Tony's Poetic Journey! ============================================ Finally we had arrived at the beautiful city of Petalburg, Where there were a variety of beautiful and colorful colors. The first thing I did was go to the Pokémon Center, Where Nurse Joy kindly attended me and offered me shelter. As I waited patiently, I saw a trainer about my age walk out the door, He looked strong and walked fancily with his Houndour full of ignore. I could tell he was strong, and I knew I'd meet him again, "Your Pokémon are ready" Nurse Joy said, "Please come back again!" After being informed by a person, that there was a gym, I lost no time and ran with a grin. As I stepped up I saw a note on the door, It said: "Norman is out will be back tomorrow for more" "Aw man," I said in disappointment, "What else am I going to do?" "I know, I'll catch me some more Pokémon to add to my group!" I checked the map for a place to look, And found a place called Petalburg Woods. I entered the beautiful woods and saw lots of green, I saw Caterpie, Wurmple, Weedle and in the lake I saw Goldeen. I walked along and saw some other Pokémon on the run, But the Pokémon that really interested me was a Chikorita basking in the sun! I new I wasn't that much advanced, But I also knew I couldn't waste this chance!