

Chapter 3:  Memory Dreams


Gary was passing city through city searching for Ash.  Still no leads but he at least back on the move again.  His money supply will be enough to get by with for a very long time.  If he ever needed more money he could always withdraw it from his private savings.  The money that he kept there was for a party he’d throw after being a pokemon master but it’d be pretty useless if Ash wasn’t around to see him in his greatest glory.


While passing by through a city heading to the next bus terminal to get to the next possible place Ash could be Gary stopped by at a large park and practiced and trained with his pokemon.


Gary:  Arcanine Dragon Rage!!


The attacked proved to be powerful and Gary felt better that his pokemon were now becoming as strong as they once were.  After a few more exercises he break and had everyone rest.  He sat down under a tree and stared right into the slightly cloudy sky.


Gary:  I wonder if I become the best he might show up.  Become a threat to becoming the better and he might just show up to give me a beat down.


A voice was heard not too far away.  It wasn’t directed at Gary but Gary still listened in.


Voice1:  I failed again.  I can’t get in PKMN Society!  Never!


Voice2:  Don’t give up hope.  Its your dream to go there, you must keep trying!


Voice3:  PKMN Society is too perfect if you ask me.  Just something really odd about it that really gets to me, I can’t explain it but I just know it.  Well I’m out of here you two, good luck with your exams.


The man’s footsteps were getting closer to Gary.  He walked passed Gary without looking back at him.  Gary felt like he saw the person walking away somewhere before.  He wore a strange looking cap and dressed nearly in all blue.


Gary:  Looks like Ash but not Ash.  I guess my mind really loves to play tricks on me.


Gary leaned back and relaxed for awhile.  It was a nice day and sunny day, perfect for a nap.




?????:  There is . . . something I wanted to tell you.  I know we’ve known each other for a long time.  Things are starting to get very difficult.  I feel fine with it all.  In fact I feel great.  Though I’d like to say that from now on . . . we’ll . . .




Ash woke up just as he saw himself confront whomever he was talking to in the dream.  He didn’t know who it was; all he remembers was seeing a blurry shadow.  It could have been anyone he previously known.


Ash:  Damnit!!  Why can’t I remember!!


This was one of the few times Ash cursed himself for having amnesia.  All these memories appearing in dreams and yet he can’t get a single clue to anything.


Later that evening Ash was sitting out on the balcony having a liquored drink while gazing at the night sky.  Even if the clear starry sky was right in front of him, he didn’t see them, he only saw images from dreams he recently been having.


Ash:  I don’t dream about these often.  Why am I dreaming all about forgotten memories and what purpose do they have.  Am I gonna finally remember everything?


Ash took a drink and felt a surge of a “hot one” hit him.  He became less stressed and more light headed.  Things just seem to melt away from having just a drink, a simple and refreshing way to suddenly start seeing images that may or may not be important.




Misty ate her pizza while watching TV in bed.  Even if it did make crumbles all over she didn’t care, she just wanted to rest up.  The Utopia like city of the PKMN Society was perfect.  Everything ran so smoothly and everyone was friendly.  There were hardly any dirt around and the streets were very clean.  It was hard to believe that students keep the entire city in order but then it is also hard to believe that such a city does exist.


Misty:  PKMN Society was like a fairy tale that I was told back when I was very young.  I imagined it to be like a magical kingdom that everyone lived peacefully.  I guess I was right.


Then a memory trigger hit Misty.  It was about a childhood memory that she could barely recall.




Girl:  Do you think this office building looks good?


Boy:  I think it’s wonderful.  I’m going to have a job there.


Girl:  And I’ll be the housewife in this house here.




Children playing in a sandbox and a kiss were all Misty could recall.  Things seemed to unrealistic to be real and the whole idea seemed kinda corny like out from a over rated romance novel.


Misty:  As if.  Boy and girl are childhood friends then later as they grow up fall in love.  Where have I heard that plotline before?  Then again in this city something like that could happen.


Misty thought about the person she met today.  His name was Red, a slightly tall person with black hair.  She couldn’t tell what color his eyes were from his glasses but seemed so oddly familiar.


Misty:  I swear I’ve seen that guy somewhere before.


It was getting late, she planned on touring the city more in the morning and maybe she could ask Red to take her out again.  A local guy in a Utopia City with a sweet charm and warm feeling, maybe he’s still . . .




The very next day Ash was at work taking care of the marine pokemon.  The Seadras were acting up and splashed water on him.  It was refreshing since the hot sun just beat down without a cloud in the sky.  The cleaning service people were getting frustrated over Ash’s white coat uniform.  Every day he’d get it dirty and the stains were nearly impossible to remove.  Ash always explained that taking care of pokemon was a dirty job and apparently he had the dirty coat to prove it.  All the chores were done with very little time to spare.  Ash took a breather under a tree and relaxed his tired muscles.


Ash:  Those Seadras . . . haa haa, I hope Mike can handle them later this evening.


While Ash sat he started to feel a sense of Déjà vu.  He felt like it was so common to see under a tree and relax.  It seemed very familiar that he swore it was part of a routine thing he or someone he knew use to do.


Ash:  What do I know though, what’s so unusual about sitting under a tree and relaxing.


His cell phone started to ring.  He checked caller ID but the number was restricted.  Guessing it was important Ash answered and to his surprise it was that lady from the other day.  He slouched against the tree and quietly talked to her.  She wanted to know if he was free to go around touring again but Ash said he was at work.  The lady on the other end became interested that Ash worked at the Aquarium and wanted to tour around there.  Ash didn’t deny her that, after all, it was business and very well could be a customer.  After a few minutes of giving directions Ash hung up and then stood back up.  With a stretch and yawn he scratched his head and walked towards the entrance.


Once at the entrance Lina greeted him as usual.


Lina:  Hi Ash.  Hey it isn’t lunch time yet.  Are you already hungry?


Ash:  Nah I’m just waiting for a customer.  Remember that lady from the other day.  She’ll be coming here.


Lina:  Oh.  Hey Ash, are you sure she isn’t like a girlfriend or anything.


Ash wondered why Lina was getting very nosy all of a sudden about the tourist lady.  Then again Lina had been always a curious girl.


Ash:  Nope.


Lina:  Your not lying to me are you?


Ash:  If I was lying to you, what makes you think I’ll be telling the truth about that question .


Lina:  . . .


Ash:  I’m just kidding Lina, don’t have a cow!  Haa haa haa.


Lina pouted, Ash was teasing her and she felt embarrassed.


Ash:  Haa haa haa, you look cute when your face gets all pouty.


Lina changed her expression to a shocked blush and a different type of embarrassment.  She had to turn around to hide her expression.  Ash looked towards Lina and scratched his head.  He often wondered what was Lina’s mood swings all about.




Misty walked towards the Aquarium and spotted the man she met the other day.  He wore a white coat this time that made him look like a scientist.  His glasses really matches his attire but what was really familiar about him was his face.


Misty:  Hi there Red.


Red:  Hi.


Girl:  Red?


Red:  Oh um Lina, this is Misty.


Lina:  Um hi.


Misty:  Hello.


Once introductions have been made the man that goes by the name Red gave Misty a tour.  Before starting he whispered a few things to the girl named Lina who worked at the lunch stand outside the aquarium.  Once the tour actually started Red explained many facts about the marine pokemon, Misty was delighted to know someone who knew so much about water types, it was always her favorite subject to learn about.  After a few minutes of touring and observing the different type of species and their characteristics, Misty and Red sat quietly on a bench to talk about what they’ve seen so far, but that wasn’t the only subject on Misty’s mind.


Misty:  . . . so Goldeen’s personality reacts to the different temperature of the water.  That’s very interesting.


Red:  Yeah, if it’s hot they are very aggressive and if its cold they are very mellow.


Misty:  You know a lot Red.  Where’d you learn all this stuff?


Red:  From here and the assignments given here.


Misty:  That’s wonderful.  It must be great to live in a place like PKMN Society.  Where I’m from there’s nothing like any of this.


Red:  Where do you come from?


Misty:  From Cerulean City.


Red froze for a moment.  He looked like he was bitten by something but then returned to his normal state within a few seconds.


Misty:  Is something wrong?


Red:  Oh um nothing.  So what’s the difference from here and there.


Misty explained and compared PKMN Society with the rest of the outside world.  Red didn’t quiet understand that where Misty was from and gone didn’t have assignments given to them on certain days.  It was also shocking to know that not everyone knew about pokemon and other things.  What was even more shocking was to hear that there were people that even did bad deeds with pokemon.


Red:  I really can’t understand how things are different from here.


Misty:  Its like that.  Didn’t you come here when you were looking for a college to go to?


Red:  College?


Misty:  Yeah.  This entire city is like one big college.


Red:  I don’t get it.  When I first got here I . . .


Red didn’t answer for a few minutes then replied with a few words.


Red:  I don’t remember.


Misty didn’t want to push it.  Red already looked uncomfortable with the topic but she wanted to know more about who he was.  It just seemed strange to have someone know so much and also work in a place that required a vast knowledge and yet didn’t know anything else, not even the reason of being where they are.  Misty wanted to know though, she wanted to know who Red was and maybe help him remember.




Gary barely won his matches but he was gaining his streak once more.  The self pity was melting away and a new flame of inspiration hit Gary to strive in searching for something that will get the attention of Ash and get him to come out of his hibernation.


Gary:  Ash, I’ll have you come out and show me what you’re made of.  After that I’m gonna show you what real strength is.


Gary figured that if he became the strongest in all the land, proclaimed himself as the best, then and only then will Ash appear and try to defeat him.


Gary:  I don’t care if I have to challenge everyone, I will make sure you appear.


With the determination flowing through his veins Gary moved quickly from area to area till he overheard someone watching one of Gary’s battle.


Man1:  He’s good, is he a PKMN Society Graduate?


Man2:  If he was I’d stay away from him.  He could be dangerous.


Then Gary realized where to test his skills.  PKMN Society students were supposedly the best of all the land.  If he could beat a few he would reach his goal in no time.




Lina sat at her food stand bored from the lack of customers.  Things have slowed down a bit but it wasn’t too bad.  There wouldn’t be too much financial lost or gain with the way things was going, the only thing lost was time.  The day seemed nice to take a nap and just let time past by till closing time.  Before Lina had a chance to close her eyes and make herself comfortable her sister walked up to her to check on Lina.


Serena:  Hey Lina!  Is everything going well here?


Lina:  Not really, not many customers.  This really sucks, I’m bored.


Serena:  Aw come now, this is what real work is all about.


Lina:  Ya sure, whatevers.  Did you come by to drop off the vegetables I need? 


Serena:  Here they are.  Honestly I don’t get with your food experiments.


Lina:  We all have to try something new.


Serena waved good bye to Lina and walked back to where she came from.  Lina looked through the basket that Serena gave her and sorted out the greenery.  Everything was now stocked up and ready to serve.  A quick glance at the clock and Lina realized it was nearly time to make Ash’s custom drink.  With all the ingredients stocked she quickly blinded and mixed an assortment of vegetables and fruits.


Ash came by with the other girl named Misty.  They seemed to be getting along pretty well, this troubled Lina.  Lina finished mixing up a pitcher of the drink and was awaiting for Ash’s request.


Ash:  Hey Lina.  Do you have my daily drink?


Lina:  Right here.


Lina passed Ash a fairly large cup and straw.  Ash drank it slowly savoring the taste then he thought about Misty.


Ash:  Got any extra Lina?  Maybe Misty would want one too?


Misty:  Really?  I wouldn’t want to bother.


Lina reluctantly poured another cup full of the special drink and served it to Misty.  The drink had a really unique taste, younger children wouldn’t appreciate the delicate taste but only a mature person would appreciate its nutritious value.  Lina got worried about serving Misty the drink, after all, it was Ash’s drink.


Ash:  . . . Misty, if you’re really into marine pokemon then maybe you can work here too.


Misty:  Well I’d have to enroll and get accept it in.  I’m just touring, I haven’t figured out which college I want to go to yet.  That is, if I do go to college.


Ash drank down his drink in a gulp and quickly asked Misty about college.


Ash:  If you do go?  So you’re not too qualified to go to . . .


Misty:  Its not that, its just I’m waiting for someone.  Someone I’ve been looking for a while now.


Ash:  Ah, I see.  Well if you do decide I’ll put a good word in for ya.  Be sure to sign up early for your courses otherwise you’ll get stuck with some really strange courses like bio-chemical gardening.


Lina:  I heard that!


Lina apparently was taking that course.  Ash teased her about it at first but Lina proved her skillful knowledge in the course by making some of the best nutritious meals and drinks in the city.


Misty:  Well I’d have to get going now.  See ya around Red.  I’d like to have more of this again Lina.  Bye you two.


Misty walked away into the crowd of people.  Lina quickly calculated the chemical value of the drink she normally makes for Ash and concluded everything was going to be alright.


Ash:  Hey Lina.  Hello, anyone there.


Lina snapped back to reality with Ash looking right at her.  She blushed a bit but returned to her normal composure.


Ash:  Anything wrong Lina?


Lina:  Oh um nothing.  How’s the drink?


Ash:  The usual . . . very good.


Ash smiled and drank down the last of it.  He threw the cup away and dusted off his white coat.


Ash:  Well back to work.


Lina watched as Ash walked away and back into the building, she started to wonder about his relationship with that other girl, Misty.  Maybe, just maybe, there is a connection.  Without knowing Lina poured the same drink for herself and drank it.  She didn’t realize it till half way done but it wasn’t a big deal, she just realized she needed to add more sugar.


That night Lina felt extra tired and went straight to bed before anyone else in her household.




A five year old Lina started to pick flowers outside of her house.  The tulips were beautiful and there were so many different colors she just had to get one of each.  The next thing she realized was that she was in her house with her parents and a couple of strangers.  Her dad was talking to another lady and was smiling.


Dad:  Lina.  Come here, I’d like you to meet your aunty.


Lina:  Aunty.


Lina smiled and handed her aunty a flower.


Aunty:  Hi Lina.  This is the first time we’ve met.  Me and my son are visiting her for awhile.  Why don’t you talk to him, he’s outside by the swings.


Next thing Lina saw she was looking right at boy who was looking around anxiously.


Lina:  Hi.  My name is Lina.


Boy:  Ssshhhhh . . . you’ll scare all the pokemon away.


Lina:  Pokemon?


Boy:  Yeah.  I’m gonna be a pokemon master one day and I’ll need a lot of pokemon.




Lina woke up from her dream.  She yawned and looked out her window.  It was still a bit dark but the sun would be rising up soon.  The dream she just had seemed a bit fuzzy but she remembered three things.  It was about her when she was five, then meeting an aunty, and then meeting a boy who wanted to capture pokemon.


Lina:  I’m gonna have to lay off my own creative mixes.  Hmmmm, well atleast it was a cute childhood memory.




A young teenage Ash sat on a rock while looking at the setting sun.  He watched quietly and smiled as the sky turned into an assortment of many different colors.  The wind picked up and blew Ash’s cap off.  Misty walked towards Ash and caught the cap.  She sat down next to Ash on the rock and watched the sunset with him.


Ash:  Life doesn’t get any better than this.


Misty:  Oh how so?


Misty placed the cap back on Ash’s head and looked towards him.


Ash:  Its good to be chasing after a dream.  Makes life more enjoyable.


Misty:  A dream?  When’d you get so romantic all of a suddenly!


Ash chuckled.  Misty had always been the one that romanticizes everything.  She’d often comment how romantic whatever was, even as simple as French food and scenery.


Ash:  I dunno.  Guess I hang around you too much.  But don’t you think having a dream is one of the reasons we keeping going the way we go.


Misty:  Yeah it is.


Ash:  Don’t you have a dream Misty?


Misty:  I do.


Misty looked right into Ash’s eyes, her eyes were glittering and the sunset added to the shine.


Misty:  I do.




Misty woke up from her dream.  She moaned out that it was only a dream and turned to her side wishing she could return to it.  A few tries but she couldn’t and got up to start her day.  The dream she had was a memory that happened a few years ago, it was something she remember so clearly and it was one of the most important days of her life.


Misty:  Ash . . . I guess I really can’t stop thinking about you.




Ash saw himself falling.  Not too far from him was a stranger that was falling with him, there was a rope attached to his hand.  He quickly untied it and just grabbed onto it.  The stranger glided over to Ash and they started to fight.  Things were getting desperate so Ash grabbed the rope and pulled it away from the stranger.  The ground was approaching, something must be done soon or it’ll be the end.  There were little choices and everything seemed so unclear, the only thing very clear was the fast approaching ground.  Closer, then seconds away from impact . . .




Ash woke up in a cold sweat.  It was a nightmare about falling from the sky.  He had that dream before and it was your classic nightmares where the person dreaming wakes up before hitting the ground and dying.


Ash:  Gosh I hate the dream.  Been having it more often than usual!  I’m gonna have to watch what I eat before going to bed.


Ash did his morning routine and sat at the breakfast table having his toast and cereal.  He flipped on the TV to watch the morning news and get the day’s weather forecast.  There was a special live coverage just outside the exiting and entrance zone of PKMN Society.  A very confident young man dared to challenge any students and says he’d beat them all.  Some of the PKMN Society student went to take care of the manner personally but all lost to the none student.  The managers of the main office reasoned that it was just someone who wanted to get in the school and that he would get in after he calms down.


Ash:  Sounds like a spoiled brat who always has to get his way.


TV:  I am Gary Oak and I will beat every one of the students here with my great skill of pokemon.  I am on a mission to become the best and no one is going to stop me.


Ash paused for a moment when he heard the name Gary Oak.  It rang a bell, something familiar with that name, but he just couldn’t place it.  Ash turned off the TV and got fully dressed for work.  Once at work he stamped in and did his routine duties.  The morning news cast haunted him through out the day.  It wasn’t about the ruckus that one person was making but his name that continuously echoed through Ash’s head.


Lina:  Terrible isn’t it.


Ash looked to his side and there stood Lina holding up the afternoon paper.


Lina:  What someone wants to do just to get attention.


The afternoon paper headlines read, “Challenger VS PKMN Society.”  Gary was on the cover and dueling someone.


Lina:  I guess he either couldn’t afford the tuition or he failed the entrance exam a lot.  What a brat, trying to get into here instead of doing it the proper way.


Ash:  . . . well maybe he just wants a challenge.


Lina:  Challenge?  According to this the freshmen class were the only ones challenging this guy but the challenger beat them all.  All the other upperclassmen know that they have better things to do then deal with people outside the society.  The freshmen class are hardly any better than newbies that just got it.


Ash:  Give the guy some slack, I bet he just wants to prove a point.


Lina:  What point?  Seeing how sad he really is?




Lina froze from the shock on what Ash just yelled at her.  Ash couldn’t understand what he just said.  He couldn’t figure it out, did he just say Gary.  It sounded like he knew him and in fact it sounded like he was defending him.


Lina:  Um Ash, do you know who he is?


Ash:  I dunno.  I don’t know what to think.  These past few months I’ve been having all types of strange thoughts and images.  I keep trying to purge them from my head but they just come back haunting me.  I dunno what to believe, if they’re memories or just dreams.


Ash sat back and rubbed the side of his head.  He was confused, first it was that girl named Misty then a strange challenger named Gary Oak is challenging everyone, why does it sound all so familiar.


Lina:  Ash . . . I think there’s something you should know.


Ash:  What is it Lina, I don’t feel like sampling any of your special plate lunches right now.


Lina:  Trust me, its something very important.  Lets go to the locker room, I’ll explain it there.


In the next chapter:  Gary continues his win streak and tests the students of PKMN Society until a serious student approaches him.  The student stands confident wearing a blue jacket, white shirt, black jeans, and glasses.  Misty is aware that Gary is around and wants to know why he’s there.  Lina explains the mysterious friend named Red.


Author’s Note:  I’m really glad that everyone likes this story.  Although many of you probably are thinking they read some type of fic like this but I plan to surprise you on the direction I’m going at.  Who knows, maybe this will be an original fic yet.  Well keep on reading and thanks for the reviews.