Ash's Big Dream Master Yami Cami Disclaimer: Not repeating it. NOTES:: Near the middle of the chapter, I'll have it so that the Trainers can call out easier. This will happen at the start of every battle. *cheering during the battle;acting during dialogue;etc.* 'Thinking' "Talking" {Pokemon talking} "This is great!! I'm gonna win, for sure!!" Ash was so sure of himself. As he walked to the front, he saw a girl cut in front of him. When she did, Ash fell down. "Hey!! I was here first!" Ash cried as he got to his feet. "Oh... I'm sorry. I just didn't see you coming. I'm real sorry... uh..." "Ash Ketchem." Ash told his name. "Ash Ketchem. I'm Sarah Tany. Nice to meet you!" She put her hand out and Ash shook it. "I'm ten and I'm from Pallet Town." Ash explained. "Wow, that's cool. I'm ten and I'm from Pallet Town, too!" Ash stood shocked. "That IS cool!!" "I know!!" Sarah giggled. Sarah showed her badges. "Go on." The man behind the counter replied. Ash showed his. "You may enter." The man told. Misty and Brock walked up and told the man that they were guest and they entered. Inside, Ash tried to find Sarah. "Ash Ketchem!! Over hear!!" Sarah called, waving. Ash ran up to her. "I got an idea! Why don't we bring out all of our Pokemon!" Ash suggested. "Good idea, Ash!" Sarah cried. Sarah Tany's Pokemon: Ash Ketchem's Pokemon: Anne(Butterfree) Pikachu Beauty(Jigglypuff) Bulbasaur Flower(Vileplume) Squirtle Vee(Eevee) Charizard Seahorse(Horsea) Kingler Pink(Pikachu) Snorlax "Why did you name your Pikachu 'Pink'?" Ash asked. Sarah answered with, "It's a nice name for a girl, don't you think?" Ash really didn't know how to answer. Then it hit him. "Are ALL your Pokemon girls?" "Yeah!!" Ash understood. "ATTENTION ALL POKEMON TRAINERS!!!!!! THE MATCHES ARE ABOUT TO BE SET!!!!!! PLEASE SHOW YOUR POKEDEX TO THE COUNTER!!!!!!!!" An in-side speaker phone went off. Ash and Sarah walked over together. After all PokeDexes were presented, the names were decided. "ASH KETCHEM VERSUS SARAH TANY ON GRASS FIELD!!!!!!!!!" Ash and Sarah looked at each other in shock, but they still walked together to the field. The judging man had two flags, one green, which was Ash. One red, which was Sarah. "Green Trainer is Ash Ketchem from Pallet Town. Red Trainer is Sarah Tany, also from Pallet Town. Are both Trainers ready?" "YEAH!!!!" They both answered. "BEGIN!!!!!" Sarah: "Ladies first! Go, Flower!!!" *throws Pokeball* Flower, Sarah's Vileplume, came out. Ash: "I choose you, Squirtle!!" *throws Pokeball* Squirtle comes out. Sarah: "Huh? Ash, I thought you'd be good! Why Squirtle? It's a Water Pokemon. Flower's a Grass Pokemon!" Ash: "Heh heh!! You'll find out soon, Sarah!!" Misty: *sitting next to Brock, Professor Oak,and Delia Ketchem on a bench* "Does Ash REALLY know what he's doing?" Professor Oak: "I guess he's got a plan. Maybe, just maybe, Ash's Squirtle can beat that Vileplume!!" Sarah: "Go, Flower!! Use Acid!!" Flower: "Pluuume!!" {Okay!!}" *uses Acid* Ash: "Dodge it, Squirtle!!" Squirtle: "Squirtle!!{Right, Ash!!} *dodges* Ash: "Now, Squirtle!! Skull Bash!!!" Squirtle: "Squirt!! {Got it!!}" *rams into Flower* Sarah: "Oh, no!! Flower, are you okay?!" *starts to cry* Flower: "Pluuuuuume.{Yeah.}" Delia: "She's crying!!" Brock: "She might not be ready for this!" Ash: "Now!!! Water Gun!!!" Squirtle: "Squirt, Squirtle!!!! {'Kay, Water Gun!!!!}" *uses Water Gun* Flower: "PLUUUME!!!!!!!! {OOWWWWW!!!!!!!!}" Sarah: "FLOWER!!!!!!!!!" *crys harder* "PLEASE GET UP!!!!!!" Ash: "Tackle!!" Squirtle: *tackles* Flower: *dodges* Ash: "WHAT?!" Sarah: "ALRIGHT!!! Now, Flower!! Sleep Powder!!!" Ash: "NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Flower: "Vileplume!!! {Now we're talking!!!}" *uses Sleep Powder* Squirtle: *faints* Judge: "Squirtle is unable to battle!! Vileplume wins!!!" Ash: *hangs head* 'I-it didn't work.' "Squirtle, return." *holds out Pokeball* Squirtle: *returns* People in stands: "Go, girl!!!" "Nice one!!!" "I knew you'd win!!!!" "That other kid seemed confident!" What'd you think? Part 2 of Ash Ketchem V.S. Sarah Tany will be up soon. Master Yami Cami