Golden Smiles, Silver Tears (The Story of G/S)


By:  Silver Dreams and McWizardX



Chapter 1:  The beginning in New Bark Town


Kenta slept in his comfy feather bed peacefully till his mother started to call him from downstairs.  He turned over and ignored her calls.  It was dark all over, the curtains blocked out any sunlight.  Slightly opening his eyes Kenta looked towards his clock on the side of his bed.  On closer examination it was, 2 O’clock.


In a startle Kenta jumped out of bed looking around him.  He has over slept again, this time way pass noon.  His mother downstairs laughed and reminded Kenta that he has an appointment with Prof. Elm at 3 so he better hurry and freshen up.  Kenta in a rush ran into the bathroom to shower and take care of any other bathroom duties.


Kenta is currently fifteen years old, just the average teenager who loves his mom and does anything for his small town.  Kenta had a part time job at Prof. Elm’s lab to help pay off some bills and make some pocket change for him.  Today’s a special day, today Prof. Elm will present Kenta his very own pokemon to have and train.


Half an hour later Kenta walked downstairs wearing his favorite red shirt and shorts with matching cap, Kenta’s mom smiled as she revealed Kenta’s lunch.


Mom:  Kenta I think you should really consider setting that alarm clock in your room.


Kenta:  I will Mom, just remind me.


Mom:  That’s what you said last time.


Kenta ate as quickly as possible nearly swallowing his lunch whole.  At the door Kenta’s mom held out his bag.  Kenta grabbed his bag and kissed his mom good-bye.  Running towards Prof. Elm’s lab, Kenta couldn’t help but wonder what type of assignment he’ll get from Prof. Elm this time.


Once Kenta got there, Prof. Elm set three pokeballs down on table, each one a newly hatched pokemon from its egg.  Each one was had its own type and Prof. Elm gives Kenta a choice at which one he’d like.


Prof. Elm:  Alright Kenta, pick any pokemon you want.  You have a choice of a Cyndaquil, a Chikorita, or a Totodile.  They are equally strong since they were newly hatched.  So which would you like?


Kenta looked over all three pokeballs and thought about which type he’ll take.  In his studies he learned many things but the one type he favored the most was a fire type.  Grabbing the pokeball that held Cyndaquil Kenta made his selection.


Kenta:  I’ll take this one.


Prof. Elm:  Excellent choice.  That will be your pokemon; I registered you as its trainer.  So now for your task, I want you to visit Mr. Pokemon to retrieve something important for my research.  You do know where that is right?


Kenta nodded, when he’d walk around and visit the nearby towns he’d always pass by the leading most know it all of pokemon, a man that is simply known as Mr. Pokemon.  He wasn’t a scholar or a professor but just someone who knows a lot of facts and information.  Kenta placed his pokeball on his belt and walked out.


Kenta:  I’ll be back as soon as I can Prof. Elm; thanks for the pokemon I may just need it!


Kenta left the lab and headed out to go to Mr. Pokemon’s house.  Before going any further he saw a boy near his age looking through Prof. Elm’s window, spying on him.  The teenage boy has long red hair and wore a long dark purple outfit.  His appearance seems intimidating like a villain or someone to cause trouble.  The spying boy turned towards the on looking Kenta and approached him.


Boy:  Go away!!


Kenta walked back a bit, the boy’s very voice made him jump back.  Normally Kenta would have time to find out what this guy’s problem but he has a job to do.  Exiting the town Kenta headed his way to Mr. Pokemon’s house.




Prof. Elm searched through out his library trying to find a research book he needed to refer to when suddenly he heard a glass shatter in his main lab area.  He quickly got to the door to the main lab but it was locked, someone locked him out.


Prof. Elm:  Hey let me in here!


On the other side the boy that was spying on Prof. Elm had broken in and looked over the selection of pokemon left.  He remembered that other kids choice, a Cyndaquil, so the best other choice would be a Totodile.  He picked it up and headed towards the registration computer.  Since this pokemon wasn’t given to him he’d have to register it himself.  The boy typed in his name, “H I R O.”  The name Hiro is now registered and so is the Totodile.  Prof. Elm kept pounding at the door and it started to give way.  Hiro grabbed the pokeball from the machine and quickly jumped towards the broken window to escape.  The door flew open giving Prof. Elm a good look at Hiro before he vanished out of sight.


Prof. Elm:  This is terrible.  I must call Officer Jenny.




Prof. Oak chatted with his friend Mr. Pokemon about the good old days when they heard a knock at the door.  Prof. Oak opened it and saw a teenage boy wearing a long like a red long sleeve shirt, shorts, and a cap.


Kenta:  Hello, I’m here to pick up a package for Prof. Elm.


Mr. Pokemon:  Oh that’s right, he said he was sending one of his students to pick it up.


Mr. Pokemon walked into his study to retrieve whatever it was he was going to give to Prof. Elm.  As Kenta waited Prof. Oak looked at Kenta and sensed incredible potential.


Prof. Oak:  Excuse me young man but what is your name?


Kenta:  Kenta sir, nice to meet you.


Kenta shook Prof. Oak’s hand, not knowing who he was.  Prof. Oak reached into his pocket and took out a pokedex; a newly designed one, which held more featured than the previous versions.


Prof. Oak:  Do you know what this is Kenta?


Kenta looked closely, by the screen and buttons he’d have to guess it was a pokedex.


Kenta:  Pokedex sir.


Prof. Oak:  Right, how’d you like to have one?  I’ll give this one to you so you can study more about Pokemon.


Kenta accepted with great appreciation.  Today is a special day; he got his first pokemon from Prof. Elm now he’s got a pokedex from . . .


Kenta:  Thank you very much sir, but I haven’t gotten your name.


Prof. Oak:  I’m Prof. Oak.


Kenta:  Thank you very much Prof. Oak.  I’ll be sure to make good use of it.  Kenta nearly left but Prof. Oak reminded him why he was here in the first place.


Prof. Oak:  Um Kenta, aren’t you bringing back something to Prof. Elm?


Kenta stopped and turned around scratching his head for losing his main objective.


Kenta:  Opps I guess I got kinda carried away.


Not long after Mr. Pokemon walked in holding a large egg.  He handed it to Kenta and instructed him to be very careful, its very fragile, also to hurry to Prof. Elm’s lab so he can study it right away.


Kenta:  Thank you very much.  Well I’m off, good-bye Mr. Pokemon and Prof. Oak, thank you once again for the pokedex.


Kenta left.  Mr. Pokemon smiled at Prof. Oak and sat down at his chair.


Mr. Pokemon:  You see something special within him?  Kinda like your students from seven years ago?


Prof. Oak:  Yeah.  I haven’t felt such potential in years, not since Ash and Gary.  When I first saw Kenta I thought I saw Ash.  Do you think Kenta will be the next champion?


Mr. Pokemon:  Have you ever been wrong?


Prof. Oak:  . . . aahhh, we’ll just have to see then.




Not long after Kenta left Mr. Pokemon he received a call from his pokegear.  Prof. Elm’s number appeared on the caller ID, he must be checking up with Kenta to see if all is well.


Kenta:  Hi Prof. Elm, just to let ya know I got the egg that Mr. Pokemon gave me and I’m heading back right now.


Prof. Elm:  Its terrible Kenta!  Someone broke into the lab and stole a pokemon!  Hurry back.


Kenta felt a nervous shock engulf his body.  It was just moments ago he had left the lab and there was a robbery.  If he stayed then maybe it wouldn’t have happened.  Immediately Kenta hurried back to Prof. Elm’s lab to see if he was alright.


As he approached Prof. Elm’s lab the spying boy he saw earlier was running away.  He didn’t watch where he was going and collided with Kenta, both falling to the ground.


Kenta:  Ouch.  I’m sorry.


Hiro:  Watch where your going!!


Hiro grabbed his pokeball from the ground and checked it to see if it was alright.  Kenta looked at him, this was the same guy that was spying on Prof. Elm.  Could he also be the thief that stole a pokemon?


Kenta:  Hey!  Did you steal that pokemon from Prof. Elm.


Hiro:  Whatever gave you that idea?  Since you’re here, I want to test this pokemon in a battle.  So I challenge you!


Kenta reached for his pokeball, this would be his first pokemon battle with another trainer that called him out.  Everything he learned and studied for will be tested right now in an actual battle.  Reaching back he tossed the pokeball out and summoned his Cyndaquil.


Kenta:  Go Cyndaquil!


Hiro smiled, he picked the right choice in the lab.  He threw his pokeball out and out came Totodile.


Hiro:  Go Totodile!


Kenta then knew this person must be the thief if he had a Totodile.  He must stop him and return the Totodile back to Prof. Elm.


Kenta:  You are that thief that I’ve heard about!  Give that pokemon back it’s not yours.


Hiro:  Oh yes it is!  He’s registered under me.  This pokemon is mine and there isn’t anything anyone can do about it.  Now battle me!


Kenta reached for his pokedex and aimed it at the thief’s Totodile.  The pokedex explained the pokemon and also showed the pokemon registration under trainer Hiro.


Kenta:  . . . Hiro.


Hiro:  What?


Kenta:  That’s your name.


Hiro:  Yeah so.  Stop stalling and battle me.  If you don’t want to make the first move then I will!


Kenta looked up and saw Hiro’s Totodile charging right at his Cyndaquil the battle is on.


End of Chapter 1