"Emily, honey, you've been spending way too much time on that game lately. Everyday after band camp, you run home to get on that thing. I think you should take a break for the rest of the week," EMily's mom suggested as she stirred the noodles she was cooking on the stove. The spicey arouma of spaghetti sauce filled the air. Emily looked at her and placed a hand on her hip. She flipped her long, blonde hair back and huffed. "You can't do that! I finally got the hang of the game and have joined a halfway decent party. If I miss a day of play, who knows what I'll miss? Besides, I've really been limiting my times and it doesn't interfere with my social life, so don't worry about it." "If you say so, but I'm going to discuss this with your father." Emily's mother taste-tested the sauce. She added some more spices and began to stir the sauce. "What's he going to do about it? He never does anything! All he does is sit in that chair of his and watch tv. He can't even come to any of our band competitions or even the football games that we play at." Emily looked exasperatedly at her mother. "Your father works all day, honey. He's just trying to support us since I'm out of work now." "You always stick up for him!" Angry tears came to Emily's eyes. Perhaps she was being a bit unfair to her father, after all he did work in one of the best offices in New York City, but he always had to work whenever she needed him and on his days off, he was so worn out that he didn't have time for her. "Whatever," EMily stomped up to her room and slammed the door. She picked up the virtual reality helmet and placed it on her head. She flipped on the power and waited for Pokemon World Online to load. When it had, she picked up the controller and entered her password, ready to begin another adventure. ooo Pokemon World Online Login 6: To Be a Pokemon discalimer: Yes, I'm trying to make Emily23 more likeable. I realize that she's a n00b, but...yeah... Anyways, I don't own pokemon or the inspiration for this fic (.hack legend of the twilight) either. Sorry for the spelling mistakes too. I'll fix those as soon as my dad re-uploads spell checker (a virus wiped it out). Like Twilmer, I have no life outside my PC and am trying to give you guys a part at least once every two days ; ooo "Your late," Twilmer announced as Emily23 appeared on the trail where Ontaro, Helium, and their pokemon were waiting. "I bet you're not late to band practice." "I had an arguement with my mother. They think I've been spending too much time online," Emily23 grumbled. "My room mate and my friend Jason think I've been spending too much time online. It's not true though, I study just as much as I'm on here." Helium looked up at Emily23, brushing a bit of dirt from his pink robes. "Studying? You sound like oodles of fun in real life," Twilmer commented as she stood up and walked to the center of the group. "Okay, as an admin and most important member of this party, I think that we should try the Gandrum Valley Town to search for some attacking party members. The town is only about a days walk from here." "What? There's a town on the mountain crest that we could go to and it's only about twenty minutes away," Ontaro looked at her incredulously. "There are only defenders and grace masters up here and we already have one of each. There are bound to be swordsman in the valley, so we head that way. Now I suggest you never argue with me again if you don't want your warning level upped." Twilmer glared at him. "We have a grace master?" Ontaro looked down at the little Pichu who would have been giving him a murderous look if she didn't have such an adorable face. "Miss Pichu is a grace master!" Emily23 exclaimed. "She keeps it real." "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Miss Pichu? If you insist on giving me a nickname, then you can call me 'Miss-better-than-me-Twilmer. I actually like the sound of that..." Twilmer got a pensive look in her eyes. "Also, don't say 'keeps it real.' because you are not cool enough to use that phrase." "I'm cool in real life," Emily23 pouted. "Maybe so, but here you are just a n00b. Anyways, if we don't have any other objections, then lets..." "BRB," Helium interupted, "I need a quick bathroom break." "Hurry up," Twilmer grumped. Helium's charcter disappeared and a standby message was floating in the air where he had once been. Helium soon returned and smiled with a blush. "Alright party, forward march!" Twilmer pointed to the path ahead. Ontaro grumbled as Twilmer climbed up Helium's arm and perched on his shoulder. "Hey Twilmer," Helium whispered to the admin-turned Pichu sitting on his shoulder. She looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "If you haven't logged out in eight months, then how do you...you know...use the bathroom and eat and stuff like that?" "First of all, you have no proof that I haven't logged out in eight months other than that odd little thought that won't leave your hard head. Second, I'm well paid because of my admin status and employment at PWO Corp, so I have a butler for the rare occasions, and I do mean rare, do NOT give me that skeptical look, where I pull all nighters. He brings me food and I eat while playing. Also, I have modified the virtual reality helmet I'm wearing so that it has a camera on it and can show me my surroundings if I look around. I have a personal bathroom in my room, so I just use the camera to help locate the bathroom. The helmet is water proof so I can shower with it on, if I had to, but I don't, so don't look at me like that." Twilmer explained, refusing to look at Helium. He shrugged and din't ask her anything else as they made their way out of the mountains. “Oh wow! The PWO programmers have really out done themselves this time,” Twilmer commented as they entered the valley. It was true, the valley was graphically stunning and if it weren’t for the players having controllers in their hands and virtual reality helmets on their heads, they would have felt as if they were in a real valley. The wind blew along the grass lazily. There were flowers of every kind dotting the lush green grass that carpeted the entire area. The valley was surrounded by purple mountain majesty on either side and the snowcapped mountains enhanced the natural beauty of the place. At the far end, a town could barely be made out from the rocks that were scattered about the place from rock slides. A few trees dotted the gently sloping valley that were blossoming with red flower buds. “Look at all the different plants,” Helium gasped as he looked about. Twilmer slid off of his shoulder, not wanting to be involved with plants in anyway, and climbed onto Victoria’s head. Victoria allowed Twilmer to climb aboard, but looked very irritated at the situation. Suddenly, the sky flashed purple and a ringing sound was heard. It stopped and each party member received a PWO mail. “Looks like we triggered a special event- I wonder if it’s one I designed,” Twilmer pondered as she opened her PWO mail. “Congratulations, you have triggered the special event Honey Run. In this event, it is your mission to get past the swarm of Beedrill and make it to their hive. There you will find a special reward. Good luck gamers. The event will start as soon as you close this email. This is an event designed by Twilmer and can only be activated when there is an herbalist and a tamer in your party.” “Beedrill?” Helium looked around warily. “Do we have to do this event?” “Yes because it’s a great event designed by the best admin this game has ever seen. If you don’t do this event, I will take it as a great insult. Also I will personally raise all of your warning levels.” Twilmer glared at Helium. “Are you afraid of bees?” “No, of course not! Why would I be afraid of bugs…with stingers…and antenna…and poison…and painful…” Helium rambled. “Whatever, let’s just start this event. I forgot what I designed as the prize,” Twilmer pondered as she closed her PWO mail with a sound of protest from Helium. As soon as she had closed the mail, a faint buzzing sound could be heard. “Here they come,” Helium grinned from Victoria’s head. Victoria made a noise and Twilmer slid off her head. The Beedrill were upon them in a matter of seconds and the bugs didn’t look too happy at being disturbed. “Run!” Helium shouted and began to run away from the bees. “Wrong way flower child, you have to run through them!” Twilmer shouted over the deafening hum of a hundred Beedrill wings. Helium stopped and looked at the bees, whimpering slightly. “Yah!” Emily23 cried out as she slapped at the Beedrill with the broad end of her pole. Max yawned as he made his way slowly through the Beedrill, who didn’t seem to be bothered by the Slowpoke. Ontaro used his shield to charge through the Beedrill without getting stung. Victoria slashed at them and Twilmer just ran straight forward. She was small enough that none of the pokemon bothered her. “We’re almost there! It’s the first tree if I remember correctly!” Twilmer shouted, she turned to make sure that all of her party members were following her and discovered that Helium was standing in one spot, cowering as the Beedrill dived at him. “No! If our whole party doesn’t get there, the prize isn’t as great. Stupid herbalist!” Twilmer turned and ran back to Helium. “Just go on without me,” Helium whimpered as he cowered. “Idiot, I can’t or we won’t get the best prize for completing this event.” Twilmer pulled on his robes, but he wouldn’t budge. Twilmer grumbled under her breath as the Beedrill began to dive bomb the two. Helium and she were completely open for an attack and if their hp reached zero…Twilmer didn’t want to think about it. “What do I do?” she wondered to herself, and then smacked her forehead. “Duh, I’m a pokemon. I can attack them.” Twilmer concentrated and let out a small static spark of static. The Beedrill stopped for a second and then continued forward. “Okay, I have to concentrate. Victoria makes attacking look so easy,” Twilmer mused as she concentrated on the energy levels in her body. She released them as the Beedrill were about to strike and hit them all. The Beedrill fell to the ground around her, stunned. “Let’s go!” she shouted at Helium. She climbed on his shoulder as he gathered up his courage and ran forward. He met the others and they all reached the tree. A chiming sound signaled that they had passed the event. “Alright now, lets see what the prize is!” Emily23 walked over to the chest that appeared and opened it to find… “Are you kidding me? A plushie of your character? Twilmer, what were you thinking?” Ontaro complained as he held up the prize. “It’s the best prize ever. Much better than the Twilmer button and whatever the other prize was. Who wouldn’t be dying to have it?” the party all looked at Twilmer with raised eyebrows. “What?” “I’ll take it and put it in my inventory, if you don’t want it,” Helium suggested, holding out his hands to Ontaro. Ontaro gave him a look like he was crazy and handed him the plushie. “Alright then, let’s continue our way to town. That event took more time than I thought, so we might not be able to make it by tomorrow, but that’s okay because it was worth it for the Twilmer plushie.” Twilmer beamed as she admired the plushie of herself. “With a crazed Pichu like her, we don’t need a swordsman or any other attacking party member,” Ontaro grumbled under his breath. Meanwhile, Victoria was congratulating Twilmer and giving her tips for her next battle. ooo Emily signed off and turned the computer off. Dinner was ready and she had always loved spaghetti. She ate her fill and went back to her room to practice a bit of the drill she had learned at band camp that day. As she twirled the flag, the spaghetti she had eaten weighed heavily in her stomach. She felt bloated and fat. “I have been eating too much lately. At this rate, I’m going to be fatter than the band director,” she whined. Emily set her flag down and went to the bathroom. She had only done this twice before and didn’t want to make a habit of it, but she wanted her color guard uniform to fit perfectly and this was the only solution she could think of. She kneeled in front of the toilet and stuck her finger to the back of her throat, gagging. “Honey, are you okay?” her mother asked as she heard the sounds of her daughter vomiting. “I’m fine, just go away,” Emily called, embarrassed to be found like this. “Well, I don’t want you going to band tomorrow. You sound ill and that sun will do you no good.” Emily tried to protest, but her mother was firm. Emily huffed and stomped to her room, slamming the door behind her.