

Chapter 10:  City Master Reed


Kurai stood in a dark area with nothing around him.  He didn’t feel lost or confused but just stood emotionlessly looking into the darkness.  There was a person near him but he didn’t see him, only knew he was there.


Kurai:  What do you want?


The shadow walked and paced around Kurai, keeping a distance but not afraid to make any advances forward.


Shadow:  How long do you think you’ll stay like this?


Kurai:  Stay like this?  I don’t intend of being like this.


Shadow:  You’ve been this way for the past ten years.  Don’t you think it’s about time to change?


Kurai:  This dark black empty world.  What is it to me anyway?


Shadow:  This place, well this place is your heart, mind, and soul.  Ever since you lost your parents and your home you’ve seen nothing but this place.  Only thing different is, your not showing any emotion in this place, which makes this place dark and empty.


Kurai:  I see.  So if I filled my mind with something a bit more wholesome . .


Shadow:  Then maybe we’ll have some light and some things to look at.


Kurai felt the shadow walking infront of him and pacing back and forth looking around the empty area.


Shadow:  You should break free first if you want anything in here.


Kurai:  You mean from father?  But he’s been taking care of him since I lost everything.  I owe him my life.


Shadow:  That’s true but . . .is he really the “father” you think he is.  And you, do you really think you are the person you think you are and not some transparent person?


Kurai:  . . . who are you anyway?


The shadow took out something from his pocket and placed it between his lips.  He reached for his lighter and lighted a cigarette.  For a brief moment the shadow’s face was revealed.


Shadow:  Me?  I’m you ofcourse.  Now why don’t you realize something before it gets anymore empty in here.


The shadow snapped his fingers and everything disappeared.




Kurai woke up from a strange dream that seemed to melt away when he thought about it.  He couldn’t keep every detail about the dream but he knew what was in it, nearly nothing.  He wiped the sweat of his face and stood up.


Kurai:  Such emptiness.  I don’t want it.  Father, are you really the loving man that took me in when I was only a young boy?


Kurai questioned again and again as he got dressed and readied to take a walk.




Gary and Lina sat around the couch together watching the morning news.  There was hardly any major issues but some local and trivial topics.  Though Lina didn’t care much Gary was surprised to find news that wasn’t all bad news.


Gary:  Hardly anything bad happens here huh.  On the outside all I hear and read about are thieves, murders, and violence.


Lina:  It’s a bit discouraging to know such things.  I think the administration believes in see no evil do no evil.


Gary:  Makes sense.  By the way that dreamstalk drink really hits ya when you sleep.  Its like watching a memory movie.


Lina:  I guess that’s good.  Well it does increase that special part of your brain that lets you dream and pumps up the ratio so you have a better chance of having a dream.  Also it jogs the memory banks for any thoughts and memories that may just something you want to see in your dreams.  I guess that’s why Ash has recently been gaining a lot of memories, his will to gain it all back is stronger when you and Misty are here.


Gary:  So how much longer till he fully remembers?


Lina:  This isn’t some amnesia cure drink, it just helps a person to dream.  From the dreams help the person to remember something and maybe if everything clicks Ash will gain back all his forgotten memory.  He probably just needs a boost here and there some times.


Gary:   Guess so.  You know what’s strange.  I’ve been having all types of dreams before even drinking your mix.  Know anything about that?


Lina:  They are either premonition or desires.


Gary:  Could be both.




Kurai walked into his father’s office awaiting for his days schedule.  When he entered he saw the artifact sword his father treasured floating in mid air, glowing an eerie blue.  Kurai approached his father’s desk but found him to be asleep at his chair.


Kurai:  Father?




Things were unclear.  Strange atmosphere and an ear-piercing tune were heard.  In his office chair, Reed sat typing out his research.  A young boy was running in yelling, “papa, papa” was heard.  Reed turned his chair around and awaited his son’s hug.  The boy jumped on his father’s lap and smiled.


Reed:  What is it son?


Son:  I just wanted to be with you.


Reed:  You should make some friends around your age.  This way you can all gather together and I can meet them.


Son:  Alright.


Reed momentarily looked at his computer and thought of something.  He changed windows to his calendar and checked the schedule for next week.  The schedule was the meeting at the WestWolf Estate with the other Prodigy children.  Reed thought that maybe his son could make some new friends there if there was a playground they could play in.  He sent out a building request on his computer right away to build a mini playground in the open fields of the estate.


Reed:  Son, remember I told you you’re gonna meet some new friends next week.  I’ll build a playground there so you can play with them.


Son:  Thanks dad.


Reed:  Just be sure to make some friends okay.  I maybe there for you all the time but I want other people in your life other than myself.


Son:  I’ll try my best dad.  So dad, what are you doing now?


Reed:  Oh I’m just doing research.


Son:  On what?


The son looked up at the monitor and saw an ancient looking sword with jewels all over it.  It read above the image, “Osmosis Sword.”




The City Master woke up realizing he dozed off in the middle of work.  The ancient sword drifted down to its stand as the City Master become conscious.


Kurai:  Father?


C. Master:  Oh, Kurai, sorry I must’ve been tired.  Well I have good news for you.  The Ultima Project is almost complete.  Soon the Osmosis sword will turn into the DREAMER item.


Kurai:  If I recall correctly that is the step before summoning one of the most powerful pokemon ever known.


C. Master:  Yes.  Ultima is unlike any of the others, you see, Ultima has no element.  It is very strong and nothing super effective against it.  I’ll see this ultimate pokemon myself and hopefully with some help from the DREAMER item I can capture it.


Kurai:  I see.  Father, if I may ask, why would you need the DREAMER item to defeat Ultima?  Aren’t the pokemon you have now strong enough to fight it?


C. Master:  Its all according to legend.  In the legend were instructions on how to defeat Ultima.  That sword that you see there, that’s the Osmosis sword.  That is the key before everything and before it can be turned into the DREAMER item it needs to be charged with the elemental powers of the Prodigies.  So far I’ve collected enough charge to summon Ultima but I want to make sure that I can defeat it.  The Osmosis sword can absorb elemental energies and that’s what gives it its charge.  I’m not entirely too sure but there are supposedly side effects to using the sword.  No matter, I haven’t sensed any real danger so it’s probably a precautionary advice to those who seek this.


Kurai nodded and walked closer to his father’s desk.  He examined everything around him and also his father’s appearance.


Kurai:  Father.  I mean no offense but are you really my father?


The City Master seemed to have changed into a different person for a moment.  He stood up and looked at Kurai with a smile.


C. Master:  Yes I am.  I may not be your biological father but I took care of you when you were around ten years old.  You didn’t have a family or anything but I wanted to be your family.  Kurai, son, I am your father and Dad for now and forever.


Kurai felt a different presence from his father, it was much more like warm and loving.  The City Master never hurt Kurai at all and always treated him with respect and dignity but just now Kurai felt the warmth of friendship and love.  He stood for a moment thinking about how were things before and now.  On the occasion he did feel the warmth of his father but only now he really noticed it emitting out of him.  His father, Reed, is the father Kurai will always have.


Kurai:  Let it be like that all the time.


Kurai wanted to please his father even more now, he felt a great sense of gratitude and wanted to repay his father.  He thought about what needs to be done and the first thing the came to his mind was the prodigy he was suppose to bring in, Ash.


Kurai:  Father, do you need more energy for the Osmosis Sword?


C. Master:  It has enough to become the DREAMER item but it can never have enough energy I suppose.


Kurai:  I see.




Ash and Misty were walking down the street having a morning walk.  Misty had already toured some areas of the city but it felt much better having Ash along now.  Ash explained more about the city and how it functions as well as the people.


Ash:  The community block here are all friendly people.  Everyone pretty much remembers each other by name.


Misty:  That’s pretty nice, no wonder its so peaceful here.


One of Ash’s neighbors passed by and greeted Ash.


Man:  Hey Ash.  Taking a break at work?  Hey who’s the girl?  Is she your *ahem*.


Ash smiled and whispered in Misty’s ear.


Ash:  Just smile and say your from section 5-2.


Misty:  Okay.


Ash scratched his head and replied to his friend.


Ash:  Well yeah, haa haa haa, I guess you can say that.  As if you haven’t done anything yourself!


Man:  You sly dawg.


The two chatted for a while and Ash’s friend chatted some with Misty.  He did minor flirting which got Ash a bit protective over Misty but his friend knew his limits.  He did it just to tease Ash and also get in a few laughs.  As they talked, Kurai spotted Ash not to far off.  He was with a girl and a friend of his, Kurai had to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.  His plan was simple, just try to knock out Ash and take him to the Head Office before his potential kicks in.  What was frustrating was Ash didn’t even know about his potential or how to use it.  Kurai knew of his powers since he was very little, around ten years old.


Kurai:  . . . and I want to test his strength against mine.


The first priority is to help his father out, so Kurai just had to ready himself for the right opportunity.


Ash’s friend soon left, Ash and Misty stood around talking about their recent chat subject.


Misty:  Your friend seems jealous of you.


Ash:  . . . haa haa haa, yeah, that’s cause all the fine girls are in section 5-2.  And he thought you were the cream of the crop!


Misty:  Oh whatevers Ash.


They both laughed a bit but suddenly Ash’s awareness kicked in.  He looked around and concentrated.  Something was coming, he grabbed Misty and jumped to his side.  Where they were standing part of the sidewalk was destroyed.  Ash helped Misty up and asked if she was alright, everything was fine but Ash wanted to know what was going on.  He assumed it was Kurai and carefully searched for him.


Ash:  Kurai!  I know that was you.  Only you would attack me!


Kurai walked forward right invisible range of Ash.


Ash:  Attacking me with a surprise attack, pretty low!


Kurai:  Not really, I knew you’d dodge that.  I’m not here to spar with you or test you, I’m here to capture you and bring you to my father.


Ash:  What, we’re gonna do this again?  Fine with me, I wanted to give you some pay back after last time.


Ash rushed right at Kurai and a fight broke out.  Kurai intended to be serious so immediately he started to do his special attacks.  Ash dodged whatever he could but it was difficult, strangely Kurai’s attacks resembled pokemon ones.  All of theme were linked together to a common element, darkness.  Ash didn’t play defensively like last time, he wanted to smack Kurai till he was down.  Kurai was challenged and didn’t expect  Ash to be so talented in a street fight.  Things were getting very hard when Ash started to imitate attacks that belonged to pokemon.  They weren’t elemental attacks but normal fighting techniques.  Kurai felt like he was fighting Machamp on rage the way Ash was going.  Despite Kurai doing some of his darkness moves Ash appeared to be getting the better of him.  Misty was worried about Ash fighting but knew this was something he wanted to do.  Ash fought many times before, Misty at first wanted to hold him back but later realized that sometimes Ash has to fight to be himself.  She prayed that nothing terrible happens to him and hopes he wins.  The fight continued on with Ash dodging and parrying most of Kurai’s attacks, those that connected he sucked up the hurt and continued as if nothing happened.  A fatal mistake done by Kurai led to Ash seeing an opening right at Kurai’s abdomen, Ash capitalized and gave Kurai a huge knee lift that sent Kurai flying back into a street pole.


Ash:  Come’on punk, I’m gonna give you more for hurting Misty!


Kurai felt exhausted and tired from the blow, he held his injury and slouched against the pole.


Kurai:  Father . . .  I’m sorry . . .


Suddenly an incredible force blew Ash away, he rolled and regained his balance.  He felt a heat emit near him, part of his clothes were slightly singed by something.  Was it a fireball he questioned?  Ash looked around and took in all the details around him, the side walk was slightly damaged but it trailed in a straight line up to someone.  Ash could barely make out who it was but he had a sword in his hand.


Kurai:  . . . Father!?


All Ash saw was the man raising the sword and touching it to the sidewalk, then the heat returned and came straight at Ash.


Misty:  ASH!!!!




Within a dream Ash saw himself as a little boy playing in the newly built playground.  He was the first to arrive and ran around exploring the area.


Ash:  MOM!!  Is there any pokemon around here?


Mom:  Maybe, why don’t you see if there is any?


Ash:  Okay but if I see one I’m gonna capture it.


Ash hunted around for a pokemon, later some other children appeared but Ash continued his hunt.  A girl with blonde hair came up to him and introduced herself as Ash’s cousin, Ash asked if she’d like to join in the hunt with pokemon and she gladly accepted.  Not too long after another girl appeared with orange hair and introduced herself.  They all wondered around trying to find pokemon and also played some mini games.  Other children appeared in the playground but the three just continued on playing.  Later the changed games and played in the sandbox.  They made castles and buildings, even talked about why they were all here.


Ash:  Mom said we were all special.  That’s why we’re all here.


Misty:  Wow, we’re all special, I wonder in what way?


Lina:  I hear we’re all going to PKMN Society.


The conversation continued cheerfully and Ash even got kissed by Misty, they agreed to go to PKMN Society together, fall in love, and get married.  Lina offered to be brides maid if that ever happened.  Games went on and they played with a ball.  The ball at one time rolled to the side near someone who was just sitting by himself.  Ash, Misty, and Lina offered to play and he accepted gratefully.  He introduced himself as Kurai.


Kurai:  My name is Kurai.


Ash:  Nice to meet you.  So why aren’t you playing with the other kids?


Kurai:  Its hard for me to make friends.  Dad built this playground for me to make friends while I stayed here.


Lina:  Your dad built this!?  Wow your dad must be rich!


Kurai:  Yeah, he is.  He owns this big school called PKMN Society.


Misty:  Really!?  That’s where we’re all going.


Kurai:  Wow, guess we’ll all be there someday.  I’m living there with my dad right now.


Ash:  That’s awesome.


Kurai made new friends and played games with them the entire afternoon.  That evening all the children were gathered inside with their parents and guardians, they were told it was story-telling time.


Ash:  I love stories, I wonder if its full of action and adventure.


Misty:  I want some romance too!


Lina:  Yeah!


Kurai:  My dad will be the one telling the story.  I’ve heard it a lot of times.  Its about how many different heroes come together to defeat an evil wizard.  Each hero has their own magical powers to aid them.  The evil wizard wanted to steal their magical powers so he could summon a scary creature.


Ash:  Sounds my type of story!!


Kurai:  Yeah!  Its great.  I won’t spoil anything but my favorite part was when the heroes all gathered together and fight the evil wizard.  Father is great in telling stories.


The owner of PKMN Society, Reed, sat down in front of everyone and started the story.  By the end almost all the children were asleep, all except Kurai and Ash.


Kurai:  Dad you’re always so great in telling stories.


Ash:  Yeah Mr. Reed.


Reed:  I’m not that good but you children remember the story well okay.  We all want you to grow up to be as good as the heroes alright!


Ash and Kurai nodded.  The parents and guardians picked up their children and tucked them away in the mansion’s guest rooms.  Ash didn’t want to be tucked in so early, he wanted to imagine himself to be one of the great heroes of the story.


Ash:  That’d be cool, to be magical.


Trying to sleep but couldn’t, Ash felt a bit of discomfort.  He realized he had a bit too much to drink during the story telling and needed to go to the bathroom.  He got up from bed, carefully not waking up Misty who was sharing a room with him.  Ash got lost with so many rooms to choose from and he needed to get to the bathroom quickly.  He remembered there was a bathroom downstairs near the room where they were all gathered for storytelling.  He walked downstairs, carefully, not alerting anyone he was still up.


Ash:  Mom’s gonna kill me if she finds me still up.


Before reaching the next room Ash heard Mr. Reed talking with the parents.  He carefully listened to make sure he could make a clean getaway.


Reed:  I’m sorry that it all has to come down to this.  But I guess there is some truth in the superstitious nonsense found in ancient writing.


Delia:  I’m sure its not your fault.  And also your partner backstabbed you right?


Reed:  Yeah, that’s how it all happened.  Now I’m cursed, I’ll eventually use that cursed sword to do who knows what.  I was just seeking about the ancient pokemon Ultima and then all this happened.


Sara:  Don’t feel so bad about it.  Its just a good thing that we all can gather like this and discuss it.


Reed:  Yeah I know but . . . all the prodigies are just children right now!  They can’t free me of this curse!  By the time they’re grown up I’ll probably be fully consumed by the curse.


Sara:  Take it easy.  That’s why we all decided to send them to PKMN Society when they do grow up.  I’m sure they’ll all recall all this and free you from the curse.


Reed:  For your sake and your daughter’s sake I’m still sane when that day happens.  I’d hate to be blamed if I ever did anything to hurt Lina.  This is awful, all this happens and I don’t even know more of the curse.  I need to find more artifacts to decode the writing and that could take years.  I just wish I had died when Seth shot me.


 Jenson:  Well according to your research about prodigies, says here that when prodigies die a new one is born with the same abilities as the previous but the cause of being a prodigies is not by heritage but by some unknown selection.  I wish I could find out more about this prodigy stuff, all I know is that my daughter is one.


Reed:  Let me explain what the origin of prodigies is.  Prodigies are people gifted with elemental usage that certain abilities that seem to be related to pokemon.  The reason for this is because of something that happened long ago in the ancient past that when catastrophe strikes, the prodigies are to resolve the problem.  I guess I seem to have stumbled upon this catastrophe.  The only thing I can do before I totally lose myself is do more research on it, hopefully there is a way to break this curse.


Ash lightly walked towards the bathroom.


Ash:  Are they still talking about the story?


Everything got frozen then slowly faded away.  The dream was over.


In the next chapter:  Ash finds himself within the main office of the City Master.  With his capture the Ultima project is complete above its requirements.  Misty notifies Gary and Lina about what happened and intends to finding out the truth to everything.


Author’s Note:  Hey yo everyone.  Are you still reading this?  Wow if you are cause I’m really twisting the plot to a strange turn.  Hopefully everyone is still with me here.  So how is everyone doing?  Can’t believe its nearly the end of June but time flies I guess.  Hey has everyone gotten a gameboy advance yet?  If not I highly recommend it!  Its one of the best things you can get now at days.  Also another thing to look forward to is Pokemon Crystal.  No I’m not doing Nintendo commercials I’m just saying what I think is cool.  Please leave your feedback and comments, arigato!!