~PAA~ Chapter 5: Lunch Bully ===============================================================On their way to lunch, they checked what classes they had together. All of them were the same. "Wonder why all of them are the same!" Tony asked. "Look here you guys!" Jason said pointing to the bottom of his schedule. "All students may have the same class together, but only 10 out of 20 are in the same one," "Guess we're lucky then!" Mike said. When they got in the lunchroom, they went in line to get their lunch. "Mmmm, their serving Spaghetti and meat balls!" Jason said. As they got their drink and went to sit down, Tony was the last one. "Hey guys save me a seat!" Tony told them. "You got it!" Mike said. Just as Tony was about to get a Capri Sun drink, Butch butted in. "Hey I was here first!" Tony said. "You were!" Butch said. "Too bad, you snooze you loose!" "Is there a problem?" said Mario as he came to see because he had remembered how he picked on Tony before. "You stay out Maria!" Butch told Mario. "The name's Mario, and you leave my friend alone or else…" "Or else what?" Butch said. "What are you gonna do about it?" "I'll…" Mario started. "I'll handle this one my own!" Tony said. "You sure?" Mario said. "Yeah!" Tony said as he turned to Butch. "Listen Butch, I'm sick and tired of you pushing me around, this is going to stop now, I challenge you!" "Oh, big ol' Bolony is getting mad, I'm so scared!" Butch said sarcastically. "I accept the challenge, but get prepared to cry!" "Houndour I choose you!" Tony said throwing Houndour's Pokéball to the ground. "You'll regret this, Elekid go!" "Houndour use your Leer!" "Elekid use Thundershock attack!" "…What's going on here? No battles allowed in the Cafeteria," said a pretty lunch lady. "Now go back to your seats!" "You got lucky Bolony!" Butch said. "But I'll get you next time!" "I'll be ready!" Tony said not scared anymore. "Wow, I can't believe you finally had the guts to stand up to Butch!" Mike said as Tony sat down in his seat. "Well I thought about and realized theirs really nothing to be scared of!" Tony said. And so the team of 5-year-olds dog lovers continued their lunch until it was time to go back to their dorms. In the dorms, Mario decided to use his computer while Tony phoned home. "Mom, you wouldn't believe what happened today, I got a Houndour and stood up to Butch!" "That's my boy!" his mom said. "Mom, its wonderful here, I have my own bed, my own computer with Internet, my own closet, and this awesome view of the school's lake!" "Sounds great, sounds you're having a lot of fun!" "I sure am!" Tony said. "I also made a new friend, unfortunately my roommate wasn't Mike but it was this other friend I made, Mario!" "Well honey have lots of fun, and don't forget to call me or write to me, and change your underwear!" "Mom…" Tony said blushing. "Well goodbye Tony, take care!" "Bye mom!" and Tony hung up. ~~To be continued…~~