The Greatest Trainer Prologue by Lord Kadabra I don't own Pokemon, and none of the characters except Allegra are mine. (And do not use her unless you ask my permission!) *** I was 9, one year before I could become a Pokemon Trainer, when I got lost in the Viridian Forest. I was forced to take shelter under a large tree when a storm came. I remember the lightening striking violently on the plain, and I will always remember how I first saw him. I caught sight of the Spearow that were chasing him. I remember thinking that something big must have riled them up during a storm. Then, I saw him riding the bike, the Pikachu laying in the front basket. *How odd,* I had thought, *That's a girl's bike.* And then he ran over a jump and skidded into the mud. He turned to say something to the Pikachu, placing a Pokeball next to it. He then turned to the Spearow, and yelled at them "Spearow, do you know who I am? I am Ash Ketchum from the town of Pallet, and I am destined to be the greatest Pokemon Master, and I can't be defeated by the likes of you! I'm going to catch each and every one of you, so COME AND GET ME!" He was either the bravest or stupidest boy I had ever seen. He was probably both. But then, I saw the one thing that changed my life. The Pikachu leapt onto Ash's shoulder, and leapt towards the birds. I moved to cover my eyes, but then he did it. Lightening struck the Pikachu and exploded outwards in a sphere of energy. Every piece of plant life in a ten-foot radius was obliberated, and the Spearow fell like rocks. The two, human and Pikachu, collapsed onto the ground. I silently sat watching them, having decided my path in life. I did not want to be a Pokemon trainer. I did not want to teach, raise, or breed Pokemon. I wanted to learn how to manipulate the forces of nature as the Pokemon do, and to do it better than any Pokemon. But I couldn't reveal this wish to anyone. It was my secret, to be held alone. But maybe, when I was older, I would seek out this Ash Ketchum. He certainly would be a great fighter, and I could prove my strength against him. And maybe...but I shook that thought away. For now, I would concentrate on my training. The obvious place to start would be Saffron City, where I could train to control the psychic types. *** "Not until you're 10," my mother declared. "Sabrina won't even accept you until you're 10, and there's no telling if you even have any psychic abilities." I smiled. "I'm sure I do, mom. I can feel it." So I would have to wait a year. That was fine with me. I could learn more about the elemental attacks of Pokemon, and maybe start finding clues as to how I could use them. And maybe I could follow this Ash Ketchum. It would help if I knew more about him. And it wouldn't hurt to dream... *** My friend Jenny Oak was sitting next to me at my computer. "And it says here that he's won against Misty and Brock, and Erika and even Lt. Surge!" she said. I frowned at the statistics. "And it says that he only used a Pikachu. That's impressive." I quietly filed the information away in my head. His electric attacks were strong. I would have to remember it. "Earth to Allegra, are you in?" Jenny asked. I shook my head, "Yeah," I mumbled. She suddenly flipped the screen. "I'm going to check out Gary. It says here that he's doing pretty well, too..." I stopped listening to her. I started thinking about my application to the Saffron City Telekinetic Center. It was due back in a couple of weeks, and if I had strong abilities, I would receive a sholarship and reserved space. But I knew I had to have psychic abilities. And they had to be strong. I had been doing tests, and I had managed to make a spoon levitate and tie itself into a knot. I only had to wait. *** "Rejected?" I demanded. My mother nodded. "I'm sorry, honey, but they say you don't have enough potential," she said softly. I glared angrily. "Then I'm going to have to go out on my own!" I demanded. "I'll get a Pokemon from Professor Oak, and go on my Pokemon journey." My mother gulped noticably. "I'm afraid that's impossible, honey. Your father and I have decided that if you didn't get into Saffron, we would send you to Pokemon Tech. They have the best education on Pokemon there, and you can become a great trainer." Pokemon Tech? I didn't want to go there. There was no freedom, no flexibility, no chance that I could achieve my dream. But I knew the tone in my mother's voice. I was going to Pokemon Tech. *** I was sitting next to some kid named Joe, listening to the lecturer. "At Pokemon Tech, you will receive the finest education on Pokemon. In addition to normal training and battling skills, students will have the oppurtunity to learn about and have experience in various careers, including photography, item assembly and design, genetics, and hospitalization." I sat up at the word 'genetics.' That could very well be the way I should go. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. *** I quickly learned the heirarchy of the school's students, and realized that with only the Abra my father had given me when I left, I was at the bottom. But I trained and studied hard, and soon rose to the top. By the end of my second year, I had become the school expert on Pokemon genetics and the best battler. I had over two dozen Pokemon, all elemental types. I even had Pokemon of the newly-discovered types, Dark and Steel. But I still didn't know what I needed, so in the last year of my scholarship, I applied for an internship on Valencia Island. There, I hoped the resident expert, Professor Ivy, could help me to move towards my dream. *** My work with Professor Ivy, however, was dull and counterproductive. After graduation, I realized that it was time to turn to the leaders of Pokemon technology, Team Rocket. I knew the organization well enough that I knew they would accept my offer. But never during all these years, did I lose sight of my original plan. I continued to watch Ash, through his trials in the Indigo League, and his journeys through the Orange Islands (unfortunately, he had left by the time I arrived), and even his climbing through the Jolt League. But, after that, in my third year at school, he vanished. No trace of his location was left, and I cursed myself that I had never had a chance to find him. But, it was time that I approached Team Rocket with my proposal. *** I entered the Viridian City Gym, and looked up to where Giovanni would sit. But instead, a tall woman with long red hair and a man of the same height with blue hair stood at the gym leader's position. "Hello challenger," she said haughtily. "Prepare to lose!" he added, holding a rose in his right hand. "And prepare to be beat badly!" a Brooklyn accent added. I was shocked to see a Persian on the gym floor had uttered those words, until I reminded myself of the countless reports of Ash Ketchum encountering these three members of Team Rocket. "Hello Jesse, James, Persian," I said politely. "I have quite a few Pokemon, most of them very rare," I placed great emphasis on the last two words, "But I am not here to battle. I am here to propose an offer to Giovanni, your superior." The three exchanged glances, and I took the oppurtunity to step forward. "You see, I have long had an aspiration to learn the elemental attacks of all Pokemon, and I believe that only the infamous Team Rocket has the ability to aid me in such a search." "And what would you offer in exchange for this service?" Giovanni asked, stepping from the shadows, his Persian sliding at his feet. "First, you would gain the knowledge of how to perform such a delicate procedure. And second, I would become a freelance agent and devote half of my time to working under you, unless your orders are confluent with my intentions, at which point, I will devote every waking hour to it." Giovanni came very close to grinning mainiacally, but didn't. "How could I refuse such a...seductive...offer?" he said, placing a kiss on my hand. "Come with me, and I will introduce you to my scientists." *** How do you like this? I decided to write this when I wondered what would happen if a person had the abilities of a Pokemon, and how such a person would get their abilities. And to all those wondering, yes, she does have a crush on Ash:). But, wait to read more in part 1, Transformation.