POKEMON (ASH AND MISTY FOREVER) Chapter 1 One day, there was a boy named Ash, then the day came when he was about to get his Pikachu from Professor Oak, he saw his rival Gary, they argued about who is the greatest Pokémon Trainer then when Gary was about to get in his car he laugh & laugh, while he was driving his car he nearly bumped a girl named Misty but Ash pushed Misty and then they rolled down the hill then Ash said “Are you ok?” Misty said “Yes I’m ok thanks for saving my life. ” Ash blushed then when Ash was going home and then he remembered something, he said to Misty “By the way, what’s your name?” then Misty replied “My name is Misty” then Ash said “Wow! What a nice name you got, my name is Ash.” From that day Misty went with Ash on his Pokémon Journey. Chapter 2 When they’re heading for Pewter City Gym to win Ash’s first badge, but then there was a strong storm there were strong lightning and loud thunders, Misty was very afraid & cold but Ash & Misty found a cave, when they were in the cave Ash covered Misty with his jacket and then when Misty was falling asleep Ash lend Misty to his shoulder then when Misty fell asleep Ash said to her “Goodnight and I think I’m falling for you Misty.” Misty did not hear Ash because she is asleep then when the storm stopped they head for the Gym and challenge Brock the Gymleader of the Pewter City Gym when Ash was about to use his Pikachu on the Onix of Brock Misty shouted “Ash don’t use electric type Pokémon on rock type Pokémon” Misty let Ash borrowed her water type Pokémon then Ash won the battle and earned his first badge. Chapter 3 When Ash earned his first badge they continued there journey they battle many gymleaders until they are in the Pokémon League finals then Ash was on the top 16th place of the Pokémon League then Misty said “Congratulations!” then they continued there Journey until in the orange league Misty was kidnapped by Gary then Gary called Ash and said “I have Misty I want a Pokémon battle. Then Ash came in their target place where they will have a Pokémon battle then Ash saw Gary then Gary said to him “Hey Ashy boy.” Then Ash replied “Gary release Misty now! Then Gary said to Ash “I will not release Misty without a Pokémon battle I remembered when you tell my grandfather Professor Oak that I nearly bumped a girl with my car!” Then Ash said “Ok we have a deal but if I win you need to release Misty. Chapter 4 Then when they were having a conversation Gary said “Ok! I will release your girlfriend if you won and if I won the match you will tell Professor Oak that I did not bump Misty even that’s a LIE!!” Then Ash said “Ok and she’s not my girlfriend!!” Then Ash blushed then Ash said “Come on let’s battle Pikachu Go!” then Gary said “I choose you Arcanine” then Ash tell Pikachu to use Thunder shock attack then Ash won the battle and grab Misty then Ash said ”I will do anything to save you.” Then Misty said “Thanks Ash I don’t know what to do without you.” Then they continued their Journey on the Orange League. Chapter 5 When they reach the final battle Ash is going to battle the top 1 Trainer, When that time come, Ash battle the top 1 trainer Ash chose Squirtle then the top 1 trainer lost the match but then the next round the top 1 trainer chose a Dragonite Ash chose his strongest Pokémon Charizard then Ash won the battle and got a price, a trophy and some Water stones Ash gave the water stone to Misty so when she have a water Pokémon that needs a Water stone to evolve then Misty said “Thanks Ash!” then they continued they’re Journey until to the Johto League then they found a mysterious egg, they asked the Poke’dex but it did not know what it is, until they called Professor Oak to ask what it is. Chapter 6 Then when they’re in the conversation with Professor Oak he said “It’s a Togepi” then Misty said “But how can it hatch?” Professor Oak said “That’s not an ordinary egg that can hatch anytime and said that the first one who touches the egg should tell the truth that he or she loved her or him but I don’t know either of you touches the egg first.” Then Ash said I touch it first then Professor Oak said “You need to tell the one you like the truth that you love her.” Then one night Ash said to Misty “Come with me” Ash take Misty to a very beautiful place then Ash said ”I want to say something to you but please don’t be mad” Misty said “Ok Ash I won’t be mad now what is it? Ash said “I…..I…I love you” then the Togepi egg hatched Misty was shocked, but Misty said ”Ash I’m sorry but my heart belongs to someone I’m very sorry Ash.” Chapter 7 Then Misty back out, Ash was very sad then when Ash went to his car he go home crying he made his car on the full speed then when he was driving his car he saw a girl riding on a bike, Ash remembered Misty when Gary was about to bump her, Then Ash turned over his car, then he bumped his car on the bridge then when he bumped his car he fell on the water Then after some minutes Officer Jenny was roaming around and he saw a car on floating on the water she called the other Police to take him on a hospital, then when they’re in the hospital the doctor said to Ash’s Mother “I don’t know If we can save him but the only chance is to use the life catching device” then the doctor get the Life Catching Device to save Ash. Chapter 8 But the doctor was too late the life bar of ash got straight, When Misty came on the hospital Misty hugged Ash and then she cried and cried then she said “I’m very sorry Ash this is all my fault.” Then Misty’s tears flowed out on Ash, She said “Ash wake up! Wake up!” she cried and cried until Ash’s hands move, the life bar of Ash moved again as it was before then Ash swiped Misty’s tears then the doctor said to Ash’s Mother, Misty and his friends “Congratulations he is alive!” then Misty jumped with joy, Then all of them were very happy because Ash was alive, they treat Ash in the Hospital until Ash can go out of the Hospital. Chapter 9 Then when Ash gets out on the hospital they continue there journey on the Johto League until they battle on the Johto League Finals, Ash won all his match but when they were heading home to display Ash’s new trophy then the cell phone of Misty rang, It was her sisters they said “Misty we need a substitute Gym leader in our Gym” Then Misty said “ok I will go there” then Ash said “Why did your sisters call you?” then Misty replied “They need a substitute Gym leader.” Then Ash was sad they needed to part then Ash said to Misty “I will miss you Misty.” Then Misty said “I will miss you too Ash” Ash said “I love you Misty”, Then misty said “I love you too Ash.” Then Ash battled Gym leaders in Hoenn alone then after 1 year Ash won the competition in the Hoenn League, Then when he was about to continue his journey He saw Misty. Chapter 10 Then when they saw each other they hugged each other then they blushed, Ash said “I miss you Misty, How are you?” Then Misty replied “I’m ok Ash.” Then Ash said “Misty come with me I got a present for you.” Misty replied “REALLY? Wow thanks!” then Ash had taken Misty to the place that he tell the truth to Misty, Ash said “Remember this place?” Misty said “Yes, this is the place that you tell me that you love me.” Then Ash said “Yeah, you know Misty I really love you.” Misty replied” I know that & I love you too, then they hold each other Ash said “Come on Misty” then Misty said “Ok Ash.” Chapter 11 Then Ash take Misty to a restaurant, While Misty was ordering food, Ash said to the waiter “Please put this ring on the top of the Ice Cream.” When the Ice Cream arrived Misty asked Ash “Ash what is that on the top of the Ice Cream?” then Ash replied “Misty what if I ask you a question that can change our entire life? Will you still love me?” Misty said “Yes Ash” Then Ash said “Misty Will, Will, Will you marry me?” then Misty said “Yes Ash” then Ash and Misty were very happy they cry tears of joy, then they were thinking about who are they going to invite on their wedding. Chapter 12 In the Church, they heard and explosion Ash said “What is that noise?” Then Misty said “I don’t know Ash but it sounded like a bomb.” Ash replied “Misty let’s go out and look what’s going on out there.” When they are out of the Church they saw a masked man riding on a Lugia. He said “Let’s have a Pokémon Battle Ash.” Then he blast an aurora beam on Misty, Ash think of something, He chose Articuno and use it’s safeguard on Misty so it can guard Misty for a couple of seconds then Ash said “Are you okay?” Misty replied “Yes, Thanks Ash.” Then Ash and the masked man (Gary) battled. Chapter 13 Then while they are battling, He said, Who are you and why did you attack Misty?” then the Masked man removed his masked and said “You can’t even remember me? I’m Gary your rival. Then Gary laugh, then Ash said Gary “Attack me but don’t attack Misty” Then Misty said “Misty I’m going to protect you no matter what happens stay here I will continue to battle him.” Then Misty said “Be careful Ash” Then Gary said “YOU TRAITOR! I thought you love me” Ash was shocked and said “WHAT!?!?!?! Then Misty said “I don’t love you anymore Gary!” Chapter 14 Then Gary said “Then I will attack Ash now! Then Misty said “Don’t attack him attack….. “Ash said “Hey Stop It!” then Lugia attacked aurora beam directly to Ash but Misty block the Aurora beam and then Gary was shocked and said to Lugia “Let’s go” on that time Ash was very mad Ash commanded Articuno to use it’s Blizzard and commanded Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. Then Gary blasts off like Team Rocket do. Then he go to Misty and said “Wake up Misty” Ash cried then he looked at the sky and said “I wish I can cure Misty.” He prayed that Misty will be alright and wish that he can help Misty. Chapter 15 While Ash was crying he realized that he has a mew that has a healing power, he chose mew then heal and Misty waked up and said “Are you alright? Were you hit by the Aurora beam? Then Ash said “N, No I’m alright then he swiped his tears and said “I’m glad your ok now Misty. Then Misty said come on Ash let’s just continue our wedding next week, then Ash took care of Misty everyday. Then when they are going to the hospital there were Team Rocket and said there motto, Ash said “Were in a hurry Team Rocket” then Ash commanded his Pikachu to use Thunderbolt attack then Team Rocket Blast off again. Chapter 16 Then when they’re in the hospital to check Misty if she is really ok. Then Misty felt a pain on her leg Ash said “Come on I will carry you to the hospital to check your pain.” Then when they’re in the hospital Ash was waiting on the bench then when the doctor came out and said that “Misty’s ok She just need a little rest. Ash was happy that there’s nothing wrong with Misty’s leg then they go home and rest. While there on their way home They get inside Ash’s car so that can Misty can sit and rest on the car. Chapter 17 Then when they got home the telephone ring then when they answered the phone there was a voice said “I will get revenge!” Misty was afraid and hugged Ash the boy on the telephone said “Meet me at the place where you tell Misty that you love her, I will wait for you there tomorrow 7:30 am, come or lose Misty, When Ash & Misty got there they saw Gary and they knew that wants to get revenge on Ash Gary said “Celebi, Jirachi, Rayquaza I choose you!” Then Ash said “Misty stay here I will battle Gary.” Chapter 18 Then Misty stay on the back of Ash, Then Ash said “You might get hit by his Pokémon again” then Ash said “Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres I choose you.” Then Ash said to Misty “Misty no matter what happen I love you.” Misty said “I love you too Ash but be careful.” Ash and Gary battle & battle until Gary said “Celebi, Jirachi, Rayquaza combine! Then there where a flash of light when the light disappeared Ash just saw his Pokémons defeated Then Ash & Misty saw a mysterious Pokémon that came from the Pokémon of Gary, Then the Pokémon of Gary attacked Ash. Chapter 19 Then Misty cried on Ash, but Ash said to Misty “Misty RUN!!!” Then Misty replied I’m not leaving w/o you“ Then Misty’s tears flowed out on Ash & his 3 Pokémons Then after that Ash & his 3 Pokémons was healed and then the Pokémons of Ash combined, It’s name was Zapmolcuno. Then he ordered Zapmolcuno to attack Gary but Zapmolcuno’s attack missed, Gary’s Pokémons was too fast for Zapmolcuno Then Misty told Ash “Ash use Pikachu to charge Zapmolcuno’s speed.” Then when Pikachu used thunderbolt Zapmolcuno became faster than ever. Chapter 20 Then Ash said to Zapmolcuno “Use Combination Power (Combination of Blizzard, Fire Blast, and Thundershock). Then when Ash attacked Gary, Misty told Ash “Are you ok?” Ash replied “Yeah! I think so.” Then Ash said “Come on Let’s go home & invite our parents neighbors and relatives in our wedding then Misty said “OK, come on.” Then when they gout home all lights are off and then when they opened it there was a surprise party for them there were happy, Then when they are in the Church The priest said “May you live happily ever after” Their Parents, Neighbors, Friends and Relatives Clap their hands for Ash & Misty. They were married and lived happily ever after and they go home happily.