My Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dragonball Z, Digimon, and Pokemon Cross Over!! Master Yami Cami All right! This will rock!!!! Characters: Me, Ash, May, Max, Brock, James, Jesse, Yami, Yugi, Marik, Bakura, Yami Bakura, Ishizu, Joey, Tea, Serenity, Tristan, Duke, Kaiba, Mokuba, Mai, Ken, Davis, Cody, Kari, Yolei, T.K., Goku, Gohan, Mirai Trunks, Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, and Bluma. NOTE:: This is in my point of view. Prologue; How it All Begun I started to fall asleep. "Noooooo... I moaned. I was reading a good book, and I didn't want to fall asleep during it. But, it was too late... I fell asleep! When I woke up, I was somewhere else. "Huh?!" I stood up in a flash. I turned around. "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" A cry of fear escaped my mouth. "Who's that?" I heard someone. It sounded familiar. "W-who's there?!" I asked in a trembling voice. Someone stepped out from behind the bushes. I gasped. It was Gohan!!!! "Wow!!!! You're Gohan?!" I asked the handsome teenage boy in front of me. "Yup, sure am!!" He annoced. Just then, the bushes started to rustle. "AHH!!!" I cried and jumped behind Gohan. Gohan looked like he was about to fight. "Come out here, whoever you are!!!" He demanded. Then, a blond kid stepped out. I knew who it was in a flash! "Joey Wheeler!!" I stated. "Wow. How'd ya know my name?!" Joey asked. "Who are you?!" Gohan demanded to know. "AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" We heard someone screaming. We all ran to see who it was. When we got there, we saw that it was a girl. She was about my age, only older. She looked like... Kari!!! "You're Kari, right?" I asked. Everyone then looked at me. "What?!" I asked. "How do you know all this stuff?" Joey asked me. I gulped. 'How am I going to explain this?!' I asked myself. "I... just do. Alright, I'll tell you... "I don't know how I or any of you got here, but I know that we've seem to have been separated from our own worlds, so to speck." I replied. "Hey, who's there?" A voice from my right called. I jumped. The person finally appeared and I noticed that it was... Ash Ketchem!! TO BE CONTINUED... Hope you like it so far!