Author's note- Comments: send to Sorry if this out like shit I hope it doesn't but it's worth the read. Singe "What's that?" I asked looking at the big white peaked thing that was bigger than eighty Charizards. "That's an airplane." "Oh, what's an airplane?" I looked behind me to see Jewel walking dejectedly behind. Stupid bent over and whispered something into my ear. "You would think she was a grown woman. Her house burns down and she's crying like a Clefairy. What a cry-baby." He had a point there. Fire was a good thing. In this place it was freezing. It was twenty degrees at most and if it wasn't for Marlix stopping at store and buying a new leather jacket for him and me I would be a Char-sicle. He bought it with something he called a credit card, whatever that is, now I know why he was mad when I accidentally melted his other one. It was warm and cosy and I was glad to say it looked very good on me. My tail stuck out from underneath the jacket as I fixed the small, Santa Claus type hat on my head. And I liked the mittens too. Stupid made me promise not to call him stupid anymore but I had my tail crossed. He said ordering it in my size cost him a 'bundle'. He had changed clothes too. Instead of the white work shirt he had a black shirt with the super-man symbol. There was a white arrow pointing from the big 'S' down to his pant's zipper. I heard Jewel snicker and say 'Yeah Right' but I didn't understand so I let it go. Humans are weird. He even bought Jewel new clothes. In the future I'm going make Stupid buy me a six-meal dinner with dessert. As long as he has that magic card... Anyway Jewel was wearing a bright red fleece with tight blue jeans. Jewel objected but Stupid said it looked good. We walked from the outside through a clear door that opens when you stand near it. Jewel said it was an automatic door. We walked through it onto the white tiles of what Jewel said was a terminal. Marl- oops, Stupid went to a desk and came back with three tickets. I saw him use the magic card again. "I got them. Since you have nowhere to go I figured you guys wanted to come. It cost me a fortune. Especially since the plane leaves in fifteen minutes." With that Stupid ran off down the terminal. Jewel picked me up and ran after him. * * * "OOOO, comfy." I said from my window seat. I had to hold my tail in my lap so I wouldn't set the plane on fire. "So what's this Kalika like?" Jewel asked Stupid. At this his eyes narrowed and he became serious or as serious as Stupid can be. "If I don't make it through this meeting tell my mom I love her." *** Marlix We landed in Cherrygrove City and took a cab to New Bark Town. It was 11:30 when we got there. I gulped as I walked into Elm's office. "Singe I know you don't like orders but I suggest you hide behind me." He ignored my request, "Um, Kalika." At the sound of her name, she turned away from receiving her license and I saw the face. I gulped again. "What took you so long? I say eleven and you come strolling in at thirty past! Do you always have to be fashionably late? But come here." She said and pulling me into a very painful bear hug. "Wow you grew a lot. What are you 5'10 or around there?" "Yeh, you uh, didn't grow. Ow!" I said rubbing my arm were she punched me. "Oh! What's that? You got a Pokemon? How cool. He's so cute." She bent over and pinched Singe's cheeks. "Ow!" he screamed and let an ember attack out. She screamed and sent out a huge Moltres. "Oh Shit! I'm not fighting that shit. You see that shit Stupid." Singe yelled while running around the office. I laughed and pointed at his moronic actions. He calls me Stupid. She recalled her Pokemon. "Hey what happened to your head?" she asked while prodding it. "Don't touch that!" I yelled slapping her hand away, "This is Jewel. Jewel, Kalika." They shared their greetings and then Kalika shoved her license in my face. "See that! I'm an official trainer and you're not." She always had to show when she was better at me when she didn't need to. "Oh yeah! Well my Charmander and me are going to start Johto too. Ain't that right Singe? Uh Singe?" "What the hell are you talking about? You're my human..." "Come on we'll make a deal." "What could you have that I possibly want?" "Food-" "SOLD!" he yelled as he took the Twinkies out of my hand and gulped it down "But I'll only battle for you when I want too, Stupid, I won't be your puppet." "Fine." I walked up to Prof. Elm. He was a pretty tall guy. I was only a few inches taller than him. His glasses fell to the brink of his nose and his eyes were a tired blue. His brown hair was greying from stress. "Hello Professor. I'm a new trainer. Can I get a whatchamacallit?" "You mean a Pokemon?" "Yeh same thing." "You have to get your license, first." I filled out the papers and took the damn Id picture. Finally I got to choose between a Cyndaquil, Totodile, or Chikorita. I figured a Totodile be good to shut- up that loud mouth Singe but it turned out Elm was out. "Damn! I guess I'll take a Cyndaquil." "Cinda, Cinda!" It yelled. "What he say?" Jewel asked Singe. "He said that his name is Sear and it was nice to meet Stupid." Sear tackled Singe. "Cinda Cinda." "Ow that bastard just told me not to call Stupid, stupid." Alright I'm going like Sear. Elm gave me a translator. I gave him the 'magic card' as Singe called it and he gave it back to me. "Now what?" Kalika "It's good to be back on the road!" I laughed, moving my pack to my other shoulder. "I mean, it's not everyday you find yourself in the presence of a Master, hey Marcalark." "Who, me?" he replied innocently. I socked him one. "Owww! Watch it, purple is not a good color on me." "Baby," I muttered. We had been walking along the road from New Bark Town for half an hour. It was warm; a slight breeze rustled our hair and not a cloud in the sky. Perfect for flying, perfect for a Flying Master, if I do say so myself. I looked pretty good for a 15 year old, despite the fact I was 17. So I was short. What I lacked in height I made up for in talent. I fit from all the travelling I'd done as a trainer; it didn't pay to be fat when you were flying. I had my messy raven blue hair pulled into a ponytail while my scruffy fringe hid most of my sapphire eyes. I wore my usual trainers uniform, a blue vest with gold trimming and matching shorts. Along my waist I kept my six Pokeballs each neatly in it's catch. As we walked along, Jewel, Marlix 's new friend, told me of how he and the little lizard with an attitude problem ate her out of house and home and then burnt it to a crisp. He owed her big time. "Soooo," Jewel murmured. "What about you. You're actually a Master?" "Yep." I grinned with my hands behind my head, trying to look as modest as possible. Failed completely. "I met Marlix through the net and we became mates. We've only met personally a few times before today. He was going to go on his journey with me until he sold his Pikachu. Do you know what for? A god-damned sandwich." "Best one I ever ate." Marlix rubbed his stomach. "Speaking of which do you have anything?" "Yeah Stupid," Singe piped up. "I'm running on empty and those Twinkies were only a part. You owe me at least..." The lizard began to calculate how many packets of food it would take to pay of his loyalty. Little Marcalark never understood the concept of Training. I sighed and reached in dragging out some ham sandwiches I'd packed and tossed them to him. "There you go, and share with your matchsticks." "Hway!" the lizard protested but still shoved it into his mouth. "Hway! Thwese are pwetty," *gulp* "Good!" The Cyndaquil had refused to leave Marlix's side and only ate what he handed him. He was also bent on teaching Singe to respect his trainer. Now that was a pokemon you could trust. "As I was saying, I lived in the Orange Islands and decided to go on my Journey. My dad was a breeder and had tons of new Pokemon. So I guess I had a head start. I got Cooee, hey where is that bird. I sent him out to look for you and he hasn't come back." "Eh, you were always impatient!" A voice squawked from above. I rolled my eyes and held out my arm. The Shirasharmi landed gracefully on my shoulder and began preening. "Can't you do that later," I sighed. He was a beautiful bird. Like a small peacock the colour of the sunset and a voice to match. 1"As I was saying," I began again. "I joined the Orange Island League caught some of the greatest Pokemon around and beat Drake. Man, now that was a challenge!" "You never did tell me what Pokemon you caught." Marlix said, eyeing my waist of Pokeballs curiously. "Are they all as good as Moltres?" I could tell my blue eyes gleamed with excitement. The Orange Islands didn't call me the Amazing Moltres for nothing. "GO!" I tossed my other Pokeballs into the air and they burst apart in a blaze of red, returning to my hand. "Zaaaappp!" "Cuuuuunooo!" "Sera!" "Tress!" "Gia!" "OH MY DEAR GOD!" "Ahhhhh! Run! They're going to eat us allllllll!" The lizard ran round in a panic, slamming into a tree. He picked himself up and looked at team again before hiding behind the tree. "Holy shit!" Jewel murmured in awe, though I could tell her brain was still ticking. I'd have to watch her. "Thank-you, thank-you! No applause please!" I crowed. I made a mock bow. "You actually caught the Legendary Birds?" Marlix stared at me, seemingly oblivious to the legendary birds. I attached my Pokeballs back to the catches. "Not the Legendary birds, just legendary birds. I caught each from colonies deep in the Orange Islands, they promised me not to tell. They were reasonably young and not too powerful. But they were still hell hard to catch. I used at least a dozen Ultraballs on each. But I've trained them hard and I've come to love and respect them. Besides, how else do you think I beat Drake? He's one of the hardest trainers in all of the Southern Leagues." "Wow, you are good," Jewel said as she walked slowly up to them. I came to stand beside them. "This is Maelstrom," I introduced my Zapdos. "And Artemis." The Articuno cooed. "Pulsar." My Moltres, flapped her wings sending violent flames flaring into the sky. "Tyce." Lugia craned his neck proudly. "Seraph, the Seraph. He refused a nickname, but whatever makes him happy." "And you've met Cooee, son of a Celestrial and Ho-oh." "G'day," Cooee flashed his long eventide plumes. "And to think I was going to challenge you to a battle, Jewel still looked at them amazed. "Do you have a Pokemon?" I asked. She shook her head. "Well we'll just have to fix that!" Singe "Haha your puppet must go into a ball where as I am free to roam the earth. All Hail- Ow" "Would you shut-up already. You have been talking since... since I first met you. You damn little pokemon." Marlix said after kicking my head in. "Hey that's, free pokemon. Cuz I'm free. Free like the pidgeys. Free to roam God's green earth. Free to... Goddamnit stop kicking me." "Then stop talking!" "Make me!" "Don't make me hurt you!" "Respect your daddy!" "Oh no you didn't. You did not just say I was your son. You did not just say a three foot piece of crap is my father." "Oh I did. Tell mommy I say hi." "Don't be talking bout my momma." "What are you gonna do about!" "All of you shut- the hell- up!" Kalika screamed at Stupid and I. The two of us stood silent. Kalika turned around and continued the walk toward Cherrygrove city. "What's her problem?" I asked. "I donno? PMS..." We both started snickering. "Hey what's PMS?" I asked. Marlix sighed and slammed a hand against his forehead. All of a sudden a strong wind blew by and took my winter cap off. I saw it float into the bush, "Hey! My hat!" I started running after it. A figure came into my way. It tackled me. In the scuffle I let a flamethrower out. The thing jumped back when I saw it was a human. He pulled a small black object from his jacket and pointed it at me. It looked like a small barrel. Marlix lunged from the bush and tackled the figure. BANG I saw a spearow fall from the sky. Blood poured from a gaping hole in its wing. BANG Another one! I looked at the strange man and saw him on top of Marlix. "Oh my God you killed Marlix! You bastard." God bless South Park. I saw Marlix push the man off him and then I saw the wound in his chest. "Oh my God you killed that man! You bastard." "That's the last time Singe watches TV with me. Ok." I saw Jewel and Kalika run over. Jewel went to the man and turned him over. She gasped then said, "He's a Teutonic knight of the Alpha-Iad civilization." "The Huh?" Kalika said confused. "Dude I killed a dead guy. We are near the Ruins. Didn't they want us to catch some bird? I mean what's the big deal with birds. Birds are wack fire kicks ass." "Yeh" I yelled seeing as I am one of the almighty fire types. "What! How dare you disgrace me! Me! The master of Flying types and Orange league master and..." "Flying shmying. No one gives a crap." "Yeh master smaster." I said agreeing with Stupid but then changed my mind when Kalika's head turned the size of a Charmeleon. "Birds are cool... real cool. Please don't hurt us." I looked at the Teuton and prayed to the One Himself that Kalika would spare me. I was young and good- looking. Marlix could be sacrificed for the good of the people. After she calmed down we got the hell out of that God-forsaken forest. I set a shrub on fire to show my distaste with it. Well it wasn't all for waste I got my hat back which now sat snugly on my head. Kalika's blue hair waved in my face from my perch on Marlix's shoulder. He was good for something. I took a good look at Kalika. She was pretty short I knew Charmeleons taller than her but her hair was dyed the vibrant blue of a Squirtle I once met when I was little. She wore light blue jeans and a bright blue shirt. She had a small belt hanging from her jeans that contained her pokemon. Her eyes were blue too but Marlix said they were contacts. Is it just me? I have a red-freak Jewel which isn't such a bad color considering myself but now a Blue's Clue fanatic. I started humming the theme song to the show. When Marlix stumbled and I toppled over his shoulder. "Oops my bad. Someone's humming must of lulled me to sleep. Hehe" "You did that on purpose!" "How could you say such a thing Singe? Now I'm hurt. Truly hurt." I climbed back up his jacket and purposely scratched it. "Hey!" "Oops my bad! Someone's stupidity must have taken my senses." "Ha and you call yourself a trainer when a mere Charmander disrespects you! Let's battle." It sounded like something that Kalika would have said but it was a boy's voice. I turned to see some geek in overalls. "You owe me for those Twinkies and saving your life. Now hurry up and battle so I can get to the pokecenter. I see some nice chicks in Cherrygrove city and me like. Ow!" he screamed as both women socked him in both arms. Alright my first battle! Time to kick some ass! *** Marlix "Go Nidoran!" At this I broke up laughing. He challenged me with a Nidoran. He had some set of balls. With the promise of food Singe trotted toward the Nidoran. He started doing the moonwalk. "Beat it beat it, Beat it beat it no one wants to be defeated..." Damn VH1 and their Michael Jackson specials. "Go on Nidoran! Tackle it!" Singe ran out of the way. "Go on... set it on fire. Do something." Singe took my advice and let loose an ember attack. It hit the purple thing face on but it kept charging. I turned to Jewel. "Is that thing a dude or is it a chick!" "Its purple. So its male." "It figures you wouldn't know the first thing about training." Kalika piped in. "That's not nice. You're mean." I said sticking my tongue "Go back to first grade." "Maybe I will." "Fine." "Fine." "Guys! I am fighting some gay little purple thing. Would you watch me, please? Thank you. Is it so much to ask?" "Hey he called you gay Nidoran you're not gonna take that are you?" "I'm getting bored with this. Hurry up Singe. I'm hungry and it's almost seven. I need sleep to be this gorgeous." I said checking my watch. "Did you say food? I like food. Come to think about it I am hungry." He let loose a flamethrower and the Nidoran was blasted back to its trainer, "Let's go eat." "Wait a minute," I said, "he owes me money. I beat him fair and square. It's in the papers you sign when you get your license. 'If you lose you give half your money to the winner' Page sixteen paragraph three, line nine. Which happens to me. Now pay up..." * * * "Hehe, 100, 200, 300, 400, 420, 440, 450, 452 bucks. Hehe. Nice doing business with you. Thank you, come again." "Can we go eat now?" Jewel asked. Wait? Jewel? Not Singe? Strange? "Ok baby. It's on me. Anything for you." I said winking, "Ow." I looked down to see Singe biting me. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. "Half of that is mine. I won the battle." "Ok here you go." I snickered to myself. He doesn't know how to count. "Hey you only gave him two dollars." "Goddamnit Kalika. Couldn't keep your mouth shut couldn't you?" I handed Singe his half. We were in the poke-center sitting in the lobby. Its tiles were white and red. "Well whose ready to eat?" Singe asked jumping off his seat and walking toward the dining room. We followed. Singe got a booster chair and was able to reach the table. I asked Kalika if she wanted one too and ended up with a now bruised arm. "Can I get a chicken sandwich deluxe. Oh and a Cheeseburger deluxe and a hamburger deluxe. Would it be a problem if I got the junior steak deluxe too? Um, can I get a wonton soup and a minestrone soup along with a chicken noodle soup? You got gyros here? Can I get a side of mash potatoes and scrambled eggs? You guys think I should get carrot cake? I think I should. Oh, oh don't forget fortune cookies! And to top it off a diet soda. I have to watch my weight you know." The three of us and the waiter stared unbelievingly at Singe. After dinner I went to go get a room key from Nurse Joy but it turned out that they only had one room with two beds and a futon. Oh well. "Oh Marlix... I need you. I want you. Come take me big boy. Right now." Jewel said from her place on the bed. I jumped over and made my move. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" "You're gay! Not only that but you go for things outside your species. You sicko." Singe yelled spitting. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth but the dirty taste never left. O' God why have you forsaken me!!! "What's wrong with you?" Jewel asked in her nightgown as she entered the bathroom. Kalika jumped in, "Hurry up guys! If we move we can get to Violet City by tomorrow and then I can kill that so called flying master Faulkner for the Zephyr Badge and make my mark on Johto and truly become the Flying master!" "Lay off the caffeine." I said groggily. Jewel nodded. ***