Double Trouble by Lord Kadabra Part 2: Mix 'n Match Note: I do not own Pokemon or any of the characters, etc. However, I do own the characters from Europa, so DO NOT USE THEM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. *** *** Misty sat outside the operating room, waiting for news. A doctor entered. "Miss Waterflower, Mister Flint?" he asked. Misty and Brock looked up. "Your friend Ash should be fine, but I don't think he could've gotten those injuries from being dragged a hundred yards." "What do you mean?" Misty inquired. The doctor looked away. "I mean he had to have been dragged through six-inch-deep rapids for a hundred yards to get those injuries, or several miles through a wide river." Misty frowned a little. "But he fell in the river, and we found him downriver, and that's all there is to it," she protested. The doctor shook his head. "Well, I can't explain it, but he'll be fine in a couple of days." The doctor walked away, still shaking his head. Misty frowned somewhat, but then headed in to see Ash. *** Ash was cowering under the imposing figure of Godfrey. Then a voice came from the side, a motherly voice that simply was practical. "You're being incredibly irrational, honey," she said, and Ash saw a hand lay itself on the man's left arm. "You're jumping to conclusions for which you have no evidence. Now let this poor boy explain himself. It's very likely that he's not the person we're looking for." The man's arm lowered, and the woman turned to Ash. "Now, honey, please tell us about yourself. My name is Morgana, and I'm quite sorry for my husband's-behavior." Ash looked up at her. "My name is Ash Ketchum, and I'm a Pokemon trainer." Ash continued, telling this motherly woman about his life, his relationships, and about Misty. *** Ash sat up, looking at his surroundings. There was a white room, a small table next to him, and a cutain separating him from the rest of the room. He looked at the bandages that covered his arm. Grunting, he walked over to where his clothes were laid. He slipped on the shirt, the jeans, and the coat. Then, with a flourish that seemed to not come from himself, he put on the red hat. He concentrated, and the shirt, if it had been viewed in full lihgt, became clearly a deep green. Then, he mumbled a few words, and his wounds closed up, blood vessels healed themselves, and broken tissues were sealed again. The shirt became a blackish silver, and the wounds appeared on his skin. The door creaked opened, and Ash started. Misty walked into the room, and gasped. "Ash, you shouldn't be up and around yet! The doctors said you should have another day of rest!" she snapped. Brock entered cautiously behind her, and Ash smiled sheepishly. "I just thought that..." He trailed off as Misty led him back to the hospital bed. "Sit!" she ordered, and Ash meekly sat down. "Now, I'm going to stay here all night to make sure you don't move. Brock, have the nurse bring in a blanket; I'm sleeping on the couch." Brock looked helplessly at Ash, and left the room. Ash sat quietly, not even noticing when Misty sat down next to him. Normally he would blush slightly, but he was totally oblivious. He had been acting wierd lately, in fact, right after his accident. She shook it off, and looked towards Ash. "So, Ash," she said, sweetly, "How are you feeling?" Ash looked shocked, and turned to her. "I told you-I'm fine!" he insisted. Misty frowned. "Ash, I've been thinking a lot lately," she said, bowing her head. "You see, Ash, ever since we met, I've been trying to hide my feelings. I mean, the bike was a stupid excuse, and, well, I've always liked you. In fact, Ash, I've realized in the past year or so that...I love you. I love you, truly and deeply. Ash, my day is brightened simply by being with you and I-" She stopped when Brock entered with a nurse. The elderly woman was carrying a blanket and a pillow. "Honey, you're not going to be very comfortable here," she warned. "It would be better if you-" Misty shook her head. "No; I want to make sure that he stays put," Misty said. The nurse shrugged. "All right. Mr. Ketchum, are you all right? Need anything?" Ash shook his head. The woman smiled. "Now remember, you two: any vigorous activity will slow Mr. Ketchum's healing." Misty blushed, Ash remained calm. Misty couldn't shake it; there was something very odd about Ash's behavior. He had gotten much smarter, and wasn't dense enough to miss THAT reference. She shook it off again, she could worry about it in the morning. *** "So you're saying this-Mimic-could be anywhere?" Ash asked. Robert handed him a steaming cup of tea. "Well, it's possible that he is masquarading as you," he said, sitting down next to the 18-year-old boy. Morgana frowned. "But the chances that he's even remotely around here are..." she began. Godfrey interrupted. "About the same as being attacked by a bear." Morgana shot an angry glance at her husband. "That wasn't very reassuring," she snapped. Ash stood up. "But I need to find Misty and Brock again-aaah!" He clutched his side in pain. Godfrey snorted. "You're not going anywhere injured," he said smugly. "But I can relieve the pain." He made a quick gesturing noise, and Ash sat down cautiously. "Wow!" he exclaimed. Godfrey placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're still injured. You should stay the night with us until you're healed." Ash shrugged, and smiled. "Sure," *** "Ash, what I've been trying to say is that I really love you, that I've always loved you. I've always secretly hoped that you would be the one to admit it. But Ash, I'm 19, you're 18, and it's time we told each other. Ash, will you go out with me, as a...start?" Ash smiled slightly. "I-don't think so, Misty. I don't feel that way. To tell the truth, I've always felt you were just the annoying girl who hung around with me. Sure, you're older, but I feel the same way about you that I might about a-younger bratty sister." Misty stared. Her hand, which had been used to stroke Pikachu, convulsed over the rodent's head. She let go from Pikachu's fur and stood up. The little electric mouse follwed her as she headed for the door. "Yeah, well, Ash, you and your big mouth can ROT in the hospital for all I care!" Pikachu followed the water trainer indignantly out of the room. Ash nearly laughed, and turned to the window. His shirt becoming a dark green again, Ash transformed into an owl, and flew out the open window. *** "You know Ash, it sounds like you really care for this Misty," Morgana said quietly, hugging him slightly, in a motherly embrace. Ash looked up at her middle-aged face. "Well, I do, but I've never had the courage to tell her," he responded. She rubbed her hand through his hair, and stepped away. "Well, I have a philosophy about that. I believe that the only way to get something done is to handle it like having to get into cold water: just jump right in and hope for the best." She smiled, and Ash cautiously returned it. "Now go to bed," she ordered pleasantly, but in a tone that any son would have to obey. Ash quickly hurried to get to bed. *** "...And the jerk said that I was-like an annoying younger sister to him!" Misty sobbed. "He told me I meant nothing to him!" Burying her head in Brock's shoulder, she continued to sob. Brock ran his fingers through her red hair. "Misty, maybe you should think some about this. Ash has just had a big shock; maybe he's not thinking clearly, maybe he's feeling the effects of pain-killers. But Misty, just try to walk a mile in his shoes, as Harper Lee once said. Maybe you just need to think more about it. Just sleep on it, okay?" Misty nodded silently, and stepped away. "Thanks, Brock," she mumbled, and walked to her room. "I think I needed that." *** Ash silently packed his backpack and snuck from the camp. "Thank you, my strange friends," he mouthed, and entered the woods. He was still in the Viridian Forest, nearly a mile from Viridian City. He knew it was dangerous to travel through the forest at night, but after hearing about this other-worldly magician, he didn't want Misty to be possibly alone with him for another minute. He cared about her too much for her to put her in danger. A rustling startled him, and he stepped back. "I'm not scared of you!" he shouted, grabbing for the Pokeball that contained Lapras. A small Caterpie crawled from the bushes, and looked sadly up at Ash. "Pie?" it asked. Ash sighed, shaking his head, and continued into the forest. "My nerves are getting to me," he said to himself, and turned towards Viridian City. *** The receptionist looked at the new arrival, the young man, barely her age, who had staggered into the hospital. "Oh my God!" she screamed. "Are you all right?" Ash nodded, but then collapsed on a bench. "I'm going to get you a nurse," she said, hurrying away. She returned shortly, leading an elderly nurse. Upon seeing Ash, she dropped a cup of tea she was holding. "Mr. Ketchum!" she snapped. "What the hell are you doing out of bed? You're supposed to be resting!" With a firm swoop, the nurse guided her confused patient into his room. *** "Where did he disappear to?" Robert snapped, looking helplessly at the ground. A wolf bounded into the clearing, and abruptly transformed into Godfrey, fully clothed. "He was heading towards Viridian City, but I lost his trail when he got on the main path. I can only assume that he's heading to the city to find Misty." With a shake of his head, he became a hawk, and launched himself into the air. Morgana and Robert followe him. They traveled to the path to Viridian City, and began walking. But they did not suspect that Ash was walking within four yards of them, hiding from all travelers from fear of capture. *** Misty paused with her hand on the door to Ash's room. She took a deep breath, and walked into it. Ash was sitting up, wearing several bandages and his arm was in a splint. "Hello, Ash," she said, trying desparately to sound cheerful, but felt that she had failed miserably. Helplessly, she felt herself burst into tears. What he had said last night-it was too painful to gloss over. Ash tried to get up, worried, but his injuries prevented him. "Misty, what's wrong?" he asked, resigning himself to sit in the hospital bed. She glared at him through her tears, and started again. "You of all people should know what's wrong, Ash Ketchum!" she shouted. "How can you pretend to be concerned about the 'younger bratty sister' that you hurt so much last night? I came here hoping you'd apoligize or feel sorry, but no, you act as if nothing happened! I hope I never see you again, Ash!" She stormed out again, but as she entered, a little Pikachu hopped into the room. "Pikachu," Ash said happily, "I'm glad to see you." The Pokemon hopped onto the bed, but turned away when Ash tried to pet him. "Pikachu, what's wrong?" The electric mouse looked annoyed with Ash, but then tilted his head. "Pika-pi, chu-pika, pika-pika, pikachu," he declared firmly, and looked away. Ash frowned. "I never said that to her; I never would. Pikachu, you alone should know I'd never do anything to hurt her." Pikachu looked briefly at its trainer, but turned away again. "Chu." "Pikachu, why would I say that? I don't even remember anything about last night." The small Pikachu looked up at Ash, looking suspicously into its trainer's eyes, looking for any trace of guilt, but only saw regret and hope. "Chuu," he purred, rubbing his head against Ash's chin. Ash laughed. "Thanks, Pikachu; I can always count on you." The Pokemon laughed, patting his arm against Ash's. "Pika-chu, chu-pi, pika-pikachu, chu-pika," he said, and bounded away. Ash looked after him. So that mysterious double was in the hospital. And he had hurt Misty. It was worse that the "Ash" had hurt Misty emotionally, because it would be harder to heal. Ash clenched his fists. If he found that guy... *** "You blundering FOOLS!" Giovanni screamed. "Every single one of you is an incompatent idiot! You didn't think that if we were summoning a man from another universe because he could teach us new technology, that he WOULD HAVE A WAY TO LEAVE INSTANTLY!!!! ANY idiot could have thought of it, but YOU DIDN'T!!! Get out of my sight!" He waved his hand, and the Rockets filed out silently. Except for three. Jesse looked back at James and Meowth, who encouraged her forward. "Um, Sir?" she started, lookeing nervously at her boss. The man was angry, and it was quite obvious that he was annoyed especially with her. "What?" he snapped. "Sir, we think we know how you can find this man," she stammered. Giovanni's face was instantly transformed into a curious one. "How?" "Well sir, you know that boy from whom we've been trying to steal a Pikachu?" Giovanni, who had been petting his Persian, gripped the cat's neck rather hard at this statement. "Well, sir, the man who you summoned, he is the mirror-image of this boy, Ash Ketchum." Giovanni smiled. "So we hold a search for him, and if we find the boy Ketchum," James interrupted. "We get his Pikachu!" the Meowth concluded. "And if we find the other man," Jesse interjected. "We get his aid," Giovanni said. "Good work. Very rare, but good work. I think you deserve a promotion. You're now Clearance Level 5. Now go!" The three saluted and ran from the auditorium. *** "Excuse me, we're looking for an Ash Ketchum," the red-haired woman said, pulling her husband to her side. The receptionist looked up at her. "Are you related to him?" "Yes, we're his parents," the blue-haired man responded. The receptionist looked up. "Then that would be Room 25-12. Down the hall and to the left." "Thank you," the woman said gruffly. "And good-bye, Mrs. Ketchum!" Waving crazily, the red-haired woman turned the corner and collapsed. Pulling off her heavy coat, she revealed the light cloak she was wearing. "Why did we have to disguise ourselves?" she demanded of her husband. Godfrey stripped off his trench coat to reveal his bright red suit. "Because I can't possibly be inconspicuous in this outfit, and we had to be to get into the hospital. Now where did she say the room was?" He walked slowly to the left, until an orange-red-haired girl of about 18, 19 stormed from a hospital room. She turned. "I hope I never see you again, Ash!" she shouted, and slammed the door. Sobbing, she ran down the hall, straight into Morgana. Stopping, she glanced at the motherly woman. "Oh!" she apoligized. "I'm so sorry, I just..." "It's all right, Misty," Morgana said graciously. The girl looked up at Morgana suspiciously. "How do you know who I am?" she demanded. Godfrey stepped from behind her. "Let's discuss this over lunch," he stated, leading the two woman to the dining hall. *** "Hello, we're looking for our little boy Ash," the red-haired woman said to the receptionist. "Yes, we'd heard he was in the hospital, and came to see him," the blue-haired man added. The receptionist glared at them. "Then I should tell you to go where his OTHER parents went." The two blanched vivibly, but the woman made a quick recovery. "I-uh-I'm Ash's step-mother, and this is his father," she said nervously. The receptionist shook her head. "Fine; go on in." She watched the receding man and woman, and sighed. This was a hard day. Then she heard a cough behind her. A red-brown-haired woman was standing at the desk. A Mr. Mime stood next to her. "Hello, is my Ashy at this hospital? I got a call from one of his friends, and I came to see him." The nurse rolled her eyes, put pointed to the hallway. "Third door on the left. Say hello to his step-mother for me." The woman was visibly puzzled, but followed the nurse's directions. The receptionist sighed deeper. She wandered off, looking for a stiff drink. *** "How much did Ash have to pay you?" she snapped. "How am I supposed to believe one word of this?" Morgana shrugged, and turned to Godfrey. "I certainly can't, because you have psychics in your world, so it's up to my husband here." Godfrey smiled, and began muttering. With a bright flash, a creature unlike Misty had ever seen appeared at the head of the dining table. It had the appearance of a Rapidash, but it was pure white, and no flames danced along its body; it only had a white mane and tail, and the horn sparkled with an unearthly light. With a gasp, Misty walked towards the creature. Instinctively, she knew it was a unicorn, a creature only seen in legends. She reached her hand to the beautiful creature, but it disappeared like lightening before she touched it. Shocked, she stepped back. "Why did it disappear? I've heard that unicorns will suffer themselves to be touched by people, but only if the person is a-You idiot! To think I nearly believed you! I have never-" The hearty laugh of Godfrey stopped her. Robert was trying his hardest to keep under control, and even Morgana cracked a smile. "Dear," Morgana said softly, "It's not your virginity that dictates your ability to approach the unicorn; it's your integrity. A person who is honest with themselves, with others, and with their life, will be able to approach the unicorn, if the person leads a moral life, they will be able to ride it. The unicorn will not remain near lies, and so is a perfect alithiometer." Under the calming influence of Morgana's voice, Misty relaxed, and even began to see their point. Remembering the beautiful sight of the unicorn, she began to believe. Then, a thought occurred to her. "If the two look exactly alike, how can I tell the real Ash from the imposter?" Morgana frowned slightly. "We have determined two points which should allow certain people to find the differences. One is that this man-Mimic-has assumed the mirror image of Ash Ketchum. The second is that there will be one tiny flaw in his appearance that should identify him as an imposter. However, these differences should only be apparent to those who know him very well, so we cannot tell the difference." Misty nodded. "Another distinguishing point is the fact that somewhere on his person, the imposter will be carrying a staff, whether disguised, shrunken, or hidden," Robert added. Misty looked puzzled. "Our friend's power stems from a powerful staff that allows him to gain different abilities. Without it, he's powerless, so it is on his person somewhere." Misty fell silent, but then stood up. "I'm going to see if it's Ash in there," she declared, and left, followed by the two men and woman. *** Misty knocked quietly on the door. Mrs. Ketchum cautiously opened it. "Oh, hello Misty!" she said cheerfully. "So glad you came to see my son. Oh!" she declared, seeing the three magicians, "Could one of you get the nurse and, uh, a custodian? It's a little messy in here." Misty shoved Mrs. Ketchum aside, and rushed inside. "Ash!" she screamed, panicked. She stopped short to see Ash quietly sitting on his bed. The room, though, was another matter. There was a huge hole in the wall, floor and ceiling. There were scorches and dents in almost every surface, and every object not bolted down was scattered aimlessly throughout the room. But Misty didn't notice this. Carefully she approached him, trying to remember what Ash looked like, recalling every detail to her mind, so that nothing would escape her. Every detail was exact, except Ash had his eyes closed. The eyes were the clincher. Reaching for his face, Misty stepped back when Ash's warm brown eyes opened. The ambitious sparkle, warm feeling and undescribable "Ash-ness" convinced her. "Ash!' she said happily, and leaned over to hug him tightly. He struggled against her embrace, and she drew back. "Ash, what is it?" He stared oddly at her, blushing slightly. "It's just've never hugged me before," he stammered, blushing more furiously. Misty's concern and slight suspicion were alleviated by this. Only Ash would react in such a matter like this. "I'm just glad to see you're okay, Ash," Misty said nervously. "And your friends told me about you-know-who," she whispered. Ash snapped to attention, and smiled at her. "Does that mean we're okay?" he asked, rubbing Pikachu's head gently. She grinned at him. Then the nurse entered, and her screech could have terrified a Gengar. "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" she demanded. Mrs. Ketchum stepped up. "I can explain that. Some woman with really long red hair and this guy with short blue hair and a talking Meowth came in here and demanded that my son hand over his Pikachu. They sent out a Victreebell and a Lickitung, and the resulting battle sort of demolished the room." The nurse gave a glare at Ash that would have put an Arbok to shame, and whirled around. "I'm just glad this kid is gertting out of here tonight! The receptionist is drinking heavily babbling about you having five parents, the guard in the dining room is screaming about unicorns, and I am being run ragged by your disappearances and wierd friends!" Storming out, the nurse barely gave a glance to Robert and the custodian. *** He gasped deeply, trying to regain his breath. Ash grabbed onto his small necklace, and he slowly became more relaxed. But he didn't notice the two men and one woman approaching him from behind. He abruptly turned when Giovanni placed his hand on Ash's shoulder. "Wait!" Giovanni ordered before the boy could teleport away. "Before you leave, please remember me. I am the man who brought you into this world from your own, and I propose an alliance of sorts. I have learned that you are a magician of some type, and I am a master of Pokemon. You magicians have amazing abilities that stem from spells, while our Pokemon use their elemental abilities to utilize attacks. If we were to join forces..." Ash smiled, and raised his hand up to Giovanni's. "I believe that we have a deal." *** Several weeks had passed, and Robert, Morgana and Godfrey were travelling with Ash, Misty and Brock. They were still wary of a switch, and Ash willfully subjected himself to the searching every morning for a single imperfection. Now, they were travelling from Pewter City to Cerulean City. Ash was in front, followed by Misty and Pikachu. Morgana was walking next to Misty, and Godfrey behind her. Robert and Brock were last, discussing who knows what. "What is this little egg-thing?" Morgana inquired, looking with fascination at Togepi. "This is Togepi," Misty said. "Ash found the egg it hatched from down in Grandpa Canyon, but when it hatched, it saw me first, and got attatched to me." "Ah, imprinting!" Morgana said, nodding. "That happens with most birds and lizards in our world, including the dragon." Ash turned back to Misty. "Dragons, are those anything like Charizard?" he asked. Morgana frowned somewhat. "I wouldn't know; what do they look like?" Ash pulled out his Pokedex. "Dexter'll show you," he said, handing her the small machine. She held it gingerly. "Hello, reviewer, what information would you like to know?" Ash leaned over to her. "Dexter, show the information on Charizard," Ash said. A picture of a Charizard appeared on the screen. Morgana's face lit up. "Quite like a dragon," she said. "Except for the flaming tail. The flame is the mark of a passionate creature, a person with much emotion. We magicians believe that a man of fire can only be tamed by a woman of a calming influence. A cooler, more flowing woman. A woman of water." Nobody seemed to react to her statement, and she smiled inwardly. It was indeed a cryptic statement, one which she hoped no one would understand. But she froze. Misty turned to her. "Morgana, what's wrong?" "Danger!" was all she said. She sensed danger, of what type she could not tell. Suddenly, the ground underneath Ash collapsed. Misty screamed, Morgana froze, and everyone else scramble ineffectively to the hole. But Ash crawled out of it in a moment. "Ash!" Misty cried. Pikachu looked dubiously at his trainer, sniffing cautiously at the air. Ash glared angrily at the hole, and smiled at Misty. "It would take a lt more than a hole to stop me!" he said confidently. Misty smiled back at Ash, and the group continued down the road. But no one noticed that there were now eight Pokeballs at Ash's side, instead of the legal six. And an unconscious man rested at the bottom of a hole, unaware of what was conspiring. Part 3: Twice the Fun!