Hitting The Ground Part 2: Just when you Thought you saw the light Lamara wipes away some dirt of of Brock's face. " Whoa!" " What is It... Uh Brock I thought I heard that girl call you?" " I just realized how beautiful you were up close!" Lamara smacks him with her stick. " Can you help me find my mareep?" " Of course!" " It ran away when I dropped the food." Brock kneels down and looks at some foot prints. " Are those mareep tracks Brock?" " No those are human footprints." " Well let's follow them!" Lamara grabs his arm and runs following the footprints. " Brock look!" Lamara points to a tyranitar. " Those were no human foot prints Brock!" " I uh guess not" Sinfa pushes Lamara into Brock. " So expecting me Brock?" " Not you again!" Lamara hides behind Brock. " Brock don't let her get me!" " Tyranitar attack!" " So that's whose tyranitar it was!" " Of course you little twerp!" Lamara looks at Sinfa in a weird way. " Tyranitar use thrash!" Tyranitar smashed Brock into a tree and sent Lamara flying. " LAMARA!" " Tyranitar pick up the girl and but her in the helicopter!" Tyranitar growls. " See you soon twerp! I hope you come for your girlfriend!" " BROCK HELP ME!" " Go zubat!" Brock's zubat flies high. " Follow the helicopter!" Brock's zubat falls to the ground. " You ate lipstick?" Brock's zubat has lipstick on his face. Officer Jenny rides up to Brock. " I felt the ground shaking so I decided to investigate." " Officer a young female with black hair stole the girl of my life!" Brock starts to whine. " Stop that young man!" Jenny's growlithe bites brock's butt. " YOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " That's what you get. Now where did this girl take the other one?" Brock points in that direction. " Hop in my motorcycle!" Brock hops in. " Hold on!" Jenny goes over 150 miles per hour. Brock's cheeks start to get send back. " S.....l....oooo.....ww do................wnnnnnn" " Sorry I can't hear you!" They drive over a wooden bridge held by ropes. " We better get off!" They get off the motorcycle. " Run Brock!" Brock and growlithe run. " AHHHHH!" The bridge breaks and Jenny falls to a 600 foot plundge. " No Jenny!" Growlithe starts to growl and Brock pets his head. " Jenny may not be back for a while." The growlithe starts to smile. MEANWHILE Sinfa is at her headquarters underground. " SO little sheep girl? IS your boyfriend coming?" " He's not my boyfriend!" " Yeah right." THE END! Authors note: I hope you like it! ^^