A Terri-FIC Story! =============================================================== Chapter 10: Mystery of Pichu! "Ahh, Goldenrod City!" Terri said as he entered his beloved and missed hometown. "Isn't It beautiful?" he asked the Pokémon by his side. "Pichu, Pichu!" Pichu said. "Houndour!" Houndour said. "Kip, Mudkip!" Mudkip said. "I can't wait to see my mom and the look on her face when she sees me!" Terri raced as fast as he could towards his house, his 3 Pokémon by his side. He entered his house as quietly as he could. He saw his mom watching "Riki Lake" like always in the living room. Terri sneaked up behind her and put his hands over her eyes. "I'll always recognize does hands, Terri!" his mom said. He uncovered her eyes and his mom saw Terri with big watery eyes. "Oh my goodness, Terri you're back!" she said as she hugged him as hard as she could. "Okay, okay mom, I'm here, I'm here!" Terri said. "Look at my Pokémon!" Terri's mom looked down and saw a Houndour a Mudkip, and a Pichu on Terri's shoulder. "Aww they're so adorable!" she said touching them all on the head. "And look at the this cute little Pichu, with blue eyes!" "Yup, that's one of the reasons I came back; because I have to travel through to go to the next city, because I wanted to visit you, and to tell professor Elm about Pichu!" "Well what are you waiting for, go inform him right now!" "Right, I'm going!" Terri said as he walked out of his house and to Whitney's gym. ********************************************************************************* "Hello!" Terri said as he entered the empty gym. "Terri!" Whitney said popping out of nowhere! "Whoa, you scared me!" "There's no need to be scared!" she said as she hugged her long missed cousin. "So did you come to have our battle?" "Well yes…" "Well common…" Whitney started. "But first I have to go to the daycare and find out why this Pichu's eyes are blue" "Oh my god, this is the Pichu that hatched out of the rare egg with thunderbolts and bubbles!" "Uh, Yeah!" "Well common, we gotta go!" ********************************************************************************* They got to the daycare and entered the huge building. "Uh hello?" Terri said. "Anybody here?" "May I help you young man?" asked an old lady. "Yes, we're to find out about the egg you gave to Whitney a couple of weeks ago." "Terri, Terri is that you?" "Yes ma'am!" "Oh, well I really don't remember, a lady of this age rarely remembers things." "Well can you remember what trainer left a Pikachu here?" "Ah yes, it wasn't a Pikachu, it was a Raichu!" "Oh!" Terri said. "And what about the other Pokémon?" "I think it was an Azumarill!" "So that explains it all, that's why Pichu's eyes are blue!" "Yes, that seems reasonable enough." Whitney said. "Mind if we use your telephone ma'am?" "No, go right ahead, help yourself." "Thanks." Terri said as he dialed Professor Elm's phone. <> "Hello, this is Professor Elm" "Hi Professor!" "Oh Terri, its nice to see and hear from you again, how are you doing?" "Very Well!" "Well, what can I be of assistance?" "I called you to tell you about the egg!" "The egg, did it hatch already?" "Yes…" "What was it?" "A Pichu…with blue eyes!" "What, astounding!" "Here take a look," Terri said as he held Pichu up to the screen. "Wow, you gotta send it to me so I can study and experiment with him…" "No Professor, I would like to train it and get to know it better, the next I go over there you can examine it!" "As you wish, he's your Pokémon!" Professor Elms said with a little deception. "What other Pokémon have you caught?" "I also have a Mudkip!" "A what!?" "A Mudkip!" "Wow, we have only took a picture of it from far away, and that's what we experimented with, that's why we only programmed so little information in the Pokédex" "Well as I already said, I will take it after the Johto League!" "Oh okay, wow Terri you are truly an impressive Pokémon trainer, tow amazing discoveries already, well I gotta let you go, Pizza's here!" "Bye Professor!" "Bye Terri, and don't forget to keep me informed okay?" "Don't worry I will, bye!" "Well cousin are you ready for our battle?" Whitney asked Terri. "I sure am!" he said looking intensely at her.