A burly teen with a very athletic build stormed into his bedroom, adorned with football memorabilia, and threw his letter jacket over a chair. He stomped over to his bed and took off his football cleats, throwing them against the wall. “I can’t believe it happened again!” He complained. “You think girls would jump at the chance to date the captain of the North Town Lions,” he sighed, changing into street clothes and out of his sweaty uniform. He walked past the poster of his favorite player, Hubert Ontaro, hanging on his wall, pausing to flex his muscles in the mirror as he walked. “I have the skills of Hubert Ontaro and more, but they don’t look at that. No, all they look at is the fact that my name’s Attila!” Attila slammed his fist on his desk and fell into his desk chair, running a hand through his blond hair. There was no doubting that he had the looks to go along with his football captain position, but it seemed no girl wanted to date a guy named Attila. He sighed and started his computer up. Then again, it could also be the fact that he lied quite often. As far as his buddies knew, he got every girl he wanted to do exactly what he wanted. They didn’t need to know that he was still a virgin. He also lied online, saying that he was British in the hopes to attract girls. He was a royal jerk and was a firm believer that girls were beneath him and that males were the stronger sex. He never made the connection that perhaps it was this that pushed girls from him and always assumed that it was his name. His thoughts strayed to Dream as the computer finished booting and he loaded Pokemon World Online. He had dreams about Dream often, and they all involved the act he most wanted to commit, but could never before because of constant rejection by girls. Yes, Dream would definitely make his dreams come true. He smiled lustfully as PWO finished loading and he placed the virtual reality helmet on his head and started the game. ooo Pokemon World Online Login 11: The Assasin's Fountain Disclaimer: I don't own the poke critters, but everything else is mine, except Faulkner and his novels. I also don't own Febreeze. Febreeze owns themselves. It seems like everyone hates Dream XD which is fine with me. I've noticed that charcters I don't particularily enjoy have bad things happen to them. Ontaro is a prime example of this, poor thing, and Machop is another. Also, to those who read this fic at TPT, thanks for voting and making this fic an award winner. Even though there was a conspiracy on the forums there, I'm glad that all of you (10, which is my fav number) were kind enough to vote for me and allow my baby to win. Yes, this fic is now my baby XD Ugh, I have such trouble writing fight scenes, but I hope this has turn out okay. ooo "I am so glad we're out of that city and out of the n00b levels. Finally we're getting to some more familiar teritory," Twilmer stretched her pudgy, yellow, Pichu arms as she rode on Helium's shoulder. The party had managed to make it from the city and were now walking along the beautiful mountain trail between the higher level areas and the begining areas. So far, thier entire aprty, with the exception of Emily23, were at levels high enough to be able to survive in the area. Helium barely made the suggested level limit, Ontaro was at the perfered level, and both Twilmer and Aura were higher than the area's top level range. Helium breathed in deeply, savoring the smell of the flowers, or what he thought was flowers. For all he knew, it could've been the febreeze he had just used on his drom room's sink, but whatever it was, it smelled devine. Victoria was practicing some moves, hoping to catch Sparia's eye. Sparia ignored the immature Weavile and continued waddling forward, standing protectively near Aura. Aura was typing PWO mail up to Drix and was checking the latest bounty and rare item updates in case they were heading towards a good catch. Ontaro trudged along, keeping a secret eye on the admin. His Machop was happily walking down the path, stopping and picking a flower here and there, which disgusted Helium, but he chose not to say anything. Gloom was sniffing around to see if he could catch a new scent, and Emily23 was skipping along next to them; her Bunneary struggling to follow suit. Max toddled along at his own pace, snififng at the air sometimes, stopping so the smells could process in his brain, then continued waddling forward, yawning as he went. “It’s so peaceful,” Helium sighed, blushing as his cheek rubbed against Twilmer’s fur. Aura took notice of this and shook her head. She put her hands behind her head and continued walking. She slid her eyes to Ontaro, who seemed to be daydreaming. She was about to say something when the ground began to rumble. “The is that?” Aura exclaimed, the PWO censer disguising her language. “There aren’t earthquakes programmed along this path!” Twilmer exclaimed. “That’s because this isn’t an earthquake.” Helium was looking up as a group of boulders began to slide down the mountain. “Why do I have an alarming sense of dejavu?” Twilmer muttered under her breath. The group ran to avoid being crushed, however Emily23 tripped. “S” Aura exclaimed, running back and grabbing the tamer. She put Emily23’s arm around her shoulders and began to run as fast as she could away from the rock slide. When the ground stopped trembling, Aura slid Emily23’s arm from around her shoulders and kneeled down, panting slightly from pulling that extra weight so fast. “You okay?” Aura asked. “Yeah, but my ankle really hurts. I think I cut it when I fell. Oh this is SO not l33t!” Emily23 complained, sniffling. “I have some herbs that can ease the pain and heal the wound,” Helium offered. He produced a bottle of powder from his inventory and handed it to Aura, who treated the wound. "Now where the f- did that come from?" Aura stood up, looking around. Emily23 stood up and cautiously stepped on the leg, then began to jump up and down on it, smiling. "It's completely healed! Thanks so much Helium!" Helium blushed at the compliment. Meanwhile, his level went up due to his powder being successfully used. A cackling laughter caused the party to look up. A group of rough gamers and thier pokemon glared down at Twilmer's party. "You guys pushed the boulders, didn't you?" Twilmer glared at them. "I should so raise your warning level, in fact, I think I will. Done, now run along before I decide to raise it even more." "Like we care." The burliest member stepped forward. He was wearing a red muscle shirt and was ripped. His pants were ripped and he looked lsightly like a pirate. He had a bandana over his head and a tattoo of an Omanyte on his left shoulder. The group slid down the mountain side from where they had been standing (which was only about five feet from Twilmer's group) and glared at them. Twilmer's party was outnumbered two to one. "So you must be the talking Pichu everyone is talking about." "What about it? Wait a second," Twilmer had just noticed the Omanyte tattoo on the man's shoulder, "you're Helix!" "Assasins," Aura hissed, pulling out both her Katanas and pointing them towards Helix. "Correct," Hewlix sneered. Beside him, his Scizor held it's claws up mencingly. "I don't understand though, what are assasins doing here? I thought assasins only hung out in the highest level areas in the mountains." Twilmer pondered, paw to chin. "Not if they have a target." Aura shifted her weight so it was evenly balanced on both her feet. Sparia held up her wings and glared at Helix. "What are assasins?" Emily23 asked, edging her way behind Aura and Sparia. "Assasins are groups of gamers that take pleasure out of completely depleting other gamers HP. They are also known as PKers, meaning player kill. They are usually composed of swordsmen and grace masters, but lately, all jobs have wanted in on the action. Assasins are illegal, but that doesn't stop them from forming. They can be persuaded from thier hang outs, which are usually in the mountains of the higher level areas, if they have been paid to take out a target." Aura explained, eyes narrowing as she silently sized Helix up, Spaira doing the same with his Scizor. "And by some luck, we have the leader of one of the top group of assasins in our presence," Twilmer spat sarcastically. "So who hired you, anyways? I know you wouldn't be out here unless someone had hired you." "Ah, you would be correct in that guess, but it is not the way of the assasin to reveal our sources unless it profits us in some way. Now, will the talking Pichu come silently, or do we have to get rough?" Helix cracked his knuckles. "Like h- she's coming silently!" Aura rushed forward, twin katanas attack viciously. Helix sidestepped the attack and one of the other assasins blocked Aura's attack. "Maybe there's a nice bounty to be had in thsi group," a small smile played across her lips. She used her katanas to back slash someone approaching from behind, then used the energy from that attack to damages the girl in front of her. "Wait until I get my hands...err...paws on you! Oh I'll ban you so hard!" Twilmer and Victoria lunged forward. Twilmer charged herself and volt tackled Helix. Victoria slashed at Scizor, who blocked her claws. Ontaro used his shield to hold back an assasin defender who had thrust himself at Onataro. "Wait a second, I know you," Ontaro said through teeth clenched with the strain of keeping his shield up. "You're Yagasaki!" The defender looked up in surprise. "How did you know my name?" Yagasaki asked, his brown eyes and tanned skin giving him the look of an Egyption pharoh. Ontaro, however, didn't get to explain how he knew the defender, because Ontaro had to dodge a spell form a mage. He held his shield up firmly, his Machop knocking rocks out of the way as Ontaro walked backwards so he wouldn't trip. Onataro finally managed to deflect the attack right back at the mage. He smiled when his attack hit it's mark. Helium rummaged through his potions and powders, trying to remember which did what in the heat of battle. He threw differant powders, poisoning some of the assasins, putting others to sleep, and stunning a very surprised grace master. Gloom used petal dance on any assasins that tried to get to close to Helium, since he couldn't defend himself. "It's funny seeing the infamous Twilmer being reduced to a yellow fuzzball, and also quite satisfying," Helix laughed as he dodged a spark attack, swinging hiss word and barly missing the admin. "It's about time I paid you back for all the trouble you caused the assasins." "How dare you talk to an admin like that! Try saying anything disrespectful to me again, and you can say goodbye to your gaming career!" Twilmer growled. "SUch big words coming out of such a little admin. What are you going to do, static me to death?" Helix smirked cockily. "I'll make you eat those words with ketchup!" Twilmer growled, lunging forward. "Why ketchup?" Helix asked, confused. "Because everything tastes better with ketchup," Twilmer shocked him in his moment of confusion and distraction. "That'll do," she smirked. Behind Twilmer, a Rhydon had started charging forward. "Oh no you don't! Don't you hurt Miss Pichu," Emily23 shouted as she used the broad end of her pole to block the way. Rhydon paused, looking up at the skantily clothed, puny little girl. He snorted and went to charge again. "Bunneary, use ice beam!" Emily23 commanded. Bunneary nodded and froze the Rhydon in it's tracks. Emily23 jumped up and down in joy, however Rhydon simply lifted it's feet and was free of it's imprisonment. "Not good," Emily23 whimpered. Bunneary jumped up, then came down hard on Rhydon, using a bounce attack, however the attack had little effect on the Rhydon. "Who in the pokemon online world would be stupid enough to hire someone to capture an admin," Twilmer wondered as she dodged an attack. Victoria covered her, using powder snow to drive Helix away. Twilmer used what agility her Pichu body had, but it wasn't enough. She still wasn't used to attacking in this new body, plus it didn't help matters any that Pichus also damaged themselves when they attacked. Twilmer knew she couldn't win, but she wasn't going to give up without a fight. "I'm so close to finally having a good party that I can't give up now," Twilmer motivated herself silently. Vicotira rushed forward and slashed, causing a long gash to appear on Helix's chest. He looked up at her slowly, a snarl escaping from his lips as he lunged forward feircly. Twilmer jumped aside with the grace of a pudgy Pichu, falling down. As she struggled to get back to her pudgy, yellow feet, she felt two strong claws grab her arms. She looked back and saw that the Scizor had grabbed her. She struggled, but the Scizor had a death grip on her. She was so tired from all the electricity that she had used against Helix that she didn't have the energy left to zap the bug pokemon. "HELP!" Twilmer screamed, letting her dignity take a break in this life-threatening situation. "Aw S-" Aura cussed. She ordered Spaira to use an icebeam to stop Scizor. Victoria also used her icebeam, to not be outdone. The attacks barely missed. "Stop, unless you want your precious admin turned into mincemeat," Helix grinned, having Scizor fly low so that he hovered beside him. "Now, I suggest all of you come quietly or you'll never see your precious admin again." Twilmer wouldn't meet the eyes of anyone in the party, ashamed that she had let herself fall in such a situation. "F-," Aura cursed. There wa snothing that could be done while Twilmer was held captive like this. Aura placed her katanas loosely in thier sheaths so that they could be easily drawn if need be. Helix laughed, enjoying the outcome of things. "Alright then, follow me," he beckoned with a hand. The entire group followed in a death march up the hill. Twilmer was shaking slightly, embaressed at the entire situation. Helium was worried for Twilmer, becoming angry in a way that surprised him at Helix and his Scizor. Emily23 made sure her Bunneary was with her, afraid to let it fall behind them where the assasins pokemon (Aggron, Rhydon, Absol to name a few) were gathered to make sure no one escaped. Ontaro noted that the admin did have weaknesses, and was mentally prepairing to send them in a mail to Dream at his next possible oppertunity. Aura was just plain ticked off. She could've easily taken down most of the group by herself, however she couldn't risk the admin being hurt. Her mind was racing with ways to save the admin. Whenever she was assigned a job, she made sure that she completed it. "Here we are. Company, halt!" Helix called to the assasins. They stopped, as well as Twilmer's party. Twilmer looked up to see a cloaked figure standing near a fountain. The fountain appeared to be roughly carved out of the rock that formed the mountain. It wasn't much of a fountain, as water barely bubbled in it, but it was a magnificent sight none-the-less. "We brought you the talking pichu, your honor," Helix bowed. The cloaked man took in the party members. Aura flinched lsightly when his gaze fell across her. He then took in the Weavile, who was standing protectively near the Pichu, who didn't look happy to be in the clutches of a Scizor. "Is this the talking Pichu, or is it an imposter?" thec loaked man asked. Twilmer's ears perked up slightly as the voice was rather familiar to her. "Yes, she's quite the talker as well, as I'm sure you know." Helix motioned towards Twilmer, who was ignoring him and trying to see through the shadows covering the figure's face and see if she could recognize the cloaked man. "Prove it." The cloaked figure crossed his arms across his chest. "Okay, talk Twilmer!" Helix commanded. Twilmer raised an eyebrow at him. Did he think that she was stupid? There was no way in heck that she was going to talk. "Pichu?" she said, smirking at Helix, who looked like he wanted nothing more than to skewer the Pichu. "D- it, talk!" Helix commanded. Twilmer was mocking him now, saying Pichu as she grinned up at him. "Move aside," the figure ordered. Helix bowed as he stepped aside. The figure looked at the party, and grabbed the member closest to him, which happened to be Helium. Twilmer glared at the cloaked figure in surprise and alarm. Helium gave her a look that told her to be quiet. "We'll see how quiet she is when I slit this herbalist's throat." A sword appeared in the cloaked mans hands. Helium shook his head at Twilmer, but Twilmer had had enough. "Let him go! I'm the one you want!" She shouted. "Ah, it seems we do have the right pichu," the cloaked figure nodded at Twilmer, "and now, I will finish this one off." To Twilmer's death glare, he responded, "I never said that I'd stop if you spoke up." Twilmer stared at the cloaked man with more fury pulsing through her body than she had ever felt before. “That’s it,” She began to struggle, and as she struggled, her character began to flash. It seemed that the Pichu graphics were becoming glitched. Suddenly, in another flash, Twilmer the grace master stood where the Pichu had once been held captive. Scizor had dropped her in his surprise. Twilmer looked down at her body and clenched her fists. She didn’t even take time to think about how she had just become her former grace master self. She lunged forward, her white robe fluttering about her amethyst leotard clad body. The fur ruffled as she jumped forward agilely and the gold and silver designs on the back of her robe seemed to dance as she ran. The cloaked figure slashed forward, and she dodged, jumping up in agility that one would think impossible of her in the white boots she wore. He dropped Helium in the process, who caught himself with his hands. He looked up and his face turned three shades redder as he viewed Twilmer’s true form. Aura took that as a sign to begin kicking some serious tail. She drew her katanas and slashed at Helix. Emily23 jumped out of the way of the mass confusion that followed and landed right in front of an angry Absol. She blinked, then looked at it seriously. She used the blunt end of her pole to catch the Absol’s feat, causing it to stumble and fall. “Bunneary, high jump kick!” Emily23 commanded, Bunneary obeyed, jumping up and coming down on the Absol. The Absol stood up shakily, and Emily23 held the broad end of her pole in front of the Absol. It looked up at her and bowed, showing its submission. Ontaro tried to find Yagasaki to talk to him, but there was such mass confusion that trying to find anyone at the moment was impossible. Aura jumped up and released an attack, her Empoleon backing her up. Sparia released a fury of steel wing attacks, causing several of the assassins to faint. Aura made sure that she seriously injured her opponents without fainting them to regulate her level so it wouldn’t go above 90. Twilmer leaped up and drew her staff from her inventory. Her staff was silver and adorned with amethysts as well. It crackled with shadow energy. Victoria came over and aimed a shadow ball at their opponent as Twilmer leaped forward and placed her staff in the shadow ball’s path. The shadow ball was intensified tenfold and hit its mark. The cloaked man’s hood fell from his face in the struggle, and Twilmer gasped as she saw who her opponent was. “Ken Sugimori!” she gasped. Ken Sugimori was one of the group of seven that worked closely with the game’s creator, Satoshi Tajiri. He was responsible for designing new artwork on new pokemon created for expansion packs. He didn’t respond. He called a Ninetails to his side and climbed on its back. He then took off in a flying leap. Twilmer dropped her staff as her character became glitched once more and she found herself as a Pichu once again. Her ears drooped as she watched the retreating figure of Mr. Sugimori. “Forget this; if there’s no one to pay us, I’m out of here!” Helix cried, calling his assassins to him. The group helped to heal their fallen members and the pokemon, then warped from the area. “That couldn’t have been Mr. Sugimori, could it?” Twilmer asked Aura as she waddled over towards the swordswoman. “It could’ve been an imposter or a shadow shifter, but…” Aura trailed off. “Yeah, you’re right. I can’t believe that I even considered Mr. Sugimori could’ve done ordered for my assassination. Well, I suppose we better head out. I don’t want to be in this area longer than we have to.” Twilmer responded, jumping on Helium’s shoulder. Aura opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. Something told her that crushing Twilmer’s perfect outlook on PWO Corp wasn’t the best thing at this moment. The admin could be so naďve about things like that. “Twilmer, how did you change back into your other form?” Helium asked, a faint hint of a blush still stained his cheeks. “I told you when we first met that I had done it once before. I’m not sure how, but sometimes the glitch on my character is lifted. It mainly happens when I’m in danger.” Twilmer shrugged. She didn’t feel like talking at the moment, and Helium respected that wish by keeping his mouth shut. The group walked form the mountain, each lost in their own thoughts, except for Ontaro and Aura, who were busy using their PWO mail.