Chapter 4:  Return of the Rockets


Kenta arrived at Azalea Town after spending nearly a month traveling on the road.  He felt proud of himself getting a Zephyr Badge by defeating Falkner.  Falkner actually knew Kenta and seemed very nice.  Falkner assumed that this was Kenta’s very first gym match and gave him an easy time battling; just enough to prove that he does have what it takes.  Now that Kenta has one of the eight badges, Kenta wanted to pursue the other seven.


Among things that Kenta received was Prof Elm’s research egg.  His only assistant delivered it before Kenta left Violet City, maybe Kenta would figure out how the mysteries of the egg.  The egg fitted in his bag so it didn’t bother him much that he’d to carry a pokemon egg with him, besides it may hatch at anytime and he’d get another pokemon.


Now at Azalea Town Kenta wanted to rest a bit from his long journey to get there.  Upon entering the town he spotted suspicious uniformed people with a giant R as their logo.  One of them even tried to sell Kenta something but Kenta wasn’t interested, all he was interested in was getting some rest and having his pokemon recharged.  Once he got to the pokemon center he dropped off his six pokemon with Nurse Joy for a recharge.  Using the PC he wondered if he should change up his party for the gym leader, Bugsy.  Bugsy used a lot of bug type pokemon, this time Kenta has a wide range of pokemon to choose from to give him the advantage.  While he decided how to setup his team he overheard some of the other trainers complaining about something.


Trainer1:  The nerve of that guy, he was going to sell me a slowpoke’s tail for an unbelievable price!


Trainer2:  That ain’t right.  I hear there’s a whole bunch of those creeps down the well just butchering the slowpokes to make a profit of their tails.


Trainer1:  That’s cruel and sick.  I pity those poor slowpokes.


Trainer2:  Well why don’t we do something about it then?


Trainer1:  I wish I could but I really don’t want any trouble.


Trainer2:  Double for me.


Kenta rolled his eyes, lousy rhyme.  The slowpokes having their tails cut off really disturbed Kenta, after traveling for a month with only his pokemon as his company, Kenta realized how valuable pokemon are and that they are to be treated humanely.  The only thing holding Kenta back from going down the slowpoke well was not having a plan.  He had been trained in some martial arts but not a whole lot; just enough to defend, still it was for defense, not offense.  Nurse Joy rang a bell and announced to trainers that Kenta’s pokemon were all healed up.


Nurse Joy:  Here ya go Kenta, your pokemon are all refreshed.


Kenta:  Thanks.  Um Nurse Joy, could you tell me something about the slowpoke well?


Nurse Joy:  The slowpoke well is an area were a lot of slowpoke make their home, but recently a group of swindlers appeared and started to use the slowpoke well to sell slowpoke tails.  It’s very cruel.  This type of treachery reminds me when Team Rocket was around.


Kenta has heard that name before.  A few years ago Team Rocket was a dominating gang that used and abused pokemon for their own selfish deeds.  The root came from a powerful corporate leader who wanted to make as much money as possible off pokemon.  The pokemon used by Team Rocket also had strange abilities due to genetic altering by their owners.  It seemed like Team Rocket would cause a whole mess of problems till they disappeared three years ago.


Nurse Joy:  Is something the matter Kenta?


Kenta:  Sorry I was just thinking.  Team Rocket, whatever happened to them anyway?


Nurse Joy:  I’m surprise you don’t know.  About three years ago the vanishing champion himself single handedly defeated Team Rocket despite with all their genetic altered pokemon and cheat tactics.  The leader was defeated a few times by the vanishing champ, the final time was to earn a Earth Badge and by doing so the leader of Team Rocket disappeared.


Kenta:  Freaky, the leader of Team Rocket disappears then the champion who defeated him disappears.  So Ash was able to do all that.  That’s pretty amazing.


Nurse Joy:  Well he’s an amazing guy, too bad no one knows where he is now at days.


Kenta felt amazed that Ash was able to influence so many factors in pokemon when he made his journey.  No wonder he was champion, anyone that could single handedly defeat all of Team Rocket surely was champion material.  Kenta reasoned that if he wanted to become a champion he’d have to do the same things Ash did, and if it means defeating Team Rocket then he’ll do it as well.  Placing his pokemon on his belt Kenta marched out of the pokemon center and towards the slowpoke cave.


A few steps away from the pokemon center a little girl bumped into Kenta and nearly stumbled.


Kenta:  Whoa, sorry about that, I should have watched where I was going.


Girl:  Its okay.  Are you a pokemon trainer?


Kenta:  Yup.  My name is Kenta.


Girl:  You must help me then.


Kenta:  Help you?  What do you need help in?


Girl:  My grandfather Curt, he went into the slowpoke well to take on Team Rocket but he hasn’t come home yet, I’m worried.  Could you go to the slowpoke well and see if he’s alright?


Kenta:  Alright I will.  Its kinda dangerous with all these strangers in town, maybe you should go home and wait, I’ll bring your grandfather back.


Girl:  Thank you Kenta.


The girl ran back home, now Kenta has another reason why he should go down to the slowpoke cave, Curt’s grand daughter is counting on him to bring Curt back safely.


Kenta:  Look out Team Rocket or whoever you are, I’m going to show you I’m a champion too.




Hiro defeated another trainer that he met on the road.  His pokemon were getting stronger and with each battle won they’re abilities became more powerful.  Battles became short lived and most of Hiro’s pokemon KO’d their opponent in one or two attacks.  Hiro wanted to find that person he bumped into when he first got Totodile.  He wanted to even the score with him and show how much power he has.


Hiro:  I’m going to beat everyone I met and I’m going to be the best champion Johto has ever seen.


After traveling a bit Hiro stopped and decided to use this time to train in improving moves and abilities of his pokemon since there weren’t any trainers around.  All his pokemon worked at improving their technique and also sparred with each other but Hiro’s Croconaw performed poorly.


Hiro:  What’s wrong with you Croconaw, you’ve got the most experience out of everyone here and your doing the poorest; work harder!


Croconaw moved sluggishly and staggered around as it tried to perform a few hops and jumps, this angered Hiro.  Hiro got up and starred down at Croconaw frustrated at its performance.


Hiro:  How do you expect to beat the next trainer we see if your acting like this, shape up a bit!


Before Hiro could say another word he heard a feminine voice call out from a distance.  A beautiful lady with long brown hair styled in a small pigtailed fashion approached him.  She had a certain grace that amazed Hiro for a moment but her sweetness was not to be seen, she scolded Hiro for yelling at his pokemon.


Jasmine:  How could you work your poor Croconaw this hard when it’s sick!  You should be ashamed of yourself.  This poor thing is ready to pass out from exhaustion.


Hiro:  I um . . . I didn’t know.


Jasmine:  Not knowing is a sign of a poor trainer.


Her words were harsh and Hiro didn’t want to accept what he just heard, but he knew it was true.


Jasmine helped Croconaw by giving it some medical herbs that worked well for sick pokemon.  After examining Croconaw Jasmine concluded that it was only going through a small cold and should be better within days.


Jasmine:  Your Croconaw only has a cold, just give it some of these herbs three times a day as needed and make sure it doesn’t battle or train till it feels better.


Hiro:  Oh um sure.


Jasmine:  I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier, I just get upset at trainers who push their pokemon to death without even considering how the pokemon felt.  We got on the wrong foot, let me introduce myself, my name is Jasmine and you are?


Hiro:  Hiro.


Jasmine:  Alright Hiro, its nice meeting you.  Be sure to take care of your pokemon and yourself and maybe we’ll bump into each other again okay?  Bye!


Jasmine walked away on her way towards somewhere.  Hiro looked in the direction she went, he felt confused for a moment.  Normally he’d feel angry having someone yell at him and saying he was a poor trainer but something about Jasmine caught his attention.  It was probably her looks; she does look beautiful with a nice shapely body, her princess style hairstyle, and dressed in a pure as a pearl white dress.  Another thing Hiro noticed was her beautiful dark green eyes that glittered when he looked at her, it was hypnotizing.


Hiro:  Jasmine.  I’ll remember her.




In Cerulean City at Misty’s house, Ash looked at the afternoon paper and read an article about a rumor that Team Rocket was regrouping.  Sightings of Team Rocket members are seen all over and crime activity was raised up considerable.  More than likely this could mean the return of Team Rocket.


Ash:  Hey Misty, according to this newspaper Team Rocket may come back.


Misty walked in holding a basket of laundry.


Misty:  Then why don’t you go beat them like you did a few years ago?


Misty set the laundry basket down near Ash and sat near him.  She started to fold laundry and Ash joined in.


Ash:  If it gets out of hand then I’ll try.  I’m sure its just speculation; some rocket loyalists are die hard, they won’t go down even if their leader isn’t there anymore.


Misty:  Yeah I understand, but if Giovanni does come back.


Ash:  I’ll be ready for him.


Ash grabbed a piece of laundry and looked at it, Misty snatched it away from him and made an annoyed expression, Ash smiled back and chuckled.


Misty:  Pervert.


End of Chapter 4