Chapter 6: The Black Sword Saga Part One: Kidnaping


Authors Notes.

I couldnÕt think of any ideas for adventures revolving around the change in bodies and gender so I decided to end that part of the story early and moved ahead two years in time. Every one has there own bodies back and they will never speak of the event again.

REMEMBER THEY ARE BACK TO NORMAL... well as normal as they get.


Jack is now 18 and 6ft 3.

Miyamoto is now 14 and 5ft 5.

Alex is now 14 and 5ft 3.

Kiki is now 13 and 5ft 4.

Tiffany is now 16 and 5ft 6.

Brian is now 13 and 5ft 5.



We Join Miyamoto and Jack racing down a snowy mountain top on snowboards in more winter friendly uniforms the only difference being Miyamoto has is wearing long pants and a heavier jacket other wise no difference from the summer outfit, and Jack wore a black hat with a red R one it.

Soon they spotted their target, a young trainer playing in the snow with a Jynx.

ÒPrepare for TroubleÓ shouted Miyamoto as they came closer.

The trainer looked up Òwho the heck is that!?Ó he said to his pokemon.

ÒAnd Make it DoubleÓ Jack laughed.

ÒTo cause are enemies devastationÓ Miyamoto said flashing a wicked smile

ÒTo plunder them across the nationÓ Jack said sinisterly

ÒTo denounce the evils of truth and loveÓ (Miyamoto)

ÒTo extend are power to the stars aboveÓ (Jack)



ÒTeam Rocket blast of beyond the speed of lightÓ (Miyamoto)

ÒSurrender now for you canÕt fightÓ (Jack)


The trainer just laughed. Òoh that's smart tell me your name before you rob meÓ

Jack and Miyamoto clenched the fists as their bodies shook with anger. ÒWhy you little brat weÕll get you for that!Ó Miyamoto screamed as she called her pokemon Tangela Bind him!Ó she screamed.

Òoh no!Ó the trainer shouted. ÒJynx dodge ITÓ he screamed. Jynx was fast enough to dodge out of the way how ever Jynx wasnÕt the target, the trainer was.

ÒHa ha ha, you didnÕt really expect us to play far little boyÓ Jack laughed.

The young trainer struggled to get free but to no avail. Jynx! do something.

The JynxÕs eyes darkened with anger and it flung its self at Tangela body slamming it to the ground forcing it to release its trainer from the Bind attack.

ÒAll right Jynx use Hyper BeamÓ The Jynix leaped air and the ball of energy charged in its mouth before firing and slamming into Tangela knocking the pokemon down.

ÒOh no My more Tangela!Ó Miyamoto cried as she hugged her wounded pokemon.


ÒAll right my turn Arbok use Mimic! to copy the Hyper BeamÓ Jack laughed. From under the snow burst a Arbok his gaping maul filled with the glowing ball of energy.

ÒCharrbooook!Ó it cried as the blast of energy fired. ÒHOW did a Arbok learn Mimic!?Ó shouted the trainer

ÒTMÓ Jack shrugged.

After the Jynix recovered from using Hyper Beam it prepared for its next order.

ÒJynix Body Slam!Ó

ÒJynix!Ó the pokemon answered as it lunged at the Arbok. Jacks Arbok ducked dodging the attack.

Jack pointed to the Jynix and shouted. ÒArbok GLARE!Ó Arbok gazed right into JynixÕs eyes and using its powers paralyzed the pokemon.

Òall right revenge time!Ó Miyamoto shouted ÒTangela bind him againÓ The trainer reached for another pokeball but was stopped short as the vines wrapped around his body. Ònow use sleep powder!Ó the blue spores rose from the vine pokemon and put the trainer to sleep.


Jack walked over to the trainer and was about to take the pokeballs when he heard a voice. ÒSTOP RIGHT THERE!Ó Jack turned to see Officer Jenny on a Snowmobile.

ÒMiya time to run!Ó Jack shouted.


The two rockets hopped on their snow boards and pushed off down the mountain side.

They raced down the mountain as fast as they could with Jenny in close pursuit.

ÒStop this is the policeÓ Jenny shouted.

ÒDoes that ever work?Ó Jack asked.

ÒNoÓ Jenny said disappointed.

ÒJack sheÕs gaining on us!Ó Miya screamed. ÒDonÕt worry will lose herÓ Jack assured her.

ÒHOW SHEÕS ON A SNOW MOBILE Ó she screamed in his ear causing Jack to wince in pain.

Jack had a blank expression for a moment. ÒI donÕt knowÓ he said sheepishly.

ÒJack I have a idea use Fearow!Ó

Jack grabbed the pokeball from his belt and released his flying companion. ÒFearow get us out of here!Ó Jack shouted. The bird pokemon did a loop and its swooped down and used its head to spoon Jack onto his back. Jack was now took to the ski.

ÒJack donÕt forget me you JerkÓ Miyamoto shouted. Jack swooped down flying right behind his partner. ÒTake my hand!Ó With ease Jack pulled Miya onto Fearow and together they flew away leaving a very angry Jenny behind.


Jenny stopped her Snow Mobile realizing pursuit would be fruitless at this point.

Òdam them I swear IÕll catch you one day if its the last thing I ever do!Ó she screamed shaking her fist


{back to Jack and Miya}

ÒGuess we should head back to the cabinÓ Jack sighed.

ÒDam it I hate to loseÓ Miyamoto pouted.

Jack turned to her and smiled. ÒdonÕt worry they haven't seen the last of usÓ

ÒYEAHÓ Miyamoto shouted standing up and holding her clenched fist to eye level.

ÒNext time weÕll come out on top!Ó she proclaimed.


With in a matter of hours Jack and Miyamoto had a new plan.

ÒHere Jack put this onÓ Miyamoto said holding up some yellow jump suit.

Jack made a sour face as he looked at it ÒWhat is?Ó

ÒA ski patrol uniform we can use it to sneak up on him oh yeah I have a wig for you toÓ



Jack and Miya donned there disguises and were soon stalking there prey again, dressed as ski patrol in flashy bright yellow and red outfits complete with a blue and green, haired wigs.

ÒWhat do you think of the costumes JackÓ Miyamoto asked.

ÒYou didnÕt dress me as a girl like last time IÕm happyÓ Jack joked causing Miyamoto to smack him.

ÒouchÓ Jack muttered.

Soon they found there prey, but some thing was odd he was crying? and his pokemon wasn't around any where.


ÒExcuse me young man what's the matter?Ó Jack asked trying to sound official.

The boy looked up at him with teary eyes. ÒWell first these Team Socket guys tried to steal my Jynx...Ó it took all of Jacks might to restrain his partner. ÒTeam Socket IT! all sock HIM! Miyamoto sneered. Òquite or youÕll blow are cover!Ó Jack whispered.

Òand then these two thugs calling them selves the Black Sword stole my Jynx and all the pokemon at the poke center I tried to go after them but they got a wayÓ


Jack and Miyamoto went into a huddle. ÒBlack Sword, I never heard of them beforeÓ Miyamoto said. ÒMe nether but they sound like trouble and they stole are gig!Ó Jack sneered.

ÒAHHHHH THERE BACK!Ó the boy screamed as he went running.

Jack and Miyamoto turned to see two menacing figures cloaked under heavy red jackets.

ÒSurrender your pokemon or else!Ó demanded the first.

ÒFor we are the Black Sword and you can not escape are wraithÓ said the other.

Jack stood up and stared them dead in the eyes.

ÒOh yeah wellÓ Jack said as he and his partner ripped away there disguises to reveal there uniforms.

ÒPrepare for TroubleÓ shouted Miyamoto

ÒAnd Make it DoubleÓ shouted Jack

ÒTo cause are enemies devastationÓ laughed Miyamoto

ÒTo plunder them across the nationÓ laughed Jack

ÒTo denounce the evils of truth and loveÓ smiled Miyamoto

ÒTo extend are power to the stars aboveÓ smiled Jack


ÒMiya its your lineÓ Jack whispered looking to his partner to find her gone. He turned around to find a third figure holding Miyamoto hostage. Jack took a fighting stance and prepared to attack. ÒMove and your partner gets it understand!Ó screamed. Jack relaxed. <Dam it! I have to do something but if I try anything now Miya might get hurt> ÒDonÕt worry Miyamoto IÕll find a way to save youÓ

Miyamoto nodded her eyes full of tears and a heart full of fear. She tried to cry out but she couldnÕt. Jack could only look on in horror as they three men took Miya away on snowmobiles.


Jack sat there for several minutes trying to figure out what to do. It was then he heard a engine. He looked back to see Jenny coming up fast with that trainer with him. It stopped just in front of him and the two got off.

Òok Phil you say this is where the two Black Swords guys stole your pokemon?Ó she asked him.

ÒyeahÓ he said meekly

Jenny stood up and walked over to Jack ÒHEY I remember you, YOUR under arrest! for pokemon stealing!Ó she screamed lunging at him. Jack dodged out of the way. ÒIt wasn't him Jenny he tried to before with his partner but then you showed up and they ranÓ the boy said. Normally those words would have angered Jack but he had bigger worries.

ÒWhere is your partner!Ó Jenny demanded.

Òthey kidnaped her, the Black SwordÓ Jack sneered.

ÒWhat they kidnaped her?!Ó Jenny gasped.

ÒYes and I intend to save her!Ó Jack screamed leaping over them and onto the snowmobile. Jack started the engine and took off before Jenny could stop him.


Jack raced down the snowy mountain path, following the tracks made my the Black Swords snowmobiles. Jack could hear nothing over the roar of the engine, he had never driven so fast in his life. He raced past groves of trees, and down a icy tunnel and into a snowy valley.

(If youÕd like a music to go along with this picture the music from Star Wars Episode 2 when Anakin chases after the Tuscan Raiders in the desert)