“I didn’t know that you were into Faulkner,” Ben commented as he walked over to his suitcase, which was lying on the floor. “Anyways, are you going home for the Fourth of July?” “No. My family never really celebrated this holiday, except with a cook out, so I thought I’d just stay here and read some Faulkner.” Demetrius flipped a page in his book. “Jason isn’t going home either, but that’s because he finally found himself a girl following and would rather suck face with them then go home and spend time with his family,” Ben said bitterly as he folded his clothes and placed them in the suitcase. He was more bitter at the fact that he didn’t have a girl following then Jason not going home for the holidays. “Yeah,” Demetrius frowned, turning another page in his book. He was lying on his bed with his feet hanging off the end. “I wish he wouldn’t do that.” “Do what?” Ben asked, tossing some socks into his suitcase. “Lead all those girls on just for, you know. I don’t agree with that.” Demetrius set his book aside and sat up. “I don’t really agree with it either, but what can I do? I’m lucky you two even talk to me,” Ben laughed. “I don’t know why we’re considered so ‘popular’ or whatever. I suppose it’s because we’re on the soccer team,” Demetrius looked out their window. “Are you saying you don’t like being popular?” Ben asked, surprised. “No, I mean it’s nice,” Demetrius admitted, “but I’m old fashioned in the way that I believe in abstinence until marriage.” Ben didn’t say anything as he gathered up the items under his bed. “Don’t you?” “Well, I did, but then…” Ben’s words trailed off as he deposited the items into his suitcase and struggled to close it. He sat on it and eventually got it to zip completely. “I mean, you’re nineteen and about to turn twenty, same as me. You can’t say that you’ve never…” Demetrius looked over at Ben. “I can’t believe this. I always thought that you, of all people, would be-“ “Lighten up, Demetrius! You’re just like this because you can’t get any! I made a mistake, but it’s that mistake that keeps me in the popular crowd with you and Jason. I’m not like you two, I was never very popular and I finally did something that makes me popular. Jason likes the idea, so why can’t you?” Ben interrupted, fuming and shaking with anger. “Oh yeah, like Jason’s the best guy in the world! Heaven forbid that I have morals.” Demetrius found his temper rising, and as he was always calm and very rarely angry, this was slightly frightening to Ben. “I forgot, you like online girls, don’t you? It’s because you could never get one in real life.” Ben had crossed the line and he knew it. “Online or not, it doesn’t matter, my morals are the same. If this makes me a lesser person in your eyes, then I really don’t wish to…” Demetrius stopped. He sat down on his bed and picked up his book. He was finished with this conversation. He didn’t like to get angry or argue, and he had almost told Ben something that he knew he would later forget. “Hey, Demetrius,” Ben called, frowning, “look, I’m sorry.” Demetrius didn’t say anything, only sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later.” Ben picked up his suitcase and walked across the room. He opened the door and exited the room, closing the door behind him. Demetrius sighed and set his book down again. He walked over to his laptop and placed the virtual reality helmet over his head, logging on to Pokemon World Online. ooo Pokemon World Online Login 10: Misty-eyed Pichu Disclaimer: I own my original charcters, but not pokemon or Satoshi Tajiri or William Faulkner and any of his related novels. I do own the online universe, though. Here's part 10. I know part 9 was rather short and maybe a bit of a let down after the action packed eighth part, but I hope to make it up with this part about the Misty Dew competition. So, enjoy and don't forget to review. Speaking of which, this chapter is dedicated to marco2050 as he is away with the army and will be unable to review. His reviews always helped with spelling, mechanics, and plot that seemed to be lacking, so this chapter is dedicated to you, my best critic. Good luck and safe passage. ooo Helium, Aura, Twilmer, Ontaro, Emily23, Sparia, Max, Victoria, Machop, Bunneary, and Gloom were gathered in the center square (also known as the market square) waiting for the Misty Dew event to start. Helium was quiter then Twilmer could ever remember and EMily23 also seemed to be preoccupied with her own thoughts. "Why am I in this hustle and bustle of trampling feet if I don't even plan on participating in this event?" Twilmer grumped as she crossed her paws across her chest. "That's a very good point. I can't stand crowds," Aura said in distaste as she looked around at all of the n00bs and fangirls that surrounded her. "Let's get out of here and some place not completely surrounded by girls who wish thier own dismal loves could be full of romance." Twilmer nodded and she and Aura made thier way through the crowd and into a side street. All the shops had been closed for the day, so there wasn't much to do. Aura spotted a bench and the two plopped down on it. Twilmer looked up in distaste as Ontaro came into view. "Go away," Twilmer demanded. Aura glared at him, making Ontaro feel very uneasy. "I don't care for the Misty Dew event either, so I thought I'd come and sit with you guys." The two females glared at him, so he sat on the curb of the sidewalk next to Twilmer. His Machop sat next to him so he wouldn't be alone. Ontaro had to get some information out of the admin and he figured the best way was to spend the day with her while she avoided the event. Unfortunately, his hopes sank as it seemed both charcters became idle soon. "Are you guys there?" he asked. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just starting to read this book Helium reccomended to me yesterday. It's called 'Faulkner's Love' and it's not half bad so far," Twilmer said casually. Ontaro gave her a weird look, pondering why she didn't just log out to read. "Isn't that a Misty Dew novel? I thought you hated those," Aura raised an eyebrow at the admin. "Yes, I do hate romance novels, but Helium asked me to read this, so I said I would. He's reading 'As I Lay Dying' for me, so I figure things even out," Twilmer explained. "Whatever you say," Aura said, leaning back on the bench and yawning widely. She stretched her arms and placed them behind her head. "It seems that you and that Helium kid are rather chummy. Anything going on there that I should know about?" Aura asked, closing one eye to get a better look at the Pichu- turned admin. "No, not that I'm aware of. He just happens to be the first member of my party, so I suppose I'm closer to him than the rest of our party. You and him are pretty much the only sane members on this party, aside from me, of course." Twilmer was unaware of the blush creeping onto her Pichu cheeks. Aura just shook her head and looked up at the blue sky above them. The area they were in didn't experiance shifts in weather conditions like higher level areas. After they left this town tomarrow, they would be heading to higher level areas and the defender, herbalist, and tamer would be at a disadvantige. Aura sighed, closing her eyes, which opened soon afterwards as she heard the clink of Ontaro's shield. "I just remembered that I was supposed to send King Phillip III a pm at the next town we arrived in." Ontaro excused himself, walking on down a side alley. "Good ridence," Twilmer muttered. ooo Ontaro leaned against the wall of an alleyway out of earshot of Twilmer’s sensitive, Pichu ears. His Machop looked up at him and shook her head. She did not approve of what she knew he was about to do. As Ontaro opened up his PWO mail menu, Dream stepped out of the shadows to his right. “You have information for me?” she asked, her voice drifted to him in a scintillating manner. Her accent was heavy, though Ontaro could not quite pinpoint it’s origin. “Yes, and I think you’ll find it quite useful,” Ontaro said, his words rushed as his face flushed and his heart rate increased. "I shall be the judge of that," Dream walked over to him, her heeled boots making no sound on the cobblestone road, which was unusual but was a fact that went unnoticed by Ontaro, "what is the news?" "Well, it seems that, and I've noticed this myself as well, but in a conversation that the admin had with the new member of our party that Twilmer seems to be developing feelings for the herbalist of our party, Helium." Ontaro's thoughts came out faster than his words could follow. "That is an interesting bit of information. I had suspected something, but was uncertain as to whether or not it was true. Helium is un interesting charcter himself. Though he is relatively low in level, he is able to make some combinations that should be way beyond his skill level. It seems his partner, Gloom, is to be blamed for this. He wears a pink robe because he couldn't afford anything else with his poke at the time and doesn't change it now because he's become quite attached to it. He goes to Hampton University in Hampton, Maryland, USA. There he is studying chemistry and botany and is on the soccer team. He is room mates with a boy named Ben and he still has a Twilmer plushie in his inventory. I had wondered why he was keeping it." "How do you know all that?" Ontaro asked Dream with wide-eyed wonder. "I told you that I could make dreams come true, as well as my own. It's simple. Once I have access to your profile I can pretty much found out anything about a gamer that I want to; in game or in real life. A profile set to private, though, is a nightmare." Dream looked at Ontaro and considered him for a moment before she smiled. "It is now time for your dream to come true for delivering this important bit of information to me." Dream approached Ontaro, coming dangerously close to him. Ontaro got goosebumps and ignored the disapproving and jealous glare from his Machop. Ontaro leaned forward, but Dream put a finger to his lips once again. "You have not done enough for me yet to have that dream come true. My dreams must come true first for that to happen." Dream looked at him a second with a thoughtful expression on her face. "It seems that you're party is about to be heading towards tough terratory full of higher level charcters than your group is used to." Dream snapped her fingers. "I figure level 41 will be a nice dream to come true. Au revoir." Dream stepped back into the shadows and was gone. Ontaro checked his status screen and gasped, "I really am at level 41!" Machop was happy for her partner, but she frowned because her level had remained unchanged. For sucess in PWO, the pokemon and partner usually leveled up together. Machop sighed. She would figure a way to keep up with Ontaro without worrying the defender, not that he would anyways. ooo "My eyes! They Bleed!" Twilmer shouted. Aura looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. "This book is completely ridiculous! I can't believe I let Helium talk me into this," Twilmer sighed. "I can. You do crazy things for those whom you care deeply for. I'm not implying that you like him or anything of that manner, but it's not hard to see that you've bonded with the herbalist." "Aren't you miss know-it-all, and considering that you've been a member of this game longer than I have and the fact that you're at a higher level than me, I suppose that's right. What makes you so all-knowing?" Twilmer asked, placing her paws on her hips. "Well, it's something I don't wish to share with you right now, no offense." Aura looked up at the admin. Twilmer nodded, "I actually understand where you're coming from. It's why I have my profile set to private." Twilmer jumped off the bench and looked around. "You know, Ontaro has been gone a very long time. Do you think he's idle? Not that I care, but I'm interested to see what his away message says," the admin giggled mischevously. "Just because you have the ability to edit people's away messages if they contain inappropriate content," Aura glared at Twilmer, who held up a peace sign with her paw. "Let me check his profile...no, his away message isn't up so-HOLY -" PWO's built in censor caught the language that Aura had used and bleeped it out. "Language, please. What's up?" Twilmer asked, hopping back up on the bench. "I checked everyone's profile yesterday while I was looking for your party in this city. Ontaro's level was in the 20s then, and now it's 41! I have never heard of a player's level gaining such a boost in such a short period of time!" Aura gasped. "That's impossible! Even if he had stayed online all last night playing, which I know for a fact he didn't as I was on all last night, he couldn't have raised nearly 20 levels in that short amount of time." "I smell a hacker," Aura growled, placing her left hand on the hilt of one of her katanas. "Stay here. I'm going to investigate. Come Sparia." Aura and Sparia walked briskly to the spot where Ontaro had departed them and continued down the back alleys. Twilmer grumbled at being ordered around by Aura, but obeyed out of respect for her. "I wonder if he really was sending King Phillip III a PWO mail," Twilmer pondered before a smirk crossed her face. "Only one way to find out." She opened up her PWO mail menu and started to write a PWO mail to the ESMS leader. ooo Helium was walking along at a slow pace, having used up a lot of energy searching the city. The event's goal was to search for five items from the Misty Dew novels that were hidden through out the city and be the first to return back with all of them. Helium had found three and it didn't look like the other two were going to appear. "I went to the cafe, like the scene from 'My Coffee's Sugar' and got the mug. I found the coin randomly on the sidewalk, like in 'Penny for Your Thoughts'. I even found the pack of gum from 'Chewy Love Stories: a collection of sugary sweet tales'. I've checked all other scenarios possible and nothing." Helium sighed quietly as he sat on a bench; Gloom hopping up next to him. He allowed his thoughts to stray, in hopes that they would find a scene he had not yet thought about, however his thoughts kept straying to the fight he had with Ben and, oddly enough, Twilmer. His current thoughts were of reinacting the scene from 'My Coffee's Sugar' with Twilmer, but he shook his head with a blush when they strayed to the kissing scene. He sighed, standing up and continuing down the cobblestone road. "One good thing," Helium commented to his Gloom, "Twilmer has the same morals involving abstinance until marraige as I do." Helium tried to concentrate on finding the items, but it was no use. Once the admin had entered his thoughts, she would not leave him alone. Bits of conversations they had had over the past two weeks replayed themselves in his mind. He placed a hand on the shoulder where Twilmer usually perched, which had suddenly felt very empty. He could feel her soft fur on his cheek and the steady movements of her side as she breathed. He blushed; which stood out more predominately because of the pink robe. Helium was so deep into his thoughts that he ran right into Emily23. Helium managed to stay on his feet, but Emily23 fell down. "Hey! Oh, it's you, Helium. You totally pwned me," Emily23 laughed as she picked herself up. One look into Helium's face showed that his mind was a hundred miles away from the city. "Earth to Helium! Hello!" She waved a hand in front of his face, and alas, nothing. "Max, why don't you use a watergun to wake up pur herbalist friend here." Emily23 grinned. Max looked at her for a second, blinked, yawned, then used the watergun attack. "Huh?" Helium looked around. "What just happened? Why am I wet?" Helium held out his robes. "You were daydreaming. Lol, you look so funny wet. What were you thinking about, anyways?" she asked. "N-nothing," Helium stuttered. Emily23 raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm serious, it was nothing. I was just thinking about where the other items were." Emily23 examined him for a second and then smiled, "Ah! Me 2! Maybe we should look together? Then again, we might fight over the same item if we did. Oh well, ttyl!" Emily23 waved as her, Bunneary, and Max walked off. Helium released a sigh of relief. ooo "Where is that little -beep-? When I get my hands on his -beep- he will be dead." Aura grumbled as she walked down differant alleyways, Sparia in disgust at the amount of filth that bordered the cobblestone roads. Aura didn't like hackers and with good reason, as she was a bounty hunter. Aura had long ago became slightly bored with PWO, but when she had heard that rare items were given as awards for capturing hackers and turning them in to the local moderator, she decided that excitement could be found in that. (Note: Each town has a moderator that is in charge of making sure rules are followed in that town so the admins won't have to keep visiting towns every time a problem occurs) If her memory served her correctly, then the programming was weakest in the north-most side of town. This was because the transition from town to a differant environment wasn't always a smooth process with the graphics generator, which is why glitches were more prone to occur on the outskirts of a town. She made a detour and accessed her PWO mail. She selected Drix from her lirt of contacts and a smile played slightly on her lips as she typed a message to him. "Drix, it seems that someone in the administrator's party has hacked into his account or has had someone hack into it for him, raising his level. Which ever the case is, hackers mean nothing but trouble. If you or any of the top ten have information involving hackers in the low level areas, please let me know. As much as I hate associating with the rest of them, it's unavoidable. Thanks, Aura." Aura sent the message and closed her mail. As much as she didn't like the top ten, she had a strange respect for Drix and his partner Salamance, who were the only player and partner combo that had ever bested her in combat. Since then, they had become friendly rivals and had respected each other's skills. Aura ran swiftly done a path and finally found Ontaro, who seemed to be in a daze, stupidly holding a finger to his lips. Aura withdrew both her katanas and placed them to Onatro's throat. "Don't move," she hissed dangerously. Sparia stood on the other side of Ontaro, holding up her glowing wings in order to use a steel wing attack in necesary. "What? What are you doing?" Ontaro asked, shocked to see the swordswoman and the Empoleon standing in front of him. "You're level has raised by nearly 20 in a less than 18 hour time frame. There is no way this could have been done if not through hacking. I'm afraid as a bounty hunter, I have no choice but to turn you in." Aura's voice chilled the air around them. Machop stood protectively in fornt of her partner and looked Aura in the eye bravely. "Stand aside, Machop. You are not the one who hacked." "Chop!" Machop shook her head and glared at Aura. "She's right! I didn't hack! I don't know how my level grew!" Ontaro tried to step back, but the blades were pressed to his throat as he moved. "We shall see," Aura kept the katanas to his throat and led him to the local moderator's station, Sparia taking the rear and watching the Machop out of the corner of her eye. Luckily the moderator had not stepped out of office to join in the Misty Dew festivities. "Can I help you?" the moderator asked cautiously, taking in the legendary sowrdswoman and the defender that was being held hostage. "I believe this man has hacked into the mainframe in order to raise his level by nearly twenty." Aura removed her katanas from Ontaro's neck and placed them back in thier sheaths, but was ready to draw them if they were needed. "I didn't hack! You have to believe me!" Ontaro pleaded, his Machop nodding at what he said. "Oy, it's just not my day," the mod muttered, "and I don't even get paid. Sure, they can pay administrators, but what about the mods? No, all we get is a price reduction for playing this game." The moderator motioned for Ontaro to step onto a small, metal platform. "Okay, we're just going to run a test on you. This will log into the virtual reality helmet that you're using and, via the nerve implements which allow you to feel pain in this world, we will run a lie detector test." The mod sounded as if she would rather have been anywhere but where she was at the moment. "Did you hack into the mainframe?" "No! I don't know how my level got to be where it is now," Ontaro lied through his teeth and hoped that it wouldn't register. If he was thought to have been hacking, he would be banned from the game or worse; they might find out about Dream. As if reading his mind, his Machop gave him a warning look. "Okay, it says you're telling the truth. Someone must really like you, kid, to hack into your acocunt to raise your level like that. Now, as I'm sure you don't want your level lowered back, the two of you are free to go. Leave," the mod waved them away, taking a seat in her red arm chair. Aura was about to say something, but closed her mouth, realising that it wouldn't be worth her time to speak to the mod. This mod couldn't even keep the city clean, much less help her with the problem. ooo Twilmer grinned when she heard what happened. Aura had just reported to her the events that had transpired. Ontaro stood back from the group, hating his life. His Machop looked up at him with worry. "I hate lazy mods, and especially Trill, the mod for this city. She doesn't like to do modwork, yet she holds it above everyone else's head that she is one." Twilmer looked over at Ontaro and grinned evily. "Too bad you didn't contact me because I have the proof you would've needed. Well, it may not have convicted him, but it shows that he was lying about what he was going to do." Twilmer opened up a PWO mail. "Look at this. It says that King Phillip III didn't get a PWO mail from you, nor did he ever ask you to mail him." Twilmer glared at him, grinning like a child with a new found authoritive position. "I say that lying to a mod and possible hacking deserves an upped warning level." "You're enjoying this way too much," Aura said; an amused expression her face. "An upped warning level temporarily blocks you from being able to receive benefits from events, like your fellow party members, for 14 days. It also puts your name on a list that is looked at whenever a serious hacking or crime is taking place. Your warning level can be risen or declined from that point, so don't tick me off." Twilmer stood up and twirled, raising her paws with her cheeks sparking menicingly. Victoria yawned, not impressed by the admin's show. "Fine," Twilmer grumbled and snapped her fingers. Ontaro checked his profile and saw that his warning level had been raised by one. He refrained from commenting in case his mouth made him get his level raised even more. "Two differant level raises in one day," Aura shook her head. Victoria was glaring heatedly at Sparia because she was jealous that she had not been the hero to catch a potential hacker. Sparia was ignoring her, sniffing at the trivial and childish act. The Weavile made another rude gesture with her middle claw, which ticked Sparia off. Sparia turned and used a bubble attack. Victoria dodged and unleashed a shadowball. "Victoria, stop it!" Twilmer demanded, but her partner ignored her, using agility to run towards the giant penguin pokemon. Her claws was glowing and she brought it down to use cursh claw, but Sparia simple held up a wing to block the attack. Sparia sniffed and watched the little pokemon unleash an icebeam. Sparia knocked this away as well and hit Victoria hard with a steel wing. Victoria fell back, badly hurt. "Victoria, they're about thirty levels higher than us. You know we don't stand a chance against them," Twilmer tried to reason with her pokemon. Victoria sat up and held her cheek where the wing had connected with her face. She growled and tried to get up, but fell down again. "Victoria." "You're partner is a bit head strong and doesn't think before she acts," Aura observed. "Yeah, I know," Twilmer admitted with a sigh, "but that's part of why I love her." Twilmer almost lost herself to a montage of memories involving the times the two had shared, when Ontaro cleared his throat. "What in blazes do you want?" Twilmer asked angrily. "The herbalist is coming." Ontaro pointed down an alleyway. "Really?" Twilmer looked. Ontaro smiled, seeing how fast the admin had reacted to this information, looking around frantically for the pink-robed man. "Hey guys," Helium smiled sheepishly as he walked into the abandoned street where the others were gathered. "Have you found all the items yet?" Twilmer asked. "No, but I couldn't concentrate on them, because, well," Helium fell silent, sitting down on the bench. Twilmer jumped up beside him, looking up into his face with confusuion and a hint of annoyance. Victoria was still laying where she had fallen, her pride hurt. "I'm going to go check up on Emily23's progress. Come, Ontaro. I think you should as well." Aura walked over to the defender. "Not that I'm not happy that you're taking Ontaro away, but why would you want to check up on Em?" Twilmer asked. Aura shook her head. "Tamers will be necesary in the higher level areas we're about to enter. It's key that our tamer is in good condition. That and Helium's giving off 'we need alone time' vibes." Aura smiled. Twilmer looked at her, confused. Aura just waved the look away and led Ontaro, rather roughly, down the street that led towards the square, thier pokemon tagging along behind. "What's with her?" Twilmer asked, her tiny arms crossed across her chest. “And what does she mean by ‘alone time’?” Twilmer raised an eyebrow. “So, why aren’t you still participating in the event? I thought you loved Misty Dew, though god knows why.” “Well, I can’t stay focused on the event because I keep thinking about…you…” Helium admitted with a blush. “Well, yeah, I mean I am unforgettable, plus the whole reason any of you are in this party is to worship…I mean…help me, but that’s still not a good excuse. You love those sappy, eye-bleeding novels,” Twilmer looked up at him. She wasn’t glaring, but Helium began to turn red under the stare of the beady, black Pichu eyes. “No, not like that, you see, I just…” the words wouldn’t find their way to Helium’s mouth and he just ended up stuttering. He sighed and decided to put that topic aside. “I started to read the Faulkner book you suggested last night.” “Really?” Twilmer’s ears perked up. “So, how do you like it? It’s probably a thousand times better than that Mountain Dew writer.” “I must say, it’s a very interesting style, and-” Helium began, but was interrupted as an announcement was made over the city’s local broadcasting system. “Attention gamers! Our Misty Dew contest has come to an end. We are excited to announce that the winner of our 4th week contest is none other than the tamer and Bunneary fan-“ “You HAVE to be kidding me, you don’t think they mean,” Twilmer began when she heard that. “-Emily23 of the Twilmer party.” The announcer continued. “Yes, they do mean her.” Helium smiled. “Though she’s a low level gamer, she’s big on clue hunting. As the first to find all five items, I confer to you the award of 5000 poke as well as a Misty Dew potion. This potion acts as a love serum, causing the gamer that drinks it to fall in love with the next person they see on their party. The label will tell you all that you need to know about it. Now this item is intended only for laughs, so use it responsibly.” The announcer warned. "This just keeps getting better and better," Twilmer muttered as she, Gloom, Victoria, and Helium jumped up from the bench and began to head towards the square to meet thier fellow party members. ooo End Part 10 That took me waaaay too long to write, but it's done now, so please review!