Pokemon World Online Login 12 (Extra 1): The kissing lesson Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, Febreeze, Faulkner, myspace, or stuff like that, but everything else is mine...except Aura, who is owned by Moya. Anyways, Moya had an odd dream the other night where Aura decided to teach Helium how to kiss, so he could kiss Twila, should they ever meet in real life. Well, as so much plot has been going on lately, I decided to take a break with this little extra from her dream ; as she put it, Aura would be one to mess with people like that. I plan on doing little extras like this every once in a while when the plot gets to heavy, or if I just have an idea for one. So, let's go forth. This fic is dedicated to Moya's REM stage of sleep. Yay REM! My friend John David has such a deep REM stage of sleep that he can't wake up from it unless something cold is placed on his chest. SO, basically the band likes to do stuff to him while he's asleep so deeply (unbutton his shirt, draw on him...one time one of the guys kissed him o.o) so I feel it's my job to make sure he knows what happens to him while he's asleep and to protect him from some of the more...embaressing ideas. BTW, Yagasaki is a charcter that Treecko(no) made up as his rival in the rpg based off of this fic. I forgot to credit him in my last part with owning the idea for Yagasaki. Another note, and more embaressing, I had to use a Seventeen magazine for kissing tips, because my kissing experiance is about the same as Helium's. People have kissed me, but I just kinda stood there and was like "Okay?" yeah, I'm pathetic ; ooo Taking off her blue and black swirled vest, Aura began her exercise routine. She remembered every move perfectly, every single strain of muscle, as she practiced her katas - swords at one with her body, moving gracefully from one battle stance to other, ever so slowly, with inhuman precision. It took her lot of time to learn them by heart, ever since the game was released and she got herself under Grim's care. He hadn't been the most patient teacher, nor she was perfect student, but somehow they seemed not to kill each other immidiately, which usualy was a good sign. Using two swords together was rarely, if ever (with the exception of Aura) used in the entire game. Using two swords left one open for a wide variety of weaknesses, lowering the defense to the point that a certain hit could prove fatal, though Aura's attack was through the roof. Her two katanas were complete contrasts of each other, one with a black hilt and sheath and the other with white. She had named them Getsuei and Taiyou (Moon and Sun) respectively. Somehow through this weakness, Aura had become even stronger. This statement was true for other areas of her life as well. Even though she was easily one of the strongest players in the game and could probably take down half of the top ten players in the game single handedly, she kept her level moderated so she would never enter their ranks again. She had been in the top ten when the game was still new and had fewer members than now, and she hated it. Top ten members were ofton asked to run ridiculous missions for the suits. Most of the top ten took it as an honor, but Aura saw it as a pain and left thier ranks as soon as she could She was a loner and hated being in a party-like group as she had been. She had made one strong friend in the ranks of the ten. His name was Drix. While she still kept in contact with many of the ten, Drix was the only one she felt was a true friend in that gang. By true friend, she meant someone she could spar with, cuss with, and even bash around while angry. They had an odd friendship, but it fostered mainly from the aspect that they had a mutual respect and rivalry for each other. Sparia and Drix's Salamance were the same way. Their fights had always ended in a tie, and it infuriated Aura that they did so, but eventually she grew to accept them and learned from them Aside from Drix, Aura had a wide variety of contacts so that she could get top information on the latest items and bounties available. Aura was attracted by rare items, such as the goggles she wore and the katanas she was currently practicing with. She was selfish (she'd admit that herself) and would never share the items unless extremally necesary, and even then... She was such a contrast to Twilmer, who seemed to be playing the game soley for PWO Corp. Still, Aura would protect Twilmer with her life, if necesary. Once she agreed to do a job, she would finish it no matter what. She had been sent to protect Twilmer, and as much as she hated being ordered around, they had offered Aura something that she couldn't refuse. It had seemed impossible at the time, but Aura had accepted anyways. She had never done well in parties, but this one seemed to fit her fine. Speaking of which, thier current party was offline, except Twilmer, who had left with Victoria to train. Twilmer was completely unaware that Aura was still on. A sudden chiming sound, that signaled that someone in thier party had signed on, startled Aura from her exercises. She cursed at having allowed something so trivial to startle her. With a sigh, she place her katanas back in thier sheaths and looked around to see who could've logged on this late at night. Her question was soon answered as a familiar Pink-robed man entered her range of sight. "On a bit late, aren't we?" Aura asked with a scowl. "Well, I have the dorm to myself while Ben is away, so I decided to log on and hopefully raise my level. I know I'm one of the weakest on the party. Plus, I couldn't sleep." As Helium said that last sentance, a blush stained his cheeks. Aura smirked when she saw it. Helium tried to cover it by asking, "So what are you doing on?" "I had a deadline to meet, so I've been working on it all night. I decided to come online for a bit to unwind and to loosen up. My job gets pretty stressful, but it's nothing I can't handle," Aura added cooly, running a hand through her dark, short hair. "What's your job?" Helium asked, taking a seat on a stone bench. Several benches lined the mountain path for weary travelers. "I'm a fashion designer in real life," Aura said simply, sitting on the other end of the bench. She had never really talked to Helium before, and he seemed like a nice guy. She could also tell he cared a lot for the admin. She was also bored. With a sly smile, she asked, "So, what's with you and Twilmer?" "Huh?" Her question had startled the boy, who was blushing furiously and looking around frantically, to make sure Twilmer wa sout of ear shot. His reaction amused Aura. "What do you mean?" "Well, it seems to me that your feelings for her run deeper than friendship. Plus, she rides on your shoulder everyday and you seem to enjoy that too much," Aura commented, narrowing her eyes at Helium, who fidgeted under her glare. Aura was, perhaps, enjoying this a bit too much. "Well," Helium began to stutter, then threw his hands up. He was never one to hide his feleings well. "Maybe," he said lamely. "Maybe?" Aura raised an eyebrow. "Okay, yes I do. I'm not sure why, but it seems I can't escape her, even in my dreams," Helium sighed. It actually felt good to tell someone the feeling that had been nagging the back of his mind. “Well, are you going to do anything about it, or are you just going to keep it to yourself and occupy your daydreams with her?” Aura asked, checking for dirt under her finger nails. “Well, I mean, she’s an admin and I’m just at level 24, so I mean, things would never work out between us,” Helium mumbled. “Oh quit your bellyaching and suck up!” Aura was annoyed with Helium’s mumbling. She had never had much patience with people like him. She examined her nails, then used a small, rare, ruby-encrusted pocket knife to remove some dirt from under her pinky finger. “For one, Twilmer’s reading a Misty Dew romance novel because of you. I’d say that that’s enough for anybody. Plus, don’t take that p- poor attitude because I can’t stand that.” “Well, I suppose that’s true,” Helium said thoughtfully. A small, hopeful smile crossed his face. “Alright then,” Aura said. The two sat in silence for a bit. Aura finished cleaning her nails and put the knife back into her inventory. She was soon bored with the silence, and decided to mess with the poor pale-skinned boy some more. “You thought about kissing her?” Aura asked. “What?!” Helium exclaimed, looking up at her. His face was so red that it put an apple to shame. "Of course not," Helium said, hesitantly. "Oh come on, as often as you've read those romance novels, you've never once thought about kissing her?" Aura found that hard to believe. "Well, okay, maybe I have, but I'm not any good at kissing," Helium sighed, placing his hands in his lap and wringing them together nervously. "How do you figure?" Aura asked, her interest piqued. "Well, I used to have a girlfriend a few years ago, and one night she kissed me, and it was very awkward, and then after that she never kissed me again. I felt so confused, and I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood there. Then she dumped me a week later, so I just always figured that I couldn't kiss," Helium sighed. "Hmm, and I bet Twilmer's had tons of experiance in that department," Aura pondered aloud, causing the pink-robed male to promptly fall off of the bench that they were sitting on. "Oh sorry," Aura apologized with a hint of amusement at Helium's reaction. She felt a little guilty for teasing him like that, so she decided to make it up to him. "Helium, I can fix that problem of yours so you can kiss Twilmer, should you two ever meet in real life, or wahtever the circumstance." "How?" Helium asked, rubbing his cheek, which he had fallen on. "Why, kissing lessons, of course," Aura said as if that should've been his first thought. "Kissing lessons?" Helium repeated, looking up at the top swordswoman with strained interest. He silently wished to himself that he hadn't logged on. He had just been hopeing to discuss the novel with Twilmer. Then again, maybe this lesson could have it's benefits. "Yes, now when you kiss, you need to feel confident. I really don't like kissing guys that much, but form what I remember, I can give you great tips." Aura looked down at her pupil, who bowed to her. Aura smiled and Helium returned the smile. Helium had a question buzz through his mind at Aura's comment, but though better of it, knowing that Aura wasn't one to be interupted. "Okay, first of all, aim." Aura punched one fist forward. "But, am I not supposed to close my eyes when I kiss someone?" Helium asked, confused. For being an extremally smart student with a high IQ, Helium knew nothing when it came to girls and relationships. In that sense, he and Twilmer would probably have great chemestry. "This is going to be harder than I thought," Aura thought to herself, smacking her forehead. "Okay, yes, closing your eyes is pretty much perfered, but make sure you know where you're going first." Helium was already blushing and they hadn't even gotten to the part about the actual kissing. "Girls like a surprise, but they also like the basics, so I'd say that good advice would be to first lean in and brush your lips against hers. Tucking a lock of hair behind the ear adds extra intimacy to this moment. Also, don't ask to kiss the girl first, just do it. It really p- me off when someone asks to kiss me." "Should I tuck the hair behind the ear before or during the kissing?" Helium asked attentively. "Well, I'd say before is best as doing it during kissing can be quite a distraction. Well, I've gotten your lips together. After that, just do what comes naturally and what you feel your partner respond to." Aura finished. She could've gone into greater detail, but didn't feel as if the blushing herbalist could take it. "Thanks!" Helium exclaimed, a little to excitedly for Aura's tastes. She waved the compliment away. "Just promise me that you'll stop doing this blushing, love sick teen crap around Twilmer. You should really try telling her instead of being so indirect." Aura offered one final bit of advice. Helium nodded and logged off excitedly. At that moment, Twilmer and Victoria walked over to Aura. "What are you doing on so late?" "Oh, just helping a poor, confused soul and probably confusing him even further." Aura smiled, looking down at the pudgy, yellow rat. "I don't want to know," Twilmer shook her head. ooo That night, Demetrius had dreams about kissing and Twilmer, and both in combination. The next morning, Ben walked into the dorm room with his luggage and was startled to find his room mate frenching a pillow in his sleep. Ben grinned slyly and quickly took a digital photo of the moment. "The guys on myspace are going to love this."