

Chapter 9:  Prodigies’ Pasts


Misty as a little girl walked together with her parents.  They brought her to a friend’s house to stay and visit for awhile.


Misty’s Mom:  Misty, I’d like you to meet . . .


Everything was getting very fuzzy and garbled, nothing made too much sense but then things cleared up again.  This time Misty was in a playground area looking around for playmates.  She saw a boy looking, trying to spot something; a blonde girl standing beside him accompanied him.  Misty approached the boy and said hi.


Misty:  Hi, I’m Misty.


Boy:  Shhhhhh . . . you’ll scare all the Pokemon away.


The blonde girl turned towards Misty and smiled.


Girl:  My cousin is looking for pokemon.  I hope he catches one so we all can play with it.


Misty:  Yeah.  What’s your name?


Girl:  My name is . . .


Things got distorted again and sounded was like static.  When things cleared up Misty saw herself building a sandcastle with the boy and his cousin wasn’t too far off looking at it.


Misty:  Do you know what PKMN Society is?


Boy:  No.


Misty:  Mama and Papa told me it’s a magical place where dreams come true.


Girl:  Yeah, that’s right.  My parents also told me that everyone here will go to PKMN Society in the future.


Boy:  Really?  Why?


Girl:  Because . . . that’s where dreams come true.


Misty:  Yup.  Our parents probably want us to have our dreams come true. 


Boy:  Lets build a sandcastle one taller than the last one.


Misty:  Lets build it like it was in PKMN Society.


Girl:  I want to know as much as I can about PKMN Society.


Misty:  My sisters told me something about it.  They say if a couple went to PKMN Society together they’d fall in love and get married.  They’re always saying they’d love to go there with someone, fall in love, get married and have children.  I’ll be an aunty if they do that.


Boy:  That’d be nice.  Are we going to PKMN Society together then?


Misty held the boy’s hand then gave him a quick kiss.


Misty:  Lets get in PKMN Society and fall in love then get married.


Boy:  O . . . okay.


Girl:  I’ll be bride’s maid!


The sandcastle was very tall that day.  Misty played catch with a giant ball with her new friends and her proclaimed playground boyfriend.  The ball stumbled off and landed near someone else who looked sad.


Boy:  Hey, wanna play with us?


Girl:  It’ll be fun.


Misty:  Please play with us.


Boy2:  Okay . . . my name is . . .




Misty woke up sleeping in Ash’s lap.  She felt his gentle caress across her orange hair as she drifted back to awareness.  She yawned and sat back up; while looking at Ash she tried to imagine the boy in her dream with Ash.


Ash:  You fell asleep.  Are you exhausted from today?


Misty:  Actually I fell asleep cause you put me too much at ease.


Ash touched the side of Ash’s face and looked closely.  With the other hand she snatched his glasses and looked deep into his eyes.  Her minds eye imagined the boy in her dream, she tried to merge the two images together making them into one.  The transition was nearly perfect; Misty concluded that the boy in her dream must’ve been Ash.


Misty:  I’ve been dreaming about you lately.  Not in the way you may think but I’ve been dreaming about when you were just a small boy and when I was a small girl.  I never realized it but we were playmates long ago.


Ash:  Really?  That’s something, so we must’ve been life long friends then huh.


Misty placed Ash’s glasses on herself and smiled at Ash.


Misty:  Not exactly.  When you were only ten years old and I was twelve we met again in the forest.  I was fishing and you just suddenly appeared.


Ash got closer to Misty and looked deep into her eyes.


Ash:  Must’ve been romantic.


Misty chuckled and pushed Ash away a bit.


Misty:  Not exactly.  I had to fish you out of the stream because you were being chased by a bunch of angry spearows, to top it all off you stole my bike and trashed it.


Ash got a weird reaction and nervously smiled at Misty.


Ash:  I don’t remember any of that.


Misty gave Ash an emotionless gaze then started to tickle me.


Misty:  Don’t give me that!  I know you remember!  Now buy me a new bike or car or whatevers!


Ash:  New car!  How can you make such a comparison!  Bikes are far more cheaper!


Misty:  But I don’t ride a bike now, I ride a car so how about a new car!


Ash:  Sorry carrot head; don’t have that kind of money.


Ash snatched Misty’s wrists to stop her from tickling him.  Misty eased up on tickling Ash anymore then Ash let go.  Ash chuckled a bit and poured a pitcher of Lina’s special drink for Misty and himself.  They already had a few cups full but the drink mix was very refreshing.


Ash:  Here ya go carrot head.  You should really thank Lina for this, its one of the best and she only makes it for me.


Misty:  Yeah, I’ll do that.  So where are they?


When Gary and Lina dropped off the drinks; they didn’t plan on staying too long.  By the time Misty fell asleep they wanted to leave to give Ash and Misty some privacy.


Ash:  Gary said that they planned on going to a movie.


Misty:  Movie?  So they’re on a date?


Ash:  I guess so.  Maybe they’re starting to like each other.


Misty:  Guess so.  So ya think the rumor is true about PKMN Society?


Ash:  What rumor?  The one where the students are hybrids and are bio soldiers trained to take over the world?


Misty:  Not that rumor silly.  My sisters told me that if a couple went to PKMN Society, they’d fall in love and get married.


Ash looked away a bit, looked like he was in deep thought for a moment then looked back at Misty.


Ash:  . . . let’s go to PKMN Society, fall in love and get married.  Then I said, Okay.


For a brief moment, they both looked at each other, speechless and amazed.  Ash didn’t know what was happening, he concluded that it was a memory.  A memory was finally coming back to him.


Misty:  That’s what I said to you in the sandbox when . . .


Ash:  . . . making sandcastles and make it look like the buildings in PKMN Society.


Misty:  Ash!  Do you remember that!


Ash:  I don’t know.  I just recall but I don’t remember.  Maybe, I’ll finally remember.


Misty:  That’s great!  This is so wonderful!


Misty hugged Ash.


Misty:  Its funny how this place, I mean PKMN Society, is like.  I mean so many people think this place is a place for students who want the best form of education.  Yet there’s something that makes this place special.  I wonder if its true about what my sisters said about this placing having some romantic effect on couples.


Ash:  But weren’t we already in love before we got in here?


Misty:  True but . . . you had to fall in love with me again since you don’t remember.


Misty smiled slyly, took of Ash’s glasses, and placed them on the table.  She pressed herself against him and made him lie down with her right on top of him.


Ash:  I guess so.  I have no memories about falling in love but I am in love . . . with you.


Misty kissed Ash while on top of him and rubbed herself all over him.  Luckily the door was self locked, the two planned on not having anymore visitors over for the rest of the night.  They were too busy with “other” matters.




Kurai reported to his father, the City Master about recent happenings.  The prodigies had visited the main office but sadly only three two of them were real prodigies.


Kurai:  What shall I do now father?


C. Master:  Please escort them out and return here after.


Kurai followed orders to the exact.  The City Master examined the stone slab for any more information about it.


C. Master:  I figured a bit more out of the translation.  It’s written in an old language but I’ll try to keep the translation modern.  The first part reads, The key to unlocking Ultima are by gathering elements using the key.  The prodigies unlock the path to Ultima.  Within each prodigy holds parts of each elementals.  Bring the key to the area closest to heaven.  It is there were the true form of the DREAMER item will be made.  Arm yourself with it then face Ultima.”





The next morning Ash woke up to the sound of food being cooked over the stove and the lovely smell of freshly brewed coffee.  He put on some clothes and walked into the kitchen where he saw Misty preparing breakfast like she did previously.


Misty:  Good morning hun.


Misty placed the pan down for a moment, walked over to Ash and gave him a morning kiss.  She returned to cooking while Ash started to read the newspaper.


Ash:  Hmmm interesting.  The police placed an article here about illegal aliens inside the city and everyone should be careful.  Since this happened assignments would be canceled till the alien is arrested.


Misty:  Is that good?  Hopefully Gary won’t be found.


Ash:  He probably won’t.  As for you, just keep a low profile and stick to me, it looks less suspicious that way.  Since assignments are canceled I wonder if there’s any work today.


Ash called his manager and asked if there was any work today.  To Ash’s surprise there wasn’t any.  Since the brawl happened near the aquarium the police asked the aquarium to close down while they investigated around.  No work and no assignment meant nothing to do for the day.  Perhaps before Ash would’ve been bothered by this but since Misty appeared in his life having no work or assignments meant being able to be with her and doing whatever they want.


Ash:  Looks like another free day.


Misty:  That sounds good.  So what do you want to do today?


Ash sat back down and reclined in his seat.


Ash:  What did we use to do back when I had my memories?


Misty finished cooking and served breakfast with a good amount of coffee.


Misty:  We never stopped moving and adventuring.  Sometimes we’d pass an area around three times before moving along.  We’d meet up with all sorts of companions that joins us, have an adventure with us, and also learn from us as we also learn from them.


Ash:  Sounds like a real adventurous life.  I must’ve had quite a time back then.


Misty:  You also lived on the wild side.  You did some of the most dangerous stunts I have ever seen and yet you come out of that nearly without a scratch.


Ash looked away a bit and laughed to himself.  He couldn’t believe that he was like that ever; it was just hard to believe.


Ash:  Guess everything is a little different with personality.


Misty:  Don’t worry Ash.  Your still the same, you just have to remember about the stuff you do and what your capable of doing.  Remember, inside of you lies things that you may not know right now but later you’ll realize everything.


Ash sipped his coffee and thought about what Misty said, it was very profound that it got Ash’s mind thinking about the many possibilities.  During the times when Ash wanted to know more about himself and why he is the way he is he would try new things and find he had a knack at it, then other were other times when he thought he had some talent in something but really he didn’t.  It was like that biker gloves incident; it took him many crashes for him to realize he really didn’t know how to ride a bike.  Ash found out the other day he could defends himself in a fight and he probably could fight too and very well at that.  It was kind of scary to not know what your capable of unless the situation presents its self.


Ash:  Today.  Even if it sounds risky, I want to find that Kurai person and make him answer.




A young Lina sat at the backseat of the car watching whatever passed them by.  They were very close to reaching their destination and Lina was very excited to meet some new friends.


Mother:  So Lina, are you ready to meet some new friends.


Lina:  Yup yup!  I wanna play with all of them.


Father:  Your cousin Ash will be there too.


Lina:  Oh yay!  I can’t wait.


Her parents started to talk quietly among themselves about the purpose of the entire trip.  Lina hardly paid any attention but she did hear what they were saying.


Father:  . . . don’t ya think its kinda strange.  Delia’s own kid is a prodigy.  How rare is that?


Mother:  That “prodigies” are related?  It could happen.  There’s no reason why it shouldn’t.  Just wish I was one myself.


Father:  Don’t get too jealous.  Well I hope this meeting is all for the best.  Oak better know what he’s doing.


Mother:  He does.  I wouldn’t worry.  He says if all the children meet each other then it’ll be more beneficial in the future.


Father:  Hope his right and I really hope your right too.




Lina woke up in her apartment.  She looked around a bit returning to reality.  Quickly she sorted her thoughts to try to keep the memory of her dream; some details were lost but she’ll remember most of the important things.  Gary started to stir from his sleep and woke up.  She sat up and looked at Lina.


Gary:  What’s wrong?


Lina:  Just had a dream about something very important that happened long time ago.  Could have something to do on what’s been happening lately.  Did you dream of anything?


Gary:  I dreamt of when Ash and I were seven years old and kept trying to get apples from a tree and kept failing at it.


Lina giggled and got up from bed.  She put on some clothes and headed into the kitchen.


Lina:  I’ll make some breakfast; you can go ahead and take a shower.


Gary sat in bed and tried to collect his thoughts about the dream.  There was more before the silly dream of an apple, there was a previous dream that he had.




It was in a foggy atmosphere where Ash and Gary stood with nothing around them.  The dream was very hard to remember and hard to describe.  It just appeared that they both were in a void of some type.  Gary had his mysterious cloak on while Ash wore a trench coat.


Ash: . . . there’s something that makes us different.


Gary:  I think everyone’s different.  My methods and your methods are completely different.


Ash:  Maybe so but there’s a big thing that separates us but I don’t know what that is.


Gary:  What are you talking about?


Ash:  I just have this feeling that we are more different than you may think.  Once I figured it out I’ll tell you.  Just don’t think that we are the same, we are very different.




Back in Ash’s apartment, Ash finished washing the plates and Misty wiped down the table.  With nothing planned for the day they didn’t know what else to do than just sit around and see what happens.  He thought back to the previous day with the fight against Kurai.  Gary said that something that emitted out of Ash, something like electricity.  It was absurd thinking at first but what else can anyone believe when having no memory.


Ash:  Misty . . . where you awake during when sparks flew in my fight  yesterday?


Misty:  Slightly.  I didn’t see too clearly though, it was way too bright.


Ash:  The sun was too bright?


Misty:  Um . . . no, actually you were shinning.


Ash stopped for a moment to think.  He reasoned in his mind that, what if it did happen and it was something supernatural, then what?  Ash couldn’t reason why he would have such a supernatural power but maybe it traces back all the way back when he remembered everything.


Ash:  Was this the first time you saw it?


Misty:  Yeah!  In fact I was kinda amazed that this happened when it did.


Ash:  What do you mean by that?


Misty:  About every adventure we take it always has something to do with some life risking thing and there were times where we thought we were going to die.  Yet this “thing” of yours never came out until what happened yesterday.


Ash:  What were the life threatening risks that happen during our adventure?


Misty:  I dunno, maybe falling off cliffs or swimming in rapids or even going through a storm in a broken down airship.


Ash paused for a moment, that latter sounded very familiar.  It was a creepy déjà vu feeling that felt like it was the reason this whole thing started.


Ash:  Well those things weren’t like a fight so what good will this electrical power do?


Misty:  I see your point.  Still I dunno anything about that power that you have.


Ash:  Oh well, maybe I’ll figure it out someday.





The City Master looked over the list of Prodigies and updated the information.  He sighed thinking to himself that it was such a shame to find only a few prodigies out of an entire list of possible candidates.  Prodigies are suppose to be highly intelligent people who have natural pokemon instinct.  Most of the people the City Master met were only bright book smart students who studied for many years.  There was still one name left on the list, the person Kurai didn’t bring in, Ash.


C. Master:  Kurai, there’s only one person left to interview and that’s this Ash person.


Kurai:  Do you wish for me to bring him here?


C. Master:  Well come to think about it, I may not need to find any more prodigies.  You see, I figured out what’s written here.


The City Master pointed at the ancient slab then smiled at his accomplishment.  Its been a very long project but its nearing its completion.


C. Master:  I figured out enough to move on.  So to answer your question, no I don’t need him here.  As for you Kurai, I’m in a good mood so your dismissed until I call for you.  Why not get some rest you look tired.


Kurai:  Yes father.




Kurai felt a sense of loneliness engulfing him.  He was in a dark terrifying world and he was by himself.  Both his parents were dead from an accident that left an entire city destroyed.  Out of the Ash’s of the once populated and thriving city was just him, only him.  A young boy no older than ten years old roamed through the desolated city figuring out what to do next.  As he walked through the broken streets he bumped into someone, maybe he survived the destruction.  The man offered his hand to him and he took it.  Kurai felt that the dark loneliness leave him and he felt a new feeling.  It was strange but now he felt like being with the man he just met.  The man he would eventually call father.  It was all a memory from the past formed into a dream, though it could also be a premonition for something.



In The Next Chapter:  Slowly but surely everyone is aware of something from their past.  The long worked on project entitled, “Ultima” is nearly finished.  The City Master will soon achieve what he’s been trying to do for many years now.  Ash’s memories appear in dreams have gotten more detailed, will he remember soon?


Author’s Note:  How’s everyone doing?  Enjoying the fic?  Well I hope so.  I’ve been so busy lately especially a lot of good movies were released recently.  I’ve also been watching a very cool anime called Initial D, its all about driving and drifting, the life of a street racer.  Anyway please leave reviews and comments, I really like reading them.  Arigato!! ^_^