The Castle Window Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fic, well the diea and such, but not the pokemon, happy now? So anyways, a Celine Dion song will appear later on, I don't own that either. The begining of a fic that shouldn't be longer then 3 or 4 parts. I promise to actually finish this one. Thanks to all who made possible for my 4 BIC awards. Thanks muchly ^_^ so now, on with da fic. Remember, this is the begining part, things will amke more sense later on in. ~~~ Raindrops began slowly at first, but began to come down faster. Lightening flashed a fair distance away so that it took a few seconds for the rumbling of thunder to be heard. Gwen sighed, she hated it when it rained, especially living in an old, Celtic castle. It was always so damp and cold on the interior. Gwen sat down and sighed as she moved away from the open window and sat down on her bed. Gwen guessed that she should have felt lucky, not many pokemon had a room of their own. Gwen put a green arm to her white temples and began to massage them. It had been another long, boring day. She was a Gardevoir that had never been in a battle. She had just stayed in her room for as long as she could remember. Food was brought to her room and she was never allowed to leave as the door leading in to her room was always locked. Gwen wasn't sure why the door was always locked, but she never questioned, she just figured it was the way things were meant to be. Gwen would have probably been able to open the door if she knew how to use her psychic powers. Then again, the only reason she knew that she even had powers was from one of the many books that were her only companions. How she was to use them she knew not. Also according to these books, Gwen had once been a Ralts, and then had evolved into a Kirlia before reaching this form, but how and if this had occured was not known to her. All Gardevoir could ever remember was always being the way she was now and always being in this room. There was a picture on the wall across from her bed of a man that she assumed was her master. Come to think of it, she had never once seen her master. Gwen sighed, by the look of the sky night would soon approach. Gwen walked over to her bed and pulled back the blankets so she could climb in underneath them. She grabbed a flower-shaped pillow and hugged it close to her. Her dreams were the only escape she had from this room, but if anyone knew she didn't like it here she wasn't so sure that would be taken well. One time, and the only time, she had questioned, she was told that she was her for safety, the world was dangerous, but she could not see how. She then thought of how in one of the books it said that there were other creatures like her in the world beyond her room. She had only seen one other kind, a type of crow fly past her window. It said that there were close to 400 species, but so far she had only seen one other. Perhaps it was a fiction book, Gwen was quite familiar with the false stories contained in fiction. Then again if the book was true, then most species could only make noises or say their names. If this were true and Gwen ever managed to get outside, she wouldn't be able to understand them and they wouldn't be able to understand her since Gwen spoke the language of her masters. The creatures mentioned were called pokemon. As far as she knew, she was more of a human then she could ever be a pokemon. And perhaps, she wasn't a pokemon even though she looked like one. Perhaps these questions would be answered in her dreams. ~~~ Gwen woke up to a song from a bird of some sort, maybe it was even a pokemon. That was one of the things Gwen enjoyed more then any other, music. She had no music in her, but she made a crude flute out of a log that had been brought in for her fire because of the dampness of the castle, catching a chill was easy. Gwen always wondered if it was all pokemon that caught colds, or just her. She could play her flute some, but she mainly only played it at night when no one could hear, or during festivals. Gwen always loved festival times because the music below would drift up to her window and pervade the air in her room. Gwen could see that the cherry blossum trees were starting to bloom which meant that the cherry blossum festival couldn't be too far behind. Gwen always loved that particular festival since the spring breeze would drift up lazily to her room and filled it with the scents of cherry blossums and with the gentle warmth of spring. The festival music was always the best during the cherry blossum festival. A new song was introduced every year at this particular festival and Gwen couldn't wait to hear this years. Judging from the growth of the blossums, the festival was only a day or two away, but that would take an eternity to pass. Gwen had read all the books in her bookshelf dozens of times each and could recite them all from memory so she really had no need to open them anymore. There were hardly any pictures and the ones that were in the books she could recall from memory. Gwen sometimes wished her master would buy her more books, but she knew that was impossible. Gwen got up and paced the room that had been her home, her prison, since before she could remember. She knew every misplaced stitch in the only lavender rug in her room. She knew every wrinkle in her lavender and olive green striped bed spread. She knew every crack in the gray stone bricks that made up the walls of her room. She knew the location of every speck of dust. She knew the pattern of the wood that made up her vanity, book case, and bed. She knew the cold stone under her foot, every misplaced speck, every crack, every spot worn from her pacing. This room was her world, she had no place in the outside world, this she knew. She had never had contact with another being, human or pokemon, except the person who brought her meals to her thrice a day. "Maybe," Gwen pondered, "there is no world beyond this castle. Perhaps the world isn't as big as I think. Perhaps nothing exsists past where I can see from my window." Gwen signed and sat on her bed. There was no clock in her room so she used the sun and the calls of differant birds to tell the time. It was only noon, but Gwen felt like years had passed by. There was nothing she could do about her conditions, to think that there was anyplace beyond her room, her castle, was fools play. With one final sigh she sunk into the only place that she could be free, her dreams, once again. ~~~ It had been an entire year since he had witnessed the destruction of Giovanni. HE was now truely free, but he had no where to go. Mewtwo was a creation, not a real flesh and blood pokemon. For one he spoke human, but even beyond that, he had powers that surpassed other pokemon. They feared him and he did not blame them. Everyday he searched to find a place to call home to no avail. There was no home for him, no place to call his own. Flying on he discovered a small alcove of cherry blossum trees. Mewtwo was ehausted from levitating across the plains three days on end with no rest. He landed and found a small stream nearby. Cupping his hands together he brought water to his mouth until his thrist was fulfilled. Hungry, he looked for some kind of nourishment, luckily there were cherry trees mixed with the cherry blossum trees. Mewtwo ate his fill of these and settled down on the cool grass for a long sleep. ~~~ Till next time, send reviews my way ^_^ This is the Lonepichu signing off.