'll be the collector to be feared, the collector that shall then take revenge on what I couldn't obtain last time." He peered at the local pokemon center, "If he is indeed the chosen one, then he must be the one who shall be the most problem to me, again." he said in a cool tone of voice. "Hah, but with all the training he's doing for the Tour de Altomare, he won't be prepaired for this at all." The man laughter cackled through the night air, scarring several of the roosting Pidgey. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" ```````````````````````````````````````````` Ash woke the next morning to see that the bed across from him was empty, and that there was no trace that anyone had ever inhabited this room, besdies himself. Ash groaned as he got out of bed and began to head towards the bathroom. There he found that Misty had not taken everything with her when she left. On the sink was one of Misty's scrunchies that she used to put her hair back with. Ash picked it up and found himself overcome with a combination of great anger and deep sorrow. He wanted to throw the hair tie into the trashcan, but something made him keep it and put it into his pocket. Ash finished getting ready for the day and headed downstairs. He decided to skip breakfast since he didn't feel hungry, which was very unusual for him. He walked outside and squinted his eyes against the bright sun. He felt lost, not because he didn't know where he was going, but because he didnt have any friends to go with. However, his little yellow mouse pokemon came running up to him, greatly startling Ash. "Where have you been, Pikachu?" Ash asked. "Pikapi, Pikachupi, pika pipi pipichu pika, Pikachuchu." Pikachu said. All Ash understood was his name and Misty's name. Then he saw a girl Pikachu run up beside of his, and Ash got what he was trying to say. "So you were looking for Misty when you found this girl Pikachu?" Ash asked. "Pikachuchu." Pikachu corrected. "Okay, her name is Pikachuchu." he saw Pikachu pointing to the left, towards the park. "Alright, Pikachu, you can play with your new friend, just be back by 6:00 PM."Pikachu jumped in the air in happiness, and he and his new friend ran off. Ash looked on with a small smile, but soon the smile turned into a frown as Ash remembered that he didn't have a friend, who is a girl, to be with like Pikachu did, all because he had only thought of himself. Oh well, Ash sighed as he continued on. He hadn't realised that he had been out so late with Latias, but something had just...felt right. He wasn't sure what it was, but he had been reluctant to leave last night. He shook his head, and decided to find Misty, since the other thought was confusing, he set it aside for the moment. `````````````````````````````````````````````` Latias awoke and stretched her arms. She saw a note attached to the bottom of the tree, and she picked it up and read: "Dear Latias, I came in this morning, and you were still asleep, so I left this note. I would advise that you don't leave the secret garden today, since it has been reported that a mysterious figure has been sighted in town. He may be after the soul dew, and we dont want him to take it. I will be back around eight thirty, so you can go out then, sorry for the inconveniance. With Love, Bianca" Latias took the night and couldn't believe what it said, not leave? But how could she see Ash if she didn't leave? She felt tears fall from her eyes as she floated over to the fountain where her brother's soul resided. "Brother, Bianca has forbidden me to go out today, what should I do?" Latias rubbed her eyes with her dragon claws. Then, the soul dew began to glow, and Latias's eyes began to glow as well. It was sight share, and Latias was transported to the place where her brother now resided. "Huh?" she replied as she looked around. "Latias, my younger sister, I know that I have called out to you earlier then expected, but you are so sad and you can't leave today, so I decided to vist early." Latios, or the glow that was now Latios, said. "I cant see why I cant leave, that shadow figure may not even be real." Latias said softly, wiping a tear from her eye. "It is our duty to protect this city, and the soul dew, first. It comes before love, which I know is hard for you." "You don't know anything, do you know how hard it is, not having a human form of my own? I'm a pokemon, therefore our love is impossible." Latias shouted. "I thought it was a one sided love." Latios thought, before saying, "Okay, I can grant you one wish today. I can give you a human form of your own if you want. Mind you, you will still be a pokemon, but you wil have a human form of your own." Latios watched as his sister looked up at him with happiness in her eyes. "Could you do that? I want a human form of my own, then Ash could truley love me." Latias trilled. "*sigh* I am not so sure about that, but if that is what will make my sister happy, then I will grant you that wish." Latios looked at Latias, who nodded. Latios sighed as his glow turned bright red, it covered Latias, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was back in front of the fountain, and the soul dew's glow had faded. She flew over to the tree swing in the garden, and fixed her mind on transforming into a human. She felt her body tingle, and she felt a familiar mild sensation of heat as she finished her transformation. Latias looked down in the pond in front of her to see her reflection, and she surprised herself. She had shoulder legnth, flowing red hair, that shined in the late morning sun that filtered in through the trees. She had peach colored skin, just like Bianca, and her eyes were a golden brown color. She smiled down at her eflection, glad to not look like Bianca for once. And in Latias's opinion, she looked much better then Bianca. "I may not be able to go outside, but what does that matter? It will give me time to get used to my new form, hehe, from now on, I can actually be Lairus." Latias giggled, as she sat on the tree swing and began to swing back and forth, laughing as she did. `````````````````````````````````````````````````` Misty approached the peer that was near the entrance to Altomare. There, many people were prepairing to set off on thier ganodlas. Misty looked around for where Ross could be, turning her head. Soon, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "Hey Misty!" Ross exclaimed as he ran up to her. He stopped in front of her, a smile spread across his face. "What brings you here?" "It was horrible," Misty's voice was quiet as she looked into Ross's eyes. "Ash and I had a humongus fight. He couldn't see that he had done anything wrong, making me and Pikachu worry to death about him. So, I transfered to a differant hotel, I just couldn't take it anymore. I lo-" Misty stopped, because to continue meant that she would probably end up crying. "It's okay," Ross allowed her to hug him, and let her tears out upon his jacket. He rubbed her back and they stood in silence, except for the sound of Misty's sniffling. "It's okay." Ross said. "Would you like to go to Staryubucks for a Mocha Java and talk about things?" Ross asked. "Yeah, that would help." Misty raised her head and smiled up at Ross, then the two began walking towards Main Water Street to find the Staryubucks. ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Ash was now walking through Altomare's square. He stopped at one of the benchs and sat down. It was now early in the afternoon, and Ash had yet to spot Misty. He looked up at the clouds, and saw one that was shaped like a heart. He smiled untill a pidgeotto flew through it and made the heart split in two. Ash got up and continued on along Main Water Street, the main water way of Altomare. He walked down and spotted Misty and Ross inside of Staryubucks, and he kneeled under the window of which Misty and Ross were conversing. Although he knew it was wrong to listen in, he just couldn't help himself. ~~ "Ross, I don't know what to do anymore, I just got so mad. Maybe I should apoligize to Ash." Misty sighed as she took a sip from her Mocha Java. Ross looked at her pain filled eyes, and felt a lump in his throat. He loved her so much that it hurt him, and he could see that Misty shared similar feelings for Ash. He sighed as he set his Hazelnut Cream upon the table and took her hand in his. "Look Misty, I want you to be happy no matter what, even if..." Ross took a deep breath, "even if it's not with me. I love you, but I can see you love Ash, and I want you to be happy no matter what, that's how much I love you." Misty looked up at him and sighed, she had been flattered with him when they had first met all them years ago, but she had loved Ash back then, as she still did today. When Latias had kissed Ash all those years ago, she felt the pain in her heart of what it was like to lose someone. Maybe that's why she snapped at him last night when he had come in late from playing with Latias. "Ross, thank you, you helped me realize that I need to apoligize to Ash." she told him as she removed her hand from his. "Misty, I wish you luck, and I'll be there for you, no matter what." Ross sighed deeply as Misty got up to leave, finishing off the rest of her Mocha Java. She set the cup and 2.45 for the drink, upon the table. She got up and thanked Ross again, waving at him as she left. And just as she walked outside, she saw Ash kneeling under the window where she had just been sitting. "ASH KETCHUM!" she yelled. Ash jumped at the sound of her voice and turned to see her with a sickening feeling in his stomach. He had been caught. "WHAT IN THE BLAZIKENS ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE?!?!?" she roared, not believing what she was seeing. "I, um...I saw a penny and I bent down to pick it up." Ash replied as he stood up to face her. Ross looked outside at the shouts he had heard and began to head towards the door. He also put the 2.45 for his drink upon the table as he walked out. "So tell me, Ash, where's the penny?" Misty glared at him. She could see Ash had been caught off guard by her question as he dug through his pockets. Ross came outside, seeing the angry Misty and startled Ash. Ash pulled a nickel from his pocket, "Darn," he thought. He hadn't a penny in his pocket. "Did I say penny? I...I meant nickel, yeah, that's what I meant." Ash stuttered, putting a small grin on his face as he held up the nickel in his thumb and fore finger. "Ash, I was about to forgive you, as I'm sure you heard, and you stand there and lie to me. If you had told me the truth, I wouldn't be so mad." Misty was so angry she felt angry-tears fall from her eyes. "Well, guess what? You can forget about me forgiving you, I can't believe you would stoop so low as to spy on me." "But Misty..." Ash replied in a soft and sad tone, dropping the nickel upon the ground as he walked over to Misty. "Get away from me." Misty said in a dangerous tone of voice "Well, Ash, you can forget about us being friends, because after today, I don't think we can be friends anymore." Misty's angry tears had began to turn into real tears as she looked up at Ash. "Good bye Ash Ketchum." and with that, she began to run down Main Water Street, Ross following her as she ran crying from the scene. Ash couldn't believe what had just happened as he looked to where Misty had just been. The nickel upon the ground glinted in the sunlight. Ash stood dumb struck before he realized what had just happen. He felt tears come to his own eyes as he sat in one of the chairs that was at the outdoor tables. He placed his hand in his hands and began to cry. He had just lost the one whom he had just began to realize he loved, possibly forever. ````````````````````````````````````````````````` That night, Ash returned around 10:00 PM, after crying at the front of Staryubucks all day. He rubbed his red eyes as he sniffled. He pulled off his shoes and socks and snuggled into his bed, hoping he'd wake up in the morning to find out that all of this had been a nightmare. Ash was so engroused in his thoughts of Misty and how today had gone wrong, that he didn't even realize that Pikachu had yet to come back from the park and the play-date with the female Pikachu, despite it being past when Ash told Pikachu to return. In fact, Pikachu didn't return at all that night, as Ash was to discover when he awoke the next morning. ```````````````````````````````````````````````` end part 4 ``````````````````````````````````````````````` A/N~WOW, from what I had intended to be a one shot fic, has grown to something much bigger. Well, I hope everyone enjoys part 4. Oh, and about the begining, remember in the ending credits of movie 5, how Annie and Oakly were looking through a book at a certain past movie star ^-^. Oh, and what Ross said, "I love you so much, I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me." is sort of a running theme through out this fic. Well, 'till next time, this is the lone pichu signing over and out.