My Biggest Mistake Disclaimer~Me no owny! Okay I got an idea for this fic when I was chatting with a friend of mine at the tower, and we were talking about what would happen if we were transpoted to the pokemon world and we faced eachother in the final round. And I got to thinking what would happen afterwards, so I came up with a fic that would answer that question. Please bear in mind that the charcters are fictional and in no way represent my friend or I, or what we would really do in such a situation. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the fic (PS~It's in my POV, and I didn't use any real names eithar, just so ya know) `````````````````````````````````````````````` I, Monday, sat on the bench of the Pokemon league locker room and looked at all of my Pokemon. They had been with me for so long, and were like family to me. I would be using all six of them in the final round of the pokemon league. In the final round I would be facing Aren. I knew his pokemon almost as well as I knew my own, for we had been friends even since before our journeys began. He had started with a Charmander, and I had started with a Mudkip. I knew from the start that we face eachother someday, but I never expected it to be in the most important match of our lives. This match would determine who would be crowned pokemon master. Unfortunatly, this is where my problem began. Over the time that I had known Aren, we had always had a special friendship. One in which we promised to always be friends, no matter what. Over the years, we had gotten so close, and I sometimes felt as if he was more then just my best friend, however this was not so. For if I ever did tell him that I felt that way sometimes, it would ruin our friendship, forever. I knew that this upcoming battle would decide how our friendship would be from now on. I remember that Aren and I had plenty of battles; whenever we met, we always greeted eachother with a battle before catching up. He had won our first battle ever, but I had won everyone since that first one. I knew how he got when he lost, and if he lost today, he would probably never want to talk to me again, which would hurt me more then anything. I have come up with only one solution, and that would be to lose to him on purpose. He wouldn't be mad at me if I lost...or would he? You see, Aren was about as smart as an Alakazam, so he would probably see right through my plan. Unless I made it a good loss, but still, I had always dreamed of being a pokemon master and opening my own dragon pokemon gym, like I knew he wished to open a fire pokemon gym. If I lost to him, I would always regret it, but if I won, he would never become anything more to me then my ex-best friend since he would probably never speak to me again. What do I do? If I lose to him, he may suspect that I had let him win and my dream would never come true. If I won, my dream would come true, but he would no longer be my friend, which I couldn't bear to think about. Eithar way, our friendship will never be the same after this moment, of that I was sure. Oh well, our battle is begining now. I recalled my pokemon and continued through the gates, I could already hear the announcer introducing us. I walked onto the side of the field across from Aren and looked at him, my stomach hurting because of how worried I was. "Good luck, and whatever happens, we'll always be friends." I heard the words Aren had said last night echo through my head. "The battle between Aren and Monday will now begin!" the announcer shouted. I looked at Aren, and he looked at me. We nodded at eachother and threw the pokeballs containing our first pokemon forward and began the most important match that eithar of us would ever face. ``````````````````````````````````````` We had been battling long and hard, we each had one pokemon left. He had managed to knock out my: Raichu, Mudkip, Flygon, Breloom, and Altaria. I had knocked out his: Charizard, Walrien, Pidgeaot, Ditto, and Alakazam. Both of our remaining pokemon were tired. His Bellosum from taking a flamethrower from my Salamance, that would have knocked Bellosum out if Salamance was a fire type pokemon. My Salamance was tired for battling two pokemon in a row. His Bellosum was prepairing for a final solarbeam, and Salamance was ready to fire another flamethrower. Whoever attacked first in this final attack would win. I could already see Aren's hope diminishing, since I had this battle in the bag. I could easily win now and he knew it, or at least he thought he did. I had made up my mind as to what I was going to do as I glanced at my Salamance. Bellosum was only half way powered up, so there was no chance for it to escape a flamethrower. However, if I used Skull bash, Salamance would have to power up as well, and Bellosum would attack before Skull bash could hit. I had made up my mind. "Salamance, prepare for a skull bash attack!" I shouted. Salamance glared at me, he knew that a flamethrower was all that it would take. I looked at Salamance, and he understood. I had explained the situation to all my pokemon and he knew what my decision had come to be. So he lowered his head, and waited for the solarbeam to come. Aren was shocked as he saw Salamance lower his head. "That was a mistake, Monday, Bellosum is done powering up now. Bellosum, solarbeam!!" he shouted as the white and blue beam came forward, right at my Salamance. The last thing I saw before the solarbeam hit, was a smirk on Aren's face as his long-ish hair glowed white in the light of the solarbeam. I looked at him and wondered if I had made the right decision, but it was to late now, the solarbeam had made contact and my Salamance had fainted. The crowd was in shock at what had just happened, as they didn't appluad and shout at first. And when they started to appluad, it was a bit hesitant, then it became stronger. They knew what had happened, or at least some of them knew I had taken a fall on purpose. I returned Salamance as Aren returned his Bellosum. He come over to me to shake my hand, as was custom after all pokemon league battles. "Monday, why didn't you use flamethrower? You could easily have won, but why did you use Skullbash?" he glanced into my light brown eyes with a mixture of anger and confusion in his own. "I didn't think, I guess I was to nervous and called out the wrong attack. Plus my Salamance was so tired, a flamethrower might have been to much for him." I lied, I hated lying, but I couldn't tell him the truth. "It seemed almost as you let me win." Aren said, his voice oddly calm. "You're my best friend, I would never let you win." I said quietly, in a voice a little over a whisper. He looked at me, and sighed as he said "If you say you didn't let me win, then I believe you."Great, he believed my lie, was a truley such a good liar? That thought sickened me. "What do you say we celebrate tonight at-" he began but was cut off by the Pokemon League president coming over to him. "'Scuse me little miss, you may go back to the locker room now, as for you Aren, I have an announcement to make." the president announced to the two of us before pulling a microphone from his pocket. Aren looked at me as I left the field with a sad look in his eyes, but I did not return his look. I felt to sick to do much of anything at that moment. As I sat down on the same bench in the locker room, I heard the president's booming voice announce to the whole stadium, "Ladies and gentlemen, what an amazing battle that was. However, someone had to win, and that person is Aren." I heard appluase before the president continued. "Well, now that you have been crowned Pokemon Master, you have the rights to open your own gym where ever you please, plus the right to be titled as one of the best pokemon trainers. What shall you do next?" I then heard Aren's voice say "I will probably celebrate my victory and open my own fire pokemon gym." I heard appluase once again. The president said some more things, but I couldn't stand to listen, I felt sick to my stomach at what I had done. I walked out of the stadium and quietly made my way down the empty streets to the room I was staying at during the pokemon league. I ran to my room and shut the door. I then threw myself on my bed and cried untill I fell asleep. `````````````````````````````````` The next morning, I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door. My head hurt as I stood up and walked out of my bedroom, to the front door and opened it. It was no surprise that Aren was the one who had been knocking. "Hello Aren." I said as he entered my room and sat down on the couch. I closed the door and sat beside of him on the couch. "Monday, you missed the big party last night. It was so much fun, why didn't you come?" he asked me. I stared at him in shock. "What party? No one told me about a party." "Everyone was invited, all the people who had participated in the pokemon league were invited. Didn't you get your invitation?" he asked me. "No, I didn't. I never got an invitation to any party." I replied. "Really? Courtney was supposed to hand them all out." he told me. Well, no wonder I hadn't been invited, Courtney was a stuck up girl who would have nothing to do with me ever since I beat her in the third round of the pokemon league. "Yeah, I didn't get one." Aren looked at me. "Maybe she forgot." "Yeah, she forgot." I told him, but I knew she didn't forget. She would never have given me an invitaiton to a party, or anything else for that matter. "Hey, do you want to go get some breakfast together?" I asked, to make up for not being at the party. "I would, but I promised to meet Courtney somewhere this morning." My heart sank when I heard this. "What do you mean?" "Well, Courtney seems really nice and when she asked to go out somewhere with me, I couldn't say no. Well, I better get going. I gotta catch ya later Monday." Aren said as he left me sitting on the couch. I could already feel my heart snap in two. I looked outside of my window and saw Courtney running up to meet Aren. Then they held hands as the two of them disappeared from sight. I couldn't take it anymore as I flung the door open and ran to the room of my friend, whose nick-name was Soccer. I had to talk to someone, and I knew that Soccer would let me confide in her. I ran to her room and knocked on her door. She seemed a little annoyed to have a visitor so early, but when she saw me in the state I was at that moment, she quickly rushed me inside and had me sit at the dining table. She got us both a cup of tea and then sat down opposite from me. "I've never seen you like this, Monday. What's wrong?" sheasked as she sipped on her tea. I just held my cup in my hands and one of my tears, that I had been trying to hold back, fell into the cup. I looked up at Soccer, who had brought a box of Kleenex to the table. I blew my nose as I began to reaccount what had happened over the past day and this morning to her. "Holy shrimp, it seems as if you've been through a lot." Soccer replied. "But you do know that all of this is your fault, right?" "Yeah, I figured that, but what was I supposed to do? Win and end our friendship?" I asked Soccer. "If Aren is a true friend, then he would have taken his lose and would have been happy you won, he may have been sad that he lost, but you guys would still be friends. Plus he probably wouldn't be with that courtney girl now if you hadn't let him win." Soccer picked up the tea pot and refilled her cup, then she began stirring some sugar into it. "Soccer, what can I do? I wish I had never let him win." I asked as I felt some more tears fall from my eyes. I didn't bother to wipe them up as I set my cup of undrinken tea on the table. "Well, you can't go back into the past, and you can't wish it never happened, so I'd say your only solution is to talk to Aren. I will tell you this, whatever you decide, to let this continue on without a word, or if you tell him, your friendship will never be the same." Soccer got up and placed her empty cup in the sink and sat back down. "Only you can get yourself out of this mess." I said my thanks and left her room and began to search for where Aren could be. I finally spotted him in the Pokemon park, he was sitting on the edge of the fountain, which was located in the middle of the park. I was about to walk up him, when Courtney came up to him. He looked up at her and sighed. "What's wrong?" I heard Courtney ask him. I know I shouldn't have listened in, but I couldn't help myself, so I crouched behind a nearby bush and listened in. "Well, it's just that my best friend, Monday. I think she lost to me on purpose." Aren sighed as he put his head in his hands. "You won because you are so much better then Monday." Courtney said in a voice that made me want to puke. "I mean, it wouldn't have mattered to me if she had lost, but I know she could have won very easily if she would have used flamethrower. It's not the fact that she lost that makes me mad, it's the fact that she could've won, but she didn't." Aren sounded really mad. I had only heard him mad like that once, and that's when he lost a coin toss to me in an old game we used to play with cards. "Forget about her, if she did lose to you, which I doubt, then she doesn't deserve to be your friend anymore." Courtney told him. I couldn't think of not being Aren's friend anymore. "AREN!!!! Don't listen to her!" I shouted as I jumped out from behind the bush. Courtney glared at me and Aren looked shocked, then he looked extremally mad. I looked at him and found that my words left me. "Monday, what exactly are you doing here?" Aren asked me. "Don't tell me you were spying on us." "I, well, listen Aren, I didn't mean to, I thought if I won, we wouldn't be friends, but I like you more then..." I stuttered. Aren glared at me, I had never seen such anger on his face. "Friends? You thought our friendship could be ruined by a single battle? Well, I must say it has. No matter which way the battle went, we would have been friends. But when you can't even trust me to take a loss, and you lie, and you spy on me, that's going to far. I hate to do this, but I don't think we can be friends any longer." Aren glared at me. "But Aren, I... well, I lo-" I tried to say, but it was to late. He walked away, not only from me but my whole life. I hadn't seen him since that day, except once. Several years later, and that was on TV to announce his engagement to Courtney. What had happened to me after all these years? Well, I haven't trained pokemon since that day, I've lost the heart to. I never found anyone in my life like Aren, and I pushed all my friends away. Now, I even don't have any of my pokemon to talk to, well except one. Mudkip stayed with me since he was my first pokemon. And a year after Aren and Courtney announced their engagement, they got married. I wasn't invited this time eithar, not that I had expected to be. I sighed with my Mudkip by my side and began to hike up the side of Mt. Silver. I couldn't take it anymore, the pain was to great, and as I saw it, there was only one way for it to end. Or so I thought it would end there, but while I was walking up the hill to end it all, my eye caught something. It was a small Pichu who was injured in the middle of the road. I picked up the small creature, and he shivered. It's breathing was terribly labored. I ran to a near by Pokemon Center and dropped the creature off. I waited, and waited untill I fell asleep late into the night. When I awoke the next morning, something small and yellow was licking my face. I looked up and saw the Pichu, good as new. I was so thankful to Nurse Joy for saving this Pichu. I walked out of the center and set the Pichu down, expecting it to run off, but it jumped on my shoulder and began to lick my cheek. I held the creature in my hands, and it smiled at me. I looked up at the summit of Mt. Silver and some how, I didn't have the heart to continue uo to the top. I looked at the small Pichu and smiled. Perhaps I had found love after all in being this little Pichu's trainer. I would always miss Aren, and what could have been, but I had to learn to move on. There were pokemon that depended on me. A year later I had began my journey again with Mudkip and Pichu by my side. Maybe this time when I arrive at the pokemon league, I won't allow myself to lose. This time I will win, this time will be differant. I look up at the moon and make that promise as the wind blows my shoulder legnth, dark brown hair. This time, I will win. ```````````````````````````````````````` The End `````````````````````````````````````````` Send all reviews to ~till next time, this is the lonepichu signing out.