Part 3: A Slimey Encounter Last time, our heroes had an encounter with the ever-huge Burt the Bashful who was willing to have the girls crushed for entering his fort by surprise. Luckily, Katie's Arcanine and Green Yoshi managed to defeat Burt and head on their way to Salvo the Slimey's castle. What would lie ahead for our heroes? Let's take a look....... Katie: Hey Sandra? Sandra: What's up, Katie? Katie: Those mountains look pretty high! Sandra: Yeah! It could be dangerous to get up there by foot. Hey, I know, why don't we use our flying Pokemon to get up those mountains. Katie: Yeah! *throws her Pokeball* Pidgeot! Let's go! Pidgeot: Pidgeot! Sandra: OK! *throws her Pokeball* You too, Ace Flyer! Pidgeot: Pidgeot! Katie: You have a Pidgeot too? Sandra: Yeah! That's something we both have in common. Katie: Cool! OK, Yoshi, climb onto Pidgeot with me. We've got a long flight to Salvo The Slime's castle. Green Yoshi: OK, let's go!!!!!!! Oh no! The girls have some unexpected company. Kamek: Troops! Attack those girls! Katie: *turns her head* Oh no! Toadies! Sandra: I'll take care of this! *calls out Zubat* Zubat, send those Toadies packing with your super-sonic attack! Zubat: *using super-sonic attack* Toadies: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S GET AWAY!!!!!!! Sandra: Bye Bye!!!!!!! Kamek: You may have scared off my troops, but I'll back for my revenge! Katie: We'll see about that! *sticks out her tongue* Later, at Salvo the Slime's castle......... *the door opens* Katie: This place kinda gives me the creeps! Sandra: Yeah! I'm scared of anything that would jump out at you like a certain unknown monster! Salvo: Who dares entering my castle?????? Katie: We're very sorry, sir! Forgive us! Sandra: Yeah! Please have mercy on us! Salvo: Enough! Come to my domain and we'll settle this in a match! All: Fine by us! Later, in the domain........ Salvo: Who would like to oppose me first? Katie: I will! *throws out her Pokeball* Gyrados, let's go! Gyrados: *roars* Salvo: You think you can defeat me with that dragon? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Katie: We'll show you! Gyrados, dragon breath now! Gyrados: *displays dragon breath* Salvo: You'll have to do better than that! Katie: Gyrados, dragon rage! Gyrados: *uses dragon rage* Salvo: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *blasts into millions of pieces* Katie: ewwwwww.......gross! Sandra: You said it! We may need a shower! Green Yoshi: Guys, look! A key to a new world! All:! And so, with Gyrados's dragon rage, Salvo the Slime was defeated. Now, our heroes are ready to face another challege in a different land beyond Yoshi's Island. What new surprises would come upon our girls? Stay tuned for Part 4: Girl Power!