Last Hope by Lord Kadabra Note: I do not own Pokemon, etc. But I have created several Pokemon for the purposes of this fanfic. The only two that appear in this part are Ignispa and Ignispus, wolf/fire Pokemon. -pa is female, -pus is male (It's derived from Latin for Wolf of Fire). The * symbol around text indicates Poke-ese, translated for comprehension and space purposes. *** The lone figure stood in the antechamber, obviously waiting for someone. A short figure entered, and stepped up to the lone one. *25-0725, you're late,* it said. The creature looked up sheepishly. *A 93 unit detained me,* it replied. The leader looked down on the small subordinate. *-4421, no doubt,* it snapped angrily. *I'll have to remember to talk to 123-6627 about him. I knew those Ghosts from Lavender were trouble.* The smaller figure stood uncomfortably as its superior raved. But soon, it turned to its lower. *But that's not why you're here, is it, my electric friend?* The Pikachu shook its head. *113- 1010 told me you've been having those dreams again.* The Pikachu looked up. *Yes, I have. I can't help but think: he was better to me than most trainers would have been. And though he's gone, I can't help but to remember him.* The leader smiled at the young Pikachu. *I've had 47-3325 make you up a potion that'll supress these dreams, and hopefully concentrate your mind on your job, my little Pikachu.* Pikachu reached out to receive the package his employer gave him. The taller figure walked towards the door, but turned back to Pikachu for a final word. *And Pikachu, remember that even if he had lived, even he could not defeat me. I am the ultimate Pokemon.* *** A Butterfree flew peacefully over the remains of StoneTown, which had been converted into a laborious mine worked by humans. Right now, a line of these slaves were being led to the mines by a phalaanx of guards led by a Kadabra. Machamp flanked the group menacingly flexing their muscles, and Mr. Mime walked on the edges, creating hard light screens to keep the humans contained. The Butterfree, concentrated on the scene below, didn't notice a hungry Spearow swoop down onto it, claws extended. With a small cry, the Butterfree dropped the package it carried down onto the humans. A tall, red-haired woman tripped when the package fell before her. The Kadabra turned, eyes glowing, and the woman fell to her knees in pain. A brown-haired man wearing a medallion around his neck leapt towards the overseer. With a shift in attention, the Kadabra threw the man backwards into one of the walls. The woman threw a small sphere at the ground, and an explosion of smoke obscured the area. Two swift Pidgeot flew from nearby and blew the smoke away. Turning his head rapidly, the Kadabra realized that three slaves had escaped. Furiously, he barked orders in his language to the Pidgeot who rapidly left to organize a search party. The Butterfree banked in the air, and flew away unmolested, no one taking heed of the small ball of paper which the red-haired woman had picked up from the ground, and which was now missing. *** Misty Ketchum opened up the message which she had picked up from the ground. She handed it to Gary Oak, who read it silently. "So they've found him. He's alive and well somewhere near Indigo Plateau." Misty gasped in shock, and grabbed Gary's arm. "Alive?" she demanded. "Alive?" Gary nodded. She smiled. "AJ, you know what that means. You have to get this to our liasons from the League." The tough-looking man smiled, cracking his knuckles. "That can easily be accomplished," he said, and whistled sharply. A large Sandslash dug up from the ground right next to him. "I-" But he stopped when the sound of angry birds rung through the air. Misty looked up, and gasped. "Pidgeots! And...oh, God, they're carrying Raticate! AJ, you have to get away!" AJ nodded, and snapped his fingers. The Sandslash quickly dug a large hole into the ground, into which his trainer leapt. Misty turned to face the oncoming Pokemon, unarmed, but determined. Determined to protect her friend, and their last chance at victory. *** Misty was thrown at Mewtwo's feet by the large Machamp. The so-called ultimate Pokemon looked down scornfully at her. "What is it that you were doing? Why did you leave only to stop within our borders? And why did you help Prisonner 4523 escape when you yourself could have done so?" Misty choked, knowing she couldn't give up their last hope. But she was prepared for this. It was unfortunate that the League's secret weapon had to be revealed, but it was the only way, to keep Mewtwo's attention from their true intentions. "Answer me, woman!" he snapped, forcing a feeling of unimaginable pain into her head. Twisting, she looked up at him. "What would your mother say? Beating up innocent girls like this?" Mewtwo glared even harder, and Misty felt even more pain, jumping through her body, destroying nerves. In pure agony, she screamed out to Mewtwo. "I'll tell you!" she gasped, trying to find breath. Mewtwo smiled, and dropped her. "I knew you'd see my point of view," he said smugly. Misty sat up. "The League...they've got a secret weapon, and AJ is to bring the last component of it to them. They have created a new Pokemon, a combination between a virtual and physical Pokemon; it's powerful enough to break down your Porygon and destroy your computer systems, and cripple you." She bowed her head, and the ultimate Pokemon wove her away. "Thank you, my young friend. I have learned all I need from you. Now return to the mines." The Machamp again picked her up, and marched from the room. Mewtwo was satisfied. A virtual Pokemon stronger than any other existing? That would be easy enough to cripple, but he had a better idea. He snapped his fingers, and a Magneton floated to him. *82-0725, bring a message to Head Technician 122-0505. He is to release 137-E5 and to report to me.* The Magneton bobbed affirmatively. *Yes, 150-0x. I will go now.* The floating magnet-like Pokemon floated quickly away. Mewtwo smiled. This secret weapon soon would be an ace up HIS sleeve. He then whistled. Articuno flew into the room, manouvering awkwardly in the small space. *144-0002, you must be wondering why I've summoned you,* he said. The bird shook her head a little. *No, I've suspected that you have business with 252-x and 253-x,* she responded. Mewtwo turned away. *Yes, I do. Tell the firewolves to seek out Prisonner 4523 and his Sandslash. Tell them to hunt for the kill.* Articuno nodded, and spoke into her head-mounted radio. *06-0725, release 252/3-x on seek mission 12 mark 4523, storage 1/2-4523.* The reply came immediately, reflecting years of training. *Of course. Tentacruel-release them!* A loud grinding was heard, and then twin howls came from the headset. *Ignispa, Ignispus, seek out and kill the man who carries this scent.* The howls came again, but two voices also spoke. *He will feel the tear of my claws in him,* Ignispus said ferociously. *He will feel the cut of my teeth in him,* Ignispa said coldly. Then, the two bounded away from the transmitter, and hopefully to destroy the man before he reached his destination. *** AJ sat thoughtfully by the fire with his loyal Sandslash. Ever since the Rebellion, he had been miserable. Five years ago, Mewtwo had risen up against the human race with an army of Pokemon, promising to his followers freedom from bondage, and therefore gaining the loyalty of many trainers' Pokemon. With their best weapon against the armies destroyed, the humans turned to the last place they would ever have expected to: Team Rocket. The guns and weapons of the criminal organization had done more than the entire armies of Pokemon against the conquerers. And in a terrible turn of events, the famous Pikachu, who belonged to the Pokemon League champion, Ash Ketchum, turned against his trainer, and in a final raid against the combined forces the League and Team Rocket, defeated the humans. The League had lost all trace of Ash Ketchum since the raid, and its fragments searched for him, communicating among the work camps and human settlements safe from the Pokemon. He alone could help them. Sabrina had forseen it in one of her rare sights to the future. And now they had found him. He stood up, and turned to Sandslash. But he never got to say anything, for twin howls rang through the night. "IG-NIS!" Following the howls, two rods of fire lanced through the trees, barely missing the trainer and his Pokemon. And then two blood-red wolves burst into the clearing, both snarling with bloodlust. They leapt as one towards AJ, slashing his throat open with their razor sharp claws. Turning to the Sandslash, they realized that it had escaped. The tunnel it had dug was sitting before them, but the wolves knew better. Sandslash dig tunnels to collapse behind them. Ignipus grabbed the corpse with his teeth and dragged it away, his mate padding softly next to him. And the Sandslash drove through the ground, knowing that he could not go to the League now. A lone Pokemon would be killed. But he had to deliver the message. *** *Kadabra...Kadabra...Kadabra...There! I see it!* the Kadabra exclaimed. Mewtwo smiled. *What does the future hold, comrade?* *Death, much death. Humans and Pokemon alike. And, someone betrays us. And-* The Pokemon broke off with a gasp. *What is it?* *HE is here. He does not kill; he seeks for you. Pokemon stop their fight and turn against you when he passes, for he promises more than you can; he promises true equality. And, all who stay with you are destroyed. All who stand against him die. He does the unthinkable; he defeats you.* Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue. He floated from his seat in the darkened room. *Enough, you old, superstitious fool!* he snapped. *Just like Sabrina, you claim to see the lines of fate, but you instead make preposterous claims of the future, trying to amaze and stupefy. It will not work with me, 64-4421.* The Pokemon flew from the room, his tail lashing angrily. The Kadabra smiled, and opened a link that she had not touched in years. *Beware, Mewtwo. You have gained another enemy, and a traitor.* *** "What happened in the raid?" Giovanni demanded. The gym leaders who had survived the wars looked away, but Richard Jameson, the Pokemon League Champ, looked straight at him. "It was Porygon, and they stole the program. Or rather, they shielded our view from the actions of some virus that deleted all trace of the program from our systems and replicated in itself." Giovanni slammed his hand onto the table. "So now they have our last weapon?" he snapped. Sabrina raised her hand tentatively. "Sir, we still have hope. Our sources say that our contacts in Evolution Mountain have located Ash Ketchum, and that a messanger brings the information to us. They say that they sent-AJ Stora. He should be here soon." Giovanni growled, but sat down. "I hope for your sake that Mr. Ketchum can help us. I grow tired of fighting and hiding." Sabrina nodded, but suddenly screamed. The trainers backed away rapidly, except for Janet FIsher from Crimson, the replacement for the late Erika. "What's wrong?" she demanded. Sabrina abruptly sat up. "Nothing's wrong. We simply have gained another ally." She smiled at their confusion. "My Kadabra has found fault with the ultimate Pokemon, and has decided to join with us. It looks like we've gained an edge." *** Sandslash finally dug up from the ground. He hoped that he was in the right place, because he couldn't go any further. He came to the surface, and saw a laboratory. Perfect. Staggering, he advanced to the front door, and rang the bell. Then he collapsed. *** Professor Oak was running his hand over the ruined lab equipment, sighing at the loss of his life's work. When Mewtwo had come, he had destroyed the lab to keep Oak from learning enough about Pokemon to stop him. The same had happened on Cinnabar Island. Then the doorbell rang. Hurrying, the professor opened the door to see a fainted Sandslash lying there. "We'd better get you inside," he delclared to no one in particular. Picking up the heavy Pokemon, he carried it to his lab, where only the Pokemon revitalizer was intact. With the work of several moments, he revived the ground type. Sandslash opened his eyes weakly. "Slash," it murmured, and handed a ball of paper to Professor Oak. Opening it, he read the note. "Oh my," he muttered. "Alive? And in-good God, he's been committed!" *** "Doctor Ketchum, how is he today?" the nurse asked. The red-brown-haired doctor turned to her assistant, Florinda. "Not much better. He's brooding about his loss today. You might want to make sure he doesn't get too depressed." The nurse nodded. "All right, I'll remember that." Balancing the inmate's lunch, she hurried to room A-4. Opening the door with her hip, she overheard him talking to himself. "-Mewtwo's wrong in hurting people, but the League-they...they shouldn't want to put it back the way it was. The Pokemon won't like it. People and Pokemon should be equal. Equal partners." "Time for lunch!" Florinda said, interrupting the man's train of thought. He looked up, and she sighed inwardly. His brown eyes, once full of ambition and caring, were now vacant and confused. "Now, the doctor says that you need to take your medicine now." The man nodded, and took the pills from the tray. She smiled. "And here's to a quick recovery." The man smiled at her. *** "Indigo Mental Institution, the foremost in recovery from shock, inanity and depression," Professor Oak declared to the Sandslash. "Slash!" he said happily, though still mourning the loss of his trainer. Oak nodded. "Yes, he should be here." He knocked on the heavy door, a bit worried about how dangerous it was to come here, through the passages of Victory Road. The door opened a crack, and a familiar face peered out. "Oh! Hello George," she said, opening the door to admit him. Professor Oak smiled. "And hello, Rose. When you said you were getting into psychiatry, I didn't know you'd come to work here." She smiled faintly. "Yes, but presently, we have only one patient." "It must be difficult to see him this way." She sighed. "Yes." she started crying a little. "Mimey can take you to kis room." The Mr. Mime appeared from the corridor and happily led Professor Oak to the only occupied cell in the building. Opening the door, he stepped inside. The black-haired man looked up, and greeted him brightly. "Hello, Professor. I caught a new Pokemon today." Holding up a small stress ball he had painted red, the man smiled childishly. "It's Mewtwo." The Professor nodded. "Of course it is. Do you know why I came to see you?" "Yes. You came to see me because I am Ash KEtchum from the town of Pallet, the best Pokemon Master in the world!" *** Continued...In Part 2, Resurrection