Double Trouble by Lord Kadabra Part 5-Promises Note: Pokemon does not belong to me, blah, blah, blah, dont sue, etc., etc., etc. *** *** "Do you, Misty Waterflower, take this man, Ash Ketchum, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, etc., etc., etc.?" Misty smiled at her fiance. "I do." "And do you, Ash Ketchum, take Misty Waterflower to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer and for porrer, till death do you part?" "I have done it once before, loving and cherishing her untill Death parted us, so I promise it again before you all. I do." The preist raised his hands. "By the power vested in me by the-oh heck, you're married, kiss her." Among the cheering guests, Ash and Misty kissed. Three silent figures watched from the bushes. One, a blue-haired man, was sobbing. "It's so beautiful!" he cried. A woman with very long red hair hit him over the head. "Shut up! Do you want them to find us?" she snapped. A Persian reached up and scratched both of them across the face. "Yeah, well we've got to leave now, so leave the present and go!" he hissed. Jesse smiled. "But we never do anything so unstylish. James?" He nodded. "Right!" *** Ash was holding Misty's hand, leading her down the aisle, when a huge cloud of smoke covered the wedding area. Three figures, two people and a Pokemon, were faintly visible through the fog. The one on the left, wearing a long curl of hair, spoke. "To protect the world from devastation," "To unite all peoples withing our nation," the one on the right said. "To denounce the evils of truth and love," "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse," she said, the fog clearing to reveal her in a long green dress, engraved with a red 'R' on the chest. "James," he said, his Rocket uniform exchanged for a tuxedo with an 'R' on the left sleeve. "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light," "Surrender now, or prepare to fight." The Persian leapt in front of the two people. "Per-sian, that's right!" Ash growled. "Do you two have to ruin every happy occasion?" he asked, reaching for a Pokeball. "We're not here to fight, twerp, we just came to drop off a gift," Jesse snapped. "And we just had to make a dramatic entrance!" James declared. "So, twerp, here's 'da wedding gift," Meowth said, tossing a small box at Ash's feet, "And now for some magic. Now you see us," Jesse threw down a smoke bomb, which exploded, obscuring anything in view. "Now you don't!" he cried. When the smoke cleared, Team Rocket was gone, but the gift still rested against Ash's feet. "Maybe we should open the gift," he suggested. Misty frowned, though. "It could be a trap," she said, worried. "There's only one way to find out," Ash said, pulling off the top. Misty cringed, but Ash appeared surprised. "It's two Pokeballs, and a note. Dear Twerp, We hope this finds its way to you, and that you can receive this gift. The Pokeball with the flame on it is Ash's, it's a Kadabra. The Pokeball with the water drop is Misty's; it's a Vaporeon. We caught these ourselves, feeling you wouldn't appreciate it if we stole a wedding gift for you. And just so you know-nothing's changed. We just feel that you don't need to be bothered on the happiest day of your life- so enjoy the break! Jesse, James, and Persian" Misty smiled at Ash. "Well, it looks like things are about over. Now, I think it's time to start the honeymoon, Ashy- boy." While the assembled cheered, Misty led him towards the limo which would take them to the plane which would fly them to Maiden's Peak. Ash was somewhat confused, wondering where she'd come up with that nickname. And a silent figure watched the proceedings. And she spoke, but no one heard her. "How did you know, Jesse, that I had given him a gift as well? How did you know I had given him psychic abilities? If you know about that gift, do you know of my other? Do you know the destiny these two face, and how without them, we are all lost? And why, Jesse, why did you know?" Then, speaking to the couple, she said, "Go, you two, and be happy, for soon, all will change, and you will be separated. But never lose hope, for your destinies are the hope of mankind." END