Ash's Big Dream Master Yami Cami NOTE:: I'm adding a new character. Anna Lonter: 12 5/8 "YAHOO!!!!!!" Ash cried as he, Misty, and Brock walked back to his room. Pikachu was in the Pokemon Center. Ash was jumping up and down, skipping, and, of course, cheering. "Ash sure is happy." Misty commented to Brock. Brock just nodded. "I rule! I'm unstoppable!! I'm unbeatable!! I'm-" Misty had cut Ash off. "A bragger!! Come on, Ash. You just won your first battle, so what!!! It doesn't mean your a Pokemon Master yet!!" Ash shot back with, "I KNOW, Miss Little-Know- It-All! Sheesh!" Suddenly, Sarah came running up to Ash. "Ash, I really wasn't prepared to be in the Indigo Plateau. I really wasn't!" Sarah admitted. Ash didn't really care. "If you train your Pokemon harder, you'll," he places his on her shoulder, "go stronger, too! Least... it worked for me!! Ha ha!!" He exclaimed. Sarah laughed, then stopped and hung her head. "I need to go now, Ash Ketchem. See ya back in Pallet Town!" '"Back in... Pallet Town?!?!"' Ash thought. He thought he knew the answer, but he had to make sure! "You don't mean... You're NOT staying?! Why?!" Sarah told him that her parents said that when Pink, her Pikachu, was O.K. to go home, she would go back to Pallet. Ash understood. "Catch you back in Pallet Town, Sarah!!!!" Ash waved and shouted as Sarah ran off. "Bye!!!!" Sarah called back. Ash, Misty, and Brock watched as Sarah ran off and faded. Ash smiled. Gary then showed up. "Well, well, well. It looks like Ashy Boy won his first battle. Did his coaches help you, Little Ash?" Gary asked, teasing Ash. "No, they're not my coaches, Gary!!! They're just my friends and you know it!" "Well, I could believe Brock just being your friend, but Misty's your girrrrrlfriend!!!!" Ash and Misty blushed deeply. Gary walked off, laughing. Just then, a girl walked up to Ash. "Boy, he must be a REAL jerk!" Ash stared up at the girl. He was about two inches taller than him. "I'm Ash Ketchem from Pallet Town." Ash introduced himself. The girl replied with, "Anna Lonter from Pewter City." Ash smiled. PLEASE R&R!!!!!!!! Master Yami Cami