Olivine City (Here We Come) Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon or the first pokemon movie sound track (which all the songs in this fic come from). This is the first pokemon fan fic I ever wrote, but not the first I submitted. I found it while cleaning today, so I decided to type it up for your viewing pleasure. There is also a sequel to it, which I'll type up as soon as I find it. Well, enjoy part 2. ooo Misty woke up the next morning and began to think about what had happened last night as she wiped sleep from her eyes. "That was kind of fun," Misty thought to herself, "Too bad Ash only danced with me to escape getting shocked. Oh well, I have to meet Dan soon." Misty got up from bed and showered. She then dried her hair and got dressed for the day before heading down to breakfast, which the hotel served. ooo Ash awoke to his alarm clock, which was playing the pokemon theme. Ash wiped his eyes then jumped out of bed. "Good morning Pikachu," Ash told the sleepy yellow rodent. Pikachu just stared at him groggily and pointed to the alarm clock. Ash walked over to the clock and turned it off. "Last night sure was weird." ash sat on his bed as he changed his socks. "Pika?" Pikachu inquired. "Well, first Misty and I had a splash fight, but you were there for that so you knew that. Well, then we got changed, in seperate rooms of course, and then we went to look for Brock, but we decided that he was just flirting so we went to go get Burger Kingdra and then we found him. He made us go to this Italian place and then you guys left. Well, once you guys had left, these weird waiters set up candles and music, then this wacko Pikachu threatened me and Misty to dance or else he was going to shock us." Ash pulled on his shoes after putting on a fresh pair of jeans. "Chu?" Pikachu urged Ash to go on. "Well, we're confused and everything, so after we danced, well, we went back here. Can I tell you a secret?" Pikachu nodded, " I sort of enjoyed dancing with Misty. She's a good dancer and it was just, I don't know, something about it. I had a good time, actually." "PIKA!" Pikachu jumped into the air triumphantly, scaring poor Ash Ketchum. Pikachu then ran down the stairs. Ash pulle don his vest jacket and shoes and ran after Pikachu. Pikachu was jumping up and down by Brock and Charletta, who was over at the hotel with Brock, and was giving them a thumbs up. "So it worked for Ash?" Charletta asked excitedly. "What?! You mean you and Brock were the crazy waiters! So that wacko Pikachu was you! I should have known!" Ash shook a finger at Pikachu, annoyed. "So, if it worked for Ash, did the date work for Misty?" Brock asked. Pikachu just shrugged. "DATE!? Who said anything about a date? Does Misty know?" Misty had just arrived, holding Togepi close to her. "Know what?" she asked. "That last night was set up by these three," Ash explained, pointing at the people and Pikachu responsible, "and that it was a date." "A DATE!" Misty exclaimed. "That's what I said when I found out," mumbled Ash. "Yeah, and Ash enjoyed it," CHarletta pointed out. Misty blushed. "What about you, Misty?" Brock asked. "I...umm...well yeah it was umm nice. I guess." Misty said with a bright red face. Pikachu held up the V-sign with his fingers for victory, which Ash rolled his eyes at. "Well, Brock, our work here is done. Let's go," Charletta stretched and stood up, draining the rest of her Orange Juice. "You're not going to turn this into a date, are you?" Ash asked suspiciously. "No, why would you go on a breakfast date? It's too early." Charletta waved and she and Brock left the hotel. Ash and Misty jumped apart and stared at each other "YOU ENJOYED IT!?!" They asked at the same time. "Well, uhh...yeah," Ash admited. "Umm...yeah I did." Misty looked down at her feet, then the two looked at each other and smiled. After breakfast, Ash holds the door open for Misty and the two wave and blush, then head their seperate ways. Misty goes to the beach to meet Dan and Ash heads to train at Olivine City Park. ooo Misty held togepi to her chest and was talking to it, just to get her mind clear, "This stay has been pretty fun so far. I wonder if Ash likes me...that would be so weird though. I never really thought of him like that before. I wonder if I like him..." Misty's thoughts were cut short by the approach of Dan. "Hello Dan," Misty waved. "Is something wrong?" he asked, "You seem a little down." "No, nothing, just been thinking about songs I could write. However, the only one that comes to mind is one that's already been written. It's that song "It was you" that they keep playing on the radio." Misty sighed. "Do you want to sing it? That might help you get it out of your head and get some fresh ideas of your own." Dan suggested. "No, I don't want to sing," Misty blushed, "plus I'm no good." "Oh come on, a person with as beautiful a voice as yours must have a lovely singing voice." Misty was flattered. "Well, here goes nothing," Misty sang a verse of the song as well as the chorus. When she finished, Dan was clapping for her. "That was beautiful. You must have been singing with your heart." Misty thinks about her current stance in likfe, "Yeah, I think it might have been. Thank you for helping me." ooo "I choose everybody!" Ash threw his pokeballs, releasing his Cyndaquil, Noctowl, Bayleef, Totodile, and Bulbasaur. "Hey guys! I wanted to do training at Olivine City Park, but I didn't realize that it was a vacation park for pokemon, so I decided that as a thank you for all the hard battles I've been putting you guys through recently, you deserve a vacation, even you Pikachu." All of Ash's pokemon cheer and run inside the park. Ash watches them go with a satisfied sigh. He cares deeply for his pokemon and sometimes feels bad for putting them through constant training, but he knows thy enjoy doing it for him. "You deserve it, guys," Ash says to himself. ooo "So, where are your two friends?" Brock asked Charletta as they walked. "Look, they're over there, just leaving the hotel. Let's plan a date for them to have tonight." Charletta looked excited. "Let's do it," Brock grinned. Meddling was their speciality. ooo "Bye Dan," Misty waved to her new friend, who had to head back to his hotel room. "Bye! Hopefull I will see you soon." he waved. Misty sighed as she watched the waves gently lapping at the rocks. in her arms, Togepi trilled in delight at the sea breeze. "If this spot is supposed to be one of the most inspiring, then how come I haven't been able to get any? It seems all my inspiration comes from my journeys," she sighed and finally admitted it to herself, "my journeys with Ash." Misty released Staryu and Poliwhirl. Poliwhirl played with Togepi, the two collecting sand shells and building a small snad castle. Staryu settled down next to Misty. Misty was sitting watching the waves. "Hey Staryu?" Staryu purred to show his attention, "You are one of the pokemon I've had the longest. In fact, you're one of my first. You know me more than any other. I was just wodnering, what do you think of the people we travel with?" Staryu understood the deeper meaning of that question and 'hyaed' to comfort her. Staryu used one of his legs to draw the symbol on Ash's hat in the sand. "How did you know?" Misty giggled. "Guess you don't miss anything. Well, I'm sort of confused on how I feel about him. At times we're best friends, then he does something stupid and I become extremally annoyed and can't stand him. Then again, sometimes I feel like we're more then friends, though I never really gave it much thought before..." Misty sighed. Staryu hyaed at Misty again and she smiled. "They say no one is too young for love, well, I wouldn't call it love yet, but I know that Ash is probably one of the only people who is too young for love. He'll never get it...then again, neither do I." Misty closed her eyes and began to hum "It was you" again. ooo Ash was walking along, thinking to himself, "Now that my pokemon are on vacation, what am I going to do? Brock is on another date with Charletta and Misty is probably too busy writing or something like that to have fun with me. I am so bored." Ash then spotted Misty talking to Staryu on the beach. Instead of interupting her thoughts, Ash hid behing a beach chair near the two of them. "They say no one is too young for love, well, I wouldn't call it love yet, but I know that Ash is probably one of the only people who is too young for love. He'll never get it...then again, neither do I." Misty said. Misty then began to hum some song Ash had heard before but didn't know the name. "She doesn't think I'm mature enough? Well, I'll just have to show her." Ash got up and stormed away back towards the city. ooo later that evening ooo "Well, I hope Crystal and Taylor have as succesful a date as Ash and Misty did." Brock sighed, his arms around Charletta. "It'll probably be even better." she snuggled into Brocks embrace, then frowned. "Hey, is Ash supposed to be banging his head against that tree?" she pointed towards Ash, who was indeed banging his head on a tree. They ran over to him and Brock put a hand on his shoulder to pervent him from banging his head on the tree. "Are you trying to get a concussion?" Brock asked. "No. Misty doesn't think I'm mature enough." Ash whined. "Did she tell you this?" Brock asked, surprised. "Well, no, but I over heard her talking to her Staryu. She was saying she didn't think I was mature enough for love. Then again, she said she didn't think she was either..." Ash trailed off. "Well," Charletta tsk-tsked him, "you shouldn't be listening in to other people's conversations." "You're one to talk! The two of you are interfering in the love life of others." Ash accused. "Okay, okay, call us even." Charletta grinned. "Err...Sure, okay." Ash looked confused. "Hey, there's a pokemon party tomarrow night in the Olivine Gym. Why don't you ask Misty to go with you? That'll make her think that you're mature enough for sure." Brock suggested. "Isn't that that just for couples?" Ash wasn't that dense, he had heard about the party. "Yes," Brock pondered, "but don't you like Misty?" "Err...as a friend only, of course," Ash blushed faintly. "Tracey filled me in on some of the things that happened while I was gone." Ash opened his mouth to protest, but Brock held up a hand and continued. "Misty saved your life, gave up nice things for you, explained love to you, admitted she cared about you to another, and even stayed with you instead of a guy who could have made you very happy. Neither of you may realize it, but it's obvious that the two of you care deeply for each other." "Oh," Ash though about all those times and other times that Brock had not mentioned. Ash did care about Misty and he would be very sad if she were to ever leave. Perhaps he did like her as something more than just a best friend. "You're right. I do like her as something more then a best friend, but I had never stopped to think about it before." Ash then ran off to go find Misty. "Our work here is done." Charletta rubbed her hands together. "Not so fast. Those two are very unpredictable. It'll take them awhile to realize just what they have." Brock told her. She smiled up at him and the two shared their first kiss. ooo "Oh, it's getting late! I should go pick up my pokemon." Ash skidded to a halt, then began to rush off in a differant direction. He arrived at the park and picked up his pokemon. They all looked like they had had a good time. Ash smiled at all of them and they all thanked him. Ash then returned them to their pokeballs. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder and Ash grinned at the yellow rodent. "Come on Pikachu, we have to hurry and find Misty." "Chu?" Pikachu looked at his trainer. "Brock halped me to reallize somethings. I'm going to go ask Misty to go to the pokemon party with me tomarrow." Pikachu smiled, happy that his friend had finally realized something that he had known for months. ooo "Thanks for healing my Pokamon, Nurse Joy," Misty thanked the pokemon nurse. "It was no problem at all," Nurse Joy waved as Misty left the pokemon center. Misty hadn't gone far when she saw a poster attached to a post on the way to the hotel. The poster was talking about the pokemon party for couples that was to be held at the pokemon gym. There was supposed to be a big dance as well as refreshments. "That sounds like fun, but it's couples only. I don't have anyone to go with." Misty sighed, then heard someone walking up to her. She turned to see Ash smiling at her. "Hey Misty," he greeted. "Hey Ash, what's up?" she asked. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure, I'm all ears." "Well, umm...you see...umm..." it was clear to Misty that Ash wasn't going to be able to continue, so she changed the subject, or so she thought. "Did you see the poster for the pokemon party tomarrow?" she asked. "Oh yeah, that's what I wanted to ask you." Ash waved his arms and was blushing. "Ohh?" Misty raised an eyebrow. "Will you...like...umm...you know. WIll you go with me and umm...well...go with me?" Ash always had a way with words. Misty smiled and Togepi trilled in her arms happily. "Of course I will!" "You will?" Ash looked at her then grinned and jumped triumphantly into the air. "Great!" The two of them walked back to the hotel together and checked in for the night, going to their respective rooms and sliding into bed; their heads buzzing with thoughts of the dance that would arrive tomarrow night. ooo end part 2 Hope you like part two. This story is longer than I thought, so I'm having to split it up again. The next part should be really good. It was one of my favorite parts to write ^^; well, please review and let me know what you think.