Note: I don't own any of the characters except Jerry, Raymond, Tsunami, Cyclone, Maria, Jade, Twilight and Holly. All other characters and the Pokémon world, as well as Pokémon itself are registered trademarks of Nintendo and Gamefreak, etc, etc. "<<" and ">>" represent telepathic thought. Master's Fate: Prologue The woman in white entered the clearing, and pulled a small piccolo from her pocket. She held it to her lips and played a lilting, haunting melody. The air around her seemed to shimmer as the full moon above her shone down impassively on this tiny clearing in the Viridian Forest. The haunting melody drew to a close, and another woman stepped from the shadows. With green hair and a red headband, she carried a set of panpipes, which she began playing. The woman in white joined in, and neither one of them took notice of the two creatures emerging from the woods. A pink, egg-shaped creature with a nurse's hat bounded over to the white-clad woman, singing to the melody in its own language. "Chan-seey, chance-chance-yyy." Something that appeared to be a cross between a mushroom and a walking grape waddled to its master, the woman with green hair. It also sang, joining in harmony with the egg and piccolo. "Gloo, gloo-oo-oo-oom. Gloo-oo-oo-oo-oom." Another voice and song joined in, a tuba played by a tall man dressed in blue. A terrifying dragon-like figure slid on the ground beside him, singing in a deep voice, "Gyar, Gyarado, Gyar-do-do-dos." One by one, new players entered, with their strange vocalists. A sleepy creature appeared, singing "Ab-ra," as its fifteen-year-old master played her violin. A human-like figure shrouded in flame appeared, its bald partner playing a silver trumpet. Together, many people joined in, and their singing partners dancing around, leaving trails colorful energy behind them. The song was still missing something. It felt incomplete, although the sounds filled the area, sounds which residents of Viridian City would later attest to group hallucinations. Suddenly, a man stood before the strange ensemble. He did not appear; rather, it as if he had been there all the time, but no one had noticed him. He lifted a willow branch above his head, and brought his arms down. As he did, the music became fuller, somehow. And two voices added to the song. His own voice spoke in another language, the words unknown, but the meaning clear. And what seemed to be an extremely short person wearing a loose cloak chanted in time with a drummer and his rock-snake's keening. "Mer-lin, Mer-lin, Mer-lin, Mer-lin!" The music played for what could have been a minute, or what could have been hours. The music then faded, drifting into silence. One by one, the men and women set down their instruments, and their accompanists stopped singing, until the man alone was left, and he dropped his hands to his sides. He wasn't very tall or imposing, but he had an air of authority. He was slightly pudgy, and didn't look at all dangerous, a mistaken impression his enemies only made once. He looked at the group and spoke. "Welcome," he said, his quiet voice nonetheless echoing in the small clearing, "You wonder why I have called you all." A man whose voice carried both fear and authority, and whose face was always hidden in shadow spoke out. "I do not wonder. I know. You have come to tell us of the need to bring Him to this world. We do not need His help; we can save this earth ourselves. So stop your foolish mission, Godfrey, and let us handle saving this planet." The conductor stood up straighter, indignity nearly flashing in his eyes. "Giovanni, It is not a foolish mission. It is needed! If he is not brought here, if he is not born soon, the earth will be plunged into another Dark Ages. Do you want another thousand years of barbarism and prejudice? You know what the Inquisition did to trainers not of the Church, don't you Giovanni? It will be worse this time, if we don't do something." The teenager and her Abra interjected psychically, <> Giovanni started to object when her thoughts entered the gathering's minds. <> "I believe Sabrina has hit upon a good idea. All in favor of debate and vote for the decision of whether the child will be brought here, send up your Pokémon. Quite a few of the creatures bounded, ran, flew or slithered to the front. Giovanni looked on over his companions. They were all fools. Except for Jerry. Jerry was the leader, the conductor, of the Masters. He controlled the most powerful type of Pokémon, those who harnessed the powers of magic. Giovanni chuckled. It did not matter if He was born; Giovanni could handle him. Giovanni was here only because he was born with the potential, and had lived up to it. He had no alliance to the League, or even the Masters. His only alliance was to his fledgling criminal organization. But His appearance was a sign. Giovanni remembered the words the last psychic Master had spoken to him. "When He is born, it is the first sign of your downfall, Giovanni. He shall avenge all the wrongs you have dealt to this world, and free your evil slaves." That prediction had rattled him, although the prospect of a boy hero destroying him was laughable. Maybe she was wrong. But he would be ready, just in case. He stroked his Sandslash, who delighted in her master's attention. "Sand-Slash!," she growled. Jerry held up his hand for silence. "The votes for an open debate are in." He named them each. Koga, poison Master, Sabrina, psychic Master, Blaine, fire Master, Brock, rock Master, Erika, plant Master, Raymond, light Master, Tsunami, water Master, Lorelei, ice Master, Cyclone, air Master, Joy, healing Master, and Agatha, ghost Master. Jerry then threw in his vote as well, making twelve of the Masters. Giovanni calculated in his head. Who was with him? Lt. Surge (of electric), Maria (of Death), Jade (of Normal), Twilight (of Shadow), Holly (of Bug), Bruno (of Fighting) and Lance (of Dragon). Damn. Only eight. He moved to the front of the clearing, next to Jerry. They argued long into the night, and when the vote came to pass, the events to bring the child to the world began. *** The hospital was crowded as Dr. And Mrs. Blaire were leaving to return to their home after a bout with the flu. Both were worried, as they had been forced to leave their three-month-year-old at home, and wanted to return as soon as possible. She pushed past the numerous people hurrying inside. Her husband stopped her gently with his hand, and she looked at him. His black hair had been darker in the past, but he still looked as handsome as the man she had married. "Honey," he said in a worried tone, "Officer Jenny won't let us through." The blue-haired woman in police's uniform looked at him. "I'm sorry sir, but there's some sort of trouble outside, and I can't let anyone out in good conscience." "But my child is out there, and I need to get to him!" she wailed. Officer Jenny looked with pity on this poor woman, but still blocked the way. "Nuh-uh, I'm sorry miss, but it's just too dangerous." Suddenly, Dr. Blaire pushed past the officer and hurried outside. "Wait! Come back!" she yelled after him. She flipped out a radio and snapped orders as Sara Blaire watched her husband race off in the darkness. "My spirit goes with you, my love," she whispered as he vanished from view. *** "Okay, little boy," the woman hissed into the baby's ear, "You're coming with Aunt Cassidy for a wonderful time." She picked up the child carefully, and hurried towards the door, nervous of what might happen. A flash of light blinded her, and she cried out in terror as two shadows swam into view. "Prepare for trouble." "And make it double." "To protect the world from devastation. "To save the earth from the evil nation." "To preserve the virtues of truth and love." "To battle even to the stars above." "Jessie." A red-haired woman in a white outfit stepped into the light, her face revealing an inner beauty in addition to her external looks. "James." No dashing hero, the blue-haired man carried a rose, and his face betrayed a romantic nature. "Saving Earth with our goodly might." "Surrender now or prepare to fight." The two threw two pokéballs at the kidnapper. "Go Ekans!" "Go Koffing!" The woman set the child on the ground and threw two pokéballs at her attackers. "Go Raticate! Drowzee!" They began battling, and the baby wailed in fear. The battle was intense, so no one noticed a tall man slip from the shadows, pick up the child, and disappear. *** Dr. Blaire stopped in front of his home. Parts of it were smashed to pieces, and a crater sat where his garden used to be. In shock, he rushed inside. Failing to find his son, he felt despair welling up in his chest. "Don't worry, Dr. Blaire," a voice floated to his ear. He looked up in shock. "I've just been keeping an eye on him for a while, so you could see me destroy him." The tall man stepped partially from the shadows, holding a small wailing wad of blankets. His face, still hidden by shadow, could have been smiling. Dr. Vraise looked at the man. "" he asked, fear rising and nearly overcoming him. "No one important. Simply one who doesn't want your child around long enough to do anything significant." The child floated away from the man and landed next to his father. "Feel free to say goodbye, Doctor." A brown glow suffused the man's body, and he shouted, "Medusa Effect!" His eyes glowed black, and a single ray of shadow shot at the wailing infant. Dr. Blaire unthinkingly threw himself in front of his child, and was hit by the dark light. With a flash, his body turned to stone, and with a wave of his hand, the man shattered the statue. "Valiant efforts, Doctor, but your child will die. Medusa Effect!" Another voice rang inside his head as he fired off another beam. Psychic Shield! The attack dissipated in a rainbow as it struck an invisible wall.. I've been watching you, Giovanni, but was too late to save the father. You will not hurt the child. Giovanni snarled at her. "You don't want to get involved, Sabrina. I am more powerful than you ever will be. Earthquake!" Levitation! Both the child and Sabrina hovered above the ground as the earth around them crumbled and collapsed. <> Giovanni glared at her malevolently and disappeared in a massive explosion. Sabrina looked at the child, and smiled. Then she looked up, puzzled. "How could the house be so wrecked? Giovanni obviously was only here for a moment." She looked at her feet and saw a piece of fabric. It was white, and it was marked with a red "R." The ground underneath her shook warningly. Teleportation! She vanished, carrying the child in her arms. *** "Officer Jenny, is my husband all right?" Mrs. Blaire was frantic. The officer looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry miss, but we don't know where he is. We checked at your house, and there definitely was a battle, but no bodies. We don't know where else to look." A brief humming filled the room, and a sixteen-year-old girl with black hair appeared, carrying a bundle of blankets. It became evident she was holding a child when he burst into tears. "My baby!" she cried, and grabbed the child from Sabrina. "Don't cry, it's all right, shh..." Officer Jenny looked at Sabrina, and opened her mouth. "Now who-" <> Everyone nearby was assaulted with this knowledge, for Sabrina's psychic projection was not refined. Mrs. BLaire began sobbing, and her child wailed with her. Sabrina looked on as the people in the waiting room looked shocked, upset or were crying. She muttered one word, and she vanished again, this time taking Mrs. Blaire with her as well. *** The two stood on the outskirts of Pallet Town. No words were spoken between them, for Sabrina's abilities needed no words. <> "My mother's maiden name was Ketchum. Will that do?" Mrs. Blaire asked. <> "I don't know how to thank you, Sabrina. Why have you helped us?" <> Wordlessly, Sabrina faded out, and Mrs. Ketchum began her new life. "Good luck to the both of you. The fate of the world lies in his hands." *** Jerome, magic Master, hit his gavel upon the bench. "Giovanni, we the court find you guilty of murder and attempted interference with the League's actions. What do you have to say for yourself?" Giovanni stared defiantly at the judge. "I have no excuse save that this child was interfering in my plans. My agenda cannot suffer the devastation his presence has promised." Sabrina stood up from the jury's bench. <> she thought telepathically at the members of the court. Jerome tapped his gavel twice, indicating agreement with the jury's decision. He waved his hand once, and a brown ring vanished from Giovanni's finger. "Giovanni, you have been found guilty on all accounts, and have been so punished. Leave here now, and never again interfere with the League!" Psychic Shield ------------------------------ This Attack of the psychic type blocks all elemental attacks, rendering them harmless. Medusa Effect ----------------------------- A ray of black light converts target to stone, and, when combined with Shatter, destroys the target completely. Of the ground type.