Hitting The Ground Part 1: Ain't no sunshine. " Hi I am Brock, Pewter City Gym Leader." " Here is my story." " Brock I want rice!" said one of Brock's younger brother's. " I want Pizza!" said one of Brocks's sisters. " Well too bad we are having sushi!" Brock said with a sigh. Brock starts to take off his apron. " Guys I have an announcement to make." All of his brothers and sisters go silent. " I am leaving Pewter City to become a pokemon breader." Brock's brothers and sister's jaws drop. " I am leaving tommorow." Brock's father comes running to him. " You can't leave, who will be here to watch the kids?" " You dad, you." Brock's dad falls over. "ME?" " Yes." Brock's dad feints. The next morning comes and Brock packs his stuff and leaves. " Bye Brock!" his family says to him. Brock waves to them. The sun is shining bright in the horizon. Brock actually started to miss his family and he wasn't even a half-hour away from home. " Help!" There was nurse joy tied to a tree post with a charmeleon at her feet using flamethrower. " Stop it! Go Onix!" Onix pops out of the pokeball and makes a growling sound shaking the earth. " Charmeleon!" The Charmeleon runs onto the dirt road. " Onix use earthquake but don't hit nurse Joy!" Onix uses earthquake and the charmeleon bursts with mehcanical parts flying everywhere. " A Robot?!", Nurse Joy And Brock say at the same time. " Joy are you okay?" " Yes I am fine." Brock walks up to the charmeleon bot and looks at the pieces scattered everywhere. " Team Rocket was here." Brock shows Joy the parts with Team Rocket Industrys on it. " Onix come back!" Onix goes into the pokeball. " Come on um....?" " It's Brock." " Well come Brock let's go to the pokemon center and get your pokemon healed to good health!" Joy and Brock walk to the pokemon center. " Give me your Pokemon!" Brock hands Joy his pokeballs. Sinfa Takes off her outfit. " Haha sucker!" " Team rocket?" " No I work for myself." Sinfa shows Brock Joy. " Now it is your time." "Go Misdreavus!" The Misdreavus comes out of the pokeball! " Use shadow ball!" Misdreavus uses shadow ball and sends Brock into a wall. Sinfa gets away on her motorbike with misdreavus following. " Oh no." Brock unties the real nurse Joy. " Thank you um Brock I presume." " Oh nurse Joy you are more beautiful than I imagined." " Thank you Brock." Brock kisses Joy's hand. Blissey smacks Brock. " Blissey! Be nice!" They go to chase sinfa's tracks. They end up at Mt. Verlasus. "Whoa!", says brock. They look down into a deep dark volcano. " So if it isn't the squint eyed boy and the nurse who shall be cursed." " Don't talk to Joy that way!" " I can if I want to!" Sinfa runs up and pushes Brock and Joy into the volcano. Brock grabs the edge of the volcano with Joy grabbing his leg. " Hold on Joy!" "Little Puny worthless fools!" Sinfa sends out her crobat. " Bite Joy's hands!" The crobat bites Joy's hands with her hands slipping. " Go zubat!" " No Brock don't sacrafice your pokemon!" Joy lets go grabbing the crobat and falling deep into the volcano, burning and suffering. " No Joy!" A mareep breeder runs up to Sinfa and smacks her with a sheep gatherer, knocking Sinfa into the pit with the lava. " Grab on!" Brock grabs the stick and climbs up. " Hi i'm little bo sheep but you can call me Lamara!" They smile at each other and take deep breaths. Meanwhile Sinfa is holding on to a rock that is loose from the volcano. " You will pay Brock!" Sinfa gulps. " I have to hang on!" THE END! Authors note: Kitty vaporeon and I challenged each other to see who could write better. So don't like get the idea we are copying each other. I will add more soon! And the titel doesn't really mean hitting the ground. And there is sunshine. I just needed a good title! :)