Pokemon World Online Login 5: Elite Shield Mountain Squad Disclaimer: I don’t own the vast majority of this stuff. This is becoming one of my longest fics, simply because I’m actually sticking to it. After I finish this, I’ll promise I’ll go back and finish my other fics. ooo “I don’t like the mountains,”Emily23 complained, throwing up her hands, “because there aren’t any cute pokemon living here. It’s just Geodudes and Machops and occasionally a Sandshrew, but I don’t want to tame one of them.” “You complaining about this game’s programming is getting on my nerves. Like you would even know how to do half of the programming for even one of these rocks.” Twilmer complained from her perch on Helium’s shoulder. “There’s a lake coming up soon where you might be able to tame some hardy water pokemon. Twilmer, I don’t think she was making fun of this game’s design. She just likes cute pokemon,” Helium explained. He always tried to be the peace- keeper. “I know, I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.” Twilmer yawned and began to snooze on Helium’s shoulder. They came to the lake several minutes later, just like Helium had said. The lake was fairly large and many different kinds of wild grasses were growing around it. “I wonder what kind of plants are here,” Helium wondered. He set Twilmer on the ground and began to observe the different types of grass. “Oh! Look at that!” Emily23 shrieked in girlish glee. Twilmer was scared awake by the sound the fangirl was making. She turned to see Emily23 cooing over a slowpoke. “There are so many mean things I could say right now,” Twilmer walked over to Emily23 and the slowpoke. “Stand back, Twilmer. It’s time you saw a tamer in action!” Emily23 twirled her taming pole over her head and faced the Slowpoke. “Oh yeah, this is the match of the century, folks,” Twilmer said sarcastically as she raised an eyebrow. Emily23 held the pole down to the Slowpoke, who turned the opposite direction and tried to head back into the lake. “No you don’t!” Emily23 shouted as she placed the flat end of the pole in front of Slowpoke. He stopped heading for the lake and turned around. He glared at Emily23 and used a water gun. Emily23 used the flat end of her pole to block the attack from hitting her. “Okay Bunneary, it’s time for you to take the stage!” Bunneary leapt forward and used a double team attack to surround the slowpoke. Bunneary then began to sing a soothing song that surrounded the slowpoke and seemed to relax his muscles. “Okay Bunneary, I’ll take it from here.” Emily23 twirled her staff then touched the center of Slowpoke’s forehead with it. The Slowpoke slumped slightly, then stood up and yawned. It walked toward Emily23 and looked up at her. “Yes! We did it! We tamed Slowpoke!” Emily23 jumped up and down; the ears of her costume bouncing with her. She hugged her Bunneary as the two of them celebrated. “Not bad,” Twilmer complimented. “Though it was just a slowpoke,” Twilmer shrugged. Victoria didn’t seem very impressed and went back to trying to slash passing Magikarp along the lake’s shore. “Twilmer, I want you to name him,” Emily23 smiled at the admin. “Me?” Twilmer blinked, surprised. “I was never very good with names, but if you want me to.” Emily23 nodded. “How about, Max?” “That sounds good to me. What do you think?” Emily23 asked the Slowpoke. It yawned. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she giggled. “Hey guys, I found some juniper weed here. That can make a really powerful escape powder.” Helium held up the red-tipped weeds that he had picked, then put them into his bag. “Lucky for me, Gloom is able to detect the pollen from rare plants like this.” “That’s…” Twilmer began, but did get to finish as the ground around them began to shake. “We haven’t programmed earthquakes into this area!” Twilmer shouted. “That’s because this isn’t an earthquake. Look!” Helium pointed to the crest of a nearby hill. There was a herd of Tauros approaching them and each had a rider, except for one man who ran along side them with a Machop at his heels. “Is that sheildlover?” Helium asked. “I guess he did get into the whatever he wanted to join,” Twilmer mused. The group came to the lake and stopped when one of the riders, Twilmer assumed he was the leader, blew on a horn. “Halt!” The rider called to the party. “What means you two coming to this lake with not but four pokemon between you? This lake is private and belongs to the Elite Shield Mountain Squad.” “Two? Oh come on, I know she’s a n00b, but she counts as a player too. Also, she’s not a pokemon, she just looks like one.” Twilmer stepped forward and spoke. “What means this? A talking pokemon?” the leader looked at Twilmer questioningly. “A talking-oh yeah, I forgot,” Twilmer sighed. “Ahh, this is the group I was talking about before. This is the admin that needed help with the glitch.” sheildlover came forward with his Machop. “You mean to say that thou story was not frivolity, but an actual tale of truth?” the leader slid off of his mount and walked over to Twilmer and her party. “Why are you talking like a bad fantasy novel? As an admin, I demand proper English to be spoken to me. None of this l33t crap and none of this ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ shtick either,” Twilmer grumped as she looked up (and up) at the leader. “Who are you to talk to the leader of the Elite Shield Mountain Squad like that,” the leader grumped, “especially I, King Phillip III, the leader of the ESMS?” “I’m an administrator for PWO and I can assure you that no area is private to any players, except the section the PWO Corp sealed off for admins, suits, and employees only. You can’t claim a lake and not let anyone in it. You wait until I report this to headquarters. They’ll disband this stupid little party of defenders so fast that you’ll wish you’d never bought this game.” Twilmer ranted. “Oh, lady admin!” King Phillip III bowed deeply and the rest of the group slid off of their mounts and did the same. Twilmer blushed at this, not really knowing what to say. “Please forgive us. We will indeed no longer claim this lake as our own property. In addition, we will make you an honorary member of the ESMS.” “Uh, that’s okay, really. I mean I’m a grace master, so I don’t have much use for a shield squad, but perhaps if one of your better members could join our party. We’re a bit lagging in the attack department, but we may as well have a defender.” Twilmer looked up at King Phillip III. She assumed that a party that called themselves the Elite Shield Mountain Squad would have at least one good defender in their ranks. "Alright then, sheildlover, you said you wanted a final test of your loyality and strength?" "You have got to be kidding me," Twilmer smacked her forehead. "Would you be willing to assist these fellows in thier noble journey?" Twilmer fell over at this statement and shook her head. shieldlover stepped forward and bowed. "Don't you have anyone else? This guy doesn't even capitalize his screen name," Twilmer groaned. "I shall do my best," shield lover bowed to King Phillip III. Twilmer shook her head as he and his Machop walked over to Twilmer's group. Twilmer just stared at him as he waved goodbye to his fellow ESMS members and they galloped away. "Great, could I at least use my powers of admin-ness to capitalize the first letter of your name?" Twilmer crossed her arms and glared at him. "To be honest, could you completely change it? I don't like this name, I just took it because I thought it would make it more likely for me to get into the squad. If you could, can you change it to Ontaro?" sheildlover asked. "Done and done," Twilmer brushed her hands together and jumped back onto Helium's shoulder. "Well, let's not waste anymore time in these bizarro mountains. I swear, the most unusual people play this game." The four and their five pokemon set out through the mountains to adventures and (in Twilmer's case) annoyances.